Cindered Hood

Chapter 1: Cindered Hood: Prologue

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Blanchett Holmgren. A girl living with her mother in the year 2001. She's 19 Years Old and 6'3" Tall. And a Monster. Blanchett is a Wendigo, and so is her mother. And Grandmother. And… you know what, it doesn't matter. The thing is, Blanchett lives in a family full of monsters. Her current goal: eat Grandmother and take her powers. 

Blanchett sits, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. She is currently in a police station, waiting patiently to be released. She had gotten into a fight in class, and the person she fought with was gravely hurt. 

A police officer enters the lobby, staring at the woman with a look of confusion. "You're free to go." Blanchett stands up, not saying a word, pulling her hoodie on and zipping it up thoroughly before turning to leave the station. The officer grabs her shoulder, though, going to speak again. "Wait for a second!" she scowls… Does a filthy human dare to touch her without her permission? "What is it you require, officer?" The officer chuckles a bit before beginning to laugh loudly. It seems like he was joking... "Haha! You silly girl, I just wanted to give you back your phone." He holds out a flip phone to the girl, and she sighs… She hated jokes. She always took them too seriously. 

"Be more considerate next time, Sir..." She takes her phone and walks away from the officer. She opens the doors and leaves the station, breathing a sigh of relief. Finally, finally, out of that hell hole. "If I stayed any later, I could've been found out…." She wipes her face of sweat before looking left and right and then crossing the street. "I'll go and talk to my mother before I go and meet my Grandmother. She's been rather sick lately, so now's my chance." 

Turning left and walking down the street, Blanchett hypes herself up. She knows if she is not at her best, she will die at the hands of Grandmother. Finally making it to the street Grandmother lives on, Blanchett notices the street has no streetlights and no other houses but Grandmother's red two-story house at the end of the road. It was pretty odd to Blanchett, mainly because she didn't remember her Grandmother's house being the only one on this road. 

"Grandmother!! Grandmother! Please come out. I have something to give to you! A basket of baked goodies, I hope I won't disappoint!" Then, silence... Blanchett couldn't even hear her Grandmother moving around or clothes rustling. 

"Blanchett, my dear." She finally heard Grandmother's voice, seeing the woman open the door and leave her home for the first time in a while. She was hunched over and seemed tired for a few seconds before standing up fully, whopping 7 feet tall. "Grandmother! How have you been-" Before she could fully finish her sentence, she dodges a clawed strike coming straight for her face! 

"Now, that wasn't very nice!" Grandmother doesn't speak. She was ready and willing to kill her granddaughter. "I know what you're here to do, and I won't become a meal for you so easily, Blanchett." She scowls, her nails getting longer by the second. "And today, you'll be the one who will become my meal." Grandmother exclaims, Blanchett's face scrunching up in anger as her arms slowly grow, fur adorning them with every second. 

"Looks like we'll have to fight... And Once I'm done with you, I'll eat you with soup as a side." The two begin to circle, Blanchett's claws bared and Grandmother's talons sharp, ready to strike. "RAH!" Grandmother rushed forward, going for a kick! Blanchett dodges to the left, slashing Grandmother's stomach. Blood being left on her claws, Grandmother weaves back, her breath getting more rough and uncontrolled. 

"You... Naughty girl.." Grandmother says, her breathing slowing down slightly. "Fjandinn hafi það...(Damnit..)" She speaks their native language, standing up wobbly. Her legs shake in pain before her body slowly transforms into a scaled, more armored version of herself. "Why are you speaking our native language, Grandmother? Getting scared?" 

Blanchett responded, her body slowly transforming into that of a wolve-human hybrid. Her snout is the only thing shown underneath that hood. "Fjallabrjótur!(Mountain Breaker!)" Grandmother screams, rushing to clash with Blanchett; Blanchett smirks, speaking- "Reyndu þitt besta, amma. (Try your best, Grandmother.) " 

Before the two could clash, Blanchett spots another Animal-Like being rising behind Grandmother. And Before she knew it, jaws clamped down and bit off Grandmother's head. Her body stopped, falling to her knees before blood began splurting out of her stump like a fountain. "Who?" Blanchett looks up, seeing a wolf-like woman standing above the body, wiping her lips of blood. "Thanks for doing my job for me, Blanchett~" She turns to Blanchett, and Blanchett is confused. "Why'd you..?" 

