Chronicles of the Soulbound

Chapter 6: Turning Point One

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Our journey through the theocracy continued but ever since that occasion Nina started sticking to me like glue, to the point where Rafine gave us lessons at the same time. Mother had some worries about the strange outland girl getting so attached to me, but Prisilla and Rafine defended her.


"Come on Slyv, her family exiled her for having different color horns and hair. She's just craving some affection that's all." Prisilla would reassure mother.

"Unexpectedly I agree with Prisilla," the tip of her hat swayed as she nodded her head, "Ninamoritis is young, abandoned, without family, in an unfamiliar place. It will take some time before she's acquainted with the manners of the land. I know from experience."

"If you two say so."


And so, Nina clung onto me every second she could afford. She doesn't say much and just watches me read most of the time since we weren't allowed outside our encampments anymore, but the conversations we do have go along the lines of:

"Alfy! Alfy!" She would suddenly say while leaning against my shoulder.

"What is it, Nina?" And then I would respond while flipping a page in my book.

"I love you." A sudden, direct attack on my heart strings.

".... Thanks." I would reply and pat her softly on the head.

"Hehe...." She would start to giggle as she softly headbutts me.


Thankfully her horns are dull.

The two of us were often accompanied by Rafine nowadays since Mother was always busy on patrol. We were low on manpower after half the entourage stayed behind with Caspian and Agatha Dale, so she was learning from Swift on how to be an effective scout.


"Rafine, thank you so much for looking after Alfy." Mother said while bowing.

"No need," Rafine held up a hand to stop her, "Mages like me have little work outside of combat or disasters, I'd be more than happy to."

It was unfortunate that my magic schooling had to stop since my mana circuits were believed to be compromised after the recent incident, but she would always tell me stories of her journeys when I asked her.

I remember one of these occasions vividly, we were just finished a lesson while riding in the carriage when I request a story from her.


"Which one would you like to hear today young Alfy?" she said while writing on some scrolls.

"Tell me another one from your solo adventures." I bounced up and down enthusiastically. Nina bounced with me as well, though I'm not sure if she was excited or just copying me.

"Very well," she would stop and take off her spectacles before conjuring a scene in front of us with earth magic.

"The lands of the Osignin Kingdom, being the closest to the outlands, are extraordinarily harsh. The midday sun would strip the skin off your bones with their heat, and the cold lonely nights threatened to swallow you beneath the shifting tides of the sand they accompany. The caravan I was travelling had been decimated by a monster attack after some idiot had illegally smuggled mana dense cargo and attracted the foul beasts. I had escaped, momentarily, but the Dune Prowlers were after my scent."

I held my breath as she continued, the earthen figures changed to depict a young mage running from a pack of six legged monsters.

"My stamina was quickly fading, and I had a choice left to me: flee and hope for rescue or face my pursuers with everything I had."

The figurine of the mage turned around and threw off its big hat, revealing its tall, sharp horns that glowed crimson.

It clutched its staff as it took its stance.

"And so, young Alfy, when I stared death in the eye, what do you think I said?"

I shook my head; I did not know.


The monster figurines disappeared as a storm of fire engulfed them.

"The King Class spell, Firestorm. I had never successfully casted it before, and to this day I don't think I can under normal circumstances. The heat of the desert, my disregard for the consequences, and the desperation that fueled my mana on that day allowed me to preform quite the heroic feat."

The swirling of flames before my eyes held me captive.

"Yet," she continued as the flames died out, "the scorched corpses of the Dune Prowlers were no trophies I could be proud of. The vast outpouring of mana would have attracted stronger predators, and I, exhausted and alone, would not last the night in the harsh desert."

Boom. She slammed her palm against the carriage and the impact made the mage figurine jump a little.

"It was then that I heard it, saw it, and felt it."


"The thundering footsteps, as a great beast arose from the horizon."


"A city atop its mighty back, the powerful lights of civilization visible from miles away."


"The great moving capital of Osignin, Felinon."

Holding my breath, I was completely entranced, so much so that I jumped when the door to our carriage opened.

"Rafine, we need you at the front." It was Donovan, he scratched his head as he inspected the scene before him, "Err, am I interrupting something?"

"No," the earthen figurines faded to sand and was swept away with a brush of Rafine's hand, "Please, show me the way."

"Wait!" I called out, "What about the story Master Rafine?"

She smiled as she hopped off the carriage, "I shall save the rest for another time."

Donovan stared back at me with a knowing look.


She was honestly such a tease with the chronicles of her adventures.

Anyway, my relationship with the young missus of the Dale family, Earlane Dale, has unfortunately deteriorated. The ride in her carriage after her confrontation with Nina was extremely awkward as we sat in silence, and she has not called for me since.

As Caspian no longer drags the two of us out to play, I had little chance to talk to her nowadays. It's quite a shame since we got along rather well before then.

On the bright side, Rafine's stories were much more interesting than Caspian's swordplay.


It had been a couple of months since we've come to the Theocracy, and my third birthday is coming up tomorrow. It's come to my attention that people in this world seem to mature much faster than my previous one, must be the harsher environment or maybe the magic. I'm not entirely sure.

