Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 50: 48: Relics and Relicts

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Kana closed her eyes and donned her demonic mask as Kaoru's voice echoed out from behind her.

"As I said, the original purpose for these masks was communication. To commune with each other... and to commune beyond what eyes can see. Though for our purposes, merely passing a message through what lies beyond is the goal. I believe this to be the fastest way we can help with your search. You could make your own inquiries more... directly."

Inquiries that couldn't be sent soon enough, Kana mused.

This really was an unfathomably powerful tool. Hidden communication across a network of sites all around the continent? Kana's intuition and recent studies of the Yamakuni Sanctuary's history sparked in her imagination all manner of devious ideas one could employ with such a network. She was even somewhat surprised by the creativity of her own idle curiosity.

Standing before a pair of flaring braziers, Kana faced a stone wall engraved with a yet another demonic face, this one's frowning maw drawn tightly closed. But intrigued and distracted by Kaoru's words, Kana tilted her head inquisitively upwards towards the woman, her hair parting away slightly to reveal her ear.

"Many residents of the Land of Whirlpools, and in particular the Uzumaki clan, have long been known as guardians of the spiritual." Kaoru intoned, her voice somewhat muddled from behind the swirling cloth veil she had long since re-donned,

"Resolute sealers and keepers of dangerous phenomena for generations: that is a common perception of our clan. But where others saw danger to be feared, the Uzumaki saw power to be controlled. If one remains prudent and humble, the power of spirits and beasts can be channeled or harnessed, as the mask you wear was designed to do. The demonic mask of Uzushio, paired with the wall in front of you, are products the embody generations of effort."

Kana nodded slightly as she refocused her chakra into the mask, always pleased to hear more about the history and powers hidden away here. This place itself was surely treasured with utmost secrecy, as a maze of deep passageways from the inner Yamakuni sanctum led to this small and unassuming chamber.

"Remember, the central panel of the wall is the door and the sigil engraved in your mask is the key. Both are components of a seal and as such, are both complex puzzles. When these puzzles are combined into the correct formation, attuned to match your chakra, then it will be possible to pry open a gap in the door... through which communication is possible."

As Kana listened, her chakra swirled and probed around inside of the Uzushio symbol on her mask's forehead, which glowed with a soft amethyst luminescence as she did so. It really was like a puzzle, with intricate grooves and fūinjutsu letterings inlaid on a tiny scale. Kana couldn't think of it as anything other than a masterpiece of craftsmanship, its mysteries constantly piquing her curiosity.

Visibly concentrating, a bit of sweat ran down the side of Kana's face against the heat of the braziers burning nearby. Her chakra control was precise as always, but precision hardly mattered unless she could find a proper path through the maze that was the mask's formula.

Noticing Kana's struggle from the side, Kaoru chuckled somewhat gently and reached into a pocket. Soon enough the wry-sounding administrator came up with another folded handkerchief from the seemingly endless supply she always had somewhere on her person. A handkerchief which was immediately offered with an outstretched hand,

"It looks like you'll be hard at work for a while. Please accept this, I would be happy if... if it was useful to you."

Kana sighed at the soft-spoken, almost sentimental words and took her mask off to relax her mind, holding a hand up in one of those gestures she learned that apparently meant 'wait a moment'. If she kept going with training this way, Kana felt a headache would be the only result.

After an acknowledging nod from Kaoru, Kana reached up to undo the two functional clasps on her heavy overcloak. She rolled her shoulders around, the usual Yuka uniform clothes she wore fluttering and loosening up with her movement. It wasn't that the Yamakuni here hadn't provided her with any other clothes, just that they were all ornate robes, which were an annoying hassle to put on and move around comfortably in.

That was her conclusion after briefly trying them out over last few days. Those multi-layered priestly garbs did look quite beautiful, but today comfort and ease of movement was more important than appearance.

The only things new from Yamakuni she traded out to wear today were a pair of flexible open-toed boot-sandals with warm and reinforced cloth reaching up to her shins. Though her Yuka clothes were quite travel-worn by now, they were still ideal for training or environments where she might get dirty. Well, aside from the somewhat damaged and ill-fitting boots she'd looted long ago. It was a simple decision to make.

That decision proved to be correct now as she stretched for a few minutes and loosened her limbs after the couple hours she spent standing before the braziers. Only after working up a bit more of a sweat did she accept Kaoru's proffered handkerchief.

As she did so, Kana was briefly distracted by thoughts of her body's unusual durability and how that related to exercise. So much felt so natural to her now that it was often hard to concentrate on the finer details. But it was a matter for another time.

Unfurling the handkerchief, Kana paused in shocked hesitation as she caught sight of the intricately embroidered design woven into the smooth white fabric.

It was a silhouetted relief of the entire Yamakuni Sanctuary, outlined in a blend of muted purples and reds. At the center of the black silhouette, the elegant swirling symbol of Uzushio and the Uzumaki clan were proudly displayed in the same blend of colors. Finally, the cloth's edges were all trimmed in a deep amethyst, almost dark enough to be called more grey than purple.

It was a marvelous gift, the color scheme matching many traits of Kana's own appearance, almost as if it was crafted specifically for her. Kana could not help but examine it closely, distracted by its fine, detailed handiwork. But before she could marvel too long, Kaoru spoke up once again, her voice almost hurried.

