Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 21: The Lesser Evil

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+++ Alfon’s Perspective +++

I didn’t get much sleep last night, much to my dismay.

I was a bit too scared that my dreams would be plagued by that horrifying creature I witnessed yesterday. Though I eventually fell asleep anyway. Fortunately I had no dreams as usual. 

Still... It was a lot of information to take in, and it all just feels quite overwhelming.

Heck, if it weren’t for the book appearing in my backpack I would have thought it was just a weird dream.

“Alfon, what magical formula is needed to smooth the casting of this spell?” Master Rafine asked.

“Oh uh,” I took a look at the spell in question on the chalkboard, “A continuous spell requires a smooth transition in the mana to maintain consistent output, but since the activation mana is rather high, a triangular output should be ideal.” I regurgitated what I remembered from the mana control lesson. 

“...Correct. Can you also tell me what color hat I was wearing during the lesson?”

“-Wha?” That was certainly an unexpected question. I looked up only to find that she had taken it off before I could catch a glimpse of the color.

Her flame red horns in full view, regal and honestly pretty frightening. I’m pretty sure her horns were sharp enough to piece iron.

“Master Rafine, I don’t see how that question is relevant.” I responded honestly. 

“Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn’t. But I request an answer regardless.” Looks like I had to answer.

“Er... blue?” I made an educated guess given she wore blue most of the time.

“Hm. Nina, what color do you remember it as?”

Nina, who was sitting next to me, tilted her head before responding: “Yellow. Light.”

After listening to our answers, master Rafine pulled out a light yellow hat from behind her back and put it on her desk. We were having lessons in her room so there was a clutter of items on the wooden table already, I was worried some would fall off.

 Upon inspection, I could see that the hat resembled a church headdress and was damaged in two locations; it looked like it wasn’t big enough to accommodate her horns.

“Shall we call it here for today’s class? We’ll be performing practical lessons on the route to Halyis so review the casting procedures for 1st and 2nd rank spells.” She announced, “Nina, Prisilla wants to see you so please meet her in her room... and tell her off if she wants you to go gambling with her again. Our funds are sufficient.”

As Nina hopped off the bed to leave, master Rafine turned to me: “Alfy, could you stay for a moment. I’d like to talk.”

“Okay.” As I gave my answer, master Rafine took a seat next to me and looked to the ceiling.

“Is something bothering you?” She asked quietly.

“Well...” I looked up to the ceiling like she was, but I couldn’t see anything besides wooden planks.

A lot. A lot was bothering me.

I’ve been suddenly saddled with so much information I couldn’t process any of it.

I had a dream during the awakening that terrified me, a monster living inside who's trying to take over, and a grim prediction of the future from a book in my backpack. 

What is a single person supposed to even do about all this?

“Could you tell me again what an awakening is?” Of course, voicing my concerns would lead her to believe I daydream too much so I’ll go with the tamer questions for now.

“Hm. Well that’s more the church’s area of expertise but...” She thought a bit on how to explain it, “You know that mana is synonymous with life energy right?”


“Everyone is born with mana, and needs mana to live, but the mana initially available to humans is small and grows as they get older.”

I nodded, following along so far.

“But how dangerous would it be if children could manipulate that life energy as soon as they were born? Should they cast a single spell by accident, they could seriously hurt themselves by taking mana from a vital function of their body away. That’s why children do not have access to all their mana right away. It’s blocked off by various mechanisms of the body. The blockades erode over time but an awakening speeds up that process.” She explained.

“I... see.”

“Honestly, overflowing those blockades by force should have had you permanently crippled. I’m...” She started to scold me but stopped, a painful look on her face, “well I suppose the circumstances were irregular. Still, don’t treat the mana within your body like a toy, it is part of you. Just like how you can break a bone if you land too hard, you can break your mana flow by casting spells you shouldn’t.”

“Yes. You’ve told me a thousand times already.” I said monotonously.

She gave me a quick glare before she continued with her explanation: “The church has it written down somewhere that an awakening ‘links the flow of the mind with the rest of the body, ensuring that the vessel is whole as it was meant to be’ though how much of that you believe is up to you. Honestly their whole process is a trade secret so the knowledge that I have stops there.”

“Is it possible that you can...” How the heck do I even put this into words? “Have a meeting with your soul when you dream during the awakening?”

Master Rafine gave me a contemplative look, “Did that happen to you?”

How was she reading me so well? Am I that much of an open book?

“I-I don’t think so. I was just wondering since I remember my dream to be strange, I don’t recall too many details clearly.” I gave a make-shift excuse.

She didn’t look like she believed me, but she also didn’t press further: “I have heard certain humans receive revelations during the process. Though usually they say it's from some deity and not from their own soul. Though if you ask me, it's best to ignore whatever visions you have... It’s not a guarantee that they can come true anyway. ”

I’d love to.

