Cherry On Top

Chapter 17: 11 | The Attack

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Warning: mild sexual assault scene



Feb 15, 2014, Saturday.

I hum a soft tune as I make my way towards Tropic Falls. Not too long after RJ left our study session, I had to leave to prepare for my night shift as well. Emma and Adrian were still working hard at the problem sets, occasionally breaking into small fights and shoving each other in the face.

Thinking about RJ makes my heart flutter in my chest.

My friends were so surprised by how helpful and friendly RJ was, and I get that. RJ has always seemed so cold, aloof, and... intimidating. But as I got to know her, I discovered this kind and gentle girl who just wants to help me understand chemical equations. She's the same indomitable RJ with the fierce attitude, but it's not so scary anymore.

A smile tugs at my lips as I push open the backdoor to Tropic Falls—and then it leaves.

There is a man in the employee-only section, along the corridor that leads to the changing room. A customer.

I freeze for a moment before I clear my throat. "Um, ex- excuse me? You're not supposed to be here. This area is employee only."

How did he even get in here in the first place? Why did nobody stop him on his way here? Maybe everyone's too busy on a Saturday afternoon.

His face lights up when he sees me.

"Cherry?" He stumbles towards me. His face is flushed and the top buttons of his shirt are undone. "Oh my god, Cherry! Haven't seen you in a while leh!"

Oh, he is one of my regulars, Mr. Chan. I am about to greet him back, but I quickly realize that I am not wearing my mask. Wait, how does he know I'm Cherry, then?

"S- Sorry ah, Mister, y- you got the wrong person lah. But you really shouldn't be here." Stammering, I push him away as he approaches me, but he grabs my arms instead.

"No, no, Cherry, it's okay! Amanda let me in here one," he drawls. "Oh my god, I'm so glad I got to see your full face sia, Cherry. You're so chio leh!"

What? How is he so sure I'm Cherry? And Amanda? If I recall, that is Mango's real name. Why does he know her real name? And why did she let him in? That is against the rules. Dread fills me as I pull my hands away from Mr. Chan.

"Sorry, but whoever let you in shouldn't have done so," I say adamantly. "Please, Mr. Chan, let me- let me escort you out of here, okay?"

The man is relentless, however—he grabs my hands again and pushes me to the wall. "Cherry! Come on lah! Don't be such a killjoy. This place is so nice and quiet, even nicer than the VIP rooms leh."

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"Ow!" I cry as he twists my arms. I want to cry out, but my voice falters when I feel a hand slide under my shirt.

No, no, no!

A whimper escapes my throat, but I summon all my remaining energy to shove Mr. Chan away.

"Please, Mr. Chan, stop," I wheeze.

My heart hammers in my chest, drowning out all other sounds around me, but Mr. Chan's voice still resounds in my ears. "I miss you, Cherry, where have you been? I heard you have been booked by another customer a lot. I keep wanting to book you, but you're too popular sia!" His alcoholic breath chokes me.

With another push, I yank myself free from Mr. Chan and scurry over to the changing room. Someone must be there. Someone is always there.

And sure enough, Mango is inside.

"Oh, Mango!" I cry in relief. "Thank god!"

She fits on her yellow mask as she turns towards me. The upper part of her face is veiled, but I can still see the frown on her eyebrows, and the scorn in her eyes.

"Oi, I'm changing here lah," she snaps. "Don't just barge in like that lah!"

"S- Sorry, M- Mango, but Mr. Chan is outside..."

"So?" She walks next to me, purposefully slamming her shoulder against mine. "He's your regular, not mine."

I stare at her in disbelief. "What?"

"Use your slut move and get him to give you a big tip lor," she scoffs. Opening the door, she reveals a grinning Mr. Chan waiting outside. Her voice switches to a high-pitched hum. "All yours, Mr. Chan."

The man's eyes never leave me as he steps into the room. Mango side steps to let him pass, and then, without even a glance at me, she leaves. And the door shuts.

No, no, no...

My legs wobble. Why did I come to the changing room? I should have run outside, to the bar, to a more public area, to Clementine. I should have kicked, and screamed, and yelled, while I was out there.

But now, I'm trapped.

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