Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 2: Freya the Fox

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After I shot down a tree with icicle spear the party started treating me like a prodigy and started attempting to teach me various things.

"Come Alfon, let us see your talent with the blade!" Donovan yelled as he handed me a small, spare blade he had. Unfortunately, I still had the body of a two-year-old, so I fell over as soon as he let go and nearly cut myself. My mother didn't talk to Donovan for two whole days after that. Donovan looked quite down so I made sure to give him a hug when mother wasn't watching, he gave me a kind smile and patted my head gently.

I didn't see him around much, but I could tell how much he was putting in as the leader.

Swift, meanwhile, gave me some easy mathematics problems that I solved quite quickly, he then started raving to the group about how I was the merchant of the century.

"He knows division and multiplication without even seeing it beforehand, Sylvestra, do you perhaps have dragonblood flowing through your veins?" He proclaimed. "You simply must send him to a Darinstone Academy, he shall usher in the new-ow ow ow ow" mother pinched his ears and scolded him about yelling too loud when I could listen.

Master Rafine started teaching me some more magic, I've learned that the tiers of spell go like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Knight, Lord, Royal, King, Saint, Deity, Divine. Apparently, we don't go past 3 on numbers because comparatively few people can cast above 3rd class spells, and it was dangerous to cast above 3rd rank without proper training, equipment, and precautions.

You were also classified as a mage of that rank if you could use five spells of that rank or one spell above it.

According to that system, I was a 2nd rank mage at the moment and Rafine was a Royal rank mage.

Well, technically I hadn't really been officially tested so I'm not actually a mage.

She also tried teaching me some other 3rd ranked spells after, but I could either grasp none of them or ran out of mana while mid cast, so we concluded I had a natural affinity for icicle spear.

These days I was training by casting various evocation spells until I ran out of mana. Rafine tried teaching me the other classes but save for the most basic spells I couldn't get them at all.

"I... apologize Alfy, I wish you could have a better teacher."

I really wanted to say, 'you're the best teacher I could ask for' but at that moment but all that came out of my mouth was: "Yabeaor." She gave me a smile and ruffled my hair.

Prisilla didn't treat me any differently but started telling me stories of her various travels. My favorite one was where she waltzed into an underground fighting arena and beat everyone black and blue. However, the competition was supposed to be rigged in advance, so they referenced a rule that didn't permit beastmen from advancing to the finals that just so happened to be added yesterday. She got so mad that she slapped the organizer upside down and sideways before grabbing the cash prize and just running off.

She may have a hitlist out for her, I wasn't quite sure.

"I held myself back you know nya?" She pouted at me, "I coulda wiped out the whole lot of them but Donovan told me killing people is no good." Donovan and Prisilla apparently knew each other and founded the party together.

Mother was immensely proud of me, but when she held me, she would always say, "It's okay Alfy, the road to the future is open to you, no matter which path you take mama will always support you." I think I nearly started crying when she said that the first time.


After travelling quite a while, we dropped off some merchant parties in a city who had just begun its harvest festival. Prisilla begged Donovan to stay a few days, so we rented out rooms for the weekend. At this point I could walk just fine, I remember mother giving me a grand hug when I took my first steps in front of her, but Rafine looked confused and said I had already been doing this the past few days. Mother gave Rafine a good scolding for not telling her sooner.

It was weird to see master Rafine being scolded I must admit.

Unfortunately, I still couldn't talk. Every time I tried it hurt so I eventually stopped trying, I understood everything just fine anyway and I often conjured sand and wrote things down if I needed to get something complicated across.

I remember the first time we had a conversation about that a while ago.


"Uwahh, the kid can write before he can talk. Sylvestra, is this normal?" Rafine gave a slightly troubled look towards my mother.

"Dragonnnnblooood. I'm telling you guys Sylvestra has Dragonnnbloooood." Swift would comment jokingly... I think.

"Maybe he has a throat problem? Or he's mu-" before Prisilla could finish, she was smacked by mother. "Ah ah, everybody has different speed of learning nya."

"It's fine Alfy, mother will love you no matter what," she spoke as she hugged me.

Anyways, mother and Donovan had some business with the Lord, so I was stuck with Rafine as we reveled in the delights of the festival.

The scenes at the festival were fascinating. The main street was ablaze with colorful booths and stalls, each one offering a unique and tantalizing array of goods and activities. The air was filled with the lively chatter of festival-goers and the lively music of street performers. Everywhere I looked, there were people laughing, dancing, and having a great time.

The centerpiece of the festival was a large stage, where talented musicians played joyous tunes to celebrate the autumn harvest and magical performers entertained the crowd with their dazzling acts of fire. The energy was electric as the performers put on a show that was nothing short of sensational. The laughter of adults and children lingered in my ears; it wasn't the fanciest event, but there was an atmosphere that I found intoxicating.

Rafine even bought me some candied apples that I sucked on while we were in the main square. Though she then got distracted and started leading me around to the magic stores and adventuring peddlers who gathered to sell their wares.

