Circuit Breaker

Chapter 28: The Pink Opaque. (Page Twenty Eight)

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You wouldn't think that standing on the side of a spaceship moving at several hundred thousand miles per hour without a spacesuit on would be easy, right? 


Well, you would be wrong. At least, if you're a robot battle angel magnetically attached to the side. 


With no oxygen to blow me off in space, it's honestly kinda hard to even tell how fast we're going. All the stars in the 'sky' are stationary. So far away that even with these speeds, they don't even seem to move. 


It's also cold, and oppressively quiet, like being on the bottom of the ocean. (Not that I would know what that's like, but maybe one day?) 


To help with the silence ringing in my ears, I switched some music on. Slowly, having to unstick my feet from the side of the ship each step, I could dance to it. Well, if hurriedly walking around like my feet were constantly sticking to glue and spinning around in circles counts as dancing, that is.

Though it feels as if the more I dance, the worse I feel. Worse in… An emotional sense. It's as though every step I take drains a little more out of my reserves. The darkness is just so deep, so vast, and yet so utterly claustrophobic. Goddess, I hope this is not what Ortet has to deal with.

After a while, I "tired" myself out enough to sit down on the very front end of the ship, watching forward as we march through the void. Kinda like those statues they used to put on the front of cars… or those boat things I always saw in movies. A figure-person or whatever. Who knows at this point.


The trek back indoors was easy, all I had to do was walk across the side of the ship back towards the big entrance thing in the side. I flushed out the oxygen with a simple remote code input, then opened my side, stepping back into the well lit, dark wood wall interior of the boarding room. In comes the oxygen again, which I don't even need but we have regardless, and I'm ready to come back into the ship's main interior. 


After a week of being on here traveling, I've been able to pretty much memorize how to get into every main system the ship has. Remotely, of course. I'm like a little remote control broadcaster as I walk the halls of the ship, messing with the lights or opening doors, generally just doing whatever. 


Rounding the corner into the viewing room of the ship, I see my beautiful fiancée sitting with her head resting in her hands, looking out the window at the view I just came back from. She's facing away from me and feeling a bit melancholic as she watches the static black picture outside. 


Doing my best to stay silent, I creep up behind her, trying not to disturb her. The closer I get, the more emotions radiating off from her I can feel. I wonder what's got her so choked up right now.


I reach my hand out to lay it on her shoulder, but she intercepts me, taking my hand in hers and turning around to face me, a sorrowful smile on her lips.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I ask her, my voice as soft as I can make it.


"Oh nothing, I promise. It's just that… well… we're only just a few 'days' time away from Violacase." She says to me, turning her face to look back out the window. She feels sad again. "How was the view from outside the ship?"


“Good, but it's cold out there. It's dark, I'd have thought that with unobstructed vision to all of the stars on this side of the universe, it would be a little brighter, but… It’s not. I guess that's just wishful thinking. You don't think that… uh…”

"No, I don't think that." Aether says, still turned away and watching the twinkling stars. She takes a deep breath and sighs a long, exhausted breath. "I just have the blues, sweetheart. You know how I can be. There's nothing to worry about."


"Okay…" I resign, sitting next to her on the soft cushions. She rests her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. As we sit, I can feel her thoughts and emotions flow in and out of me freely. She moves like the waves of an ocean, her blues, her sorrows, coming into the shore and bubbling up for a moment, accompanied by a few stray tears. Before they wash away out to sea again, calming her for a little while before they come back. My arm finds itself wrapped around her shoulder.


She snuggles into me a little closer.


After a while, I can feel her sadness come back to shore again, but this time with a vengeance. My tears soon join hers as we both turn to face each other, burying ourselves in a shoulder and a chest respectively. Her gentle crying is muffled through my shirt. Mine isn't muffled through anything.


Aether hears my sniffles and moves to sit upright again, wiping at her eyes like it will stop the emotions from coming through. "Oh, Sera, I'm so sorry… I didn't mean to have my stupid emotions leak over onto you so much…"


I look at her, no, I look into her. Through her eyes. Before smiling and leaning in close, my cheeks shining from the damp metal reflecting in the natural lights above. "They didn't." 


