Chaotic Romance

Chapter 73: NOT EDITED YET

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With Azarel to the front, the two head outside of the Manor's ridiculously large door, and a magnificent sports car can be seen

As soon as Evren saw that car, his eyeballs almost fell out from their sockets. Seeing that familiar greenish gold color that he has only seen on the internet before excites the man to the extreme

In excitement, Evren even runs towards the sports car as if it was his long lost son that he finally saw again. However, before Evren could touch the car, his hands and footsteps immediately halted. What a joke! With how expensive this car is, Evren would not dare leave even the tiniest scratch on it

Even then, Evren was still really excited "Oh y god! Oh my god! Is this the Lamborghini Sian FKP 37?" he asks almost screaming in the process "

"The one and only!" Azarel replied while nodding his head proudly and Evren became even more jiggly after that confirmation. It looks as if he was a worm that some people sprinkled salt at

"Az! Az! Can I try driving it? Can I? Can I?" Evren asks with eyes and a face that was filled with hope before he remembered something. "But if I were to scratch it, you wouldn't make me pay for it, right?"

With a car this expensive, the repair cost would surely be astronomical and Evren would rather die than pay for it

In response, Azare chuckled at him before throwing the car keys in his hand. "Don't worry, it has insurance"

As if he was catching a bag of gold, Evren hurriedly caught the car keys with his hands, afraid that Azarel will take it back before he can try driving the car

"I can try it, right? I can, right? Right? Right?" 

Evren showed the childish side of himself that Azarel rarely saw. He was yearning for a 'yes' as an answer but his face soon fell as Azarel shook his head before he mouthed a simple "No"

Almost instantly, Evren looks as if he would cry. His hopes shot to the skies just for Azarel to shatter it helplessly

Does this mean that Evren can only stare at the car enviously but he does not have the right to use it? Azarel is indeed really cruel!

However, Evren just started to curse Azarel in his heart for being too black hearted when he heard the man speak again

"No need to ask my permission to use it since the car is yours" Azarel said with an air of generosity. Never in his life did he think that he would like someone. He never even had a romantic relationship before

Without any love experience, how could Azarel possibly know how to court someone and have them confess to him? He is too use at just showing his face and smile then boom, his target would fall for his charm

As such, Azarel can only use the things that Evren loves the most which is money and material things. If Azarel were to give all the things that Evren wanted then wouldn't that man fall deeper to him to the point that he would finally confess his feelings?

Azarel may be smart but he also can think simply, especially when the matter is regarding something such as love

Hearing that the car was his, Evren's eyes immediately turned into flying saucers. Did he hear it right or was he hallucinating?

"Y-you ... what did you say?" Evren asks in disbelief and Azarel gave him a smile

"What? You don't want the car? I'll just return it then" he said with a shrug and Evren hastily shook his head

"N-No, I want it! I want it!" Evren said possessively causing Azarel to chuckle. If one's partner is this 'easy' to make joyful then Azarel thinks that it would not be bad to have a proper lover since the emotional burden is not high at all

"Since you want it then it's yours" Azarel replied generously and with the confirmation, Evren bursts in endless happiness as he runs towards his husband and gave him a hug

He was so happy that he even started jumping while hugging the other man. Azarel can only laugh helplessly, his arms unconsciously wrapping themselves around Evren's torso

When Evren is finally tired from jumping, only then did he stop but he did not expect that his and Azarel's position was actually this intimate

Their arms were wrapped around each other while their faces are only inches away from each other

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Evren is far too used to being in an intimate position with Azarel but that is only when doing the deed. He was almost never this close with Azarel when the air around them is not sexual

Their current position had Evren unconsciously stare at Azarel's features. The man's golden eyes were like two orbs of gold that were shining brightly. The blonde strands of Azarel's hair that fell on his forehead even complimented his eyes and facial features

No matter who look at Azarel, they would all think that he was handsome. His face has no flaw in it, no wonder why many people were captivated by him

While Evren as busy staring at Azarel's face, Hessy's words earlier rang in his head again

"In the span of almost a year leeching off and fucking my brother, tell me, did you grow some feeling for him?"

That question was quite prickly but Evren's mind focuses on the latter part. "Did you grow feelings for him ..."

That question rang loudly in Evren's head and the next thing he knows was that his heart was already beating wildly. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva before Evren's head moved on their own

As if he was drunk, Evren's eyelids fluttered as he slowly leaned in to kiss Azarel on the lips

This is unexpected but Azarel still closes his eyes and let Evren kiss him. The kiss was slow as if their lips were dancing in a slow manner. Yet even though they have kissed countless times already, this kiss still feels different and brought an indescribable feeling in their hearts

When their lips parted, only then did Evren realize what he had done and as a result, he pushed Azarel away from him

His action stunned both of them and Evren panicked. "T-that ... t-toile! S-sudden nature's c-call!" Evren made an obvious lie as an excuse before he run away with the fastest speed while cursing himself

The two of them have already kissed thousands of times. Even if that kiss feels weirdly different, does he have to react like that? Evren can only endlessly curse himself for his on foolishness

Azarel was left alone. At first, he did not know what to react but then he starts thinking for the reason why Evren reacted like that and his mood was lifted

The kiss from earlier is surely a kiss with feelings! Evren might have been so touched by Azarel's gift that his feelings came pouring out without his control. If Azarel were to continue what he was doing then soon, Evren will surely give up and confess his feelings for him

"What should I buy him next? A Rolex? A mansion? Diamonds? Or should I give him my black card with no spending limit?" Azarel asks to himself while slicking his hair back, feeling really confident


"Crazy, that was crazy!" Evren said to himself as soon as he stops running. What was with him acting like a teenage girl just because someone kissed him?

"That damn bitch, I swear that I will skin him alive" Evren vowed before his feet found their way on outside Hessy's bedroom

Without the leat bit of respect, as if he owns the room, Evren swung the door open while stomping his feet

The woman laying mindlessly in the bed suddenly jolted in surprise. "What the ... what are you doing here?" Hessy questioned angrily

She was in a state of contemplating where her life went wrong as to sleep with her enemy when Evren suddenly barged in as if he was the owner of the Manor

"Drink! Let's have a drink!" Evren said and without even waiting for Hessy 'reply, he already went towards the fridge in her room and found some can of beers inside

"Are you crazy? I don't want to drink! No, I will never drink again!" Hessy said in fright. Alcohol is the reason why she is suddenly being blackmailed, how dare she touch alcohol again?

"Oh please, we are both adults, we already know the drill by now. After a mistake done with alcohol, we will swear to never drink again but a week later, we would find ourselves drinking again. Do we really have to go through that process? " Evren said a he threw a can of beer towards Hessy

"I mean, you're right but you don't have to say it in that way" Hessy said with a pout and she can only accompany Evren in drinking

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