Chevron lore Chap 1 & 2

Chapter 2: Inquisition Rekindling

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Around an old stone well sitting on the outskirts of Gran Faro a Feline Doctor and a Liberi of the Law and Faith itself speak of the world and it's experiences. The Dame Kal'tsit amidst the conversations end mentions the past, it's experiences and place in this world to the wise Saint Carmen of the Inquisition, mentioning that someone from a recent past will be here shortly wishing to talk to him and offer assistance if he would allow it.

Saint Carmen obliges with complete willingness, whilst suspecting a few individuals of which desires audience. A few minutes pass, the Saint's gaze turns  to the figure approaching a small semblance of disbelief strikes but his eyes speak no deception.

Steadfast in his stature, unwavering and calm in expression a Sarkaz man bearing white horns and hair as black as the night itself walks forth. An Inquisitors garb altered and bearing the name of 'Rhodes Island' along its bottom part, thick armour plate adorning the left arm, shoulder and shins. a long trailing cloth mounted under the shoulder plate flowing in the sea breeze, the purple hue unmistakably of the Inquisition. handcannons, the armaments of that very same creed, the sword equally so but visibly altered purposely, along with much more of the uniform and perhaps most striking to the saint a forearm sheethe housing his teacher's dagger. The Sarkaz now before him an Inquisitor he knew as Die, student of 'Mentor'.

Saint Carmen's expression is still and steady, as is Kal'tsit's. Time and world around feeling as if it's come to a halt. The Sarkaz bows his head with respect greeting the elder.

"Saint Carmen. High Inquisitor of the Iberian Inquisition." He lifts his head back up to look at head of the Inquisition awaiting his response.

"Die, former Iberian Inquisitor, student of former High Inquisitor 'Mentor'. You stand before myself after all that has transpired. Do you understand the reality and responsibilities of what may come next." 

"Yes sir."

"You're prepared to face the judgement of Iberia, the law and the Inquisition itself, for the actions committed whilst serving and thereafter in the Inquisition." 

"Yes sir."

"Then on behalf of Iberia, the Inquisition and our creeds.. You are pardoned." 

The Sarkaz fully expecting whatever was to come is caught off guard by the Saint's words. He stays silent knowing full well explanation is to be had.

"Your teacher was less than faithful in his duties and responsibilities especially regarding those involving yourself. Upon my own willingness to investigate what had happened, before and after his passing at your hand, it came to the conclusion, after deliberation that if anyone was a traitor to the Inquisition, the law and Iberia itself it was him."

"Ever since the Profound Silence had stuck Iberia there's been no shortage of those becoming bitter, weak and cowardly with time, letting what ails overcome themselves. I suspect that he too fell victim to this. From the moment he brought you into our fold he had shifted in character and servitude. Often using yourself for his personal means to lighten responsibility, for where there was accident or failure you'd be on the receiving end of blame." 

"He was diligent in these efforts to keep it hidden as best he could, but once you started taking it upon yourself to make your own judgements and choices for how best to act independently, his control became less subtle. In part there were others willing in collaboration with him but they too seperated themselves, whether through reflection or remembering their commitment to Iberia, in the end it was just yourself and him in this cycle." 

The elder pauses for a moment so the Sarkaz before him could process everything said so far he bring forth a question long resting on his conscience.

"After he attempted to take my life and I in return took his.. Was leaving Iberia and the Inquisition the wrong choice?.." 

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The Saint closes his eyes for a moment in ponder. Before opening them again to give response.

"No... Not at all. Whilst in part knowing and suspecting what your return alone would have entailed, the air of uncertainty amongst it would be tenfold so for the rest of the Inquisition, likely you would have seen your prosecution and execution soon after. Naturally in the reality of you leaving Iberia and the circumstances pursuing it, alongside dealing with the aftereffects of your Teacher, you inadvertently were burried under too. Your fate uncertain but your title no longer that of an Inquisitor.

The Sarkaz looks around himself for a moment before with a sublte nod of reassurance to himself.

"I understand." 

The Saint speaks his closing thoughts to the Sarkaz.

"If he had returned with just himself,  there was no doubt in my judgement that I would have dealt with him personally."

The elder Inquisitor reaches out and places his arm on the Sarkaz's shoulder.

"Never forget, that an Inquisitor must judge with his heart above all else, even the law, for what is the right thing to do."

He lowers his arm back to his side.

"Whilst that same judgement of yours led to the near death of two Inquisitors accompanying you and your subsequent punishment, as atonement. He was never permitted to take you away that day. You then judged with your heart one final time as an Inquisitor, and you made the right choice."

"If I might ask one thing for the moment before continuing. What name do you go by now?"

The Sarkaz still as resolute and steady as he was before glances over to Doctor Kal'tsit then back to Saint Carmen.

"Chevron, operator of Rhodes Island. Thank you Lord Carmen for your understanding." 

The old Inquisitor puts out his hand, Chevron reaching forth and shakes it firmly.

"Iberia and the Inquisition are thankful to have you on it's shores and soil once more. I wish to discuss further matters, but it will have to wait. In the meantime your assistance will be invaluable as it ever was." 

The Saint collects himself, brushing his coat with the back of his hand adjusting his hat in place as he walks away from the old stone well, now heading towards the town. Chevron and Kal'tsit exchange a nod to each other then following close behind the High Inquisitor.

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