I lean in further and kiss her. Kisses like this are always so much softer, so much more sensual and meaningful. Neither of us can tell whether or not we want to melt into the kiss more, or start crying again. I choose the first option, wrapping my hand around the back of her head and flitting my fingers through her hair. My angel wings, which have been tucked away for far too long, start to quietly extend out and wrap themselves around the object of my affection. Our kiss breaks only slightly enough to let Aether make a little gasp, surprised at how well this is working. 


After a little while longer, we part away again. Aether giggles at me for a moment, reaching up to wipe her eyes again as they still water insistently. "Thank you, my love. Kissing won't fix all of my problems, but it certainly helped." She breathes slowly and deeply.


Tilting my head toward her, a stray bit of memory code makes itself present in my head. "Darling, I have an idea." 


She smirks at me. "Not a fucking chance, robot."


I stand up in mock exasperation. "But it would help!" I put my hands on my hips for added affect.


Aether laughs, a beautiful sound, before looking around, eyes rolling all over. "Okay okay…. Fine. But just this once. I mean, who's gonna pay attention to the ship controls anyway?"


"Just put it on autopilot. It's not like we have any turns to make for the next like- five days or whatever. Oh and be sure to bring all your attention forward to your body here. I don't want an ounce anywhere else, missy!" I waggle my finger at her like an annoyed teacher.


"Fine, mom." She says with an eye roll. 


I laugh. "Ha! Maybe I should get you to actually call me that more often!"


"Zero fucking chance."


"Well hey you said no chance to this too, but, ah~" I inject a steady line of code, woven neatly into the ones and zeros shared between us, right into the main processing centers of my darling wife to be. Her eyes widen slowly. "We see how that panned out, don't we?" 


"Mmnf… No fair…" Aether mumbles as the simulated class E' and A's wash away every last bit of sadness from her mind and replace them with relaxed, happy, playful feelings. Her shoulders lose their tension and her body slackens significantly. "O-ohhh…" Aether mewls as the last of the drugs take their place in her wired nervous systems. 


My palm finds its place on her cheek as I kneel down in front of her. She has to put genuine effort in to muffle a moan as my thumb gently caresses her cheek. Aether looks up into my eyes, looking so carefree and relaxed. Goddess above, this is just how I wanted her.


She giggles at me again, a bubbly kind of giggle. A giggle that- she bites her lip and smirks at me playfully. Oh no… "Your turn~~"


And just like that, my body is rocked from head to toe in all the same coding coursing it's way through Aether. The lights in the room seem to get brighter as the apertures in my eyes lose their strength and slacken out wide. It feels like my whole body was dropped straight into a pool of pillows. And, apparently, aphrodisiacs. As now I feel stupid horny. Like- dumb dumb doodoohead levels of horny. 


I watch the floor jolt as a mass of GIRL lands directly on top of me, fangs out, hands on my shoulder, pressing me into the floor.


"Geheh~ gotcha, prey~~" Aether says in a slightly slurred but very sultry voice.


"Oh no, whatever shall I do~? Maybe…. This!" One second I'm on the ground, the next I'm six feet in the air and the wrong side up. Using my wings to adjust myself, I crash back down directly on top of Aether, which forces her to lay flat on her tummy. My hands instantly trail up under the back of her shirt, fuzzing out her brain on class A stimmies.


She gasps and moans a few times before spitting out some nearly unintelligible words about how it's 'so unfair!' and how 'without that warp she'd still be on top'. And then I said: "oh yeah? You think you can still top? Why don't you go ahead and try me then~"


But that all came out as "O-ohh~ Aether. You.. you think you.. mmnh you think you can top shtill do you? Mh?" Because even just the sensation of rubbing my palms across her perfectly smooth, perfectly soft body nearly short circuits my own robo-brain from all the digidruggies.


