Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 56: 54: Quadruple Intersection (2)

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"Unknown group? So, not more of these bastards?" Tajima asked, kicking one of the black-robed corpses before him.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at the two of them, also wanting this clarified, "Yugakure shinobi, perhaps? We are on foreign soil. But you're sure it's not the same people who attacked Dan?"

Her voice was authoritative, entering back into the mindset of a commander.

"Nah, way different. Kiimaru and I think those guys smell disgusting. Didn't seem like Yugakure people either, scent's too... clean. This new group- ...wait a minute." Yashushi raised his nose and sniffed the air, turning towards Kana, "Kinda smell like her a bit. That and steam or soap or something?"

The Konoha shinobi all glanced back to Kana, who at first seemed unbothered, only to then shift her gaze and ponder something silently.

Dan chimed in thoughtfully, "Ahh, I seem to recall passing some structures or buildings around this area, perhaps it's locals coming to check out the commotion? Kana-san, do you... know anything about that?"

To the side, those words seemed to mean something to the girl, who tilted her head and popped open the front clasps of her overcloak, shedding it off her shoulders to reveal her torso. Underneath she wore slightly rumpled robes, still largely elegant and pristine despite the night's events.

They seemed rather dignified for everyday wear, like something monks or lords would use. Tsunade's eyes narrowed.

What stuck out to most to Tsunade though, was the Uzushio whirlpool emblem on the girl's cloth waistbelt. The same emblem adorning all of her comrades' armor.

"If they wear this symbol... or robes like mine, they could be... my allies?" Kana whispered diffidently, uncertainly, "I doubt... they would be looking to fight."

Tsunade took a moment to process all this before relaying her decision. Such was her experience with command,

"Alright, we'll adopt a defensive response. Allow their approach and prepare to evacuate at any sign of hostility. Escorting Dan to safety is the top priority - followed by a safe return to Konoha.
Funai, you handle diversions for Formation D.
Tajima, the usual. Yashushi, patrol an exit path ahead of us - back towards the southwest.
I'll stick with Dan and Kana here... I'm confident we can all handle this much. Now Scatter!"

The Konoha shinobi all nodded their affirmatives and flickered away to handle their respective duties.

Satisfied, Tsunade returned her attention to the girl before her. They only stared at each other for a moment, each filled with questions of their own - brown eyes looking into violet ones.

"Then Kana, seeing as you and your allies wear Uzushio's crest... I dare not speak carelessly here. Perhaps we should wait and see what happens when they arrive before we begin."

 Tsunade murmured wryly as she, Kana, and Dan all focused on the same direction. Though with different senses, they'd all detected the nearing approach of another group.

Leaning her head towards Dan, Tsunade's gaze relaxed and she groaned out a complaint,

"Dan, I... this might get a bit political, so it's like that, you know? My extended family... Grandmother entrusted me with some delicate matters. It seems I've found myself embroiled in them once more."

An arm over his wound where he reclined on the ground, Dan nodded affectionately, "I understand completely." he chuckled, "You always did hate minding delicate things. Don't worry, I will always hold family matters in confidence. I must, if I ever hope to be true as your chosen."

A slight blush colored Tsunade cheeks as she smiled, touched by his words.

How glad she was to hear his gentle laugh, see his charming smile.Dan's grin, for those who've never seen it: It never failed to calm her down.

And he was right - when in a maze of words and intrigue, Tsunade would much rather punch through the walls with overwhelming force than navigate subtleties and delicacy. But her Uzumaki relatives... for as much as they shared the Senju's vigor, they often loved to indulge in their secrecy. It was in their blood after untold generations, and Tsunade knew it was in her own blood, too.

In truth, Grandmother Mito... had a lot to tell Tsunade over the years.

After any talk with Grandmother Mito... Tsunade often didn't grasp the meaning behind the shrewd old matriarch's words until weeks after they spoke, sometimes longer. And Tsunade had a rising suspicion that now was exactly one of those times. Often the old lady's motives had appeared completely unreadable, and it made a young Tsunade frustrated.

