Cherry On Top

Chapter 15: 9.2

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Feb 14, 2014, Friday.

Despite having no money from her parents, RJ still visits me in Tropic Falls almost every day. On top of her regular school work and her tennis club responsibilities, she now has multiple new jobs to juggle, but she still makes sure to save enough money to book at least a session with me in the karaoke rooms.

A smile slowly creeps up my face as my eyes drift over to her. RJ sits at the front of the class with her usual clique of friends, as focused as ever. Like in every class, she is one of the few students the teacher relies on for responding in class, and this Physics class is no different. Occasionally, Jon leans over to ask her a question, and she whispers an answer into his ear. They exchange a glance—a glance that used to jab my heart—before turning back to the board.

Ever since RJ told me that her relationship with Jon is more sibling-like, I've tried to pick out and understand the signs. The two of them are clearly close, but I think I can see that the bond they have is not romantic. The way RJ looks at Jon is similar to the way Emma and Adrian look at each other—and is very different from the way she looks at me.

My cheeks warm as I think about that. I think about RJ's amused glint whenever I whine, and her slight downward glance whenever I lean too close. I think about her warm hands—they are always so warm, no matter how cold the air conditioning gets—and how they brush against mine as RJ looks over my answers. I think about her infinite patience as she explains the difference between speed and acceleration to me.

I used to think her eyes were fierce and intense, but now, I can't think of a gentler, kinder pair of eyes in the world, aside from my mother's.

"Chloe? Hello, Earth to Chloe."

Emma's voice jolts me back from my daydream. I suppress a groan as I look around the classroom. The Physics teacher is nowhere to be seen. Great, Physics class is over and I did not even hear a single word.

"Sorry ah, Emma..." I steal another glance at RJ at the front of the class as we wait for the Econ teacher to arrive. I can already imagine her disapproving sigh later when we attempt our homework...

Emma also turns to look in her direction. "Eeyer," she teases, "stop staring at Jon and pay attention in class lah."

"I'm not looking at Jon lah." I roll my eyes before slumping on my desk. "Argh, I'm so tired."

"Same." She leans back and lets out a dramatic sigh. "And you know what day today is? Valentine's day leh. And I don't even have a date."

"You do!" Adrian chimes in from beside her. "We're going out later, right?"

"Aiya, we're only studying."

"It can still count as a study date."

"It's Valentine's day, Adrian. What nerd goes on a study date on Valentine's day sia?"

"Uh, you?"

And with that, the two of them delve into their regular bickering. They really do sound like siblings.

I sneak a peek over at RJ again. She is stretching her arms and chatting with Jon. I can see exhaustion painted all over her face, and guilt gnaws at me. RJ has been such a godsend to me, but I have been nothing but a burden—eating up her time, energy, and money.

Then, an idea occurs to me. Of these three things, I can save RJ's money by getting her to study with me outside the bar instead. Maybe at a cafe, where I can treat her to a drink to show my appreciation.

But do I even have time for a separate study session? Adrian and Emma have always wanted me to join them in theirs, and I never have the time. Although, I could take a day off...

I tap my fingers on my desk. I don't like to take days off, but if I could kill two birds with one stone—hang out with my friends and get RJ to save some money—a day off would be worth it.

And I do want to introduce RJ to my best friends. After all, we have been hanging out for a while now, and something in me really wants to let her into more parts of my life.

"Do you two want to study with me tomorrow?" I ask my two frriends.

Adrian and Emma fall silent. Emma's hand that was about to smack Adrian in the head drops down like her jaw.

Sensing their confusion, I quickly add, "I- I mean, I think I should take half a day off sometimes mah... It's, uh, good for me, you- you know?"

Emma's smile returns as she chirps, "Oh my god, yes! Finally! Let's do it! Adrian, you better join us ah."

"Of course I will lah, Chloe is a much better study buddy."

That prompts Emma to finally land a hit on him. Their catfight ends when Mr. Lim enters the classroom for our Econ class.

I turn my head back towards RJ. She is taking out her Econ notebook and clicking her pen to get ready. Taking out my phone, I send a quick text to her under the table. Her head bops downwards, and my phone vibrates.

RJ: Ok

I stifle the growing smile on my face, but my heart flutters against my chest.

RJ is coming to our study session tomorrow.


Feb 15, 2014, Saturday.

"Chloe! Over here!"

I spot Emma's enthusiastic wave at the far end of the cafe. We are out of school, so she has her hair down. It curls as it lands on her cream cardigan. Adrian is next to her, wearing suspenders over his shirt. Paired with his round glasses and carefully gelled hair, his fashion sense makes him look like the hipster that he is. On the table, their coffee sits on top of a pile of notes and practice questions, and my two friends look eager to dive into them.

"Hey!" Rushing over, I drop my bag down on the seat. "Sorry for being a bit late ah."

"Where's your friend you're bringing?" Emma asks.

"Oh, uh..." I scratch my hair, recalling the text messages RJ sent me. "She says she'll be like ten minutes late..."

