Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 61: 59: Closer and Farther

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Hugs were good, Kana decided.

From the first hug she received from Michiko all the way until now, Kana's analysis produced its first conclusion. A lot of data had been compiled to reach this result, particularly over the last few days.

Although, it was more of a feeling than a fact - one difficult to pinpoint at that. She was just sure that hugs were... good.

Kana could hardly say she was proficient in this newly distinguished art yet, having experienced so few hugs in her life. Normally she picked up skills much faster than this. Her usual intuition and fortitude was of frustratingly little help to her in this regard.

Still, this matter appeared to bear significant weight when interacting with her new... clansmen, so it had to be investigated. She had yet to understand the intricacies and significance of hugs, so further research and training was absolutely required.

Based on her observations, high-ranking shinobi like Tsunade and Dan must regard it as a core ability, as each of them frequently displayed their hugging skills with high proficiency. To the point where Kana started to feel a new and concerning sense of inferiority, like witnessing a gap she could not overcome.

So, somewhat disturbed by her previous lack of insight into the value of hugs, Kana made sure to request assistance on the subject from as many people around as she was comfortable with.

It was all further spurred on by news that Kana, Dan, and Tsunade would soon journey back to Konoha together.

The adults seemed to think the situation required them to move faster than planned, though Kana had been unable to identify their reasons. They all seemed more tense and busy too, almost always up to something Kana wasn't privy to.

Nevertheless, after that announcement, everyone seemed to give a lot more attention to hugs, or to spending time with Kana. Which in turn sparked Kana's inspiration to learn. An intuition - or perhaps an even more innate instinct - accompanied this inspiration. Like a strange warmth rising from the pit of her stomach up to the sides of her head, she grew eager to master this previously underestimated skill.

Presented with the sudden opportunity and motivation to train her hugging prowess, Kana set about devising tactics and strategies, employing them for her research.

The little "Heh?!" Kaoru exclaimed when Kana hugged her. Was hugging a valid surprise attack?

One hug with Tsunade made Kana feel weirdly lightheaded. Another time made Kana feel a satisfied drowsiness. Could hugging be a form of genjutsu, to distract your opponent this way? Maybe even medical ninjutsu? That would explain why Tsunade hugged Dan so often... he was still recuperating.

A third time, the Sannin squeezed Kana tight in her arms, which caused the girl's joints to pop a bit and squished her muscles.
Hugging... held potential as a disabling maneuver? A way to trap your opponent's mobility?

Hugs were a versatile skill indeed. As expected of Jōnin!

To test one of her theories, Kana visited Fuzō for hugs as well. If it really was as helpful as she suspected, then Fuzō was the person she knew most in need of hugs. Yet, while Fuzō accepted a hug every time Kana requested, it didn't seem to produce the sort of effect Kana was hoping for.

Instead the woman almost always fell asleep in Kana's arms after a short period, sometimes with tears leaking from her eyes. She did seem to smile a bit more often now though.

As expected, a renowned medical expert like Tsunade must have more to her technique, for it to be so much more effective on Dan. Kana vowed silently to learn as best she could.

Paradoxically though, all the hugs made Kana herself feel a bit better. She wondered why exactly that was. The idea of leaving soon... being a distance apart from Fuzō.... that might have something to do with it. Yet, it was somewhat eased by Tsunade's company, and further so by the prospect of answers about her heritage. An idea was almost within her grasp about all of this - another breakthrough just around the corner - but it still escaped her understanding.

And so that was the mentality she was left mulling over, when the time came to leave the Yamakuni Sanctuary.

The evening before their departure was spent clearing up and settling everyone's final concerns - at least as well as they could be without Lady Mito's input. Upon nightfall, Kana wandered the dark halls alone one last time, etching the events of the last few days into her memory.