Still, as Tsunade grew older and wiser, she knew her grandmother cared for her family deeply - both branches of it. The Uzumaki were a close-knit bunch, and Tsunade felt her own passionate disposition came more from that side of the family. Whatever Lady Mito might have orchestrated was doubtless also in Konoha's greater interest.

The Vulpine Lady of the Uzumaki, The First Jinchūriki, The God's Wife... even Tsunade could only shake her head at the magnitude of her grandmother's life. Such a woman had stood alongside the greatest minds and talents of Konoha's founding generation, and outlived them all. Her reputation was more subtle than most, but it was ironclad in merit.

She had endured since the beginning of it all - endured more sacrifice and loss than any of the village leaders today, even a fool could see that. Her children, her husband, her grandson, her in-laws, her students, her protégé, her own remaining lifespan... Mito Uzumaki was a hero to Tsunade, one to be just as exalted as her esteemed Lord Grandfather, Konoha's First Hokage.

In her desperation to rescue her lover, Tsunade had rushed here heedless of other concerns.

But now that traces of both her grandfather's legacy and her grandmother's schemes appeared in this place, in the form of what appeared to be a young Uzumaki girl, Tsunade felt as if she had stumbled into something far larger than she ever could have imagined.

She needed to get a better picture of the parties involved with this... Kana here, starting with the approaching strangers. A mere child might be unaware of the nuances regarding her own fate. Especially where Uzumaki were concerned.

With that thought in mind, Tsunade eyed several figures emerging from the treeline as they stopped short at a respectable distance.


Kana's frantic thinking slowed as she caught sight of the approaching group. A relief washed some of her headache away

Familiar robes and veils showed that the party was indeed from Yamakuni, in particular some of the people Kana most wanted to see right now. This would hopefully simplify a multitude of considerations for Kana. Hopefully...

Kaoru headed the new arrivals, arrayed in her fully priestly regalia and swirling-whirlpool veil. Her similarly-garbed husband Hisao stood some paces behind, leaning heavily on the shoulders of Nishi - one of the medics from before. Both men seemed out of breath, Nishi in particular looked to have taken a beating.

Amano and an escort of several other Yamakuni servants guarded their rear, equipped with long-bladed spears that glowed faintly with chakra. A few dragged behind them what looked to be some of the deceased cultists.

Tension once more easing out of her shoulders, Kana glanced towards the silhouette of the Yamakuni Sanctuary where it was framed by dawn on the horizon. After putting together various clues from situation, Kana concluded that the sanctuary's barrier must have been infiltrated or something, forcing its residents to respond.

As administrators, Kaoru or Hisao would want to handle such an event immediately, and it was obvious that an attack by monstrous things like the cultists qualified as an 'urgent situation'. That much Kana understood readily. What was more difficult to understand though, was why both Kaoru and Hisao had departed - why they had left the main sanctuary so deserted.

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However Kana didn't have any more time to think about it, as Kaoru glanced her way and visibly startled. Did she only just now notice her? Kana could only give a greeting nod and a hesitant wave of her hand before Tsunade strode in front of her.

It would be much better if Kaoru took over the talking for now, Kana felt that truth right down to her very core. Of course it was disheartening, but Kana knew it best herself that her own ineptitude with words would probably get them all into trouble.

Peeking out from behind Tsunade's back, Kana looked at the arriving Yamakuni members once more. Though her face was veiled, Kaoru still looked as if she wanted to immediately call out to Kana.

But the woman called Tsunade spoke first,

"Strangers - state your identities," she commanded, pointing to Dan, "A shinobi of Konoha was assaulted here, so we will not tolerate any moves deemed hostile!"

It was a powerful voice, gruff and naturally authoritative. Kana wished she could speak like that. It seemed like it would avoid a lot of hassle.

But when Kana returned her focus to Kaoru and the Yamakuni, the Master and Mistress of the Sanctuary had both lowered their heads in greeting,

"Apologies for the unfortunate circumstances." they both offered, "We are honored to greet our Lady of Konoha's Sannin."