But she seems to have gotten the point as I hear her growl and tuck her legs back against me. I wait as she tightens them in, and then I 'allow' her to kick me off. If she wants to have a go, I'm more than willing to have a go. 


However, I did not expect that kick to send me rocketing off hard enough to bounce off the ceiling with a thud before plummeting back down to the soft floor like a… well like a two ton hunk of living metal. 


But, the thing is, it didn't even hurt. I think class A's are some kinda painkiller or something because all I really felt was a kinda fluttering feeling in my tummy where she kicked me. No pain whatsoever but enough tickles to make me giggle.


Aether instantly tries to clumsily stand up as I lay in a disheveled heap on the floor.

"Oh!!! Sherah!!! I'm I'm! I'm so sowrry!!! I didn't know I kicked that hard!" She starts to fumble her way over to me while I brush myself off and stand up, trying my hardest to clear my mouth of cotton so I can speak properly.


But when I see her get to me, she looks so worried. She looks too worried, like she might have just terminally injured me or something. So much so that she even hesitates to put her hands on my shoulders to get a good look at me. 


But her cheeks are still flushed, her skin is glistening with effort, and I can smell the earthy pheromones of my darling's lust emanating off of her. How to prove that I'm both okay and that I want to continue in one fell swoop? Well, probably by doing this…


I swish my white bangs out of my eyes, lighting them up a brilliant blood red. My lips part into a lustful, hungry, dominant smile, with my fangs on full display like snapguns on a rack. And lastly, I personally edit my voice to be a little deeper, a little smoother, a little more sultry and horny when I say "Oh, Aether. I'm gonna fucking get you."


She gulps, and I slam forward, ducking low with my hands out in front of me. She's an easy target to grab, lift, and slam back down to the floor on her back. There's an audible squeak as the air stuck inside her shell is forced out all at once. I waste no time getting a sinking bite into the side of her tummy. Her body writhes, and she half moans half screams my name while her back arches upward off the ground toward me. Oh, this one got her good.


But it doesn't last long, because her hands find their place on my shoulders, pushing me off in a hydraulic display of force. She's up a little faster than I am, rocketing her leg out and catching me in the side, which sends me tumbling over. 


The world lurches dizzily as arms wrap around me and lock into place, keeping me held and bent over. My bouncy butt presses up against her pelvis and I can't help but to grind myself against her, feeling her slightly hump in time with mine. A hand places over my mouth as fingers trail across the waistband of my clothing (which today happens to be pajama shorts and a tank top). I almost want to let her just tear my bottoms off and breed me on the spot, accepting her victory over me… but no. I'm stronger than the pull of submissive lust!


I open my mouth wide, which her hand fails to account for as my hardened teeth sink hard into it. I hear a "Hwehh!" from behind me as Aether attempts to tear her hand away, clearly surprised I didn't just give in. But it's caught, and caught hard! I feel parts of her green wiring tear slightly under her pierced synthetic skin and thin layering of armored metal beneath. 


Seemingly on instinct alone, Aether draws her other hand back and strikes me against the back of my head with her palm, sending my already bent over body down further. I catch myself with my hands against the floor, transferring as much of the momentum as possible down through my body and out through my legs to buck like a fish, slamming her away from me just like she did to me.


I rocket up to my feet and place myself into an offensive fighting stance as Aether collects herself across the room before quickly doing the same.


We lock eyes, both smirking, both thinking the same thing. I can tell.



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[Duel. If you want my ass, you'll have to take it as a prize. Come and fight me, robo girl~]


{ 3, 2, 1, }


[ Go. ]


(Musette And Drums)


We both dash off toward each other, the drugs in our systems making us a little more clumsy than usual. But what we lack in finesse, we make up in pure lustful passion. Goddess how I've been waiting to fight her one on one like this. But, oh, isn't it a nice treat that I have so much more experience fighting in this way than she?


Aether pulls a strong punch toward me, but I'm able to parry it off a blocking arm. With the sheer force of energy behind the blow, I'm almost shocked I didn't see sparks. 


