Chronicles of a Telekinetic with a Group Chat

Chapter 3: Cool

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Holy shit, I'm in Chronicle. And as Matt Garetty no less.

Wait, that means I have telekinesis! That's awesome. And besides the weird crystals/alien artifacts/crystals of doom that give us our powers, Chronicle is set in a normal world.

Which means I'm a superpowered person in a normal world.



"Yeah, what's up?" I say turning to Steve and Andrew, taking this chance to get a good look at them.

As far as I can tell, they look exactly like the actors when they starred in the movie. Steve is a 6' foot tall African-American guy with a build expected of a star quarterback. And handsome to boot. Andrew on the other hand is a 5'8" skinny and frail-looking guy. I mean he's not not handsome but not in the traditional sense I guess. Hard to explain.

"You spaced out. Are you okay? Did a rock hit you in the head?" said Andrew slightly panicked.

"No, I'm fine on that end. Just some pain on my arms and legs. How about you guys? You guys come out okay?" I say while standing up and grouping up with the guys.

"We're both fine, but what the fuck was that thing Matt? Do you think it was extraterrestrial? Or a secret government test? Ooh, maybe it's from an ancient civilization that used to be here. You know I heard there us-"

"Okay, let me stop you there Andrew. First, I don't know what that thing was, why it made a loud sound, why it glowed and turned red, or where it was from. What I do know is that we need to get the hell out of here and go to sleep. It's been a long day and after almost dying I could use a nice long sleep."

"I agree, let's get out of here and we can talk about this shit in the morning." said Steve while starting to walk back towards the party. I put my arm around Andrew and dragged him with me while saying "Thanks, Andrew. We would've all died if you hadn't dragged us out of there. Oh and sorry about your camera. I know you really liked it."

"It's okay, I'm just glad we're all alive. And I told you we shouldn't have gone down there."

"Haha! Yes, you did say that, didn't you. Oh well, who knows maybe we'll all get superpowers after this."


After dropping Andrew off at his house, I drove home, took a shower, and plopped into bed. I finally had some time to myself to think about everything that's happened so far.

'Whew. A lot to think about and process. Okay. First of all, I'm alive again. I think this time around Matt died after the cave collapsed and I entered his body. Rest in peace my friend, I'll make the best of using your body. And I have to say of all the bodies I could've inhabited, this one is pretty top tier. A 6' foot pretty jacked and pretty handsome body is more than I could've asked for.

Secondly, it seems like I inherited Matt's memories too. Glad I don't have to pretend to have amnesia, seems like a pain in the ass. Mom's name is Debb Garetty and dad's name is Greg Garetty. Huh, I don't remember Matt's dad's name being brought up in the movie. Goes to show I really am here. Anyways, it seems like my memories are intact from both lives which is good news.

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The bad news is Andrew and his future villainous rampage. I know he only goes off the rails because of the abuse at the hands of his father, so I will try to help him. It's the least I can do knowing his fate.

Now onto the most important part of the day. Telekinesis, the power to move, manipulate, or otherwise interact with objects/matter without physical means. Anybodies wet dream. And my new ability. I'm also glad it's telekinesis and not telekinetic force manipulation since telekinesis allows for more precision over raw force. Though in the movie, Matt doesn't seem to have that much precise control over it when compared to Andrew.

It's also never specified when they first discover their powers. It's a safe assumption that Andrew discovers them and then informs the others which allowed him to be a step ahead. Not this time though.'

With that thought, I began to focus. To try to feel that phantom limb from when I first came into this world. I closed my eyes, focused on my breathing, and searched for the feeling. After a few attempts, I felt it. Almost like an energy reserve at the back of my mind. I willed the energy to move and it followed, albeit slowly.

I opened my eyes and thought about willing the energy to wrap itself around some clothes on the ground. And, voila! It worked! The clothes were picked up and floating there because of me.

'Hahaha! Holy shit it's real. This is the second best thing to happen today.'

Once I moved the clothes, using my telekinesis felt a little more natural. The energy flowed a little faster and a little smoother. But not that much, as evident by the blood flowing from my nose.

'Shit. Guess I need to train it more before I can go crazy with it. Lifting some clothes for a few seconds and I'm already bleeding. That does give me a training plan for the near future though I do need to decide if I want to train raw power or precision. I suppose I can do both, one-day raw power and one-day precision. Sounds like a good plan to me.'

With that, I decided to plug my nose with a tissue, hit the hay, and try to get some sleep before tomorrow. I have to meet the guys and talk about what happened with the cave-in.

'Should I tell them about the powers or wait for them to figure it out on their own? Meh, I'll worry about it tomorrow.'

Just as I closed my eyes to sleep, something unexpected happened.



'Ow! What the hell just hit me on the nose?' I opened my eyes as I sat up to look at what hit me. In my lap, I saw a phone.

'A phone? Where did it come from? It looks way too advanced to be from this year.' I grabbed the phone and pressed the power button as I stared in shock at what appeared on the screen.

[Welcome member to the Dimensional Group Chat!]


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