Chimæra Fabricatus [Naruto]

Chapter 72: 68: Innocent Bonding

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Soon after the sun rose and tinted the sky in warm pinkish tones, a certain truth became abundantly clear to Sumika.

That is, something was amiss with Tsunade today.

It was perhaps impossible for Sumika not to notice, given that the girl was currently dangling about a meter off the ground, held aloft only by the outstretched hands wrapping under and around her shoulders. Tsunade's hands.

"Sumika-chaaaaaan!" a roguish and cheerful tone rang out, "What a wonderful morning! There's so much to do today, so I came to get things moving!"

S-She was in a really good mood today.

Such uncharacteristically fervent cheer had assailed Sumika not moments after Tsunade virtually burst into the room, with only a single knock for warning.

Glancing at the firm, inescapable grip fastened to her underarms, Sumika's eyes traced uncertainly down the length of those limbs which had swept her up into the air, her gaze eventually arriving at the Sannin's face. From the angle at which she... dangled, Sumika was afforded an unobstructed view of the the woman's expression:

Eyes that crinkled with a sort of airy dreaminess. An exceedingly pleased and satisfied smirk scrunched up the corners of her lips. The woman's entire complexion and aura practically glowed at Sumika. Enough to make one squint in the face of such brightness.

The effect was compounded further by her clothes, for Tsunade wore a sleeveless, pale-teal kimono that was only loosely closed - which coincidentally, from Sumika's current angle, offered a substantial view down the front of the woman's chest. What's more, Tsunade had evidently just finished bathing, as her freely-draping hair shimmered with remnant moisture and radiated a faintly floral scent.

Even loosely-tied, the kimono fabric clung tight along Tsunade's waist and hips, suggestively framing a select few curvaceous contours.

Something about the whole scene immediately struck an exquisite and evocative chord within the girl, jostling her heart in that unusual and recondite way which she had felt only a few times before.Gay. Sumika's physical senses were already sharp, but exposing them to these sights, scents, and sounds could only be described as intoxicating.

The sensual impression was all the more so accentuated when a subtle motion ensnared Sumika's gaze completely; a few droplets trickled down from that dampened blonde hair, across a slender collarbone, and plunged down into the unknowable, bountiful depths of the woman's neckline.

Watching that, a sort of shiver flitted down Sumika's spine.
But all too quickly, the moment passed and the girl was gingerly placed back down onto the bedside. Yet even so, the ephemeral nature of the experience somehow only further elevated a sense of satisfaction in Sumika's mind. An extremely preoccupying satisfaction.Gay.

So preoccupying, in fact, that she only barely acknowledged the woman's next words,

"To tell you the truth, I might only have a few hours to spend with you over this morning. I heard that arrangements will be shuffled around in preparation for the next few days, so my schedule will probably get a bit hectic. Still, how could I possibly resist spending as much time as I could with you?!"

This declaration was accompanied by another blindingly pleased, somewhat gooey smile. And once the girl had a moment to process those words, a pleasant and calming warmth arose around her heart. Sumika already knew that Tsunade was an exceptionally bright and vibrant person, but today she was exceptionally exceptional.

This... if someone could make her feel this way, then this was surely a piece of the future she sought. One way or another, she intended to find out for sure, to unravel what it meant to find fulfillment. Tsunade, Fuzō, even Michiko... they had all given her pieces of the puzzle. Bit by bit, she had made progress. Just arriving in Konoha had allowed her to reclaim the core of her identity. That alone had been an infinitely large step towards the future and eased much of her doubt.

But still, Sumika had recognized a certain other weakness about herself.

Sudden and impactful revelations or new emotions tended to... incapacitate her for a time. But, what if Tsunade hadn't been there for her? What if the environment hadn't been safe? What about... next time? There was so much to learn about the past, and Sumika knew full well that there was darkness in that past. Everyone had told her to keep alert and wary of enemies, just in case, but...

Perhaps... for the near future, it was better take a measured pace, to explore her feelings in smaller doses so as not to be overwhelmed.

Because she had felt substantially overwhelmed in the last few weeks, from both mental.... and recently physical stimulations.  She'd thought about it aplenty before, too, but being here in Konoha seemed to bring out the issue more drastically. Part of that was the unfamiliar environment. That and the presence of so many people...

Right, as for people...

Even taking the unusual acuity of her senses into account... Sumika felt that everything about Tsunade, from techniques to mentality to appearance... just had incredible impact. And she was just one person in a village famed for such people! If there were many other Konoha shinobi like her...

