Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 66: 62: Inquiry Initiated

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A serene silence fell about the halls and passages of the Senju estate. The kind of silence which made people instinctively speak in hushed tones and whispers. The kind which made one feel alert.... yet somehow simultaneously at ease. At least, that's how it seemed to Kana.

It only took Kana a few moments after entry to understand why her senses felt so primed, yet also so unburdened within this place.  Even still, the change was profound to the point of disorientation.

It was as if the entire complex held a naturally atmospheric quiet to it. The whole construction held firm and steady, not creaking or shifting in the slightest. Especially the raised wooden floor, which felt extraordinarily firm under her feet. Quiet to the point where footsteps from even slipper-clad feet could be heard from far away, sounding thunderous due to the lack of louder ambient sound.

After a while, Kana had adapted by gradually silencing her footsteps, taking time to make every one of her motions more controlled and deliberate. It was almost a given, but the ANBU's motions were even more precise and soundless, so together they were like a pair of ghosts wandering the halls in silence.

That line of thought seemed strangely fitting to Kana.
A subtle yet distinct feeling of emptiness lingered about these halls, the natural atmosphere holding with it a visceral sense of melancholy. Like something was missing. A sense of lacking or loss, somehow saddening. Almost without realizing it, Kana's own heart weighed heavier in response, and unpleasant feelings welled around in the back of her mind.

All told, Kana found herself again with a mysterious mixture of nervous energy and calm control, her emotions and worries warring with her patience.

This silence and the lack of external stimulation had a way of bringing greater attention to Kana's innermost thoughts, in a way that was not exactly helping steady her nerves. The looming prospect of real answers, of meeting people deeply involved in her past, was simply too tantalizing. Like the cravings of a starved animal forced to wait just a bit longer, Kana's desire for knowledge and understanding practically ate at her thoughts.

Fortunately, her acute senses gave her something else to concentrate on other than her metaphorical hunger.

Wind ruffling curtains, the sound of a door sliding gently against its wooden frame, even one's very own breath in the air - all disruptions within a large vicinity were immediately detectable. Such negligible noises arguably stood out more against this a backdrop of serenity.

This place held a kind of silence that made even voices feel like an intrusion. If Kana listened very closely and concentrated, she could even hear the muted heartbeat of Geki from where the ANBU stood a few paces away. Counting these measured heartbeats for a time was honestly enough to distract Kana until they both arrived at the sitting room where she was to wait.

Suffice it to say, both Kana and Geki read the atmosphere and maintained a respectfully subdued silence between them. In unspoken agreement, neither party attempted idle socializing, and no awkwardness lay in the mood between them. It was just... ordinary? Perhaps it was just Kana's own lack of experience showing through again, or maybe further testament to the skill of Konoha's ANBU at acting?

Thoughts like that were rather easier for Kana to accept than expected, especially given the multi-tiered platter of pastries and warm tea with which she had been presented after arriving. Now that was a suitable new target to focus her wandering attentions on.

Though still ever without any real physical hunger, Kana felt an alluring appetite for the spread of samples before her. Perhaps because of her inability to express her more metaphorical desires, the idea of sweetness and refreshment seemed all the more attractive. Ravenously so.

As such, the aforementioned dignified atmosphere of serenity was just about all that stopped Kana from partaking of her meal more voraciously. Even the sound of aggressive chewing felt like some kind of sin in this place. So the girl restrained herself, maintaining an orderly and rigid posture where she sat on an upholstered bench. It... wasn't without effort though.

Spoiled for choice and savoring the rich new flavors available to her, Kana cast her gaze over the steadily dwindling spread of refreshments.

It was almost a shame to be finished so soon. Well, strike that, it was definitely a shame.

Without a persistent sense of hunger, neither did Kana feel particularly sated.
There was mostly only a sense of enjoyment and pleasure from the taste, texture, and novelty of such delightful food. So it happened that this act of eating, like the endless indulgence of a whim, could continue indefinitely... never slowing in pace until it was the plethora of sweets reaching its end rather than the limits of Kana's stomach.

Quite the contrary rather, for Kana hardly felt full or burdened at all, her stomach seemingly ready to handle plenty more.

Kana was idly distracted by the implications of this as she ate, and as to whether she ought to be concerned about it. Rather than scary or alarming, this particular change in her relationship with food just felt... different. Probably a different she could get used to, which was of some small consolation. Such a thing had been useful in the past, after all, in times of lack.

By this point though, Kana could feel the skin on her back tingle with the sense that she was being watched.

A brief moment of pride flashed through her heart thinking of the efforts she'd made to hone such a sense, but glancing up revealed how the accompanying ANBU's gaze was practically boring into Kana with intensity and... disbelief? Was she interpreting this feeling correctly? Was... was there a problem?

"W-was I not supposed to...?" Kana whispered bemusedly, glancing between Geki and the platter, "The servant said-"

"-said to have 'as much as you'd like', yes." Geki breathed back, shaking her masked head, "I just... should have known better, with this family. Don't mind it."