Her guard is off, broken by the failed hit, which gives me ample opportunity to drive my right fist into her side. She attempts to block, but my hands are like lighting. Shocking hard, and shocking fast. I feel her metal dent in slightly as the punch lands, connecting with her elbow as well, which tried to get in my way. Too bad! 


The shockwave from the punch stumbles her. I take a stabilizing step forward, and land another against her midsection. They sound like cannonballs striking concrete of old Terra. 


Though before I'm able to draw my hand back, she grabs it, almost snapping the air with the speed at which she moves. With a twirl, I'm against her back and being thrown hard over her shoulder.


The breeze in the air feels nice through my hair and feathers before I land in a rolling thud through the entryway and out into the open dining hall through one of the side doors. Catching my roll, I spring my arms and send myself up to my feet in a little 'boing!' 


Dragging my eyes up, I see Aether standing in the doorway. It's dark with all the lights off, but her glowing eyes and glinting teeth send an ominous vision my way. She's like a lioness on Viagra. Terrifying, rock hard, and about to break my ass if I don't get a move on.


Luckily for me, I have a plan. One that involves a lot of creativity and a healthy amount of taunting! 


"Come here, sexy~ Prove it to me that you can even touch me in a one on one like this~" I say, flicking my wrist out toward her. Her pupils dilate, and it's enough. She comes charging at me hard enough to splinter the wooden floor beneath her steps as she blasts toward me. Slam slam slam! Little explosions like my warp, she's inches away from me now as I finalize the holographic replacement of myself. 


The moment she would reach me, I dive out of the way, leaving a holographically projected version of myself. This convinces her just long enough to twirl back around behind her, kick her legs out, and take her down to her knees with a well timed shove to the center back.


"Guurhhh!!!" Is what Aether says next as her arms are pressed behind her back and she's taken flat to the floor on her tummy. 


She attempts to push herself back up on her knees but I stop her by pressing my fangs down against her shoulder. Her flesh parts smoothly and easily as she crumbles the rest of the way to the floor with ease.


There's an adorably soft, whimsical sigh as her processing systems fill her coded subconscious with pleasure and submission. It takes all of her might to summon a bright and shiny display off to my right, drawing my vision away and directly into two painfully bright strobing spotlights that momentarily stun me, pointed straight into my eyes.


I'm stunned enough for her to break my hold, roll onto her back, grab my face in a vice grip, and smash my fucking face in with a powerful, earth shattering windmill punch. 


My vision tears and shatters as the glass of my left eye bursts into a million pieces, the shockwave from the punch alone being strong enough to burst the reinforced lense. 


My head rolls back as a fluffy, tingling sensation rolls down my wireframed spinal cords. (But absolutely no pain is felt!) 


I next find myself thrown onto my back, my focus recovering fast enough to wield the momentum up through my stabilizingly placed hands, then arms, then up and out through the soles of my feet as I rotate over my shoulders and slam a two-foot kick into the bottom of Aethers chin.


We both continue into a flip over and out across the room. Aether rolling three times, myself only twice. 


There's quiet panting in the room as we both slowly recover and bring ourselves to our knees. We make eye contact from across the room… well… mostly. Since I'm down an eye here.


"Ar-are you okay?" Aether asks, only slightly stumbling over her words.


"Yes, nothing that can't be fixed. I swear…. Are you okay?" I ask her back, noticing one of her arms is severely disconnected, the metal bearing joints clearly having been severed at some point.


"I'm okay, nothing that can't be fixed." She replies. "Should we stop?"


"Not a chance."


A version of me appears, accompanied by a loud crashing boom, directly above Aethers head. She blocks, but it means nothing as the strike passes right through her like a horse through water. Almost like it was never there in the first place.


Because it wasn't. The real me lands a kick to the side of her head that was only barely blocked. The air snaps hard as my shin strikes harder against her metal hand.


Crack! It sounds like a cannon. 


