Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 34: 32: Sorting Out Arrangements

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Their conversation went much like how Kana expected, which was sort of a first. Kana marveled at this unexpectedly refreshing feeling, one that coursed through her whenever her expectations matched reality and things went according to plan.

But that didn't mean everything was alright, for she had much to consider.

Making her way back to Fuzō as the convoy plodded forward, Kana reflected over what she'd just learned. She fiddled with the replacement bandages in her hands absentmindedly as she went.

Fumio and Kana both had other pressing concerns, so they'd gotten right to business. It had only been midday and the convoy was still moving, so they walked as they talked.

Despite his blatant suspicion, Fumio did as instructed and informed Kana of what happened the day the Yuka rescued Fuzō. The details were much the same as what Kana had already heard by now, though Fumio noticeably refrained from speaking in such graphic detail. He also left out the part where Fuzō mentioned begging him to let her die, which the woman had suspected would happen.

Fuzō was correct about another thing too, for as soon as Fumio finished summarizing he launched into a series of self-righteous justifications. To be honest, Kana didn't understand Fumio viewpoint in this so much, but the fact that he kept going on and on about why he had to do what he did... suggested that Fumio himself was unwilling to accept the severity of it all. Unwilling to accept the guilt and responsibility of his role in all this.

Kana felt better about hearing the truth from Fuzō first, knowing how the woman felt compared to Fumio's obstinacy.

With the context she already had, listening to Fumio left Kana feeling bothered.

This feeling persisted until Kana realized what was causing it: throughout everything Fumio had said, he never really expressed any genuine concern for Fuzō herself. For the position Fuzō held, yes. For her importance to their group, yes. For the debt he seemingly owed, yes.
But for Fuzō as a person.... he never seemed to respect the fact that she was her own self. Like he was ignoring her autonomy... He insisted everything he'd done was for her, or in her interests, but he ignored Fuzō's own will.

And that... really rubbed Kana the wrong way.

It was all such a mess.

Soon Kana dismissed Fumio from her mind in distaste. She would only concern herself with Fuzō's welfare moving forward. She'd had a deal, a transactional relationship with Fumio and the Yuka Group, but she wasn't attached to them. And it was becoming more and more apparent that she couldn't trust them with much more than she already had.

She couldn't trust them, at least not Fumio, to see her as a person instead of a resource. That was something Kana would not tolerate, and her anger roused in response.

At the time, she'd merely cut Fumio off mid-ramble, saying only "Are you finished?"

Something in her eyes had made him shut up real quick, though Kana was only left guessing as to what. Or maybe it was the tone of her voice? Fumio flinched when she glanced at him, scowling deeply and turning his head away.

Sometimes the way people reacted to her was... more intense than ideal. As a result, Kana tried to keep her expression reserved at all times. Fortunately, her face was naturally neutral. It was other expressions that were outside the norm.

But regardless, Fumio pursued the topic no further, instead moving on to how they would all move forward. Rather pragmatic, so Kana played along.

It seemed that the convoy was nearing a crossroads in the northern Land of Fire, where parts of the convoy would have to split up to return to their respective homelands.

There would be three major groups for this:
Most would continue on north into the Land of Rice.
As they'd already mentioned, Kana, Fuzō, Ryuu, and some others planned to return northeast to the Land of Hotsprings.
The remainder would head northwest to the Land of Iron. All of the samurai escorts would return this way to their homeland as well, so the other two groups would have to fend for themselves.

This didn't seem to concern too many people though, for the roads to the Land of Iron were closest to the warzone and were likely the most dangerous. The roads they'd all traveled up to this point were rather remote compared to the main thoroughfares, so their journey had been relatively peaceful once they'd entered the Land of Fire.

According to Fumio, there were bandit groups and rogue ninja throughout the countryside, but they generally only raided roads with high traffic volume. Merchant activity was already low due to the outbreak of war, so bandits had to actively search out their targets. No serious threats would waste their time patrolling empty backroads.

The Yuka leaders, shrewd as they were, relied on this when deciding their routes.

Coincidentally, it seemed Fumio also belonged to the last travel group. Though he was a native of the Land of Hotsprings, he apparently needed to report to the Yuka Group headquarters and sponsors in the Land of Iron. Therefore he would soon depart in the opposite direction as Kana and Fuzō planned to.

The separation would happen in the next few days at the pace they were going, so there was time to make preparations and decide the final roster for each group. Fumio made no mention of Kana's ability to control chakra, but she knew it caused him to be wary.

She was aware of his suspicion, but would do nothing to abate it. The only explanations she could provide would be too revealing. She would let him stress over it, for that was more his problem than hers. As long as he didn't find out anything else...

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It was clear that Fumio was relieved that they would soon separate, perhaps hoping to wash his hands of the situation entirely. Whatever debt was between him and Fuzō, it seemed Fumio's priorities had changed drastically once Fuzō said they were even.