The breezy courtyards, the soft-scented wood of the doors and furniture, the magnificent baths - Kana gave them all one final tour. Running her hands along the plush blankets and upholstery. Standing out on a porch overlooking the hills below and their vacant streets. Wandering the patches of pink and white blossoms on the unique winter trees. In the silence of night, she could have them all to herself, alone with her thoughts of the future.

Her final destination before returning to her room was one last soak in the glorious heat of the hotsprings.

With an early start in the morning, most everyone Kana knew gathered at the edges of the sanctuary's barrier. Even Fuzō joined them, seated in her wheelchair and escorted by a grateful-looking Kaoru. Dan had departed outside of the barrier ahead of Kana and Tsunade, saying he was to make a few preparations before returning.

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What exactly that entailed was anyone's guess, but Tsunade told him to take care.

In the meantime, Kaoru gave Kana numerous reminders.
Make sure to tell Lady Mito what happened to her and the demonic mask. Remember that she's welcome back at the sanctuary should she ever wish to return. Don't be afraid to send messages, be sure to keep correspondence - Lady Mito would know how. Don't mention anything Lady Mito tells you to keep secret. Try not to get mixed up in troublesome affairs.
...All things like that.

At the same time, Tsunade seemed to have a few matters to discuss with Fuzō. What those might be, Kana was unaware, but she ventured to guess it was related to medical concerns.

Kana was sure her gaze had glazed over after a while, but she still listened sincerely.

However, 'Watch out for strange or suspicious people?'
Kana pondered with deep uncertainty whether she was qualified yet to distinguish what was 'strange' and what was 'normal'. It was a oddly insightful line of questioning. With the frame of reference Kana had, weren't her newfound relatives the strangest people she'd met?

But by the end of it all, everyone's serious and hurried atmosphere had adopted a vaguely optimistic attitude to it. Tsunade and Kaoru exchanged nods and glances, and soon Dan returned to meet up with them at the edges of the sanctuary.

Another round of hugs marked the last step in Kana's departure, well-wishes and cautions having been conveyed several times over. An unexpected boon from this was learning a few new gestures to use... for salutations and farewells? Placing the lips to one's forehead during a hug was a level beyond Kana's previous experience. Some of the context would still need to be investigated further. Perhaps with...

But no, it would have to be considered another time, for Tsunade directed both Dan and Kana's attentions to the path ahead,

"I want to try and make it back to Konoha by nightfall two days from now," the Sannin declared as the three launched themselves up into the treetops, "Kana-chan, let me know anytime if you need to rest. I want to try and keep up the pace, but no matter what, I won't let you fall behind."

Dan raised his eyebrows at this, and Kana noticed, but she considered the situation carefully.

At their current pace, Kana doubted she would tire or fall behind... and the two Jōnin made it clear that they knew of Kana's increased stamina. It shouldn't problem to match their pace, or even accelerate so long as there were plenty of trees to leap between. Kana believed she had traveled faster in the past, when first crossing the border into the Land of Fire. So... this much should be fine.

"Hai... if we move at this pace, I think I can keep up the whole way." Kana breathed out musingly, half distracted by thoughts of how fast she truly could go.

And in that distraction, Kana missed Dan's eyes widen as he shared a glance with Tsunade. The Sannin, in turn, promptly clarified in a careful and measured tone,

"Day and night as well? We hope to move nonstop if possible."

A demure nod from Kana was the only response given, but she was paying enough attention now to notice how Dan and Tsunade shared a knowing look.

But Tsunade abruptly let out a bemused sort of chuckle, shooting wry grin aside to Kana,

"Then we might just cover the distance in a day and a half. And here I thought I would have to carry you while you slept for the last leg of the journey, Hah!"

Dan merely closed his eyes and shook his head before directing his gaze forward. He seemed to be thinking quite deeply. But Kana no longer had attention to spare for him.

As, for some reason, hearing Tsunade's words left Kana feeling conflicted. A lingering disappointment nagged at the back of her mind as she envisioned such a situation. Being carried... by Tsunade?

Perhaps... she should learn to feign fatigue?



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