"Few- Few have ever truly mastered the demonic mask, especially molding their own chakra to match it, so don't feel too bad if it takes you a while. But from what I've seen, you have great potential to succeed with it. Far more than I, anyway."

Somewhat curious, Kana prompted, "Is that.. really true? Even though you are the Administrator here?"

The older woman leaned against the open stone doorway to the chamber, lifting a hand to indicate the swirling pattern on her veil,

"Indeed. That is why Administrators like me are granted these special veils. With this we can easily access and receive messages sent in this manner, but not send them, as sending them is the most difficult part. The part that requires mastery. But such a one-way function as this veil's, I fear, would not help your inquest even slightly." Kaoru shrugged ruefully, but then a thought seemed to occur to her.

It was a thought she seemed to struggle with voicing, though in the end she did so with a begrudging tone,

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"However, know that if and when you master your demonic mask, you will be able to send messages here from any relic panel like the one in this chamber, no matter where it is on the continent. If your search soon takes you away from here... Fuzō would be glad to hear from you while she is still recovering."

That was... an interesting thought. Kana couldn't see Kaoru's expression, but it sounded like it would be a complicated one. Unless that was just part of her imagination.

Kana's slim dark-red eyebrows drew down a hairsbreadth over her ever-neutral face as she pondered. She realized she might very well have to leave soon if leads on the information she sought pointed elsewhere. Some of which for sure did, like Lady Mito in Konoha and the kekkei genkai of Uzushio's clans. And keeping correspondence... would certainly ease her anxieties about leaving.

Kana's inner call and craving to rediscover her origins was undoubtedly stronger and more important to her than the strange relationship she fostered with Fuzō, but that didn't mean Kana felt nothing of separating.

Kaoru cleared her throat awkwardly in the silence, which Kana realized had dragged on as her thoughts wandered.

"A-and of course, you are always welcome to return here at any time. I- I know you and my daughter have been through a lot together, so I... I wanted to be sure that you both wouldn't suffer for being kept apart. Your demonic mask, even should all else fail, could at least be used for this purpose. And in the meantime... the handkerchief could serve as- ahem" the veiled woman coughed with a fist before her mouth and cut her words off there, somehow unwilling to continue?

Kana was left at a bit of a loss.
The woman before her, usually of stern countenance, was acting strange to the point that even Kana could feel her awkwardness. Was it... to do with their positions, or the age difference? D-Did that even matter? Fuzō sometimes made it seem so.

Despite it all, Kana believed in Kaoru's well-meaning now. It was true that her thoughtfulness and preparations could ease both Kana and Fuzō's burdens in the future. And on top of that, the handkerchief was a truly gorgeous gift, clearly meant for Kana personally.

And that was...

A faint and perplexing twinge arose within her chest.
Holding a hand over the area, her heart more specifically, Kana realized she was genuinely moved by Kaoru's consideration. Lowering her head, Kana basked in the sensation, recognizing the feeling that lingered. She still wasn't used to feelings like this, and it often took her by surprise.

Peeking her head up to look at the veiled woman, Kana's long hair flowed across her face back to rest over her shoulders, her slightly widened eyes gleaming and her lips somewhat pursed. It was still somewhat difficult to express her feelings with words.

"Kaoru-san... thank you for thinking of me... of Fuzō-san and I like this." Kana managed to say with a small voice. It just felt wrong, inadequate, and a little embarrassing. She lowered her head again almost instantly, hiding her face.

"Kh-" was Kaoru's only response as the woman seemed to receive a shock. Though Kana couldn't see her face, Kaoru averted her veiled gaze, her shoulders clearly trembling as she clutched at her chest.

Another baffling turn of events.

A difference in perspectives, perhaps? Others seemed to place a lot of value in words, but Kana as she was just couldn't feel the same. On the contrary, consistently helpful actions were far more meaningful. Actions like Kaoru and Fuzō had shown her.

But Kana forced herself to halt her train of thought, vaguely feeling she had seen someone behave this way before. Was it... Michiko, way back then? But Michiko had also helped her in the short time they spent together... a curious parallel.

Shaking her head once more to clear the thoughts, Kana tilted her head and hesitantly leaned forward to reach out a hand,

"Kaoru-san? Are you... alright?" In the past, she probably would not have felt comfortable saying even that much, but Kana was trying her best here. True sincerity ought to be reciprocated, that too was gradually becoming a fundamental understanding.

"Gh- yes. Yes." Her wavering voice responded, her body turning away fully to brace herself against the doorway, "W-Why don;t you try practicing with the mask some more? I'll... be fine in a moment."

"Ah, ...okay?" Kana hedged skeptically, placing the mask back on her face as she walked back bemusedly towards the braziers.


A short time later Kaoru collected herself and quickly departed, citing matters that require her and Hisao's attention in the barrier sanctum. Whatever that turned out to be, she would return soon with the news and perhaps even some refreshments. Even though she wasn't hungry in the slightest, Kana perked up a bit at the thought of those delightful pastries.

So it was that Kana stood alone in the quiet chamber to train with her mask, flickering flames sounding muted against the heavy stone walls.

Now that nobody lingered around, Kana figured she could try some more... aggressive approaches to access the demonic mask's abilities.



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