"I just wanted to help a little. You can take the body and do as you wish. But, only if you help me with a little plan I have...~" The Wolf responds, obviously wanting something from Blanchett. Blanchett looks at the body and quickly grabs it, holding it close. "What is it you want, Wolf?" The Wolf grins, holding out her hand for a handshake. "There's a girl named Elen who has a delectable prince I want to eat. You shall help me kill them both." She looks at her with confusion... 

"And what do I get out of it?" Blanchett honestly didn't know why she should help this Wolf. But, yes, she helped her kill Grandmother... "You and your mother shall get out of those dumps once you become the Rightful Queen. Strength is everything to Wendigo, Yes?" She sighs, detransforming and turning around, her back to The Wolf. "Fine. I'll help you. But if you dare betray my mother and me... I'll kill you." 




Three Days Later: The day of the Ball. 

Today was the day of the Great Ball, a Halloween-type event hosted by the Royal Family. Everyone was invited, and people could wear costumes of their liking. Blanchett and The Wolf decided to use this to their advantage. 

The Wolf watches from afar, following Blanchett's figure with her eyes, which she was walking quite fast to her destination. After all, she didn't want to be spotted in her bright red dress and golden high heels. It showed off her jacked body way too much for her liking, and Blanchett honestly hated all the looks she got. Mainly because she had half her body transformed with scales and fiery eyes. She also had on her hood. "I fucking hate this shit." 

"Lookin Good, Red!" Blanchett's ears twitched as she heard what The Wolf had said. She gives the distant woman a thumbs up before beginning her trek towards the entrance of the Manor. Lights were bright and shooting out of every window, and multitudes of persons entered from every direction. "How the hell am I going to find the Prince in this mess? This shit is gonna get annoying real quick.." Finally, Blanchett was inside the Manor. 

The inside was beautiful, with music played, people dancing together, drinking alcohol, and eating famous foods: gorgeous women and handsome men at every turn. Blanchett's mouth watered at all the potential power she could gobble up. "Jesus Christ, so many people..." 

"Calm yourself.. The target is the Prince. So don't go on a rampage." The Wolf would whisper, following her from above. Using her enhanced hearing, she could easily hear Wolf without any issues. "If you don't shut the hell up." 

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She knew what she was here to do. She didn't need any more reminders. And so, she began searching for the Prince, using her nose to sniff around for him. The Wolf had given her some of his clothes so that she could remember his scent. She picked up on his scent rather quickly, pushing through people to get to him. 

"Oh, my sweet Prince. How fair your face looks." She heard someone complimenting the Prince, and that's when she saw it. A woman in a silver dress, with long blonde hair and dark blue eyes, looked as if they were dead—no emotion inside them. 

"She's just like me, eh?" She'd chuckle, beginning to make her way to the two, pushing through the crowd again. The Prince started to flirt with the beautiful woman, mainly because she indeed was beautiful. 

"I thank you for the compliment, Lady Elen." She giggled, and he chuckled. He was happy to see that " happiness " look on her face. But it crashed when a big, burly woman walked up, a smirk on her face, which was the only thing you could see other than her red, glowing eyes underneath that hood. "Mind if I take this dance with you, Lady Elen?" Blanchett asked, holding out her hand. Of course, Elen would look at the woman with disgust. But, it was mandatory to answer any dance request as long as they weren't rude. 

"As you wish. May I know your name?" Blanchett honestly didn't know any nicknames for herself other than red. And she wanted to be hidden, for now, so she decided to say what was on her mind. "Just call me Cinder." She smiled, her pearly whites shown to the beautiful woman. The woman sighs, bringing Blanchett to the dance floor. 

The Prince was furious—all part of the plan. His face scrunched up and all angry. He was even a little dumbfounded that Elen decided to dance with that hooligan rather than with him! "This is an outrage!" He'd say, unhappy with this predicament. 

Once the two reached the dance floor, The music began to get a little louder, and they started to play something more modern. This was a costume party, but it was in 2001. There is no way they wouldn't play the most popular song from '98. Back that Azz Up Began to play in the background, and Elen looked at Blanchett with a blush on her face. Blanchett was also a little flustered by the sudden change in gears. 