That latter part aside, Kana still appreciated the confirmation. The only other person they'd encountered within this place was an aged servant woman who, upon receiving the whispered request for refreshments from Geki, put on a large smile and told Kana to enjoy as much as she wanted.

But Kana was still not used to open-ended terms like 'as much as you would like~', as she herself did not know how to respond. How much did she want? Was that really what the servant meant, or was there some kind of unspoken nuance here?

It was a choice presented from abundance where she had only known lack. So far, Kana was pleased enough to receive and enjoy more.

That feeling itself, the relief brought by being able to receive without concern, was almost powerful enough to be more fulfilling than the actual meal. Just to know she could... was somehow invigorating. After all, Kana knew most things of value came at a cost. Heavens knew, the very freedom that Kana valued most had come at its own terrible price.

But more in the present, Geki's whispers continued, punctuated by a drawn-out sigh that reminded Kana of the ANBU woman's previously lax facade. Or maybe it was instead the persona of a diligent and skilled ANBU that was the facade? Konoha shinobi so far had always kept Kana guessing, and by this point it truly was anyone's guess.

Matters always felt refreshingly simpler when there weren't so many people involved, especially new people.

Kana shook her head ruefully, returning her attention to the few remaining pastries on the platter.  Even now, Kana'd gotten her thoughts so wrapped up about it all that she was barely tasting the rich flavors anymore, and that was just wasteful. Sweets ought to be afforded the proper amount of enjoyment and attention.

At this rate, she'd be better off saving the rest for later. And if it truly was all for Kana, as much as she'd like... there should be no issue with...

Rubbing her chin and nodding to herself, Kana extracted her trusty storage scroll, long-since hidden away within the light Yamakuni robes she'd worn under her travel attire.

Within moments she had deftly unfurled the simple seal formula and began channeling chakra from her hands. Most of the platter was already empty, so she set about targeting just the scattered few remaining pastries she wished to save. That required a bit of delicate concentration, but in the end it was hardly a considerable effort. Best to just expend the effort ahead of time to do it this way all at once. What would she want with an empty platter and crumbs anyway? Well, wait, there were some possibilities...

Such was Kana's single-minded attention to her newfound task that she barely registered Geki flinch and startle off to the side.

With a few tiny puffs of smoke, the remaining pastries disappeared from the platter while Kana quickly re-furled and stashed her scroll with a contented feeling.

Now she had something else to look forward to tonight, when there was likely to be far fewer troublesome distractions taking away from the otherwise wonderful experience of sweets. Not wishing to dwell on any such troublesome distractions, Kana instead sought something else to occupy her mind. Something easier on her nerves.

However, it was at this moment that Geki seemed to have something to say, as the ANBU had braced herself and stretched out a hand towards Kana. A hand which now froze in place, fingers twitching.

"You-? Did you just...?!" The woman's hushed voice seemed genuinely surprised and wary.

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Kana's brows furrowed slightly, not seeing the issue. Was something amiss with saving the pastries after all? Ah, wait... could it be!?

"Ah, d- did you want a pastry?" she whispered, reaching back inside her robes for the scroll," I- I didn't think... with your mask and everything?"

"Huh?" Geki's outstretched arm slowly drooped down to her side and dangled there, the woman now seeming even more confused. Which made Kana equally confused. Soon enough though, the ANBU tensed up and brought a palm to the side of her masked face.

"Seriously, all this... just me... I can't even..." the ANBU muttered under her breath, shaking her head. Kana heard it though...

"I- No, nevermind. Think nothing of it." Geki whispered, clicking her tongue and looking towards the nearest window, "However, my presence is just now needed back at the front gate, so I must depart immediately. Please continue waiting as you were. I'm sure it won't be much longer."

Barely after receiving a nod from Kana, the ANBU's figure silently flickered away, leaving Kana abruptly alone.

Kana blinked, trying to process what had just happened, largely to no avail. Did the woman really want a pastry after all, or not? Was she... upset about it or something? Is that really why she left?
Konoha shinobi... really keep one guessing, don't they?

Kana could only shake her head. How did everybody else handle this?

The thought belatedly occurred to Kana that, if it was Fuzō or Tsunade she was with, she would have gladly offered to share from the start, not wanting either woman to be upset. Strange how that was... how the difference in feeling could change her actions towards other people.

A small pang twisted in Kana's heart at that. Was this, wasn't this why... why people like Michiko had been so considerate of her before? A difference in feelings...? There was something more to this, and Kana felt close to grasping it, as she had a few times before.

Looking around the room once more proved good enough to hold Kana's attention as she continued to wait. She swung her legs gently back and forth, as the bench upon which she sat was just a bit too high for her feet to touch the floor. The room also slowly began to dye in a reddish hue, a few creative natural lighting apertures and arrangements casting the colors of sunset onto pretty much every surface in view.

But in the next moment, something like a muted exclamation in the distance prickled Kana's ears. In the otherwise serene silence, this captured her full attention.



"I can't believe it! I wasn't aware of any of this... was it really that time already?! I-" Tsunade blustered, clenching her fist around the wooden bedpost enough to make it creak.