I really would.

But master Rafine.

There’s a strange book in my backpack and it's burning a hole through my sanity.

Would showing the book be too suspicious? It would, right? I don’t even get an allowance. Maybe I’ll say I picked it up somewhere once we get on the road.

Yeah that sounds okay.

It would certainly ease my burden if master Rafine also took a look at it.

Though... There is also that issue of the original Alfon Adelmire being the whole bastard package. The actions of his teenage years already include abusing women, physical bullying, and drinking, and it only got worse as he grew older.

It all reads like some villain troupe where he got too cocky from just being extremely talented. But despite how master Rafine might regard me, it's not like I can deal with the future alone.

I have to share the book with her, for my own sanity.

“Still...” Master Rafine interrupted my thoughts, “It usually takes a lot of paperwork and funds to be able to arrange an awakening. They aren’t cheap or accessible so only noble children can afford them, even more interesting is how you got one on such short notice. Does Sylvie know some people?”

“Yeah, she knows the rear-admiral here I think.” 

“...I’m sorry, the rear-admiral?” Master Rafine’s eyes went wide.


“T-That’s... certainly a friend in a high place.” Master Rafine stuttered.

“I don’t think they’re friends, but they are related.”

“They’re what now?” She asked, flabbergasted.

“Uh, yeah.” Did I say something I shouldn’t have?

“M-Moving on,” I quickly changed the subject, “I’d like to go read now. Is there anything else Master Rafine?”

“I don’t usually say this but... try to think less. Your thoughts seem to bother you more than they should.”


“Lady Sylvestra, so good of you to come. Please make yourself at home.” Glyake Telderane warmly welcomed us to the same restaurant we visited a few days prior, “Madam Lady Hilar is inside already.”

“Thank you Lord Glyake.”Mother bowed slightly as she addressed him.

“Please, no need for formalities. It will be a hassle once we get on the road anyway.”

I had wanted to get some reading done today, but mother informed me of Madam Lady Hilar’s interest in me after the recent information on my magical aptitude. So here we are I guess.

The store had several patrons dining within this time around, and I got a good whiff of the delicious scent in the air as we made our way to the back. Oh man, the aroma was quite something.

The room we were led to was much fancier than the one we stayed at before. An intricate chandelier hung above and the side panels were decorated with depictions of beautiful scenery.

“Sylvesta, so glad you could make it.” The rear-admiral, dressed in somewhat casual clothes this time, waved at us with a smirk on her face, “Oh? You’ve brought another one this time.”

Nina hid behind me as Hilar addressed her, horns and tail hidden with illusion magic I presume.

I wish master Rafine would teach me that spell.

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Mother brought Nina along since she didn’t trust Prisilla not to take advantage of her, and also since Glyake offered to take care of us for the day while the party was out preparing for the trip.

Glyake seemed like a pretty swell guy if I’m being honest. Real down to earth.

“My greetings to Rear-Admiral Leadarin Hilar Telderane, The Lady Serpent, The Scourge of the De-” Mother bowed deeply and gave her formal address.

“Enough. Dispense with the formalities and take a seat, I don’t have all day.” Hilar waved her to the table.

As we sat down Hilar started to order some food: “Glyake, I’ll have the Charcoal Seafloor Platter. Heavily spiced.” She turned to us, “anything you’d like to eat? My treat.”

“If it’s not too much I’d like one Shorsteamed Bream and a pot of Amerlaze tea.” Looks like mother is familiar with the dishes in Darisport. Her noble lineage is really showing.

Glyake nodded before turning to me, “What about you young Alfon? Anything you’d like?”

“Do you have Holinberry stew?” I asked.

“Oh. That’s Avenstron cuisine. Hm...” Glyake thought for a bit before responding, “I think we imported some Holinberries a while back so that won’t be an issue.”

“He likes clean flavors huh? The boy takes after you.” Hilar commented.

“Nina, do you want anything?” I tapped Nina on the shoulder, which prompted mother, Hilar, and Glyake to all give me a surprised look. 

Did I... do something wrong?

“I-I apologize Madam Lady Hilar, he means no disrespect and I assure you we don’t mean to take adva-” Mother hurriedly stammered.

She was cut off when Hilar held a hand to stop her, “I take no offense, he’s a child after all. Though you’d be in deep water with some of our other siblings.”

Glyake bowed low to whisper to me: “Alfon, you don’t usually ask your attendants what they want to eat. Especially when meeting guests.”


Yeah that does make sense.

“So,” Hilar sat her head on her arm, “What does the girl want to eat?”

There was a short pause before Nina whispered into my ear: “Meat.”

“Err. She would like something meaty.” I relayed.

“Ha. Get a platter for this girl as well.”