Nishi, Amano, and the rest of the servants lowered their heads soon after, much to Kana's confusion.

While this happened, Kaoru glanced to her side as Hisao fell back into wheezy gasping, taking over the conversation for the both of them,

"We lead a nearby medical sanctuary, and we too suffered assault by unknown assailants. I pray you give your understanding for our disheveled appearance and lacking reception." her voice was much calmer and more refined than Kana expected.

"No need for such formalities. I am more warrior than Lady as of late." Tsunade returned plainly, "If you know my reputation, then you should know not to keep me waiting. Why have you approached us at a time like this?"

Kana paled a bit at the exchange, the woman with creamy yellow hair riling up her dangerous aura again. Her shoulder twitched a bit remembering the blow she took not long ago. For now though, her presence seemed to mercifully fade into the background as Tsunade and Kaoru confronted each other.

Kaoru however, seemed able enough to respond,

"Indeed, news of Hanzō-dono's proclamation reached our ears not long ago. However we have long followed the Senju Princess's advancements in medical science, Tsunade-sama. We are associates of your esteemed grandmother. Knowing this, even though we did not expect to encounter you here, how could we ignore our benefactor's kin in such a situation?"

Saying this, Kaoru subtly tilted her head towards Kana again, a discreetly inquisitive gesture. Kana could only meet the pressure of her concealed gaze with a shrug and a slightly baffled shake of her head. She didn't even know where to begin with this situation.
So... tiring.

Who was Tsunade's grandmother? It had been mentioned frequently. The Yamakuni served her, too, their associate? Did that mean the Konoha shinobi knew of the sanctuary or its secrets? Was it okay to even talk about that?

Her thoughts were only further confused by the Sannin's next words,

"Grandmother... it's true, then? She was really up to something all the way out here?" The Sannin rubbed her forehead, one of her eyebrows twitching as her eyes also darted over to Kana. The aura she had riled up settled slightly and Kana noticed that the formidable woman's guard relaxed.

Did all of these people know each other? How? Maybe it would be okay to interrupt soon and ask?

"Wait, wait... was this what she meant back then? Something about hotspring baths in the north being healing? Grandmother, please, just say what you mean! Why must you always do this to me!?" The woman's fierce presence suddenly warped into one bemoaning some sort of inner thought, her expression completely exasperated.

To her side, Kana saw a similarly silent Dan take on a sympathetic look as he suddenly stuttered, "Mito-sama always had a- a habit of tormenting Tsunade's wits... always layering her words."

Wait, that name... Mito-?!

It couldn't be, could it!? Kana could barely think of anything else at this point.

"I can pretty much tell already, but at the very least you... must be of Grandmother's clan - Uzumaki Kaoru and Uzumaki Hisao, then? What... branch?" Tsunade continued.

Kana rapidly turned her head and refocused on Kaoru, a plea in her eyes.

"Uzukuni branch family, Tsunade-sama." the Yamakuni administrator affirmed before nodding slightly to Kana.

That pretty much confirmed it.

Eyes wide, Kana stared at the blonde Konoha shinobi. She was... the granddaughter of the one woman who was certainly connected to Kana - The Vulpine Lady, Uzumaki Mito. The greatest lead into the mystery of her own past.

The girl had thought this a while now, but it was true that Tsunade gave off a similar feeling as Fuzō and the Uzumaki. No wonder...

Kana could only stand there, stunned at the suddenness of it all, mind racing. With a blank look on her face, Kana stared up into the sky, absorbing herself instead in the sensation of wind fluttering her long hair around. The secrets of her past... maybe she was closer to them than it seemed. So much to consider, she needed time to organize her thoughts.

In the background, she vaguely heard Tsunade and Dan relaying their side of events, right up into the parts where Kana intervened to aid Dan.

Perhaps soon, Kana would have to explain her own presence here, as the gazes of many adults gradually shifted to her. That would likely entail an abundance of separate problems on it's own... but once again Kana couldn't even bring herself to care.

She had new priorities to worry about, now.



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