In Mito's private chambers, the Sannin looked over her grandmother's weakened form. A massive swath of bandages covered the older woman's entire torso, intricate patterns of kanji and sealing formulas spread out across nearly every patch of cloth. Tsunade was no expert in fūinjutsu, but knew enough to see that it was a masterwork. Clearly this was her grandmother's personal handiwork, but still.

Mito's immaculately orderly hair, which had been a brilliant maroon even in her advanced age, now showed streaks of grey in it. That alone told a medical-nin like Tsunade just how much stress the former Uzumaki matriarch's body had endured.

"That time... 'already'... you know the war is a perfect excuse to start this now. Tsuna, you knew the council... would all but force my hand." Mito spoke from where she lay, her voice measured and unhurried, dotted with long and calm breaths. Her expression remained composed, gaze relaxed and attentive despite having to look up at Tsunade's face.

"Though Tsuna," she said sagely, "I'm sure I told you... well ahead of time that something like this would happen. After all, what use does the village at war have... for a noncombatant jinchūriki?"

Tsunade's expression cramped at that, for several reasons. The implications of Mito's words were not kind to the Sannin's former sensei, but that was beside the point for now. Unbelievably though, Tsunade actually did recall her grandmother mentioning several tangentially related matters along these lines, years ago. But damn if it wasn't vague! Seriously, dealing with anyone in the geezer-class generation was just impossible.

"Grandmother, please~. Your standards for 'telling me' something hardly count. I'm worried, you know! Especially after the matters we sent word about, Dan's circumstances - the girl I mentioned before, and everything about it!"

The Sannin also knew from experience that whenever her grandmother used that particular sagely and dignified tone, then that was Mito's way of smirking at her. Even in such a state, Mito was enjoying this with nigh-invisible smugness, not that The Vulpine Lady would ever be so uncouth as to make her mockery and teasing overt. No indeed, her scathing wit was reserved for a select few, though Konoha's councilors and Tsunade's own geezer-sensei were probably the primary recipients these days.

"Come now, Tsuna, it's crass to yell, especially at a bedridden elder. If you used that savvy head of yours for politics instead of jutsu, I'm sure you could piece it all together. I wouldn't have bothered telling you if I thought otherwise." Mito's eyes glimmered with affection, a true and pure affection that Tsunade recognized as her grandmother's sincere love for her family, "Though I hardly expected you to change, you are the Clan Head. It wouldn't hurt... to exercise decorum... even after I'm no longer able to lecture you."

With a facepalm, Tsunade exclaimed, all but whining, "Grandmother... decorum, now?! Is this really-  your personal guards were at the front of the estate! I thought for sure you were in dire straits. How... what am I even... did you order them to do that just to mess with me?!"

She hated how easily Mito got under her skin, but Tsunade secretly hoped that was all there was to it. Despite that hope, she knew in her heart that the redoubtable Uzumaki Mito's actions were never so singularly simplistic.

Even now, she did not know how to interpret her grandmother's teasing. Was it indication that Mito was in good spirits, or that her health situation wasn't so serious after all? Then again, someone as strange as Mito might be in good spirits because she was nearing death. If there was anything certain, it was that a shroud of mystery and pain concealed her grandmother's heart for many years now.

"My, my~, decorum in all things, dear Tsuna, as I have told you... countless times before. Decorum is how I preserve my dignity... even in this condition." Mito intoned, using a small open-palmed gesture to indicate her current bedbound state. "And in dignity, one projects authority. And in the presence of my authority, reduced though my actual power may be, I may still direct matters according to my will beyond the mere confines of a bed. I am sure you understand the merits of this, no?"

The elder paused a beat, smiling sweetly up at Tsunade, though her eyes did not share the same warmth. Instead there were deep and raw emotions in that gaze. Eyes filled with intensity and primal emotion even Tsunade had never seen from Mito before.

Rage. Regret. Agony. Grief. Love. Hope. Relief. Joy.
It was the most condensed expression of conflicting emotion Tsunade had ever seen, from anyone. The shock of it made her speechless, even as Mito threw Tsunade's own words back at her,

"Especially now, given... the matters you sent word about, Dan's circumstances~, that girl you mentioned before... and everything about it." the old woman's tone shifted tersely, even somewhat weakly.

The Sannin's brows shot up at how exhausted Mito sounded, despite the dignity and sarcasm filling the old matriarch's voice.

Raising a single index finger, Mito drew Tsunade's gaze behind to a shelf next to the chamber's entrance. On it sat a single azure crystalline ornament, which glowed with a modest purple light. Wait... that color?

"But we shouldn't discuss that just yet. It would be too rude, not proper decorum in the slightest. After all, how could we possibly speak behind someone's backAn English Idiom meaning to discuss someone who isn't present, usually in matters said absent person would care about hearing if spoken to them directly. when they've been listening in for quite a while now~?"

Stunned, Tsunade stood and strode to the door in seconds, sliding it open with a great thudding noise that echoed down the hallway.

Sure enough, the now-opened doorway revealed the slim, red-haired figure of Kana wincing with a slightly stunned expression.



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