Kana was rather pleased to part from him as well, she found. Debt or not, she felt the man did not have Kana or Fuzō's best interests in mind.

As such, Kana made it clear to Fumio that she would take responsibility for Fuzō and that Fumio wasn't to have anything to do with the both of them anymore. Circumstances being what they were, Fumio agreed without much protest. With this new understanding between them, their conversation ended. Whatever else they may have had to say, it was left unsaid.

The whole conversation had only taken about an hour, but Kana was eager to head back and fix Fuzō bandaging, so even that felt like it had taken too long.

Soon enough, Kana reached the wagon again, hopping up into it as it continued to roll onward.

Whatever else the strange relationship between Fuzō and Fumio held, Kana considered the matter settled, choosing instead to look forward to her next steps. She'd learned enough to be satisfied. It was probably better to leave the whole mess behind. It seemed like what Fuzō would want too, if her words were any indication.

Kana thought as much while she set about applying ointment and gauze, her work finished after another hour or so.

By then the sky had opened up and begun a cold drizzle, the winter cold of the day not enough for snow but instead the sort of rain that froze into ice when it landed. Even for Kana, who rarely felt discomfort from temperature, such weather was unpleasant.

It was all the more so for the weakened Fuzō, so Kana arranged a bundle of blankets on the sleeping woman's stretcher and tucked her snugly into them. She'd also procured a simple comb from the supply wagon and set about gently combing Fuzō's hair into some semblance of order.

Kana's own hair was quite long and thick, so she knew how uncomfortable it could get when all tangled up and unruly. Kana had also always found it relaxing to stroke her own hair and comb her hands through it. It helped clear her mind, ease her nerves. And whether she showed it or not, Kana felt quite shaken up from what she learned about Fuzō's past. She was in need of some calming relaxation. It also gave her a chance to channel chakra comfortably and train her multi-tasking.

The muted rhythm and pattering of the raindrops on the wagon's cover created a soothing ambiance, and soon Kana spaced out as she performed her task. Thinking about nothing and emptying her mind was one of the only respites she had from her ceaseless worrying. Combing someone else's hair like this also had a surprisingly similar effect on her mood, or perhaps that was only because it was Fuzō?

The older woman's stark red hair was not as thick or silky as Kana's own, and months of neglect had made it somewhat matted. But nevertheless, sorting it out and cleaning it up felt rewarding in its own way. Perhaps, Kana hoped, the things that she knew calmed herself would also help Fuzō.

Eventually Kana set the comb aside, by now the time having passed late into the evening. She'd somewhat come to terms with her unsettled feelings and tangled thoughts again, ready to move forward and make her next plans. Which reminded her of something...

Reaching a hand up behind her neck, Kana undid the hairclasp hidden behind the hood of her cloak and brought it forward to look at. The signet symbol was exactly as she remembered. Sooner or later she would have to decide when to start asking about it and looking into it. With Fuzō and her parents specifically...

Setting it in her lap, Kana also took out the storage scroll she'd looted all that time ago. From it she extracted the various hitai-ate Forehead protector, iconic part of a shinobi uniform. and laid them out next to the ornament. Next came the old map from Mt. Shumisen and a Yuka Group armband, which bore the symbol of the group.

All of them had symbols, identifiable symbols that could be useful.

Scanning and matching them, Kana tried to get a clue about the signet on her hairclasp. Despite careful inspection, none of them bore any resemblance or offered any hint as to the meaning of the mystery sigil. It didn't seem to match or share elements with the Yuka, Iwa, Kusa, Ame, Konoha, or any of the other symbols in her possession.

It was unique, then, but what did it indicate? The shinobi villages all had their own symbols, as did the major nations. None of them matched it, but Kana was certain now that her hairclasp's signet served a similar purpose. Proof of identification, or sign of allegiance.

Both of these would be clues into Kana's past. Both were still dangerous to carelessly show around.
But it would raise even more questions even if she knew. Why was she in possession of such a thing? A gift, she seemed to recall, or was that really it? And... why had she been able to keep it all throughout her captivity, and even after those prolonged periods of darkness in her memory?

There were simply too many possibilities. It was as Kana thought, she would have to stick with pursuing her other lead for now. Fuzō and their seeming similarities were still her best bet for investigating. There were likely more concrete details to work with there, and as long as she maintained her disguise it was probably much less dangerous.

Returning everything to the storage scroll and re-affixing her hairclasp, Kana turned her attentions inward again to begin her meditations.

Pondering and plotting, Kana passed the night away, one hand rested on her chin. The other, unbeknownst to Kana, was absentmindedly patting Fuzō's head while she slept, channeling chakra to banish the woman's tormented dreams.


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