City of Desire

Chapter 3: Chapter 02: Choice

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Carla opened the office door, and we walked inside; the office was in the tower of the left wing of the mansion; the space was quite big, as big as the corner office of my uncle in the firm.

The best thing about the office was the view; the widow gave a clear view of the garden and gate. From my chair, I could clearly see who was coming and going into the mansion.

I sat behind the table while Carla took a seat in front of me; everything was neatly placed on the table, including the files.

I took the first file and began to read it.

Even after my father died, Carla kept sending the reports, and I have read them all before coming here, and the records in the file are exactly the same without any discrepancy. It took me barely an hour to review the files, all thanks to how clearly everything was written.

"Carla, call all the girls; I have something to talk to them about," I said as I put down the last file, "Yes, Master Silver," she said and got

As she was walking toward the door, my eyes couldn't help but fall on her perfectly shaped butt; it was really something.

After she walked out, I took out the proposal I had prepared for the girls from my bag.

When I received the class a month ago, I was angry and felt like my world had collapsed; it was the second time I had been experiencing those emotions in a month, the first time being when my father got decapitated in front of me, and I showered in his blood.

It took me more than a week to calm myself and think rationally about the future, and I realized that things were not as bad as I seemed to think.

There are a couple of problems with my condition; the first is the base class. It is with me permanently; it cannot be rejected. Though the changes could be made, it could merge with other classes or advance into a higher version.

The second problem is just as problematic as my permanent class or even more problematic than it, as my survival depends on it.

It is this city, Greltheaven, named after the prince who built it.

It was built in the last two years by the fourth prince from the new region of Renwall conquered from the kingdom of Tabes.

Those bastards are hell-bent on recapturing their territory back.

It is a huge territory, as big as a small kingdom, but a wasteland; nothing grows here except on small patches of greens that spread around. That does not mean it is not valuable; it is filled with low-level magic crystals, and it is the number one export of this region.

This new region is adjacent to merchant city-states against which the empire had fought not long ago and had a trade war going, but it is not a thing.

The worse thing is due to this territory; the empire had gained a new terrifying neighbor, Navr, the necromantic kingdom rule by three supreme liches.

Their undead tides are horrifying. When they ravage, they do not leave behind even a single soul.

The Renwall region got ravaged by an undead horde of Navr three years ago, which is the reason why the empire was able to capture it in one fell swoop from Tabes.

There is another problem, which is not a problem of this city or me, but every city and person of the empire.

The Emperor would not live long; he was already over a hundred and fifty years old, and if whispers were to be believed, then he would die within five years, and the crown prince was not strong enough to suppress his siblings, who were also vying for the throne, including the fourth prince who built this city.

This is bad because any conflict in the empire would bring out hungry sharks.

Not all things are bad; there are some good things too, the reason the fourth prince took the such massive financial and political risk to build this city.

It is at a prime location, the Trollmouth river, on which banks this city is built, passed through a couple of merchant city-states. The city-states where the Emperor had sent his ambassadors to normalize the relationship and resolve the trade war between them.

The trade war will not end immediately, even merchants have limits, but there will be some loosening. It is in benefits both parties; the merchants always want trade, and Emperor wants one less enemy, especially for the coming period.

Still, the slight normalization will help this city tremendously because there are two ways into Empire; one through the sea and the other through the river, and if I am right, then the first city-state, who will normalize the relationship will Meldhorn; through which Trollmouth river flowed into Greltheaven.

The city-states are filthy rich, and even if one city-states trade flowed into the Greltheaven, it would transform it, and the fourth prince is counting on it, and so am I.

I have huge ambitions, and a rich city would help a lot with realizing that.


I made a few adjustments to the proposal and put it back in the drawer. The proposal is for tomorrow; today, they will be given a choice.

I took out two more things from my storage and placed them to my left and right; one was a stack of papers, which were the contract of girls, all of them including Carla's, and the other was a coin purse.


