Character Page Harem Lord

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 New Place

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[Akitsu - Musubi No.88]

Active Status

  • Absolute Love
  • Eternal Love
  • Soul Link
  • Self Evolution Program
  • Sekirei Gift


  • Close Combat - Fist Technique
  • Aura Control/Manipulation
  • Norito Release
  • Possession : Yume (Locked)

Soul Link Skills

  • Clairvoyance
  • Telepathy
  • Teleport
  • Inventory


I was currently sitting on the chair inside this mall, looking at musubi status while waiting for akitsu and musubi to finished with their shopping spree

"Do we have everything we need akitsu-san", ask musubi to her sister

"Let see, we still need some toothpaste and soap", "Kyu-sama, please wait here while we buy the rest of the items", said akitsu while looking at me

Hearing her words, i just nod to let them spend those MBI cash since we got nothing to lose

"Have fun, i will wait here for a while", i said to both of them as they start to leave when they heard my response

'MBI did provide all of those cash, better use them while we can before moving into Izumo Inn since Miya will not accept that cash'

After giving musubi her [Special Winging] ceremony, waking up in the morning we decide to clean up and prepare ourselves to move to our new residence, but if we move into Izumo Inn without anything to carry as a luggage then the landlady without a doubt will be questioning our identity

At that moment musubi suggest us to use that MBI cash to buy a lots of stuff and carry it like a sack of potato to make the other think that we are currently moving, since that sounds like a good idea we decide to follow her suggestion and right now here we are spending those almost infinite money

'I mostly told them to buy clothes and other necessity, when we arrive at izumo inn we will carry the essential in a bag or package while the rest will be stored inside my inventory'

'Alright then, now let's check musubi new skill, Analyze'


[Aura Control/Manipulation]

[Grant musubi the capabilities to manifest her physical and spiritual energies, controlling and manipulating them as she wishes]

[Close Combat - Fist Technique]

[Musubi is a close combat type sekirei and her fighting styles consist of using her fists]

[Possession : Yume - Locked]

[Remnant of sekirei no.8 reside inside musubi soul, currently locked]


'Analyze Aura'

[Aura is energy that was manifested by user body and soul, stronger body and soul produce stronger Aura]

[In different realm this Aura have a different name such as 'Ki' 'Spirit' 'Mana' 'Chakra' 'Curse' 'Fear']

'I think i have heard some of those term, as for the remnant of Yume souls, i will leave that for later since it has no side effect to musubi right now, next is'

After finished with checking musubi skills, i decide to think about last night phone call

'Last night before i start to have some fun with musubi, i send one of my clone to use public telephone booth to call Izumo Inn to make an appointment with the landlady, somehow she willing to meet us today since she said that her inn have a few open rooms that can be rented'

'I bet that she will ask Matsu to track down the caller, since my clone instantly dispelled once the call end, Matsu will not be able to track me and it should keep her in the dark for a while until we  reach Izumo Inn to meet up directly'

'As for our background, i already told musubi some of my ability and i make sure to tell her to keep it a secret, let just hope she able to keep her mouth shut, i also told both akitsu and musubi to watch what they saying while inside Izumo Inn since the whole place was under Matsu control or at least until i take Matsu as my sekirei'

I decide to continue my though since akitsu and musubi has not return yet

'Finally the sekirei marks, to think that i can change the marks location and even place a fake marks, right now akitsu and musubi have three marks on their body'

'First was the fake marks located on their upper back, since it was fake, when other sekirei manage to chant the termination spell while touching their fake marks, nothing will happen'

'Second marks is their true sekirei marks located beneath their tongue, since it was hidden and really hard to spot unless they open their mouth wide enough, no one should able to spot it'

'Now for the sekirei marks on the crotch, it was only appear when they going to have sex with me, probably it was a special marks that was created once we bonded even more than sekirei and ashikabi'

As i was about to continue my though, akitsu and musubi is finally finished buying everything we need

'Alright then, time to move toward [Our] new house'


"I wonder what kind of place that will be our new home", said musubi cheerfully while walking while carrying a big luggage behind on her back

"No matter the place, as long as long as kyu-sama was there, then it is enough", answer Akitsu while also carrying a not so huge luggage

'Just by looking at the stuff they carry, any ashikabi or sekirei can conclude that both of them are sekirei', I said to myself while carrying a medium sized case

I decide to keep all of our stuff inside my inventory while using transportation and walking around crowded area until we reach Izumo inn to prevent us from being spotted by anyone with a working pair of eyes, better to lay low for a while

