Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 69: 65: Pressing On

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Sumika turned her head, eyeing the door which Tsunade had hurriedly exited not long ago. Something stuck in the girl's mind for a few moments — the intense expressions and choked words the Sannin had showed her. Overwhelmingly passionate feelings. Feelings Sumika did not understand. A lack of understanding which nagged at her.

"Why did you..." Sumika began, her tone mild and inquiring as she stood and turned back to face the bed, "tell Tsunade-san to give herself time? And what... what was she trying to tell me?"

Someway, somehow, Sumika's mind refused to ignore her curiosity. Despite all the other question she wanted to ask, she first asked about Tsunade.

From her position looking down at the bedridden elder, Sumika once again observed a sense of weariness and fragility about the woman's form, especially after reacting to the girl's words.

The formidable Lady Mito lay perfectly still, eyes mostly closed and with a serene natural expression, almost as if she were nearly asleep. She had also drawn the bedcover up to her shoulders, concealing the bandages and intricate formulae that Sumika knew practically encased the elder's torso. Aged but elegant hands rested neatly atop this bedcover, folded across each other over the woman's waist.

Although Mito was the very picture of the word 'bedridden', Sumika got the sense that...well, it wasn't that the elder couldn't move, but that she simply chose not too. Strange, that the woman's aura alone could convey as much when she was so clearly disabled.
Dignified. Restful. Absolutely contrary to how distraught she was upon first meeting. It unnerved Sumika in a way that evaded easy understanding. As did the surreptitious concealment of those shimmering and enigmatic jutsu formulae.

All the while, Lady Mito herself seemed to be deeply considering how to answer Sumika's question, before eventually replying,

"Tsuna... lost many people close to her. All of we in the Senju estate have. But most recently she lost her younger brother, Senju Nawaki. He passed at the age of twelve, a too-frequent happening in this time of war, I fear." The greying matriarch nodded pointedly at Sumika, who immediately understood the implications as the elder continued, 

"With his death, Tsuna became my last living descendant and heir to the Senju Clan. I have seen a lifetime of death, but it devastated her. Her fury and grief drove her to become the dedicated person she is now, and led her to others she cares for."

Mito then cracked her eyes open a fraction wider to send a long stare towards Sumika, "Perhaps just a bit, I think you remind her of what it means to have a younger sibling. And what it means for the young to suffer."

A silence hung between them while Sumika considered this seriously, but a faint smile formed on Mito's tired face as the elder added another thought,

"Hmmm. You are about the same age and height as he was..." she murmured pensively, once again closing her eyes as if asleep, "but also, Tsuna calls you 'Sumika-chan'... but you still call her 'Tsunade-san'. I think ...if you truly seek to know what Tsuna wished to tell you. Try calling her 'Tsunade-neesan' once."

The girl's thoughts briefly blanked at that.

"All I that will say is, I think you will find her reaction... illuminating." Lady Mito's followup wasn't much of a clarification, either.

It was a rather vague explanation, but Sumika told herself to keep those details in mind even if she didn't fully understand. It seemed more than a little improper to address someone as amazing as Tsunade so... informally? Disrespectfully? Sumika had a lot of respect for Tsunade's skill and strength. It just seemed... presumptive? No, well, that wasn't quite it either. But still, Mito insisted, so she kept it in the back of her mind.

The more she thought about it, the more her gaze drifted back towards the door through which Tsunade had left. But an azure glint soon stole both her gaze and her attention,

"What about that crystal... and that chakra from before? It made me feel... a lot of feelings I can hardly describe." Sumika asked, her eyes glazing somewhat vacantly as she recalled the traces of nostalgia and melancholy that accompanied the reclamation of her identity.

But she didn't get to ponder too far before Mito's voice sounded in a mournful tone,

"There are... a thousand things I wish to tell you, and to hear from you, Sumika..." Mito began again, face completely sincere and calm. Yet, she seemed to linger on the girl's name, eyes closed as if relishing the words, "Suffice it to say, that it is an old and sentimental project. But because I remembered it, it is once again very important to me. Someday soon, I'll... I must... be the one to..."

Sumika thought she detected a trace of wetness around those closed eyelids until the elder eventually continued, "But as dearly as I would like to tell you of-... or ...for us to reacquaint ourselves in earnest, we are dealing with something of a time constraint that must not be ignored."

It was true that Sumika bristled with a desire for her questions to be answered, but handling one matter at a time was a fair enough thing to ask. Patience had rewarded her in the past, so surely now was no different. Somehow, it was easier to remind herself of that now. There was a place of refuge she could seek solace of now.

An unspoken acknowledgement crossed between the two. They would speak of such matters again, but another time.

"Alright then, what is this.... time constraint?" Sumika offered dispassionately, her enthusiasm diminished. Though some nervous tension returned to her shoulders at the thought of a deadline.

