Chaotic Romance

Chapter 76: NOT EDITED YET

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As much as Azarel only wanted to create a romantic scenario, his libido is still higher than most people. Just the fact alone that he and Evren are both naked while the man is massaging him is more than enough to make him hard

If that was not enough, Azarel can even feel a hard and long 'snake' hitting him in the back. Evren was also hard at this moment!

However, as much as Azarel want to pounce on Azarel and impale himself with the man's cock, Azarel forces himself to not do anything overly sexual

Instead, Azarel just leaned back so that his head would be resting on Evren's chest and shoulder. With this position, Azarel can feel just how vigorous Evren's heart beat was

Is it beating this fast because of him? No doubt that Evren really likes him!

With this added 'reassurance', Azarel felt more confident than before

"How's the progress of the job I gave to you?" Azarel asks to open a topic of conversation but he regretted that a bit as he can feel Evren's warm breath in the side of his face as the man answered him

"I'm already starting it. After a few days if things go well, you would complete your revenge" Evren answered as his hands went to rub the other man's arms

His touch was slow, giving the person he was touching that he was deliberately doing it

Clearly, both of them wanted to do 'it' but weird enough, neither of them was really making the move for some unknown reason. If this was in the past, anytime that they wanted it, they would just attack the other person without a care for the world

"Good then, you are doing great" Azarel replied while playing with the water and the flower petals in it with his hand

"I couldn't possibly disappoint you, right?" Evren said before he can feel Azarel's hand reaching his thigh underwater and rubbing it causing a certain part of his body to react even fiercely

"When did you even disappoint me?" Azarel replied with a chuckle but in the next moment, his breath got stuck at his throat as Evren suddenly kisses him the shoulders

"Yeah, and I don't plan on ever doing that"

Maybe it was because of the atmosphere between them but the two felt a bit uncomfortable yet they also have the desire to keep this kind of atmosphere which was really weird

Even their conversation feels like it was only there for the sake of speaking

Azarel unconsciously turned his head back to look at Evren and their eyes unexpectedly met each other

There seems to be some sort of an invisible magnetic force that causes their heads to inched towards each other

Their eyes fluttered as their hearts beat in sync.

The moment their lip touches, it feels as if fireworks exploded in their bodies. Just like the few instances that they had, the kiss this time was also not aggressive like usual

It was a slow one that seems to have some life and feelings on it, completely different from a kiss that was only done because of lust

As they kiss, Evren wrapped his arms around Azarel's waist, even rubbing the man's abs from time to time

That sent shivers all throughout Azarel's body and he tightened his hold in the other man's thigh

When the lips of the two parted, their eyes just stared at each other again as if they were trying to drown each other with just their gazes

It was Azarel that broke the eye contact first as he kisses Evren on his jawline with the same slow and sensual way of kissing that they had shared earlier

Evren just let himself be kissed as his hand found its way on Azarel's erected manhood and he starts pumping it slowly

It was just a handjob but maybe because it was slow, giving Azarel the capacity to feel every stroke clearly, or maybe it was the weird atmosphere between them but Azarel can't help but shudder

His cheeks flushed red from pleasure while Evren started kissing him the ears

"A-ahh... h-haaa... hngg..." Azarel releases a few low moans, a contrast to his usually loud ones

His moan was lower in volume but it kind of sounded better in Evren's ears and he continued his work

Azarel can only lean his body on the other man as he received a handjob from him

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He originally was not a fast cummer but weird enough, it did not take that long before Azarel shoot his head, his semen mixing with the water in the tub

After his released, Azarel huffed for breath as his powerless body was still resting on Evren's body


"He really does not have feelings for Azarel?" Liza asked for the nth time

Currently, she and Hessy was in her office in her restaurant. Liza have her legs crossed against each other while she sat comfortably. As for the person opposite to her, she was extremely uncomfortable

"Y-yes! How many times must I confirm that?" Hessy replied with an eye roll. When she asks Evren whether he has feelings for Azarel or not, she was even treated as if she was a psycho! 

"Mind your tone, remember your position here" Liza said coldly and Hessy immediately lowered her head

"I'm sorry, ma'am" Hessy said, remembering the kind of position that she was in

"Heh... I must admit, seeing you lowering your head to me feels extremely satisfying" Liza said with a chuckle and fury instantly rose in Hessy's heart

"Blackhearted bitch" She curses Liza inside of her or at least she thought that she only said that in her head when in reality, she said it out loud

Instantly, Liza's face darkened as she stared at Hessy with murderous eyes

"Blackhearted bitch?" Liza mumbled and Hessy covered his mouth as she panicked. With this bitch's personality, she is sure that Liza would not let her off easily

"N-no! T-that--"

"I see, I must have been too soft on you" Liza said with an evil smile and Hessy have a bad feeling about this that she soon realizes why


"Waaahh! How can you force me to wear something like this!" Hessy cried out, quite literally

As punishment for badmouthing Liza although her words were completely true, Hessy was demoted to a waitress. The uniform was actually not that bad since the restaurant is after all for the rich but Hessy still never wore something like this, much less work as a waitress

"Stop complaining if you don't want me to become even more cruel" Liza said, trying to be intimidating but she currently cannot since she can't stop herself from laughing

Liza never saw Hessy wearing not branded clothes much less the uniform of the waitresses in the restaurant. This is indeed a sight to behold

"I have just the perfect customers for you" Liza said with a chuckle and Hessy cried even harder

"At least let me wear my high heels! How can I wear flats?"

"I'm not a cruel boss. Being a server is hard, why would I have my employees wear high heels when they have to work for a long time while standing? Now shoo, go to room VIP 3!"

As much as Hessy does not want to be treated as a waitress, she still cannot disobey. She can only grab a few copies of the menu along with a notepad and a pen

While still crying inside her, Hessy went to the room she was asked to. She uses one of the menu copies to cover her face and placed the other two on the table without even looking at who they were nor do they let them see her face

What a joke! If a word got out that Hessy Lancaster actually served as a waitress, where would his face and reputation go? She would not have the guts to show her face in public anymore

"H-here's the menu, dear c-customers" Hessy aid awkwardly while still covering her face but her voice was actually recognized by the customers

"Hessy?" a familiar voice entered the woman's ears causing her body to jolt in shock. She was actually recognized even with her covering her face. Is she that famous or something?

Wait, no, that voice is also familiar to her. When Hessy lowered the menu in her hand just enough for her eyes to peek at the customers she saw a face that she does not want to see today

"W-what are you doing here?!" Hessy cried out loud while looking at Evren not knowing that the latter felt relieved

Because of the few 'weird' instances that Evren had with Azarel, he became a bit uncomfortable being with him alone. However, Azarel invited him to have dinner outside and he cannot possibly refuse, right?

But even though he agreed with the dinner invitation, that does not mean that Evren was comfortable. In fact, he was feeling the exact opposite of that

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