'Although taking Izumo Inn as a new base will stop me from taking some sekirei as mine, like sekirei no.11 and no.12'

Both of them are sekirei of Seo Kaoru which an acquaintance of miya, if i try to do anything like stealing them away there will be a extremely high chance that Miya will kick me out once she found out about it, and if i was banned from entering Izumo Inn it will be really hard for me to get most of my targets

'So sekirei of lightning will be out of question, all that left was unwinged sekirei and sekirei from those two ashikabi with a lot of sekirei under their commands, but for now let's focus on entering Izumo Inn first then i can plan the rest later'

As we continue walking we finally can see a building that match the description of our destination, on the wall that is surrounding the building we also find a flyer that show that this place have an opening for rent

Approaching the gate, i finally manage to lay my gaze on the most powerful being in this world as she calmly clean the front yard with her broom while smiling

'I will be damned, she is gorgeous'

"This is the place, kyu-sama", said musubi with her loud and cheerful voices

Hearing our voices, miya turn her gaze toward us as we move to the gate and i decide to start to greet her

"Excuse us, is this Izumo Inn, my name is kyu and i am the one who called last night to ask about available room in this place", i said to her with a small hesitating voices


"Please", said Miya to us after she finished serving us the a cup of tea for each of us

After our encounter in front of the gate, miya decide to greet us for a while and after a small introduction she invite us into the house to discuss about our purpose further

Right now the four of us are currently sitting in the living room on the first floor of izumo inn, akitsu and musubi was at my sides while miya sit in front of me, to show my sincerity i decide to drink the tea that was served for me

*Tea drinking noises*

"Hah, thank you landlady, before we start please let me introduce myself and my companion once again, my name is kyu and these girl are my companions, this one is Akitsu and this one over here is Musubi", i said to her to introduce myself while pointing akitsu and musubi as well

"Likewise then, my name is Asama Miya and i am the owner of this izumo inn, please to meet you kyu-san, akitsu-san, musubi-san", she said in graceful manner

After that we decide to discuss about our lodging, starting from price, payment method, other stuff and finally she ask some question regarding my identity and other things that i must answer

"Well kyu-san, i think that i can rent you the room but before that, do you mind answering some of my question", she ask with a smile

"Sure, ask me anything", i tell he with a small smile

"Are you a man or a woman", she ask with a serious face

"Huh", i ask her with a puzzled face

"I said, are you a man or a woman", she ask once again with a smile

"Well, i am man or course", i answer her with a confidence

But at that moment a scream was heard from somewhere inside the house

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH", scream the unknown voices

"What the, is that someone screaming", i said in surprised manner while i stand up

'Looks like my plan was success', i smile inside my mind after hearing that scream

"Ohoho, do not worry kyu-san, i think it was scream from a stray cat, a lot of them are wandering and passing by this house a lot, right", she said with a smile while a visage of demonic mask appear at beside her

[Warning : Detecting a great amount of killing intent from individual -Asama Miya-]

[Killing intent is not directed toward creator]

'So it must be directed toward matsu'

"Ara, ara, let's just ignore that cat and continue our discussion", said miya with her usual kind smile

Deciding it was a wise decision to shut our mouth, we just nod and continue our discussion

"Then, my next question is what is you current occupation and what are these two girls to you", ask miya again too me

'Straight to the Points, too bad i already prepare my answer'

"My current occupation is, well how do i say this, a freelancer i guess, but i also have a side job of being a magician"

"Ehh, magician", she ask in confused manner

"Yeah magician, you know, the one that give magical performance with some trick and stuff to his audience, i sometimes do a small performance, would you like to see some trick", i ask her with a confidence

"Ara, then please", said miya while clapping her hand

Starting my magic, i pick up the cup that was placed in front of us

"Then, for my first magic, i will make this cup disappear, watch closely and make sure not to blink"

Rising my hand that was currently holding the cup, i raise it as high as i can and slam it down toward the table

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But at the moment my hand reach and slam the table, my tea cup was gone

"Tadaaa, now the cup was gone", i said to her while doing a presenting pose

"Hooooo amazing, where did the cup go", ask miya in either mocking or amazed manner

"You see, the cup manage to pierce the barrier of space and somehow land up beneath the table, please look beneath the table"

Hearing my words, miya decide to lower her body and take a look at beneath the table, there she found the cup of tea, standing still without any damage

