
Chapter 61: Cheep!? 59

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Chapter 59

Under the cover of night, the Greenhorns and the Gilded Feathers rushed through the backstreets. They were little more than fleeting shadows, black cloth that seemed to drink deep of any stray light that shone upon them obscured their forms. Surprisingly, Niko was the quietest of the group, outside of their guides.

One such guide slowed at an intersection before diverting sharply to the right. Wordlessly they followed the man, Oum had yet to steer them around another soul in the night. Considering the last few mornings in the city had been absolutely smothering in that regard, Niko found himself breathing easier than he had for days.

“Almost out,” Oum assured the team as they stopped behind a butcher shop, “The hard parts are nearly done.”

The party didn’t respond, the nervousness of the upcoming situation having settled over them like a thick blanket. Niko felt his pseudo-connection with Skye, and was able to carefully parse what she was feeling through it. He’d also discovered that the link wasn’t one way, though Skye didn’t seem to know that yet. She was a mixture of excited and wary of everything, though whether that was due to their skulking through the city or the upcoming ritual, Niko wasn’t sure. If this somewhat vague sense was how she perceived everything from him, he was surprised that even half of what he blabbed at her was actually understood.

In minutes they cleared a conspicuously unmanned gate on the edge of Greenleaf, and all at once with every step further out of the city it felt like something decompressed all around Niko. He breathed deeply of air that was uncomplicatedly just a forest, the damp of the cooling night, the vibrant life of greenery and the earthen scent of fertile soil hitting his soul like a salve. In that moment, Niko thought back to what Skye had said before, and realized that he did feel far more at home in the forest than in the city. Sure, it was nice in small doses, but… the people, the entrapping city walls, and all of the hustle and bustle that came with it was just overwhelming. Every day he was in the city he’d had to filter through all of his sensory overload in order to not be an irate mess. 

Niko slowed to a stop, and the Greenhorns did the same. Skye smiled at Niko, and on his behalf said, “He’s just taking a moment to appreciate being out of the city.”

“I guess he did grow up out here,” Dachna nodded, “It must have been weird being stuck in a city for so long.”

For a few seconds Niko just let the sounds of people speaking to one other roll off of his feathers. This was important to him, for him, just the ability to come and go as he pleased. Someday soon he hoped they would be out of the city for the longer haul, because as much as he found he had enjoyed certain aspects of Greenleaf, he felt his place was firmly out in the wilds. After a few more seconds of simply existing in the green and feeling the soft soil underfoot, he turned his attention back to the men and women that he’d come to know somewhat more in the last few days. They were a ragtag bunch, of that there was no doubt in Niko’s mind, but they’d proven themselves to be at least competent and not a dumpster fire as far as morality and their own code of conduct was concerned. 

“I think he’s ready,” Skye spoke aloud for Niko without being prompted, eliciting some amusement from the Phorus. 

‘Heh, I barely even need to poke her to translate now.’ The corner of his lips beyond his beak upturned in a smile at that.

Skye shot him a mock pouting expression, belied only by the twinkle of amusement in her eyes, “I could just not translate for a while.”

“And I could just screech annoyingly for hours on end.” Niko answered unabashedly.

The half-elf opened her mouth to retort when she stopped with a frown setting firmly onto her face. Rounding on her heel, Skye pointed accusingly at Dachna, “You’re teaching him bad habits.”

The accused man blinked and looked between the two with clear confusion written upon his face, “What, what? Why me? I didn’t do anything!”

Mithel snorted, beside herself with amusement, “Didn’t you try to teach Niko a drinking song last night?”

“And he loved it,” Dachna stated while pointing at Niko, “Right? Back me up here?”

Niko tilted his head, eyes searching nothing in particular as he considered that. After recalling last night, he had to admit that, yes, that had been especially fun. Niko clucked the affirmative and then began trilling out the tune to the Greenhorns and The Gilded Feathers, whilst not missing the expressions of amusement that their guides had on their faces.

“I can’t believe you’re teaching a giant killer bird pub songs,” One of the ex-Oath-Sworn, Tanya, stated with open disbelief, “If you ever go to the capital, maybe don’t broadcast that around.”

