Chaotic Romance

Chapter 78: NOT EDITED YET

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In the end, until Azarel and Evren arrives at the parking lot, none of them spoke again. This made the prideful Azarel completely incensed. As a person that has feelings for Azarel, why is Evren still not doing anything to earn his forgiveness?

This is unacceptable! Evren should have been groveling in front of Azarel by now, doing his best and everything that he can for him to be forgiven!

Why is the script so wrong?

In the end, as a result, Azarel turned back as he glared at Evren. He has that murderous expression on his face that would terrify anyone that has seen it, especially to the one that is on the receiving end of it

In fear, Evren assumed a defensive stance with one of his legs raised in the air and his fingers sticking to each other as if he was a martial artist that is ready to attack any moment from now

Such an exaggerated reaction further fueled Azarel's rage and his anger explode. The man rolled his sleeves as he approached the fearful Evren

"A-Az... n-no, boss... d-don't come near me!" Evren said fearfully. His arms were still in a defensive position but he was slowly backing away, afraid that the Grim Reaper would take his life any moment from now

Instead of listening to his husband, Azarel just run towards the other man with his fist clenched as he gave Evren a punch in the stomach

Instantly, the poor Evren's eyes widened in pain. His facial expressions contorted both in pain ad disbelief. Although Azarel has threatened him before, they were just threats. This was the first time that Azarel did hurt him

"You freaking bastard, how could you be so clueless?!" Azarel shouted in anger. As if the punch alone was not enough, he even raises his foot to kick Evren's legs

"A-Awww!!" Evren cried out miserably as he fell to the ground while looking at Azarel with tears at the edge of his eyes

"W-what did I do?" Evren cried out, full of grievances inside him. He really does not know what he did! Why is Azarel suddenly this angry at him?

"What did you do?! What did you do?!" Azarel repeated as he angrily stomped his feet on Evren several times

"A-awww!! M-mercy! Have mercy on me!" he shouted miserably

Evren can only try to block those vicious kicks with his arms

"You still don't know what you did?! Stupid! You're too stupid! How can you still not realize that instead of avoiding me or saying you want to marry Hessy, I want you to confess to me!" Azarel said and only then did he stop kicking the man in the ground

He did not stop because his anger vanishes or something but because he was already tired. With how agitated Azarel's emotions were, although he has great stamina, just those kicks alone already made him out of breath

"H-huh?" Evren can only make a confused sound. Him? Confess to Azarel? Why? Can someone please explain to him just what exactly is happening here?

"AHHHH! How can you still be clueless?! I am saying that I want you to confess your love for me since I also have feelings for you! How can that be hard to understand?!"

As of right now, Azarel's face was already completely red as he puff and huff for breath. Even his hair fell into his forehead and that just made him look even more handsome than before

His chest was moving quite strongly from the lack of air and immense anger yet even though he was already in that state, Evren seems to still have not comprehended his words

"I-I have feelings for you?" Evren asks stupidly while leaning his head to the side, he has that expression of complete confusion and innocence and that causes a seed of fear to sprout in Azarel's heart

"What? You don't have feelings for me?" Azarel asks aggressively yet he was extremely nervous inside of him

"Yeah, I think so?" Evren replied as if he was confused as to where Azarel even got those thoughts

Azarel is still not completely convinced that Evren doesn't like him. This guy must be too shy! Yes, that's it!

"How can you lie even in this situation! When we were on the beach, weren't you extremely sweet to me? You even had the servants fire those heart shape fireworks! I am telling you now that I also like you, there is no need to lie!" Azarel said, convincing himself of the thing he badly wanted to be true

"Oh, that! At that time, I want to be recruited as your secretary and earn millions of dollars. It's true, you can even ask Liza, she is the one that helped me gain that position. Even the fireworks were her idea. I didn't even know that they were heart shapes" Evren explained with a shrug before he realizes something as he look at Azarel in shock

"Wait, did you just say that you like me?" Evren asks in disbelief

Shame filled the entirety of Azarel's being. Evren does not look to be lying. Besides, with how materialistic this guy is, he definitely would want to be Azarel's husband for real if he does have feelings for him

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Azarel shocked Evren too much that this guy answered only the truth

So in the end, all of these were just Azarel's wishful thinking?

No, it was not only his fault but his good friend's! That bitch was too good! Azarel did not even realize that he was being played

"Stupid!" Azarel shouted angrily as he kicked Evren again before running back to the restaurant

Evren was left on the ground and although his body was in pain, his cheeks were completely red as he was thinking about how Azarel liked him. He does not know why but his heart feels like it would leapt out of his chest any moment from now


When Azarel arrived back at the restaurant, the aura that he releases made the other people fearful and they avoided being at least 5 meters away from it. They feel like they must maintain their distance fro him if they do not want to die

When Azarel stood outside of Liza's office, without the slightest bit of mercy to the innocent door, he kicked it open to see a woman inside with an empty look in her eyes

No matter what state of mind Liza is in right now, Azarel is still set on taking revenge. As a result, he took his shoe off and he threw it directly into his good friend

his throw was extremely accurate as it landed in Liza's face and that brought the woman back to reality

"You bitch!" Azarel curses and Liza rubs her now bleeding nose while looking at Azarel

"Are you crazy? What are you doing?!" Liza said back with the same level of anger as she stood up from her seat

"What am I doing? No, no, no, no, the question should be - what am I going to do" Azarel replied viciously before taking off his remaining shoe as he charged at that hateful woman

"H-hey wait! Damn it!" Liza curses as Evren hit her in her back with that shoe. She even felt like it might bruise later!

"Crazy bastard, at least explain what is happening!" Liza cried out as she run to the opposite side of the table

"Bitch, how dare you trick me into thinking that my asshole of a husband has feelings for me? I will kill you!"

Liza is originaly angry as after all, Azarel threw a shoe at her face without any warning but now that she learned the reason, she can only mutter an "Oopps"

"Oops?! Oops?! Let's see if you can still ay oops after I crush your throat!" Azarel said as he threw the shoe in his hand towards that hateful bitch

As Liza was already prepared for it, she managed to duck in time and prevented herself from being hit again

"W-wait! We can talk this out!" she said before her eyes widened in shock

"Are you crazy? Put the lamp back! That could seriously kill people!" Liza said in fear but Azarel just smiled at her

"It can? The much better!" Azarel replied before he also threw the lamp toward Liza

"Kyaaahhh!!!" the woman wailed loudly as she dodged the lamp that shattered at the opposite side of the room

"T-this joke is going too far now, Azarel. W-why dont we have a timeout?"

"A joke? Honey, no, I am much more serious than ever. Come here, let me pluck all of your bitchy hair"

All the hair in Liza's body stood up as Azarel charged at her again. If her hair can speak, they would surely scream in fear of Azarel's demonic hand

"Oh gosh! You really have gone crazy! Stop this or I will call the police!"

"Even if you call the devil himself, you would not leave this place alive!"

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