"Ara, ara, that was amazing kyu-san, how did you do that", asked miya while picking the tea cup

"Unfortunately, magician never reveal their secret"

"That was a nice performance, then how about these girls"

"Yes, both of them are my sekirei and I am their ashikabi", I answer her with a confidence manner

"Eh" x3

This time another questioning tone was heard but not only from miya but also from akitsu and musubi

"Ah, I am sorry but I forgot I was not in my hometown right now, back in my hometown ashikabi means [Husband] while sekirei means [Wife], so both of them are my wife", I continue my blunt confession with a bright smile




"Okay....", somehow I manage to make miya speechless

"Any other question would you like to ask landlady", this time I ask her

"Is that true, akitsu-san, musubi-san", ask miya toward my sekirei

"Yes, just like kyu-sama said, I am his wife", answer akitsu while hiding her blushing face

"Yes, musubi is Kyu-sama wife", said musubi while hiding her reddening face



"Alright then kyu-san, that is all I want to ask, before we finish this discussion, as the owner of this place I welcome you to Izumo Inn", said miya while extending her hand for a handshake

"Thank you landlady", I answer her while accepting her handshake

"Ara, you can call me Miya you know", she offer to me with a smile

'So direct, but I will not refuse'

"Then, please take care of me Miya-san", I said with a playful smile

[Warning : Individual –Asama Miya- Is far stronger than creator, any action that affecting target chain of destiny will cause the target to aware of creator capabilities]

[Creator suggested to use active status with a small effect to minimize being discovered]


'Increase affection'

[Warning : Active Status failed]


'Increase Obedience'

[Warning : Active Status failed]

'Increase lust'

[Warning : Active Status failed]


[Warning : Active Status failed]

[Warning : Active Status failed]

[Warning : Active Status failed]

[Warning : Active Status failed]

[Warning : Active Status failed]

'What the fuck, it is just like when I start using my power, is this what happen when I try to use character page on being with power far greater than mine'

'What to do'

'What to do'

'Wait, I got an idea'

'Create Active Status [Convert Miya Love and Affection toward Asama Takehito into Miya Love and Affection toward Kyu]'

[Active Status has been created]

[Convert Miya Love and Affection toward Asama Takehito into Miya Love and Affection toward Kyu]

[Target will start to think creator as her precious lover instead of the the previous one]

'Bit by Bit my girl, Bit by Bit'



"Matsu-san, you know you almost got discovered, right", said miya toward the girl with glasses while a demonic visage was floating beside her

"Bu…bu….but…. miya-san, even you got surprised when we found that she was a boy, I mean his face was really cute, even more than homura", said the glasses girl with a perverted grin on her face

"Hah, do you discover anything about him", ask miya with a serious tone


"Nothing", answer the glasses girl with a serious expression


"I can't find his name, where he come from, any information about him and anyone with similar name to him has no connection with him, it was like he pop out of thin airs", said the glasses girl

"Some of the information I can gather is that the sekirei with him, the one with name musubi was a sekirei number 88 as for the other one...…..", continue the glasses girl as she become lost at words

"What is the matter with the one with name Akitsu", ask miya

"Well how do I say this, from the information that I manage to get was Akitsu is a sekirei No.7 but she is suppose to be a scrapped number and impossible to be winged", said the glasses girl hesitatingly

"Scrapped, that is impossible, I clearly sense her link with her ashikabi as a sekirei"

"Then somehow our new tenant manage to find a way to wing a sekirei that has been broken, which is something I never heard or even recorded inside MBI databases", answer the glasses girl


"So what do you want me to do, should I continue snooping arounds", ask the glasses girl to miya


"No need"

"Hmm, did he perhaps pick your interest, miya-san", said the glasses girl with a grin


Suddenly a blade was brandished in front of the face of glasses girl while a demonic visage appear beside miya

"Ara, ara, did you said something Matsu-san", said miya with a smile

"No, no, nothing miya-san", answer the glasses girl with a tears running on her face



After finishing our discussion, we place our luggage and told miya that we will picking the rest of our stuff and bring it into our room later, I somehow end up taking room 202 for three of us and since I pay for my rent upfront she can not exactly separate us into different room

'Although she did said some rules regarding no sexual activity within the house, right now we will obey but once I got matsu I am sure we can have fun as much as I want since she control the spying device that was placed around the house'

As I was about to continue my though, a good news arrive early

[Warning : Love Slime has manage to infiltrate room 201, hiding until the target asleep]

'Another good news for me'


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