“Bah, it’ll be fine,” Eustace cut in, “If anything, they’ll just appreciate him more. Well. the nobility won’t,” he shrugged with that, “But there’s hardly any love lost, there, I’d think.”

“Brother’s being cute,” Pecky trilled out, but before Niko could get embarrassed, he noted that his siblings–flitting about in the trees overhead–were all eagerly following along with the tune with bobbing heads and swaying talons. 

Yak screeched in tune for the beginning part of the song, the only one he knew well as of yet. 

“With a brick ‘o gold and a bottle ‘o brandy, 

Take a walk down on ol’ Sandy!” 

Honestly, the song was… odd to say the least, but Niko had worked out a decent cadence for it. While he rattled off the tune, the group continued onwards through the forest, no longer nearly as concerned over stealth. The path they were taking through the growth was not one that was common for standard foot traffic or ventures into the woods. Greenleaf rested in something of a slightly lower plateau than much of the surrounding territory, the Evergreen aside. From Dane’s exuberant descriptions, Niko had come to find out that just south of them was a fairly impressively sized aqueducts area and reservoir that kept a body of water well above the city. It wasn’t the size of what the Roman Empire had built in their heyday by any means, but it was a solid nod to it. Running water was possible without sigil work because of that, which was doubly important because of the limited essence in the atmosphere in this area.

East led to the Evergreen and Daurghast, West to more distant settlements and, eventually, through the absolutely massive area that the Eldergreen encompassed. Northwards was the direction that most interested Niko and his present company, though, given that the hundred meter tall cliffs some fair distance from the city formed a prohibitive natural barrier to most creatures in the Eldergreen atop the shelf. Honestly, the geography of the area fascinated Niko, and in spite of his distant and loose knowledge of plate tectonics, he couldn’t come up with a reason why the cliffs would exist in such an area. 

“If you go that way,” Camille didn’t speak so loud as to imply that Niko needed to shut up, so he didn’t, “You’ll hit the elevators to bypass the cliffs. They’re not the fastest things around, but they’re not too expensive for even halfway successful teams to use, and they’ll save you hours of hiking to go around the long way while also putting you smack dab in prime Eldergreen territory.” Niko followed her pointing finger with focused eyes, but regrettably he only saw forest. He’d been hoping to see the elevators, in case that had prompted her advice, but alas, that didn’t seem to be the case.

“Question,” Camille’s explanation prompted Ronald to inquire, “Is the ritual location off limits to adventurers or something? I’ve never even heard of anything unusual being out here. Or… is it like an open secret?”

Crowe answered him, “It is not so much off limits as merely… complicated to get into.” He gave a half answer, “For the most part, I would suggest that you all see it with your own eyes. That is the best way to get the full effect of the experience.”

That seemed to be enough for Ronald and the others, and Niko found himself eager to see it all the more. Niko realized he was happy to be able to move forward again, to be able to see the world and build up his power. 

As they trekked, Niko imagined to himself what the sights they would see might be like. Already he’d seen a map that detailed massive somehow-floating land that shouldn’t be possible, yet the fact that it had been on a publicly accepted document forced Niko to accept that it existed. If something like that was normal, then he could only hope that he could see even more esoteric and fantastical sights.

It was then that Niko realized that something was subtly shifting in the forest around them. At once, Niko stopped his singing, tilting his head from side to side with a perplexed expression on his face. ‘It… feels like the calming sigil did? But much more than that. How is it over this entire area though?’ 

As Niko’s gaze shot around, he caught Crowe’s eye on happenstance. The man was smiling a little, the kind of expression Niko recognized as a kind of warm smugness that people could get when they were showing off something cool to the uninitiated. 

“It seems you have begun to notice the calming effect?” Crowe directly asked Niko.

He nodded, “It feels like how my nest was.”

Skye started at that, having realized for herself that Niko was right, “This is like how your nest was, isn’t it?”