We were still on the road and human society only celebrates every fourth birthday, but I've been told by Donovan that the party had actually all prepared gifts for me this year.

Prisilla actually gave me her gift early this morning.


"Young Alfy! Come here nya," Prisilla waved me over with one hand while holding the other one behind her.

"What is it?" I obediently made my way towards her.

"Here ya go!" She handed me a sheathed dagger, "It's to replace the wooden one. I wouldn't normally give this to children nya, but you've proven yourself more than trustworthy of carrying it."

As I drew it gently, I could see my face reflected in the mirror like steel blade. It was much bigger than the training dagger she gave me a year ago, so much so that it felt more like a sword than a dagger.

The craftsmanship, however, was undeniable. It wasn't heavily adorned, nor was it jewel encrusted, but it felt sturdy and well-balanced, even to me. A symbol of a cat's eye was carved into the sheath.

"Happy birthday Alfy!" She was about to hug me but scratched her cheek in embarrassment, "or rather early birthday huh nya? Sorry, I spotted this deal with the travelling merchant band earlier and couldn't wait."

"Haha." How fitting of Prisilla, "Thank you so much Prisilla, I will treasure this immensely."

"Oh, stop it nya, I'm just glad you're growing up healthy and strong." she ruffled my hair.


Not only that, but the lord had also accepted our request to make tomorrow's encampment more extravagant.


"Why OF COURSE he may celebrate with us!" Derick Dale roared as mother and I asked for his permission during the afternoon break, "How could I deny such a request from the savior of my children?"

He turned his head and yelled at his chamberlain, "AUGUSTUS, PREPARE THE FINE WINE!"

"Yes sir!"


I suppose we're nearly at our destination so it's unlikely they would be around to celebrate my fourth birthday; this is a sort of an early party.

"Alfon." Rafine tapped my head with a stick, "I know you're excited about tomorrow but please focus on the lesson, okay?"

"Ah sorry Master Rafine." I sat up straight to emphasize my attention.

"It's fine, anyway with regards to awakenings in the Talisbane Theocracy there is a strict procedure-"

She was interrupted when the carriage came to an abrupt halt.

It was strange since we had a few hours left until today's destination.

"Alfy..." Nina's grip on my arm tightened, "Alfy..."

She looked uncharacteristically shy. 

Or was it frightened?

A sharp rapt came from our carriage door.

"Donovan," Rafine began as she opened the door, "I told you yesterday the inscribed sigils on the trees are not my area of expert-"

She stopped.

Because the man in front of her, was not Donovan.

"Well well well, that rune mage is the real deal. They don't suspect a thing!" An abnormally tall man with a snake tattoo on his cheek gave us a creepy smile as he bowed, "The name is Orily, a pleasure."

A few things happened at once.

1. Rafine drew her staff in a blink of an eye and pointed it at Orily.

2. Orily drew a serrated blade from his long robe and held it inches away from Rafine.

3. A pair of hands burst through the carriage window and grabbed the head of both Nina and me.

"Lovely little bodyguard," Orily rocked his head back and forth while taunting Rafine, "We don't want any trouble, we're simply following orders. And those orders state that we only need one of those children alive."

The grip on our head tightened. I could hear Nina crying a little. Whether it was from the pain or the fear I'm not sure.

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"Though I repay courtesy with courtesy, what do you say?"

Rafine's glanced bounced between us and Orily, and then back at us before she dropped her staff and held up her hands.

"Wonderful!" Orily put away his blade and picked up her staff. I never really appreciated before, but it was immaculately constructed. Rafine once told me it was a memento of an important friend, so it seemed wrong to have anyone else hold it.

"I'm glad we can all be civilized here, may I have you step out of the carriage?" He bowed and gestured to Rafine. It would have been a gentlemanly bow if it were not for the context.

Rafine did as he said and was immediately pushed to the ground and cuffed by two individuals that were standing on either side of the doorway.

"Rafine!" I had to help but the hand on my head disagreed with me. "AHHHHHH!" I yelled in pain.

"ALFY!" Rafine's voice was a little muffled by a hand pushing her face into the ground. "If you hurt him, and I'll burn you down to ashes."

"Of course of course." Orily chuckled and turned to us: "Trust me, I have no intention of harming such fine children."

With a snap of his finger the pressure on my head relented.

"You'll have to excuse Brother Boar for his impoliteness, not everyone can be as accommodating as me." He twirled with a flourish before snapping his fingers once again.

"Take them away." He said coldly.

+++ ???'s Perspective ++

In a dimly lit cavern, two men were conversing.

"So, you've secured the children then?"

"Yes of course your holiness!"

"You may throw them in the cave for now, what of their belongings?"

"We've procured a staff from the mage and a dagger from Caspian Dale, they had nothing of value in their knapsacks though we did find a wrapped wand with the note 'To Alfy', it seemed quite expensive."

"Anything else of note?"

"I assume it's the lover of that mage or something ridiculous."

"Answer," a short but threatening silence, "the question."

"I apologize your holiness. Ah yes, the girl has horns."

