Chaotic Romance

Chapter 54: NOT EDITED YET

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"Damn, the more you explained, the hotter you get" Evren praised as he stared at the other man with hungry eyes

He voice was not particularly loud but the poor Eddie can still hear him and the driver can only hope that these two would not start another making out session inside the car with his presence

With a smirk, Azarel traces Evren's face with his finger. "A man focused in his work is always hot" he replied playfully and in no time, the two pounced at each other again like rabid wolved that just cannot get enough of each other

The unfortunate driver can only do his best to turn a blind eye to the indecent thing happening inside the car. He just wished that there was a way to turn off one's ears so that he would not hear anything from what was happening behind him


May 25 the Year 2022

Three months later, although Azarel's company just started, it was already doing great

With an S rank artist under him, it was not that hard for him to recruit even more celebrities

Not to mention, with his skillful manipulations, Azarel made those celebrities even more famous than before

As such, there were many projects that became available for the artists under Azarel's company, making them feel like they chose the right decision of choosing him

However, although the company is booming, it also comes with a great deal amount of work

Azarel has been completely buried by his work and almost every minute, there is something that he has to do

Even then, since he also has his workaholic side, although Azarel was tired, he did not mind it that much

Not to mention, he already expected that this kind of thing would happen. The initial start of a company is vital to the company and there are also more works to be done compared to a company that was already stable

If it was other people, they might have given up already or they get burnout. However, as for Azarel, he just calmly dealt with the work one by one 

"Sir, this work is neverending. When would you give me a day off? I haven't been home for more than a week already!" Glynncomplained

She was a competent secretary but that does not mean that she would not get tired

Not to mention, she just wants to work with Azarel so that she could retire early with a lot of money in her bank account

She was workaholic because of that but she was not as workaholic as her boss

"Don't even think about it. We still have many things to do. And oh, call Liza and inform her to save a large room for me. I plan on treating the employees that performed really the past few months" Azarel replied without even looking at his own secretary

His eyes were locked on the pile of papers in front of him as he spoke

Treating the employees is another way of Azarel to have a firm handle on them. With the amount of work, some of them are surely already disatisfied

However, if Azarel were to show preferential treatment to those who performed the best then wouldn't that dispel the dissatisfaction and make the employees work even harder?

"Fine, sir, but I will expect a huge bonus" Glynn said as she went out to call Liza while Azarel just waved his hand in understanding

However, before Lynn can exit the door, it was already swung open by a person familiar to him

As Azarel's employee, naturally, Lynn knew her boss's husband. As such, she dis not bother stopping him and she just step aside to let him enter the officeroom

Anyway, it's not like this is Evren's first time barging in Azarel's office

Azarel himself did not forbid of chase Evren away. As such, there is no need for Lynn to stop him

"Az!" Evren called out quite loudly while showing a visible excitement 

While Azarel did not look at Lynn when they were having a conversation, just Evren calling Azarel with his nickname already causes him to raise his head to look at his husband

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"What is with this large difference in treatment?" Glynn asked to herself before shaking her head

Whatever, it's not her job to bother with her boss's private life. She still has many things to do rather than gossiping about her boss's life

"Hmm?" Azarel releases a hum with a tone of questions and Evren raised his hand to show the paperbag he was holding

"I brought you lunch!" Evren said proudly but Azarel just pointed at the refrigerator inside his office

"Just put it in the fridge first, I'll heat it up with the microwave later" Azarel replied and he was about to continue working again when his husband voiced out his discontent

"No, you need to eat this right now! Don't waste the food! It tastes better when fresh!" Evren insisted. He even moved some of the files that Azarel has to make a room for the lunchboxes of the food that was still quite hot

"What are you being cheap about? It's not like you are the one that cooked it" Azarel said and since this stubborn guy was insisting, he can only open the lunchboxes to see what the dishes inside of them are

As a result, he did not see the strange flash in Evren's eyes

With the attitude of eating fast so that he can continue his work, Azarel took the spoon and fork and he starts eating

After he toom the first bite, his brows creased a bit

"What's this? Although the taste is acceptable, it pales in comparison to the ones that the chefs in the Manor usually cooked. Did they do their job carelessly since it was you that asked them? Are they looking down at you?" Azarel asks with a frown

Hearing his words, Evren's face fell and he shook his head gloomily. "N-no, they weren't looking down at me"

"If not then what? Are they being careless about their job? How dare they serve me food with this quality? Makes me lose appetite" Azarel grumbled and Evren became even gloomier

His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot and when Azarel looks at his husband, he saw that expression and his eyes trembled a bit

"Y-you... did you cooked these?" Azarel asks and Evren gloomily nodded his head

"You have been working really hard and I thought that I'll cook something for you to show my gratitude for all your help"

That made Azarel completely embarassed. Gosh, he just has to run his mouth off like that!

As a lazy and pampered man, Evren let all the servants do the work for him. Yet now, he even cooked these dishes personally all because Azarel was working too hard these past days

Guilt crept in Azarel's heart and he regretted the words he just said. Somehow, after knowing that it was Evren that made these average tasting fiods, Azarel starts to think that they are actually really delicious 

"Ha... haha.... Hahahaha. I-I was just kidding! My tongue already memorized the foods cooked by the Manor's chef and I thought that it was you that cooked this but I wasn't sure and I tried to tease you! Hahahaha" Azarel immediately made an excuse

However, with how fast and shaky his voice was, it was clear that he was just lying

As such, Evren can only give a wry smile. "I-I'll return to the Manor now" he said before walking away

His usual liveliness was nowhere to be seen and more guilt ate up Azarel. As such, he immediately stood up from his seat and spoke to stop Evren

"W-wait, since you are here, why don't you stay for some more time?" He asks but Evren shook his head

Seeing how this man was acting really strikes Azarel's conscience. Aside from the chefs, this was like the first time that someone cooks for him yet he uttered such words

How can Azarel not feel guilty? As such, he can only desperately try to make it up with Evren

"Y-you... wait! I was actually thinking of going to the... the... you know... uhh.. t-the beach! Y-yeah, the beach! I-I'm you know.. b-burnout from work already and I want to rest. Yes, yes, I need rest" Azarel anxiously said but his eyes notices the doubt in Evren's eyes

"I-it's for real! I plan to stay there for three, no 5, wait actually a week! A whole week! A-and we will go after I finished eating this perfectly delicious food!" Azarel continued before he wolfed down the food that Evren has prepared for him

The manners and etiquette he had learn and used ever since bus childhood has vanished. The only thing in his mind was to finish eating all these foods as soon as possible so that he could take Evren to the beach

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