A few minutes later, the door opened, and Carla walked in, and behind her were the beautiful women of the establishment.

Within a few seconds, there was barely any space left in the spacious office as all the forty-four women filled the room and now looking at me with questions in their eyes.

This time there were no inviting smiles and the power of skills, for which I am quite grateful as I do not think I would be able to resist their skills at my level.

"My father is dead, and with him, his way of doing business," I said slowly as I looked at them. "The establishment is now mine and will work under different rules,"

I could see the younger ones shuddering in fear; I couldn't help but feel heavy in my heart. The one thing I opposed the most was the age of girls.

I had my father not to use women below the age of eighteen, but he did not listen and even said they were good business as many people like the young girls.

"But before that, you all have a choice to make," I said, motioning my hands toward the contract and pouch.

"I want to present all of you with two choices; one is freedom. If you want, you can leave; I will burn your contract right in front of you and even give you a thousand crowns as severance to start your new life," I said, and immediately could see a huge shock spreading into their eyes.

They might have imagined many things, but not this; no one with a sane mind would do that.

"The second choice is to stay; you will sign the new contract, which I will tell you would be much better than this one," I said, presenting them with a choice that would change their lives forever.

"Are you playing some elaborate joke on us, Master Silver? Because I am telling you, it is not funny," said the woman with fiery yellow eyes.

She is Margaux, Carla did not introduce me to them, but I could identify them. My father had kept a detailed record of their information and, in it, their sketches. Even if I did not see the sketch, I would still recognize her, as among all the girls, only she has platinum blond hair.

She is also one of the highest earners in her last brothel.

"No, miss Margaux, it is not a joke," I replied and could see a flash of surprise appearing in her eyes as I took her name.

"So we are free to go if we want, and you will even give us a thousand crowns as a farewell?" asked tara, a raven-haired young woman.

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"Yes, you are right, miss Tara," I affirmed. "What will be the conditions in the new contract?" asked Margaux directly as she got her thoughts under control.

"You will know them when you sign the contract, and you can still reject it after reading the contract, but at that time, you will not get the benefit of the severance pay," I replied with a smile, and I could see some of them are not liking that.

"Can we have time to think about it?" asked Margaux, and her voice felt even more melodious than before. I wanted to agree to that immediately and even opened my mouth slightly, but soon closed it, understanding what was happening.

The old man used to use his skills on me, and they were much more powerful than the skills of these women, though Margaux's skill had far more finesse, which is why it took me a moment to realize what was happening.

I smoothly closed my eyes, and a small smile appeared on my face.

My father used to get sadistic pleasure in using his skills on me; he called it training, and in a way, it was.

It polished my will that I could resist such skills for some time, and also because I have quite an experience in keeping my emotions under control due to my profession on earth.

"Of course, you all have till tomorrow morning to decide," I replied, and I could see many of them taking a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Master Silver," said Margaux. To that, I just nodded.

"I will expect your answers by eight am tomorrow," I said, and they nodded and left the room one by one, leaving only Carla behind.

"Many of them might take you for your offer, Master Silver, especially with severance pay," said Carla, "Then I will wish them luck for their new life," I replied, which seemed to stump her for a moment.

"The offer is not only for them but also for you. I will even give little extra severance pay," I said, to which she smiled, and this time, her smile seemed natural, not the one her business smile, which always had a hint of seductiveness.

"I will give you my answer now, Master Silver; I am not leaving," she replied, and it was my turn to get surprised, as I thought she would at least think about it for some time.

 "Well then, take a seat; we have a lot of work to do," I said; she smiled and took a seat across from me.

There are many things I have to do, especially before I meet the people from the construction guild. There are going to be huge changes, from the appearance of the establishment to its business model; I even plan to change the name.

Lord's pleasure seemed too tacky to me.


"Oh, look, she had finally descended, and she looked tirrred," hollered a woman in her early thirties as Carla came down the basement floor where the girls live.

Nearly all of them sitting in the small common room, half of them sitting on the laps of others, talking, laughing; it is the only place they could do such things.