"A harvest festival is an opportune time to gather spellbooks and magic items. People gather far and wide after all." She whispered to me excitedly.

Though, to my dismay, a few of the stores refused her entry since she was of the outland race, but she seemed used to it.

"Probably had junk to sell anyways." She reasoned.

Most of the ones that did allow her entry didn't permit children inside, I assume for fear of damaging the books. So, I waited outside every once in a while.

It was fine since she bought a few toys off the peddlers to keep me busy. I will say this double-sided drum is fascinating.

It was outside one of these more hidden-away stores where I spotted something rather concerning. Two shady looking men were carrying around a poorly woven potato sack. Which would have been fine except I could see the sack move a little bit on its own.

Last time I checked potatoes didn't move.


Or talk either.

I could go inside and tell Rafine, but I honestly doubt my body could open that heavy door. So, I took out the paper tracking tag Swift had stuck on me and attempted to use wind magic to attach it onto the sack. The two men wrapping up their argument, so I didn't have many tries to get this right.

First try, failure.

Thankfully they haven't noticed yet, so I tried again, this time using some water to wet the tracking tag beforehand. Success! Before I celebrated my efforts, however, Rafine took me by the hand, "Come on, let's get going." She looked rather happy and had a couple of books in her hands. I was pointing in the direction where the two men had gone, but she wasn't really looking at me.

Ah well, I'll deal with it later.


The party met up at the tavern for a celebration of a job well done. Unfortunately, I still didn't really know how convey a kidnapping, my vocabulary in the common tongue was still rather poor. Swift was also not checking his tracking tag despite me tugging on his pants and scribbling paper in water magic.

"Hey Rafine, did you buy the kid paper or something? He's bothering me about it."

"What the hell are you talking about Swift?" Rafine gave a questioning glance.

Neither of them got what I was trying to say so I tried thinking of some way to get Swift to use the tracking tag.

Oh, right.

I can just get lost myself.

Rafine was currently assigned to look after me so as soon I made sure she wasn't paying attention to me, I sneaked out of the tavern and into the streets. Even late into the night the festival took on a magical quality. The performers had packed up long ago but the air was still filled with the scent of smoky bonfires and the soft glow of twinkling lights. I could easily lose myself amidst the remnants of the celebration.

But I think I did a bit too well when I realized I was unable to find my way back.

I was trying to go to where I last saw the two strange men, but I seem to have taken a wrong turn and ended up in a back alley somewhere.

My little heart started pumping and I resisted the urge to cry. Thankfully, the dark corridors were completely empty, so I wasn't in any immediate danger.

At least I thought so until I was caught from behind and lifted upwards.

"What the hell is a kid doing in a place like this? Think we can fetch ourselves something for him at the auction?" A gruff voice called out.

"The little boys don't sell for much around here, he's a bit too young." A scaly voice responded, "he doesn't look like his family has got any money either."

Yes, yes let me go. I'm not worth your time.

"Well cash is cash don't you think?" The gruff one reasoned.

No, stop.

Ah, this was bad. In a bout of panic, I stabbed him with the wooden dagger I got from Prisilla and heard a yell as the gruff one dropped me. I landed roughly and cut my knees on the stone pavement.

"What th-, this @#$%er just hit me! Catch him, I'm going to make him pay!"

I ran as fast as my little legs could take me and shot icicle spears behind in the direction of their footsteps, praying I slowed them down.

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"AHH! What did he just do?"

I heard cries of pain so I think it might have worked.

Though the magic took a lot more out of me than I thought.

As I rounded a couple of corners, I realized a few things.

1. I am slow.

2. I am tired.

3. They are not.

Ah I should have thought this through.... I didn't want to be sold into slavery already.

But fate had different plans for me.

As I rounded the next corner, a hand pulled me into a dark room and slammed the door shut behind me.

"Quiet now little one." The same cold hand covered my mouth.

The footsteps came closer and closer.

"Where is that Runt? I'll skin him alive!"

Until they went further and further away.

By the time I couldn't hear them anymore I had calmed down enough to take a look around.

The room I was in seemed to be an entrance hall to quaint home, or at least it would be if it wasn't such a mess. There were various assortments of... things were laying around everywhere, I could spot wands to figurines to books, to... is that a golden crown?

"Ara, have you calmed down now."

Sitting to the side of me was a white-haired woman with fox ears and a couple of tails. I think I counted three. She was also rather well endowed, and, although I don't think my interest in woman have manifested yet, I could tell she was extremely beautiful.

Her long, flowing hair was a shimmering shade of silver, cascading down her back in soft waves. Her eyes were large and almond-shaped, with a mischievous twinkle that seemed to dance in the light. She had features that were delicate and refined: a small, upturned nose and full, lush lips. Her skin was smooth and porcelain-like, with a rosy flush that seemed to glow from within. But it was her tails that truly set her apart. Each one was a work of art, with long, silky fur that shimmered in the light. They seemed to have a life of their own, twirling and swirling around her as she moved.

In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight of her. She was a true vision of beauty, a creature whose very presence seemed to light up the world around her.

