Cherry On Top

Chapter 31: 18.2

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A/N: This chapter gets... steamy. Feel free to skip to the second part of this chapter for a fade-to-black effect!


The more we kiss, the more vigorous we become. I knew I missed Chloe, but I never imagined myself to have missed her this much. My tongue devours hers as I tug on her neck, pulling her as close to me as possible. My other hand travels around the rest of her body, itching to get under the stupid school uniform.

Fuck, I've missed her. I've missed her so, so much.

Chloe's hands are all over my hair and torso. When her back bumps into the sink, she hops up to sit on it. I advance further, pinning her against the mirror, while her legs wrap around me, urging me on.

I break away from her lips to kiss the soft skin of her neck. She welcomes it by burying her fingers into my hair.

"RJ..." she whispers. Her warm breath sends tingles down my spine. "I miss you... like crazy."

Chuckling, I lift my head to kiss her on her lips again. "You miss me, or you miss this?" My hand slides under her skirt and finds the radiating warmth between her legs.

Chloe gasps. "Both lah!" she breathes out, tilting her head backward with pleasure.

I let out a low growl of laughter before increasing the pressure on her clit. She gasps again, and I can see the corners of her mouth tilting upwards. Best of all, I can see myself in the mirror, smiling along with her, and there's something about that that drives me wild.

"You like that?" I ask.

"Yes!" She tugs at my clothes and arches her back. "More!"

I comply, peeling the fabric of her panty to the side and sliding my fingers into her. Her head rolls along the mirror as she moans, and I relish in her expression—her opened mouth, knitted brows, and half-closed eyes.

God, she's fucking beautiful.

"You're so fucking wet sia," I tease.

"That's... how much... I miss you...." Chloe says in between her breathless, euphonic moans.

I laugh. "I miss you more."

Chloe does not reply. She can't reply, too busy feeling me, enjoying me, and clinging onto me for dear life—and I pride myself for that.

I delve into her. I kiss her neck, her mouth, her collarbone, her eyelids, everywhere my lips can find, as I thrust deeper and deeper into her. The rhythmic, squelching noise interjected with Chloe's cries is music to my ears. Her hips grind against me as she moans louder and louder, as if she wants this more than me, as if she needs this.

God fucking damn it, I love her so much.

I continue to slam my fingers into her. There's no one around so I'm finally letting it all out—all the stress, the pent-up frustration, the overwhelming lust I have had to shove away for weeks.

Her nails dig into my back as she reaches closer to climax, but I hardly take notice of the pain—her raspy pleas and writhing body are all that I care about. She's a fucking beautiful angel that deserves heaven, and I am going to get her there.

She lets out one last cry as she finishes, and I take in everything about her at that moment. Coming back down from the high, she slumps onto my shoulders, heart hammering against me.

"Oh my god," she whimpers, "I was so loud. What if someone heard me?"

"No one heard it lah," I assure her, giving her a soft peck on the cheek. "We're far away from the lecture hall."

She pushes out a weak smile and lowers her head again. "I really miss you lah..." she admits.

I sigh. "I miss you too."

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Giving my fingers a quick rinse under the tap, I take it out. It's Logan.

I answer the call. "What lah?"

Chloe smoothes her clothes and hair as she looks at me curiously.

"Why are you two taking so long to pee sia?" Logan complains. "Pooping ah? Hurry up lah!"

"Okay, okay, wait lah." I hang up on him and give Chloe a sheepish smile. "I guess they're waiting for us. Let's go?"

"Oh... But I haven't, you know..." She tugs on her skirt. "Returned the favor..."

"Next time lah. Come on."

She nods and jumps off the sink. There is a slight hesitation before she yelps.

"What?" I ask.

"RJ! My panties! You tore it!"

Indeed, there is a thin, black piece of fabric on the floor so misshapen that I cannot even tell it was underwear. I must have pulled on it too hard and ripped it.

"Ah, shit, sorry." I quickly take out the shorts that I always wear under my uniform. They're useful for my mobility in these skirts, and now they're also useful for whenever I accidentally tear Chloe's panties, I guess. "Wear this instead?"

Chloe's face is flushed red as she puts it on. "I cannot believe this..."

"Sorry, I'll be more careful next time."

"It's- It's okay."Her face becomes even redder, if possible, as she tosses her underwear in the trash. "RJ, about the overseas school thing... I'll... I'll think about it, okay?" she mumbles. "I just... need to ask my mother first."