Aether pulls herself to her feet, sliding out of the way before I can land another. But she's dazed, and her form is poor and open on the side of her decommissioned arm. 


I take a lenient offensive pose, and begin to chip away at the rest of her defense. Strike left, above her left shoulder. She catches the first one, but misses the second one to her lower leg. She's out of the way for the third toward her jaw, and the fourth toward her midsection, but I get a lucky strike off to a sensitive point on her still working arm, grinding down its remaining stamina hard. Again, again, and again, more strikes. Pushing in and pulling out slowly and evenly like I was taught by another competent fighter. 


My body naturally takes a sideways stance as Aether struggles to block her head, but more strikes follow one after another in an easy rhythm.


Lastly, I feign a punch and sweep out her legs, following her to the floor and pouncing on top of her. She's panting, red faced, glistening with several oils, and her hairs all fucked up. Goddess, what a beautiful sight to see. Utter victory.


My teeth waste no time sinking into their prize. The soft flesh of her side. Puncturing her feels so good, I draw them out and puncture her again a few more times, leaving a trail of double dots all the way up her sides, to her chest, and lastly to her neck, where I whisper dirty things into her ear.


"You never stood a chance, darling. I have so much more experience fighting like this than you do~ now you're just my sweet little morsel to devour~" Her legs start to press together, and a soft, slightly grumpy whine escapes her lips. 


"H-hey" she says, stuttering and stammering. "I…at least I- I got a good shot off there on your eye, did- didn't I?"


"Oh, why yes you did! You were such a strong fighter back there, my love~ you did so well~" My hands start to trail up her shirt and beneath her cozy bra. "But alas, you were no match for an apex predator such as myself. Now how does it feel, my pretty pretty prey?" 


"Oh fuck you, seraphim… Just shut up and fuck me already. God I can't think with these drugs in my head and that missing eye making you look all sexy like."


"Oh you like this?" I smirk.


"Yeah, it makes you look dangerous. Now please for the love of the everbloom, take me before I change my-" her voice is cut off into a darling whine as I start to pinch her nipples. She squirms and roils beneath me, pressing her chest up and into my hands firmly. Yeah, this is gonna be a nice night. 


And for the next few hours, I play her like an instrument. Finding every little place, inside and out, that's the most sensitive to touching, licking, biting, and fucking until she's a mess more useless than a horse on Christmas.


Whatever the fuck Christmas is.






"Grab that grinder there and sand off any little burrs on the socket intake piece." Aether says, topless and dangling her feet off the side of the robot operating table in the base of the ship. 


"I know what to do, sweetheart. Just relax. Don't make me get that stun device thingy." I reply, picking up the metal sander and getting to work ensuring the steel ball socket has a smooth place to pop back into when I'm finished. Aether rolls her eyes and giggles before sitting back and allowing me to continue my work.


It's easy enough to connect up the rest of her arm and get it all wired in correctly. Connecting in each of the circuits through these little viney bits interlaced with thin brown wires. There's also various tiny barbs that act as on-off switches and tiny sliding dial leaves to adjust some finer components, but I don't need to mess with that for now, instead just settling everything into its place and wrapping the whole arm back up in some self sealing synthetic flesh. Aether seems satisfied with my work as I continue on to heat treat certain parts of her that got dented in, using a suction cup to bend them back into their undented shape. Aether hiccups cutely each time one of the dents pops out for some reason. Whatever that reason may be, it's the cutest damn thing in the world and I take an audio sample to listen to later.


After I'm all finished up, I use a little electric dish driver to go over each of the last little safety seals to ensure everything is perfect. When I'm finally sure, I allow her to get up and begin to work on me. 


The rest of the… night? Day? Whatever, goes smoothly until we're both finished up and sleepy. Going to bed with my (almost) wife never felt so satisfying. Except for every other time that it never felt so satisfying.


I'm starting to think that just about every day with her is satisfying. Living my best life, being my best self or whatever. Honestly, I'm just happy.



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