"Oh shush, Ina be polite to madam Carla, or she will not tell you all the juicy things she has done with master Silver," said another woman in a totally serious voice, but everyone could sense the teasing, and even Carla rolled her eyes.

Carla came down and sat on the only empty chair there was; it was kept for her. It is a chair for the madam, and as custom, nobody sits on the madam's chair.

"My dear friends, I was working, not wrestling under the sheets," she said as she laid back in her chair.

"Whole afternoon and evening?" asked the woman named Ina. "Yes, the whole afternoon and evening." She replied, but nobody seemed to believe it.

"He had thousands of questions; now I know how madam Charline had felt when he asked her all those questions," she added and messaged her head.

Madam Charline is her old boss back in Redfawn; about a year ago, he had invited her and asked many of these questions; she still remembers how angry she had been when she returned. She said she would rather fuck a hundred men in a day than answer more of bosses sons stupid questions.

"What sort of questions did he ask?" asked one of the younger girls named Lyra, "All sorts, from embarrassing to serious; he even gave me the list of questions that you all have a fill, at least those who chose to stay," she said and pulled out a stack of papers, but nobody looked at it

She had said the words that had been hanging on everyone's mind since the morning. The great choice they have to make.

"Were you able to find out anything, Carla?" asked Margaux, to which she shook her head, "No, he had been very tight-lipped out it," she said, and silence descended for a few seconds.

"What do you think about his offer? Do you think it is the truth or some cruel joke?" asked the woman, Rena. She did not answer the question immediately, as she was also unsure about it, but in the end, she decided to listen to her heart as it was the only thing that gave her the right counsel.

"I think it is true; there is no fallacy hidden in his offer as far as I could tell," she replied and could see many women taking a sigh of relief.

"Though, I would suggest not taking the offer," she said, and the whole room quieted down than it already was.

"It is freedom, Carla; you might not value it, but we do, and we are even getting a thousand crowns, which will be enough for us to last a year if we are careful in spending," said Lola angrily, voicing the thoughts of many other women.

"Exactly," she affirmed, and the women's gazes became confused at her answer.

"You will get a thousand crowns when you leave, and with a little bit of savings you have, you all will be able to live one year, two at most,”

"But then what?" she asked as she looked at all the girls. "Nearly all of us have a base class related to prostitution, which easily blocks us from working at any other place; even the skanky bars will not take us,”

"As for returning to families, most of us know how that will end," she asked, and a mirthless smile appeared on the faces of a few girls.

Half of them don't have families, and those who do have them, did not have a good experience; many of them were sold into prostitution by their own families or sold themselves into prostitution for their families.

Many of them had gained freedom and returned to their families, but they did not receive the welcome they hoped to get.

Forget an opened-armed embrace; they did not even get to step into the boundary of their homes before being thrown out.

It is said that once one becomes a prostitute, they are a prostitute for life; there is no escaping that fate.

It is not far from the truth; those who left the business always came back to it. Carla herself had done that a few years ago when she served her contract but returned. Her condition was not bad at all, but she found how hard it was for a whore to live outside, and compared to it, the whore house, the den of exploitation, felt easy and comfortable.

"I will be taking the offer; with the savings I have, I will be able to live a few years without worry,” said Lola. “I am sure, in that time, I will be able to find something useful for myself to do,”

"Then I will wish you good luck and offer you a suggestion if you are willing to listen," said Carla; she had known Lola for more than a decade and someone she was proud to call a friend.

"I hope you will read the new contract before you make a decision to leave," she advised, "Do you know something about the new contract?" asked Lola, whose eyes lit up hearing the suggestion.

"No, I do not, but I feel like all you should make a decision after reading the contract," she said and could see disappointment clouding the eyes of many women.

"It will make us forgo a thousand crowns," said Lola softly, "Yes," Carla said.

Carla did not say anything further; she had told them what she knew and felt. The decision is now theirs to make.

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