Chronicles of the Exalted Sun Child

Chapter 468: Book 7-20.1: A Gathering Storm

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Taking an afternoon nap had never been Yuriko’s habit, so it was a surprise when she dozed off a few minutes after sequestering herself in her room.

Thoughts whirled in her mind, of Heron and his feelings, nearly all of which had transferred over to her mind. If she had examined them slowly, and with dispassionate distance, she would not have been exhausted at the sheer weight of his regard.

He had indeed been infatuated with her for far longer than she realised. If she identified it correctly, it had begun eight or nine years before, when they were in primary school. The reasons why he felt that way weren’t apparent. Even back then, she hadn’t really made friends easily. She had been obsessed with Da’s marksmanship at the time and had spent most of her free time play acting as a legionnaire marksman. So why?

Her Mien hadn’t been truly active then, but she also knew that a kernel of it had always been there. All of her interactions as a child and as a teen were tainted by the Mishala Mien. It was simply part of her and was really no different than her eye colour or her face.

Except it forced people’s emotions.

While she slept, she dreamt. And as she did, the Mishala Mien twisted, changed, and adapted. It merged with her Radiant Essence and became part of her Radiant Ennoia. It sunk deeper into her body, and altered part of her Radiant Body Refinement to include its effects.

The Mishala Mien had completely awoken, and with it, knowledge welled up in the depths of her mind.

Oh, what’s this? Interesting child, so here you were. Oh! What a delightful surprise to see you again, dear Damien.

Huh, what? Oh, it’s you? Didn’t we just chat a while ago? Why reach across the Chaos to me?

Hmm? My dear, you should pay more attention to your body. Oh, pardon me, it’s no longer yours, hie hie hie!

Hmph, a bloodline connection’s more insidious than I thought.

Don’t worry, handsome, she’s my descendant, too, beyond what you are. Or were. Interesting thoughts, Damien, but…oh! Whyever did she choose this path? Given your proclivities, I would have thought she’d go for the orthodox way!

Huh, what, do you mean as a complete seductress? I? The epitome of a warrior would put down my blade to wield flowers? Hmph!

Well, well. I’m surprised nonetheless. The unlocking requirements beyond this path are a bit more stringent, but I suppose given the girl’s temperament, the usual methods are a bit off-character.

Well, your bloodline has given her a powerful boost. A weighty burden, too, but there’s always a price.

Hah hah ha! Indeed, indeed. I look forward to my dear child’s conquests. To think that she would actually free a potential thrall only for the poor fool to bind himself to her on his own, hie hie hie!

Ah, well, lovestruck fools remain fools.

…you’re the same you rotter.


Yuriko woke up completely refreshed. She stretched and yawned while her powerful body, released from the suppression of her aura, popped a few muscle knots.

“What time is it?” she muttered as she glanced out the window.

A check on her time sense told her that she had been asleep for a couple of hours. She rolled off her bed, caught herself with two fingers on the floor and transitioned into a handstand. Afterwards, she twisted her waist, threw out her feet and spread her legs into a wide split. Then she bounced off her fingers and returned to a standing position, then bent backwards until the top of her head touched her heels while her feet remained flat on the floor.

“Feels nice,” she moaned as she felt muscles stretched taut then relaxed.

Returning to a standing position, she yawned again and left her room, looking to gulp down a mug of lavan berry juice.

“Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”

Yuriko blinked as she looked toward the kitchen island. Kato, her second elder brother, was perched on a stool with a mug of beer in his hand.

“This early?” she said archly, then she grinned and threw herself at him, enfolded him in a hug, wrenched him off the stool and spun him around. The mug of beer flew off, but she caught it with her kinesis and plopped it down on the counter before it could spill a drop.

“Hey, you brute, let me go!” he yelped.

At the same time, Marron, who had just entered the kitchen from the back door, guffawed at the sight. At least until Yuriko snagged him with her kinesis and spun both of her elder brothers around. Her deftness with her Anima prevented the varied breakables in the room from actually breaking while she cackled in glee.

However, as soon as she slowed and plopped her brothers back down, both of them pulled her into an even tighter hug. Too bad Rami was probably still in school.

“Alright, alright, put me down!” Kato laughed.

Grinning, Yuriko did so, only for Marron to wrap his arms around her shoulders and knuckle her head.

“You little scamp!”

Not to be beaten, Kato’s fingers launched towards her sides and ruthlessly tickled her, leaving her gasping for breath.

“Oh my,” Gwendith, having just returned from her tour, giggled. “Senior Kato, what a surprise.”

“Oh, hello, Miss Sharine.” Kato nodded to Gwendith as he and Marron released their giggling sister. He frowned. “I heard you were…”

“Yes, of course. Yuriko rescued me.” Gwendith leaned against the doorframe. “I’m her…hmmm. Squire.”


“I’ve undertaken the same path she took,” Gwendith said as she flared her Anima.

The pale blue tinged in pink light gathered mists around herself. Yuriko blinked in surprise. Gwendith’s flare had exceeded ten inches and had reached eleven. That was…fast. Faster than she accomplished hers, she thought, though it was nothing like the boost she received upon Actualisation.

“Why? Your Heritage is complete?” Kato asked.

Gwendith just grinned and nodded towards Yuriko.

The brothers nodded in understanding.

“So, little sis,” Kato said as he settled back on the stool. “I never doubted you’d make it through your tribulations.”

“Liar!” Marron coughed.

“I didn’t! Well, maybe a little bit.” Kato shook his head and grinned. “Anyway, what are you doing here instead of in the Academy?”