“Of course, I’ll be right out.” Glyake bowed before leaving.

“Honestly,” Hilar scoffed, “What does he think he’s doing, acting like a waiter when he’s part of the family. If it wasn’t for his business acumen the others would have eaten him alive.”

Mother remained silent.

“Anyway, Sylvestra.” Hilar turned her gaze on mother and I, “Regarding that child of yours.”

It was at this moment that we heard a knock on the door.

“Lady Sylvestra, you have a visitor.” An employee said before sliding open the door.

In stepped master Rafine, with a brown hat this time.

“Hey Sylvestra, do you know where Prisilla put the-  ah, are you busy?” Master Rafine stopped upon seeing the sight of Hilar.

I closed my eyes at the thought of the rear-admiral’s disastrous response to the interruption, but what happened next left me at a loss for words.

Hilar stood up from her seat then proceeded to do a one-handed bow, “A crossing of life, a blessed occasion, I declare myself Leadarin Hilar Telderane, Rear-Admiral of the Darinford Republic, a Lord class sea mage." 


What was going on?

Upon the greeting master Rafine gave her own one-handed bow, “A blessed crossing, I declare myself Rafine Veritus Hagglethorn, A ranked adventurer of the Dragon's Teardrop, a Royal ranked fire mage.”

Mother and I looked back and forth between them, bewildered. 

“Do you perhaps know each other?” Mother asked tentatively.

“Only in name,” Hilar sat back down, “When I went to the academy in Felinon there was a statue of her in the resplendent hall. Firestorm Rafine was it? I heard there still isn’t quite a mage gifted in the flames as she is, even after all these years.”

They built a statue of her? In the capital?

What exactly did she do?

“You flatter me, Lady Hilar.” Master Rafine scratched the back of her head at the sudden praise.

“Please,” Hilar shot master Rafine a carnivorous gaze, “call me Leadarin. Do join us for lunch, I’d love to converse with a famous caster such as yourself.” 

“Ah haha,” Master Rafine awkwardly laughed at the intimate gesture. Unsure of whether she should take up her offer, she exchanged a look with mother before responding: “That’s much too kind of you Lady Hilar, but I must decline. Our party needs to prepare for the trip to Halyis after all.”

“Do you perhaps have any prior commitments after the escort of my sister is finished?” Hilar inquired.

“I do.”

“Hm,” Hilar gave a disappointed sigh. “A shame, I know of quite a few who are in desperate need of mages such as yourself.”

“Haha, I couldn’t be of much help anyway.” Master Rafine gestured to her lost arm.

“Oh. My condolences. Well, you are free to finish your business with my sister.” Hilar dismissed master Rafine and returned to reading her notes.

Mother and master Rafine exchanged some whispers before master Rafine stood up and made her exit without further conversation.

So she was that famous huh?

Our food arrived soon after.


The dishes they served were honestly delicious. So much so that I didn’t even pay attention to the conversations that mother and Hilar were having.

It would have probably been prudent of me to slow down and pay attention given that I was pretty much the subject of their discussions, but I really couldn’t stop stuffing myself.

It wasn’t just me either. Nina was eating like she had been starved prior, which, now that I think about it, has probably happened to her.

The professional, restaurant made food is on a whole different level from campfire cooking. I felt my taste buds being reborn.

“I’m glad you’ve taken a liking to the meal. The chef worked extra hard on it.” Oh, it was Glyake, when did he get here? He had poked his head in through the sliding doors and stared at me with a grin.

I swallowed before replying: “Thank you very much.”

“We have extra if you want any. Just say the word.” He left with a bright smile on his face.

“Alfon.” I whipped my head back around at the voice of Hilar, “I’ve been told you are a gifted mage. Able to perform magic even before the awakening. Could you give me a demonstration?”

I looked at my mother, she seemed to have given me approval so...

“Spirits of water. Lend me your aid.” A small blob of water formed atop my palm before splashing into my hand.

“Most impressive.” Hilar stroked her chin, “Truth be told Sylvestra I had intended on leaving you and your child alone for whatever fate had in store for you, but I can see now that he is a talent I simply can’t ignore.”

There was an expression of pain on my mother’s face.

“You wanted our protection, yes? Those Avenstron lords certainly like putting their hands in other people’s pockets. Very well, I can arrange it despite our mother’s... tendencies, but there will be conditions.”

“I don’t want him on the battlefield.” Mother’s resolution was firm in that statement, unwavering.

“Hoh... I didn’t think I’d see that gaze again. Fine, then we can send him to the academy.” 

“A-At Felinon? But he’s...” 

“What are you talking about,” I stopped eating as Hilar trained that carnivorous gaze I’d seen her direct towards master Rafine, right at me. 

“He was always born a Telderane.”

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