Crowe’s brows furrowed fractionally, before the light of comprehension dawned on his face, “Right, you did mention that your nest bore sygaldry of a calming variety. That is indeed the case here, though… you will find the sheer scale and variety to be quite something else.”

He offered nothing else on the topic, even when Mithel not-so-subtly pried into it. Yet, the group weren’t disheartened by that fact, and Niko satisfied himself with simply feeling the tides of calm and they moved and grew in power the deeper they tread. Eventually, Gabby landed on Dane’s shoulder, a guard of sorts put in place for just that reason to allow her to rest. Pecky snatched the one on the opposite shoulder before the others could manage it. 

After a brief playful fight between the others, Niko offered his back for them to nestle upon. Happily, they took him up on the offer before landing and nestling into his plumage. Niko warbled tenderly at that, feeling their warmth through their contact. 

“Awwww,” Mithel gushed, and in spite of Skye being not nearly as painfully obvious about it, it was clear she was doing the same. Outwardly, she beamed, but inwardly Niko could feel adoration in no way inferior to what Mithel displayed. 

Niko very carefully kept any thoughts on that topic to himself, not wanting to make Skye feel self conscious about how funny he found that detail.

Turning his head from them, though, he found Dachna uncharacteristically staring hard at Talon, Yak, and Owl on Niko’s back. Curious, Niko tilted his head and cheeped at the dirty blonde haired man.

“O-oh, uh,” the man shifted embarrassedly, “It’s really cute and all, but I was just thinking that looks… ridiculously comfy. You think we can talk Stella into making a blanket?”

Niko snorted, alongside Skye, “You’d have better luck talking a dragon out of its gold.”

“Well, what if it was a really good blanket, y’know?” Dachna didn’t give up, instead doubling down, “Like, I don’t know, had some enchantments for too comfy to care.’ 

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The Phorus cackled titteringly at that. “Niko wishes you luck,” Skye translated with mirth, “Though, I’ll admit that I’m interested in that somewhat, too.”

“What can you even do with my feathers?” Niko asked, Skye translated, and the first one to answer was, surprisingly, Eustace.

“A lot, my feathered friend,” the man began, “Arrow fletching that could probably be enchanted with guidance sigils. Lightweight armor that can be hardened dramatically. Even just adding them as an afterthought into the crafting of armor can vastly increase essence conductivity. If the feathers are used in the production of sigils, they could be made quite powerful. Maybe even major runes.” He sighed wistfully, before realizing he’d lost his current audience. Eustace fake-coughed into his hand, “Erhm, anyways, a lot can be done with them, as it turns out. I wouldn’t be surprised if your next molt features some longer tail feathers that could be used as a feather blade.”

“That’s a thing?” Ronald spluttered before his eyes snapped up to his glaive. Niko wasn’t sure, but he figured the man was imagining one of Niko’s tail feathers being used as a stabbing and slashing blade. Possessive as he could be of his fine plumage, Niko wasn't actually too bothered with the idea that they could potentially use his feathers to stab things.

‘Actually, that’s kind of hilarious in a way.’ Chortled Niko internally while sharing his mirth with Skye. The half-elf shook her head, but she was amused and far more interested in the prospect than she let on.

The conversations cut off abruptly as each of them stepped through a kind of tangible feeling essence. ‘Whoa, that’s… freaky? How strong is this essence?’ Niko’s footsteps faltered as he tried to get his bearings. Ahead of them, Oum, Crowe, and Camille were all patiently waiting for them to adjust a little more to the essence density that sat around them like a thick soup. 

“What… what tier is this place?” Niko involuntarily whispered aloud in shock.

And then was doubly alarmed when his bird-sounds and intent-filled effortlessly flowed into the night air, fully audible by the whole group.

“Niko!? You just–did you just talk?” Skye’s shock shot through the roof alongside a clear sensation of joy that Niko felt through their connection clearly. 

“Well, that’s fascinating,” Talon spoke from behind Niko, a sense of tranquility seemingly settling around the bird like a cape amidst the ambient essence, “I feel… clearer, somehow.”

“Yak speak, too!” Yak spoke with a proud nod.

