City of Streamer

City of Streamer

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Genre :

Drama, Romance



Status :


City of Streamer

Review: 8.1/10 from 17 ratings

In Shanghai, everyone knows the Rong family is rich and noble. Likewise, everyone knows the young master is particular and arrogant, not taken kindly to discipline.

Feng Shizhen trudged forth despite knowing the dangers, and passing all difficulties, successfully became the Rong family’s private tutor.

At the same time, a conspiracy that involved everyone gradually unfolded.
In this gorgeous world completely different from the outside world, and within the glamorous city filled with brilliant lights and vibrant colors, they tempted, teased, and chased each other; they also loved, betrayed, and hurt…

Just like two streams of light, lingering and encircling one another, like a never-ending dance.

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