"Evening as it is, we only have until Nishioka's guard rotation changes for the night to make some decisions. There needs to be a plan in place for the next few days, at least, before anything else..." Lady Mito pressed on, despite her faintly troubled tone.

"That is where I am afraid I need to be the bearer of some bad news." Mito let out a heavy breath, not so much as to be a sigh, but definitely akin to one, "I will try to explain it so you understand, but... Konoha is a complicated place. Even more so for you, right now, at this moment. There is... so much, and so little time."

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Sumika nodded, alarmed but reticent.

Her eyes lingered on the elder's grey-streaked maroon hair as Mito continued with a basic recap of cautions the girl had been briefed on before. That there were many interests and faction here in Konoha. That the country was tense and at war. And... that people in power might try to cause trouble for her, due to her ancestry and abilities. Abilities which Sumika had not entirely disclosed in full.

"And that is why, for now, we need to come up with a story, a believable and convenient story with which we can provide you protection. Protection under which you might safely grow and train those kekkei genkai you have inherited. It is both our responsibility and our privilege as a clan to nurture those gifts of yours." The older woman still did not open her eyes, but her expression tightened with minuscule movements, "This, as you might have guessed... may prove burdensome for you, but Tsunade has convinced me that this could be one of our most optimal choices, if done well. The details, again, come down to your preference, if you will have it. It is... ultimately your decision, yes. I can't...not you... not shackled with such a fate like-..." she eventually cut herself off, shaking her head vaguely.

That last part seemed difficult for Mito to say, but Sumika had little idea what to make of it. So, instead of considering those words, she promptly proceeded to ponder over the proposed plan, which was ostensibly quite appealing. For more than just the overt reasons.

But Sumika did not miss the fact that Mito mentioned 'those' kekkei genkai, as in plural. That implied...

The shrewd matriarch confirmed Sumika's suspicions with her next, steely and serious words,

"And so we reach the crux of the issue. You have inherited in full not one, but two of the rarest and mightiest bloodlines ever to grace these lands. An improbable combination which the nefarious and powerful will not ignore. As such, this truth of yours cannot be made known beyond the family. Especially not now, during the war. I venture to guess that you can agree in that regard."

It seems someone saw more than Sumika intended, for Mito clearly knew of the girl's chakra chains as well. Her Mokuton kekkei genkai, on the other hand, had definitely been exposed by Dan and Tsunade. No helping that.

But Mito was also right that Sumika agreed.
It was difficult to forget the looks on Kaoru's and Tsunade's faces from before, when they had each given their respective warnings and cautions. Sumika had agreed with their caution, too, perhaps even more vehemently than they realized. What Sumika was uncertain of, however, was her ability to deduce what information she must hide and what she must not. Even from her newfound... relatives.

After all, she had never once revealed all that had happened to her. To anyone, not even Tsunade. A tiny bout of terror filled her even at the mere thought, urging her to take some secrets with her to the end. Death could come from any angle, as the world had proven time and again, especially for a girl with six kekkei genkai. Sumika preferred it if only she knew such a lethal secret.

Yet, everyone else agreed that Lady Mito was absolutely the one Sumika should consult the most.

Which put Sumika in a rather perplexing predicament. One she wasn't comfortable answering with the ambiguity of her situation.
Desire, fury, fulfillment, relief... they alone were not sufficient to loosen her tongue. For now though, listening silently seemed the best course. More information never hurt. She had... time now. There was again room for patience in her mind, patience with herself.

"This is where I wish to present you with a few... sample choices. A few options..." Mito captured Sumika's attention by opening her eyes slightly, black irises staring into violet.

"One kekkei genkai to hide in utmost secrecy, the other displayed proudly in the light of day. The existence of one can easily hide the other. However, either choice could change how you are perceived, spoken to, trained, and more. Each choice with its own advantages and disadvantages, it comes down to your preference. It is a heavy and important decision, one neither Tsuna nor I dare make for you."

Here Mito took a deep and slow breath, never breaking eye contact with Sumika,

"We still have some time to discuss, but keep this in mind: to me and our allies, you will always be both Senju and Uzumaki, but for the story we must tell to protect you here in Konoha, we must soon answer a question. Which clan's kekkei genkai would you train in the light?  And then, what are you to be in Konoha's eyes? Uzumaki Sumika or Senju Sumika?"

Sumika folded her hands in front of her chin and hunched over to lean on them, thinking both eagerly and earnestly. It was actually borderline relieving, in her mind, that Mito's plan so closely resembled her own intentions from the outset. Except, Sumika accounted for hiding five extra kekkei genkai instead of one. It was probably best to account for that, discreetly if possible. If Tsunade and Lady Mito had already made this many preparations, then surely it was doable...

Sumika felt a pressing need to be as thorough as possible before such a decision could be made. The elder had said there was still time, so,

"Well, I-"





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