She knelt beside me and cast a recovery spell I often saw the priests do on my knees, though the glow was a different color than usual and she didn't hand me a potion to drink like they did.

My wounds seemed to close itself.

"Oh. You are.... younger than expected." She held an ornamental fan over her mouth as she inspected me. "Come, take off your shoes and enter. Let us not sit in the entrance-way."

As she walked, she seemed to float across the ground, her movements graceful and fluid. There was a sense of otherworldly beauty about her, as if she were a creature of myth and legend come to life.

She led me to a living room that seemed to be in less of a mess than the rest of the house, there were no chairs but instead cushions on the floor beside a round table. She sat down on one of them and motioned for me to sit across from her, I did so.

"So, tell me young one, what strange situation has life spun you into."

We sat in silence for a little bit before I conjured some sand onto the table and spelt out the words 'No talk'.

"Hmm, a clever use of magic." With a snap of a finger the sand vanished before me. She stood with a smooth motion before continuing: "Please wait a moment."

I twiddled my thumbs as she walked to a door nearby. It was a neat sliding door, and, as she opened it, a mess of trinkets split out. Paying it no mind she walked in and began rummaging, tossing to the ground several expensive looking objects in the process.

I cringed a little as they hit the floor. I think one of them was made of glass.

A few moments later she produced an intricating carved box. Inside the box held a fancy wooden brush. The box and brush were decorated with intricate carvings depicting various beasts and the gold highlights on the box shone in the light.

"This shall do nicely." She placed the box in front of me, and with another snap of her finger, the box filled with sand. She took the brush and handed it to me, "Use the bottom end to write upon the sand, it should prove to be a better container than the table."

I nodded and slowly wrote out what happened beginning from the earlier shopping spree with Rafine, erasing my sentences when I ran out of room. As I wrote she did not rush me despite my slow writing, only pointed out some areas of erroneous grammar and corrected some word usage.

"This is how the word kidnap is spelt." She even taught me the word kidnap, how nice of her.

After the story was over, she gave me the strangest grin.

"A 3rd ranked mage at age two, quite a catch if I do say so myself."

'I'm 2nd.' I wrote, but she didn't seem to pay it any mind.

"It's a shame you have somewhere you belong to already; I would have liked to keep you here."

She rose slowly. "The Spiny Tail Tavern and Inn, that's the place I believe you wandered from. Your companions must be fraught with worry by now, shall we return?"

As she walked towards the entrance, I stood up to follow her before she turned her face slightly and spoke: "Please, take the brush and box with you, it's my gift for your amusing story."

I packed up the brush and stuck the box in my tunic. As we exited the house, she held my hand, and the faint noises of a nighttime city accompanied us outside.

I was afraid of being ambushed again by men of dubious origins but the only notable features I saw in those alleyways were shards of ice melting into the ground.

The hand of my benefactor was soft and silky; her footsteps made no sound. Walking alongside her in those darkened streets gave way to an ethereal feeling that I couldn't quite describe. I glanced up at her, and as if she was waiting for me to look, she gave a warm smile back before looking forward.

As the darkness of the alleyways gave rise to the dim luminance of the main street, I could catch a glimpse of a party five standing outside a familiar inn. The armored man stood with a sullen look on his face, a young lady sat on a bench with her face in her hands, being comforted by a beast woman. A small mage with a big hat stood clutching her staff so tightly I was worried it might break.

I could feel the gentle hand that guided me start to slowly slip away so I clutched it tightly with both hands.

The fox lady flicked her tail in surprise and gave me a questioning look.

A feeling was bubbling up inside that seemed quite unexpected.


It was strange, I didn't feel nearly this afraid despite being chased by the unsavory individuals down the alleyway, nor did I feel this much hesitation when wandering into the house of a random stranger.

But I knew that I had done something wrong here. I hurt the people who had protected me all this time, and I was a bit scared of confronting them alone.

"Caah.. Mahh...." my throat caught and shivered as I tried to utter painful words while holding back tears. I was on the precipice of breaking down right there. Pathetic, I know, but I clutched onto the hand of the fox like it was the only thing holding me together. 'Come with me' I wanted to say.

"Ahh, naahh!"

'I don't want to go alone.'

'What if they hate me.'

'What if they throw me away.'

'I've hurt them, done them wrong, I don't know how I can make it up to them, to mom.'

"Aaah, Maaamaa." Oh no, I think I'm crying after all.

'Mom was already having a hard time with me around. She's never looked as happy since she left the fancy castle house, what if s-'

A sharp flick to my forehead stopped my thoughts.

The fox lady knelt down slowly, and stared directly at me, perhaps through me.

"Those who would cry for you, don't seek your apology, but simply your presence." she gave me the same gentle smile I saw before, "My mother taught me that, and I shall impart that teaching onto you." She spoke those words in an uncharacteristically slow tone.

"Go to them, as they would to you." She let go of my hands slowly, "and when you lose your way again, I, Freya, Fox of the Lost, shall return to guide you home."

With those words she was gone, dissolved into the ambiance of the night.

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