A baffled tremble was all the girl managed in response to that line of thought.

While Sumika sat there, dazed by her recent experiences, she again refocused on how striking Tsunade was today. This whole time, seemingly oblivious to Sumika's distraction, the Sannin had been humming cheerily and digging around in the various wardrobes this room contained. Watching the woman stride about though, still practically emitting a glow of warmth and energy, only solidified her powerful impression further.

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The part that somehow registered as the strangest was... that... that Tsunade seemed completely unconcerned about her own markedly dazzling countenance. Did she even notice the intensity of the change? Did no one else say anything?

Or maybe... maybe this was just what the woman looked like when truly well-rested and off-duty? If so, that would take some... acclimating to.
But no, there was definitely something familiar about this...

Sumika suddenly recalled she had seen similar behavior once before, whenever Tsunade spent a long time alone with Dan at the Yamakuni Sanctuary. Back then, the woman had virtually sparkled when hugged, a similar lopsided grin on her face.

So for whatever brought about this level of change, perhaps hugging had a similar, albeit lesser effect? Perhaps.... another, even more powerful skill than hugging would have such an effect?!clear.pngclear.pnghand-holding That invited a whole plethora of other mysterious thoughts.

Yet, while at the moment there was no sign of Dan around, Sumika's recent downward perspective had allowed her to catch a glimpse of turquoise crystal... barely visible where it was wedged into the depths of that ample valley. She had briefly noted that it was that Senju relic necklace which Dan always wore, but her mind had understandably been... too preoccupied to think much of it. Yes, indeed, it was easy to remember now... for the whole scene had likely burned itself into her memory.

But, if Tsunade had the necklace now, then surely the two of them must've met at some point last night. Tsunade's behavior was likely related to him somehow after all!

Sumika shook her head. Maybe there would be time to ask about it later?

Leaning forward, the girl wrapped her arms around her waist and hunched forward in conspiratorial contemplation. Her eyes though, once more tracked Tsunade's movement around the room.

At the sight of the pale kimono fabric rustling back and forth, subtly emphasizing the woman's figure while she worked, an idle thought sprang unbidden to Sumika's mind.

That outfit really suits her well.

Sumika wasn't sure where that impression came from, but it was doubtless one of appreciation. Unfortunately though, the thought alone had successfully short-circuited her ability to concentrate.

She stared blankly at her own knees for a while, her mind a void and relishing in this blissful absence of thought.

The sun had barely risen, and today was already turning out to be such a strange day. Sumika felt even more grateful to have had the night to think over her more serious concerns, now that the daytime's events seemed to fill her head with odd thoughts. Pursuing those curiosities any longer might prove hopelessly... distracting. Though honestly, it was somewhat of a welcome relief from other, more anxious matters.

Feeling as much, Sumika thought of little else but the morning's intense encounter, even as she listened to a few more upbeat remarks from Tsunade, was offered a meal, and eventually ushered around through an unfamiliar morning routine.

When all that was said and done, she'd been well fed, allotted a few minutes for a bath of her own, then offered a fresh set of undergarments and an elegant but unassuming grey kimono to wear.
This kimono however, had sleeves. And was properly tied closed, unlike someone else...

Setting such thoughts aside, Sumika affixed her signature hairclasp in her usual half-up style, allowing the majority of her hair to hang in a loose tail while a few tresses framed either side of her face. She was most comfortable this way, and having the ornament in place always brought a reassuring feeling. Comfort and reassurance that Sumika still greatly appreciated.

As for the new clothes, well, they were soft and comfortable too — also evidently what Tsunade had spent quite some time searching around for in the wardrobes, so that was at least one mystery belatedly solved.

However, though the girl herself felt no discomfort from the chill, Tsunade insisted that Sumika wear the heavier red Yamakuni traveling robe from before over the whole ensemble.

Since that many layers of fabric was kind of bulky, Sumika thought to object, displeased with the restriction in mobility. However, Tsunade had whispered something about it being "too adorable" and squeezed the girl in a really tight hug. Really tight... and soft and fluffy. In fact, Sumika was snuggled so deep into the depths of that softness that the sigil on her hairclasp began to glow a pale green, likely in response to her face at some point making contact with Dan's relic necklace. The ever-increasing light emitted from it became Tsunade eventual cue to let go.

Still, that hug was... really enjoyable, enough that it somehow become difficult to protest anymore. Well, if Tsunade liked the clothes that much... Sumika could handle some slightly hampered movement.

After that, it seemed the real affairs of the day were to begin in earnest, as she was escorted outside for a walk around the estate.



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