Owl rolled his eyes and did not engage that comment, “I feel like my thoughts are a great deal more lucid here. As you said, Sister, this is quite fascinating.”

Gabby and Pecky, on the other hand, were seemingly engaging in a feverish back and forth with their newfound connection to each other and with Dane, who simply did his best to weather the storm of enhanced thought.

“Maybe something like talking, at least,” Niko finally answered Skye, forcibly choking the connection between the two of them slightly due to the overwhelming amount of feedback. He had enough going on that was otherwise taking up all of his attention without trying to peel Skye’s own emotional state away from his own as well. “One way to find out, for sure, though.”

Niko turned his gaze straight to Camille, “I have a lot to say to you, for one, ‘squawk squaaaawk’? Really? That’s what you’re gonna hit me with after making me suffer through your crazy training?”

If there was anything that their guides had expected, it clearly wasn’t that. Camille got an uncharacteristic redness in her ears as Crowe and Oum were now busily suppressing chuckles at her expense. “Hey, I don’t speak bird!” 

“Well, why not?” Niko decided to give her a hard time.

Camille looked around briefly for help from anyone, “Uhhhh…”

Skye interjected with a shit-eating grin, “Now, now, Niko, don’t give her too much of a hard time.”

Niko huffed, but gave Camille a lopsided smirk to let her know he wasn’t being serious, “Alright, fine. I guess you’re off the hook this time.”

Crowe blurted out in laughter as Camille’s expression became progressively more gobsmacked, “Oi, oi, where’s the respect for your teachers? Youngsters these days, I swear.” She combed a hand through her hair exaggeratedly before giving Crowe the stink eye. “And you, shush, you don’t speak bird either, in spite of your name.”

Crowe’s laughter trailed off as the man didn’t even rise to the taunt, “I hadn’t anticipated that you’d all be able to communicate so clearly, that’s quite nice. And to answer you, the essence tier here is four. As for deeper in, it gets stronger all the way up until… I have no idea.”

The lower tier individuals looked surprised to hear that.

Oum answered, “This isn’t a normal location, afterall. The core area is denser than anything I’ve ever seen outside of these pilgrimage locations. You won’t be going that far in, though, since it’d definitely kill you. Come on, we have to get this done and get you Greenhorns back to town.” 

Aside from casually dropping the bomb that the core of this site could kill him with essence alone, Niko was absolutely all for going deeper. 

‘I wonder…’ He paused, feeling for the essence all around him. It was dense, such that he had great difficulty even pushing his own essence out into it. Still, as he plied his own burgeoning control against what was in the atmosphere, he managed to get some headway. At that moment, Niko tuned out as much of the rest of the world as he could, devoting the bulk of his attention to his experiment. 

With a slow pull at first, Niko began to absorb the ambient essence into his body and…

…Realized that he wasn’t getting a single bit of essence from his environment past his skin.

‘Uh… okaaaaay?’ He blinked in confusion before turning his attention outwards once more. He pulled on the essence, trying to will it into his essence body. Gradually, Niko stepped up how much of his own essence and will he was trying to throw at the equation, before he came to a few conclusions. The first of which was that it didn’t seem like it was impossible to use external ambient essence like this, but that something about the quality or quantity here made that unfeasible. The second was that he could move his own tier two essence outside of his body, but only barely, it stopped less than a few centimeters outside from his skin. 

‘Alright, so there goes that plan.’ Niko frowned to himself, ‘I’d really hoped I could just keep cramming essence in and just climb faster… Actually, can my body keep up with that? Maybe it’s a good thing that I don’t climb too fast.’ After making no progress with absorbing the ambient essence, he instead turned his attention back to their path through the forest. He did, however, keep flexing his essence through his skin, trying his best to push back against what was in the atmosphere. It was like pushing against a solid, heavy membrane of water, kind of like pushing and punching against a waterbed, but all around instead of only below him. 