"You're already ten minutes late though," Adrian says before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah... You're right, so she should be here... Oh, there she is! RJ! Here!"

Emma's jaw drops to the ground while Adrian spits coffee onto his notes.

"Wait, RJ?" Adrian whispers. His carefully written notes are now splattered with coffee, but he does not seem to care. "The friend you invited is RJ?"

Emma is still staring at RJ, mouth agape and unmoving, even as she saunters over to our table.

"Hey," RJ greets with a small wave of her hands.

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She is wearing an army green parka that looks like it could be Logan's. Underneath the loose jacket, her white blouse is so sheer that her black bra can be seen through it. She flicks her light brown hair as she settles on the seat next to me. Her hair has grown to the same length as Emma's, but she still never ties her hair up in school, and no teacher ever tells her to.

"H- Hey..." Adrian manages to say.

Emma is still shellshocked and frozen.

I realize that I am staring too, so I quickly add, "T- Thanks for coming, RJ."

"No problem." She glances at the cup of coffee that Adrian is holding and turns to me. "Want anything to drink?"

"Oh no, it's okay—"


"No, I'm—"

"Latte it is. Wait here," RJ says before leaving the table.

No, no, I invited her here so I can treat her to something for once! "RJ, wait—"

I want to chase after RJ, but Emma and Adrian explode across from me.

"RJ?" Emma exclaims. "Chloe! Explain! Why is she here? How is she here?"

"Are we even rich enough to be in Her Majesty's presence?" Adrian asks. I have never seen him with this much expression on his face before.

I cannot help but chuckle at their reactions. "You guys are so weird leh. She's just our classmate what."

"But she's RJ!" Emma emphasizes. "Shin Ruijun leh!"

"Shh! Tone it down!" I whisper, casting a nervous peek in RJ's direction. Thankfully, she does not seem to notice our exclamations.

Emma covers her mouth, but her eyes are still screaming.

"I have never once considered her or any of her clique as 'just our classmate'," Adrian adds while doing air quotes with his fingers. "They are, like, in another league lor, in another fantasy world."

I laugh again. "She's just another student lah."

Even though that's what I say, I understand why they feel this way. After all, the first time I saw RJ in the bar, I probably had the same reaction. Maybe that's why she was able to recognize me back then...

Before any of my friends can hyperventilate to their deaths, RJ comes back to the table with two cups of coffee and a full plate of cakes and pastries.

"Latte for you." She places a cup in front of me. "Snacks for all of us." She places the plate of food in the middle of the table.

Emma and Adrian's expressions change from starstruck to gluttonous.

"Oh my god, thank you!" Adrian digs into the cake immediately, while Emma reaches for the fruit tart.

Guilt pierces me. RJ is already scrambling for money just for herself, but neither Emma nor Adrian knows that. Plus, this study session was meant for me to treat her back.

"How much is it?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it lah."

I pout. "RJ."

RJ raises her eyebrows and copies my tone. "Chloe."

"I'm supposed to treat you today."

"No, you're not." RJ gives me a small smirk as she takes out her folder of notes. "So, what are you guys studying?"

"Physics! Please!" Emma begs. "Oh my god, after last week, I have so many questions."

"What kind of questions?"

"I don't understand Work lah! Like, when is it negative, when is it positive, I always get it wrong sia!"

"It depends on the direction of the Work with respect to the displacement of the object." RJ sits up, her teacher mode turning on. "You have a specific example you want me to explain?"

A soft squeal escapes Emma's throat. Her eyes catch mine, and it seems to scream, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing her along!" Even Adrian looks thankful as he listens to RJ's explanation attentively.

I smile at the scene before me. All these times, RJ has only been a part of my life that is secret, a part of my life that I hide away from the rest of my friends and family. It feels nice—and almost surreal—to finally have her hang out with Emma and Adrian. And it is also strangely captivating to watch RJ in her teacher mode from the side, so patient, so eloquent, so gentle. My heart tingles, as soft pulses of warmth flow across my entire body.

The study session is as enjoyable as it is productive, and I find myself catching RJ's eyes and exchanging a smile every so often. It is late afternoon when RJ's phone vibrates. Checking the message, she frowns.

"Ah, sorry guys, I gotta go for now," she mumbles as she slips her phone into her pocket

"Aw, why?" Emma pouts. A few hours have passed and this girl is already attached to RJ.

"Sorry ah. See you guys next week." RJ gives Emma and Adrian a small smile, but the look she gives me is more pointed. "Thanks for inviting me, Chloe. See you."

See you later at Tropics, is the full unspoken sentence lingering in the air. I feel a blush creep up my face. I do want to see her again later, but this study session was supposed to prevent her from spending more money on me. Looks like I failed terribly on that front.

As RJ marches out of the cafe and my friends stare curiously at me, I bury my head back into my notes.

"Okay lah, let's- let's try to finish this problem set before I need to leave for work."

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