"What?" The first man stood up suddenly, "Those nobles from Avenstron have been bedding with the filthy demonkin? Animals! The lot of them!"

The second man stood still; his years of experience told him to stay silent.

"May the holy light of Saint Talis bring salvation to these unworthy souls."

+++ Alfon's Perspective +++

We were thrown into a poorly kept holding cell in a damp cave after they blindfolded us and forced us to walk for several miles.

Nina and I were treated fine, but Rafine had been forced to walk barefoot.

"Rafine..." They had still bound us, so I had to crawl over, "you're hurt."

She was bleeding from her wrists and feet.

"Thank yo-" She had to stop to cough, "Thank you for caring young Alfy but I shall be fine. I've endured worse."

"What do we do now?" Nina chimed in.

"We wait young Nina, for a rescue or an opportunity." She stood up slowly, the shackles on her wrists clanged as she moved, "In the meantime it would be wise for us to examine our surroundings."

And so, we joined her in searching the cell.


Our search was not fruitful, though it was covered in filth it had been well reinforced recently and the bars had even been enchanted not too long ago. We could also not discern anything from the hallway besides the fact that we were underground.

Rafine had told us the exit was to our left judging from the direction of a soft breeze, but we had no way to take advantage of that knowledge. Rafine had been cuffed with anti-mage shackles while neither Nina nor I had spells strong enough to break the bars or walls.

So, we waited, until a crew of two masked individuals dressed in green came chatting as they walked downstairs.

"So, I told him he can be with her in the grave together." The taller one laughed.

"Yeah yeah you told me the story before," the other rolled his eyes.

They walked over to us and as they opened the cell, Nina lunged at them.

"Ow ow ow!" She bit down on the skin of the taller one and he cried out in pain.

"Disgusting demonkin!" The shorter one brought out a bat and struck Nina hard, she lost her grip and flopped onto the floor.

"Dam, nearly tore off my skin with that one. Hey, don't hit her too hard, the boss will have your a*s on his wall if she dies." The other man took a bandage out and started wrapping his arm.

While they were distracted, I saw Rafine get close and try to pickpocket something off them.


So that's what they were doing.

"Hah ha..." After the short man had collected himself, I made my way slowly towards Nina, "Dam, I don't want to stay in this shit hole any longer, let's just get the mage and go."

Rafine's eyes narrowed and stood up, looks like she didn't succeed in time.

"Oh ho? For a demon kin this one's a looker, don't you think so?"

"Shut your trap."

"Come on," the man grabbed Rafine by the shoulder and led her outside after locking the cell, "do you think the boss will let us have a turn with her?"

"Fat chance, the boss loves the small ones."


It had been about three hours or so before Orily came down to us and threw Rafine back into the cell.

Her clothes had been torn to bits and I could see bruises on her face and body. One of her horns had been cut from the top and the hat that she wore all the time had been shredded; she was clutching what seemed to be left of the pieces.

I was, just....

a little bit angry.

"IT HAS OCCURED TO MEEEEEE," that disgusting man began in a singsong voice, "THAT I HAVE NOT ASKED YOUR NAME BOY."

I said nothing.

"Tch, children." He scowled before slamming a boot into my side without warning. It hurt like hell.

"Answer the question boy."

I said nothing. I just spat on his boot, since I wasn't tall enough to reach his face.

His faced curled up in anger.

Oh, I'm sorry? Did I piss you off?


His kick hit my stomach.


Then my arms.


Then my head, repeatedly. I held comfort in knowing that I wouldn't be able to answer this bastard if I went unconscious.

"STOP!" But Nina threw herself in front of his blows, "His name is Alfy. Don't hurt him please!"

"Alfy? ALFY WHAT?" He poised to kick Nina, but I interrupted him.

"Alfon Adelmire. My name is Alfon Adelmire." My mouth hurt with every word.

"So, you're not Caspian Dale?"


"And she is not Earlane Dale?"


"See, was that so hard? Why can't we all just be civilized here?" He seemed to calm down.

Right before he sent a boot flying at Rafine's stomach.

"F**K! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING IN A NOBLE'S CARRIAGE?" He began kicking her repeatedly. I tried to inch my way over to stop him, but Nina clutched onto me and wouldn't let go.

Nina, not the time please.

"We were granted permission to ride there!" I managed to spit out through the blood pooling in my mouth.

"OF COURSE, YOU WERE!" One last kick sent Rafine flying into the cell wall.

With that he slammed the cell door shut and locked it before storming up the stairs.


The night was cold. Nina and I were huddled together with Rafine in order to try and keep her warm. She hadn't moved since Orily kicked her. She didn't even appear to be awake, but she clutched the pieces of her hat against her chest in a death grip.

I tried breathing into my hands to keep myself warm.


"Rafine! You're awake." I hugged her tighter.

She looked up at me, only able to open one eye.

She opened her arms slowly. Inside the bits and pieces of her hat lay a wooden wand.

'To Alfy' was written in a note next to it.

She gave me a soft smile, the biggest she could muster for me.

"Happy birthday."

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