The rest of the walk was done mostly in silence, a sort of growing reverence cultivated in the group as they, too, began to feel the essence flooding the landscape. Even the plants had changed dramatically, growing thicker, overgrown, and lush with flowers and budding fruit. At the same time, trees that should have been towering far overhead instead grew more squat, with ever expanding branches. Unlike the rest of the forest, the trees here were farther away at their trunks, yet no light was able to touch the forest floor through the intertwining canopy formed of their limbs.

Yet the plant life did not relent. Glowing fluorescence in the shape of vines, bulbous fruits, and even streaked and spotted leaves lit up the under-canopy in neon opalescence. They raced and interlinked up and down trees, danced in woven concert, as though enacting a verduos waltz across the forest floor. It was beautiful in ways that Niko hadn’t realized nature could be, and with a start, noticed that some of the plants actively watched them as they went. 

‘They have no eyes, yet their buds are watching us,’ Niko felt slightly unsettled at the sight, but the others seemed mostly unaffected. He didn’t doubt that they noticed, but obviously it wasn’t as concerning to them as it was to him. In an effort to not think about the many plants that were watching their every move, he endeavored instead to look up at the trees and–

‘Ohhhh nonononono, I regret. I regret soooo much right now.’ Niko forced his eyeline straight down to the floor in front of him, trying not to think of the fact that a many-limbed not-monkey with scything claws hadn’t been just watching them pass by. He decidedly didn’t need to wonder how much stronger it was than him, or how it had smiled at him knowingly as he passed, as though it understood his plight of being wary of the plants. Perhaps that was Niko trying to personify it, because otherwise it was smiling at him for other reasons. 

He really didn’t need to think about that. Which made the moment when the tree line vanished some minutes later one of the most relieving moments of his life. In truth, he’d thought it was risky to come out here, but somehow he doubted anyone went into this area of the forest without a very good reason. 

Or an invitation, he amended. Because that was the only way he could figure they were allowed to trek through the grounds. He couldn’t imagine even trying to marshall any strength to flee in this land, with the way his essence was suppressed by what was simply ambient in this place. At the very least, he confirmed that essence did not act like water; there was no such thing as osmosis here, otherwise he was certain he’d have filled up and popped like a water balloon attached to a fire hydrant.

Admittedly, he could feel miniscule bits slip into his body like firecrackers, but he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not, considering how much it bloody pecking hurt. In the wake of each one, he was stronger, but his actual physical body had taken some damage in return. So, even if he could absorb this essence… Niko wasn’t sure that it wouldn’t tear him apart in trying to absorb it. 

‘Good thing that was near impossible then. This area is even worse though…’ Niko had felt suppressed before, but this new feeling was incomparable. His own essence sight was straining to remain active under the domain of whatever the land was putting off, and Niko was suddenly left wondering if anyone in this world could handle pressure like this as if it was nothing.

Niko’s gaze landed on Camille, Crowe, and Oum. The three were weathering the essence of the environment well, but still bore subtle expressions of discomfort. The Greenhorns and The Gilded Feathers, on the other hand, had pale expressions. Niko was handling it markedly better than them, but he was at least a tier higher and benefitted from whatever his Chosen status was granting him. 

Crowe stopped at the edge of the clearing. “From herein, if you hear a voice telling you to do something, or asking you a question, answer it, truthfully and honestly.” He stared hard at each person in turn, “I mean anything. Keep nothing back, even if you only think it’s tangentially related. Sometimes you’ll be asked nothing, but other times you may be asked a great deal. And do yourselves another favor. Don’t think too hard while you’re in there.”

The others exchanged worried glances at that, “How will we know when to leave? And… is this dangerous?”

“You’ll be deposited here for us, and as for dangerous… not if you answer the questions it has for you.” Camille answered, “No more questions for now. It’s waiting for you, best not keep it waiting any longer.”

Oum cut in quickly then, “If you see a man with a crooked back like a crane, leave him be. That’s the druid that manages this place. Don’t bother him and he won’t bother you.” 

“That should be everything you need. Answer everything, don’t think too hard, and don’t bother the Gladekeeper.” Crowe summed his instructions for them and finished with, “Go forth and seek your pilgrimage. When you are returned to us, declare who you are, that the world may hear you.”


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