That's when the Prince had enough! "Get that Scaley bitch and imprison her now!! Guards!!" Blanchett heard boots hitting the ground and guns clicking throughout the party. Before Blanchett could react, which was rare, 20 pistol barrels pointed at her from all directions. The crowd screamed! This was insanity! "Now, everyone calm down.." Elen began to slip away from the commotion, Blanchett putting her hands up so as not to get shot. She may be the most predatorial person here, but gunshots were hard to defend against. 

Her powers worked as such; She could transform her body parts into those of animals similar to her body structure. So she can't have wings or talons because those are bird limbs. She can have a snake head, but not a snake's body or a snake tail as her arm. If it's too foreign, she can't transform into it. She would use a turtle shell in this situation, but it's too alien for her body to change into. 

The guards encircled her quickly, and the people at the party soon got away from the engagement. The Prince walks over to Blanchett, looking her over and sniffing her a bit. "Fucking creep.." He chuckled, looking up at her before looking around at the rest of the crowd. "This bitch isn't even human!! Someone call the government or the FBI- Someon-!" Before he could even finish his sentence, his entire upper body was gone instantly. Blood spurting everywhere from his lone stump and falling to his knees. It was a bloody mess. "Jesus Wolf... I had it under control." 

The guards didn't even know what happened before they started shooting indiscriminately. Blanchett turned her legs to that of a cheetah and dodged out of the way before roundhouse kicking two in the chest, their chests exploding from the speed and impact of her kick. Elen ran off, not wanting to be hit by any stray bullets, and The Wolf quickly ran after Elen, and she began to run away as if her life depended on it - because it did. 

"Stay away from me, you vile beast!" She'd scream, rounding the corner and disappearing from Blanchett's sight. She growls, slashing another guard before dodging another gunshot. "This is all That fucking Wolf's fault. If The Wolf didn't eat the Prince and let me negotiate, we wouldn't be in this situation!!" She sweeps the rest of the guards before her hands turn into those of a gorilla. She runs on all fours after the Wolf and Elen, wanting to catch up so that she can bash the stupid Wolf upside the head.

Rounding the corner after them, she spots the wolf overhead Elen, The Wolf's mouth watering in response to the fresh meat right in front of her. "Now you've no place to run, little miss~! After I eat you, I'll eat the Red Hood's mother and her next!"  

"And you thought I wouldn't hear that? Stupid Wolf." The Wolf turns to Blanchett, snarling. "And I thought you'd still be worried about those guards.." Blanchett chuckled, looking at Elen. Elen was getting ready to slip between Wolf's legs and dart to her savior, her cold gaze looking right into Blanchett's bright Red eyes. 

"I'm a much better fighter than you think. So, what was that about eating my mother?!" She snarls, her body getting bigger and bigger. Her entire body is covered in scales before she gets too big for her britches, her clothes blasting off and only leaving her hood. Thankfully her sensitive parts were covered with scales. And then those scales became armor. Red scales, like a komodo dragon, her head was turning into that of a Snakes. She looked like a big scary, chimera monster abomination—the Wolf Gulps. 

"I hope you're ready to die, Wolf." Her voice was deep and burly. That was no longer Blanchett. That was- 

"Cindered Hood." 

21 Years Later: Grimm Highschool. 

"Yes, Mom. I understand. Yes. OK. Bye." Someone could hear the sound of a phone hanging up and the sighs of a young girl. A lot has happened over the 21 Years. 

Blanchett had killed The Wolf and saved Elen from her demise. Elen had been revealed to be a world-class assassin in disguise. Typical. And the two quickly became friends afterward. They dated for a couple of years before getting engaged in 2003. A year after that, the Twins were born. No one knows how Blanchett and Elen had children when they were both women, but you shouldn't worry about that too much. The two girls were beautiful bouncing babes, and Blanchett loved them both dearly. 

The daughter that took after Elen was named Mellanie. Mellanie was nothing like Elen, taking after Blanchett more than anyone else. The daughter took a turn from both of the parents, more Emotional and Darker than anyone the two knew. The daughter, and the older one out of the twins, was named- 

"Charlemagne!!! If you don't get your ass in this house right now!" 

"Coming, mom." She says with an un-amused tone in her voice, making her way into the house. This is where Blanchett and Elen's story ends. And where Mellanie and Charlie's story begins. 

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