I reach out and grab her hand. "Just do whatever's best for you. No stress lah, okay?"

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"Okay... Thank you, RJ..."

"Let's go lah."

And then, hand in hand, we walk out of the restroom into the near-empty campus.


Mar 22, 2014, Saturday.

My chauffeur pulls up next to the mall. Chloe told me the bakery she works at is inside here. I haven't been able to see her on the weekends for a while now, and I am tingling with excitement.

Grabbing my shopping bags, I climb out of the car.

"Should I park and come with you, Miss Shin?" the chauffeur asks.

"No need lah, just getting something for Ruimin. Wait here, it'll be quick."

He nods, but his brows furrow in worry. My mother has given him the job of following me around every weekend, and it has not been fun for either of us. To make his job easier, I try to give him a good excuse for going anywhere. Ruimin did really well in a competition recently, so I'm using that as an excuse today to hit the malls and buy him something.

I see a bakery right in front of the mall entrance. It's as small as a pop-up store, and other than a blonde girl at the counter, there isn't anybody else. That's weird—where's Chloe?

"Hey there." I walk up to the cashier.

She sits up and gives me a smile. "Hey! How can I help you?" There is something about her voice that sounds oddly familiar, but I can't quite place it.

"Is Chloe here?"

"Chloe?" She blinks, taking a moment to register what I'm asking. "Oh. You're... You mean, like, Chloe Lee, right?"


She stares at me for a long time with a strange, wary expression. Then, pushing her bleached hair off of her shoulders, she says in a low voice, "I don't think she works here."

"Oh." I scratch my head. Chloe did not tell me the name of the bakery she is working at, so maybe it's not this one. "Is there another bakery in this mall?"

"Yeah. BreadTalk is on the second floor."

"Oh, okay. Thank you."

Following the direction of the girl's finger, I jog up the stairs. Indeed, there is a much larger bakery on the second floor. It looks like all the customers skipped the first bakery and came directly to this one.

Behind the shelves of displayed pastries is a giant glass window that looks directly into the kitchen. And among the ten or so chefs, there is Chloe, scurrying around the kitchen with trays of pastries. A cute apron wraps around her petite body, while her hair is all pinned up into a small hat.

I can't help but smile at the sight of the adorable busy bee. It takes Chloe a good amount of time before she realizes that I am standing by the window staring at her. Immediately, her eyes widen and she mouths, "RJ? Why are you here?"

I gesture at her to come out. Frowning a little, she wipes her hands on her apron and trots out of the kitchen.

"RJ!" she whispers, her eyes darting around the shop. "I told you to tell me if you're gonna visit!"

"Sorry, I thought I could surprise you mah." I lift up the bags I'm carrying. "I got you gifts."

A faint blush creeps up her face as she sees the Victoria's Secret logo. "Aiyo, you buy this for me for what?" she grumbles. As she inspects the contents, the blush intensifies. "Oh my god... RJ, why are you buying things like that?"

"I tore your panties on Wednesday mah. Is it too much?"

"No, no, it's nice..." Chloe glances around again. "I'm in the middle of making a new batch of melon bread, so I can't talk for too long. But I usually take my lunch break at three o'clock. Next time, come around that time, okay?" She gives me a shy smile. "I... have a favor to return anyway."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh? Are you gonna wear the new lingerie I bought?"

"Seriously?" she scoffs, holding her hand out to almost slap my arm—but she stops herself. "Yeah lah, I'll wear them next Saturday."

"So next Saturday, three o'clock. Noted."

"Don't be silly..." she says again, but her smile grows larger. "You're just here to give me this?"

"Also to see you lah."

"I look like a mess today though."

"No, you don't. You always look super cute."

"Shut up..." She lowers her head and shuffles her feet. Then she points at a rack at the end of the store. "Today's special is the pineapple floss bread with bakkwa. I helped create the recipe. You should... You should try it."

I am a huge fan of those dried meats, so the bread sounds delightful. "I will."

"Okay. Well, got to go now, or my boss will get angry at me lah. Thank you again, for... this."

"Can't wait to see you in it."

Before she can turn as red as a cherry tomato, she scoots away from me. I smile as I watch her run to the storeroom to stow the shopping bags and then scurry back into the kitchen.

I'm buying Chloe's specials. I'm buying all of them.

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