“Eh, uhm…”

“She ran away from her fiance,” Marron stated in a flat tone.

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“What?! Who?” Kato spluttered.

“The 29th Pia’Vasi.”

Kato blinked. “Oh.” Then he shrugged. “Against your will?”

“Of course it is!” Yuriko spat out. “I don’t even know who the 29th Pia’Vasi is, yet the Mishala Prima allowed the engagement!”

“Young mistress, that isn’t true. The Mishala Clan cannot contest an engagement request from the Pia’Vasi.” Saki interrupted as she materialised from the shadows.

“Ancestors!” Kato jumped and dropped his mug, which shattered on the tiled floor. “Who’s this? And why are you here?”

Saki bowed to Kato. “Greetings Mr. Davar, I am Saki Mishala, attendant and Shadow Guard to the young mistress.”

“Mishala…?” Kato shook his head and stared. “Are we cousins?”

Saki laughed. “No, you are mistaken. We may share a bloodline connection but that is undoubtedly hundreds of generations ago.”


“It still doesn’t make it right,” Yuriko grumbled.

“But young mistress, you’ve already made your point by leaving,” Saki said. “Though maybe the 29th will look for you. The 28th didn’t pursue Lady Sadeen, but that probably had more to do with how she threatened to make him castrate himself and eat his own genitals if he chased after her.” She gave Yuriko a grin. “Maybe you should threaten him too?”

“As I’ve said, I don’t even know who the 29th Pia’Vasi is,” Yuriko said firmly.

“Oh?” Kato began in a teasing tone. “So if you did know who it was…?”

Yuriko glared at her brother and moved to pinch his side, Kato shifted away but was too slow to succeed.

“Ahhh, mercy!”


The next morning found Yuriko in the midst of her morning exercises, though it had more to do with overseeing Gwendith’s training than anything else she needed to do. Aura Resistance Training was quite effective in straining her body, though by now she had increased the level twofold since she first began.

Her body had taken to the training, and the subsequent recovery and rebuilding like parched earth after a drought. Morning exercises now only consisted of flexibility and sword training. She completed the Four Phases’ fifty-two forms perfectly and there was a bit of resonance from the ambient Chaos the entire time. Radiant energy perpetually accompanied her movements now, and the Ennoia lattice was growing smoothly around her core and Essence.

When she went back inside for breakfast, she saw Desire sitting on a stool, idly watching Rami and Marron make breakfast. Her face had an odd melancholic light, and when she saw Yuriko, she gave a small smile.

“Ashley Gin is dead,” she said simply and Yuriko’s heart dropped to her feet. Yuriko moved to embrace the girl, but Desire simply shook her head. “Feed me,” she demanded instead.

Singing, Yuriko produced Desire’s coveted Pure Animus and distilled Chaos which was quickly lapped up. Afterwards, she gave Yuriko a quick hug and said, “I’ll go for a little walk. Can we speak tonight?”

“Anytime,” Yuriko answered.

When Desire left, Yuriko went out to do her morning routine, though was a bit more absentminded than usual.

Putting Desire’s circumstances aside, Kato, last night, had asked her what she intended to do now.

“I’m home, let me enjoy it first,” she answered sourly, but then, “I also want to find Da. Mum said she found him, but it’s been more than a Season. Still no news.”

“How would news reach us here? We’re cut off from the Empire,” Kato said and Marron nodded.

“The Chaos Channel in Rumiga City has collapsed, and there’s civil disorder there. The Ivalans and Chaos Courts attacked, and there are rebels.” Marron shook his head. “I think I’ll have to cut my leave short.”

“You’ll have to choose your battle, big bro,” Kato said. “You’re just a single Knight. You’re already here in the west, and things aren’t safe here either.”

“News from the south?” Yuriko asked.

“They haven’t moved from Cierra, but scout reports say they’re building up their forces. They could march up here in as little notice as a day.”

“Maybe, I could take a look?”

“Disrupt their supply lines?” Kato’s eyes were sharp and he gave a ferocious grin. “Should I sign up my feisty little sis for that mission?”

“You already planned something?” Yuriko perked up.

“Of course,” Kato grinned. “We received a new advisor a few days ago and they suggested guerilla tactics to supplement fortifying.” Kato shrugged. “‘Course, the plans are still being drawn up.”

Since Yuriko wasn’t part of the militia or the legion, and at this point, she didn’t want to enter, a fact she made rather clear to her brothers, she couldn’t exactly be part of the planning group. She was still a reserve officer though, and she could…

“Perhaps I should help train the militia?” she muttered.

“You’ll have to be part of them. If you wanna help, how about at the primary school?” Marron pointed out. “Evacuation and shelter drills are being held as scheduled, but basic self-defence has fallen by the wayside since Armsmaster Byrne’s too busy.”

“Oh yes,” Rami, who had arrived a few minutes ago with dust and dirt on his clothes, chirped in. “The last few gym classes had been free play. It got boring just playing tag every time.”

“You want me to teach the sword?” Yuriko asked brightly.

“Uhm.” Rami pressed his fingers together. “If you want to?”


Yuriko pondered. She had taught the sword before, back in the Academy in Realmheart, though only as an assistant instructor. She also taught back in the Frozen Camp, Gwendith and the militia members there. It was actually…quite enjoyable.

“Alright. When?”

“Erm, I think you'll have to let the school know. Oh! I’ll ask the administrators! Come to school tomorrow with me!”

And that was how she found herself within the halls of her old primary school, three hours after dawn.

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