Cliché Sin system

Chapter 1: Chapter 1. The Old World, His Past and The System

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In 2019 A sudden phenomenon and pandemic happened all around the globe. The earth was dark for a half day seemed like there was a cloud in space that blocked the sun. At the same time, people were sick and infected by a virus.

No one knew about what caused the virus to spread, and because it was too sudden, millions of people were infected. The world population was decreasing at a rapid pace and made the world economy crumble. 

At this time, scientists were trying their best to find a cure, but even after they found it, it was useless. The virus kept mutating and made a whole new type of virus. They started to not infect only humans but also animals. 

After 5 years, the world population decreased by half, from 6 billion to 3 billion. One day the virus mutated again, but different from before. This time they gave a benefit to the infected. 

They had a superpower. Some people could spawn a fireball, stealth, or any other magic.

They thought the dark ages would be ended, but they were wrong. 

After 1 year, those who had a superpower would lose their mind and become mindless monsters. Not only that, those animals who got infected were evolving into a new type of beast.

So not only that they need to worry about themself, they had to take care of the beast too. A couple of months later, a group of scientists suddenly appeared and claimed they could stop people from losing their minds.

But there was a catch, they needed some volunteers for the tests and experiment. The first and second test was successful. Everyone was alive and had their power. So more people volunteered for the next test, but the third and the fourth test failed, and everyone died.

The result was unexpected. People couldn't help but blame them. Then a couple months later, the scientist announced that they would have the next test. People were hesitant, but wise people would better die because of the experiment and help the world than turn into a monster.

On the fifth test, inside the test room, there was a large futuristic technology machine. The scientist planted a chip on the back of the head of the volunteer.

The test was a success, but people lost their superpowers. They were asking why they lost their superpower, but at the same time felt so powerful. People were shocked to hear what the scientist said. Their power was converted to their base power, and they could be stronger.

They could see system windows.


  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Class:
  • Level:
  • Lp:
  • Mana:
  • STR:
  • AGI:
  • INT:

AE (Note: It stands for Artificial Equipment)


Some people recognized this system of windows, and they couldn't believe it. It was real. 

Then the scientist explained everything to them. Started from Class. Those who had more STR than the rest would have a warrior class. Later on, it would be branched to another subclass.

Those who had more AGI than the rest would have a Rogue class. Later on, it would be branched to another subclass.

Those who had more INT than the rest would have a Magician class. Later on, it would be branched to another subclass.

Mana would be acted as the fuel to use skill, All classes can use mana, but it wasn't as strong as Magician who focused on magic.

Level gained from killing the beast and Lp (Life point) was the indicator for your life. If it touched zero, you were dead. Not only that, the Lp would decrease over time. Lp gained from absorbing the mana stone that dropped after killing the beast or from absorbing their essence like meat/etc.

After the scientist explained everything, they told them to stand in front of the futuristic machine and insert their right hand inside. 

A second later, the one who put their hand screamed in pain. They felt like their hand was stabbed by a giant needle. When they pulled out their hand, the blood could be seen, but it didn't drop to the ground. 

A second later, the blood carved a symbol in the same spot when the needle pierced their skin. At the same time, they saw a notification in their system. [AE acquired] A second later, the blood gushed out from the symbol and slowly changed its shape.

A couple of years later.

Everyone who lived in the world had already planted a chip in their head. The world started slowly stabilizing. 

The world only had two countries, the first one was called "Euronasia" and the second one was called "Union." The city was defended by a huge wall that separated them from the evolved beast that was controlling 50% of the world's territory.

But it wasn't the end either. The same phenomenon happened once again. Multiple tall towers and red portals spawned inside the evolved beast's territory.

As for the scientist, they were gone from the world. Their only remnants were their multiple futuristic pieces of machinery and items.

No one knew where they were. Some people even say that they came from the future. People saw them as a savior of this world and would be remembered forever.

Scenery Change

15 years later

Euronasia, Riverrock city, Somewhere inside a large mansion, Nighttime.

Everyone inside the mansion was already asleep. The only one who awoke was a guard who was patrolling. They didn't notice that there was two stranger inside the master room.

Inside the master room, a woman was sleeping and had a big bulge on her belly. Seemed like she was pregnant. 

*Wisspp* Suddenly portal appeared in the middle of the room, and one figure came out. They looked at the woman and walked toward her.

The figure was sticking out his hand, and seconds later, a small red crystal materialized. The crystal glowed for a while before it was turned to dust and was inhaled by the woman.

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"My queen, my job is done. I will come back now." The figure said, then went back to the portal. Disappeared.

A couple months later, 

The woman was sleeping tiredly after giving birth. She was joyous when she saw her offspring. Life would be wonderful if everyone were happy, but she was the only one who felt happiness.

Scenery Change

18 years later

Euronasia, Riverrock city, Somewhere on top of the building, Nighttime.

A young man named Kayron was lying on the ground. His body was full of bruises. He was kidnapped and beaten up by someone he didn't even know. The reason was pretty simple, jealousy.

"I thought that the masseur was still the same lady. How dare you touch her with that dirty hands" The man choked Kayron's neck and hung him in the air.

"K.....You." Kayron gave him a middle finger sign. 

He couldn't fight back. It was impossible for him to win since he was the only person in this world that had the title "The one who doesn't have power or the weakest man in the world."

"Bwahaha, no wonder your parent leave you. Let's see if you still can act like that in hell." The man released him and let Kayron fall from the building.

Kayron knew he had most likely died, looked at the sky for the last time, and then closed his eyes. He just hoped that he would immediately die when he touched the ground and at the same time he remembered his caretaker, he just felt grateful toward her. 

He grew up in an orphanage. Even though he didn't have a working system and mana, he was healthy and good-looking since he was young. Because of that, the only one who wanted to adopt him was shady-looking people. 

Good thing that his caretaker really loved him. She refused their offer to adopt him. She was afraid something bad would happen to him. She took care of him like he was her child, and she was the one that named him.

His caretaker was a healer, and her side job was as a masseur. It was rare for her to get a group invitation to hunt a beast, so she had to find other jobs to help them live. 

Kayron was the only child that stayed in the orphanage. The other kids were already adopted by a respectable families.

He took the initiative and asked her to teach him to be a masseur. He didn't want to be a burden. Even without magic, he was pretty good, and the customers were pretty satisfied.

Just until today, a pretty hot woman wanted to get a massage from his caretaker, but she got a group invitation to hunt and was not available, so Kayron was the one who served her.

Who would have thought that this would be the reason why he free falling from the top of the building.

Kayron felt like the time was moving slowly, 1...... 2.......3.........5 seconds, but something unexpected happened. Instead of the pain from the impact. His back was pressed by something soft before it bounced him to the hard surface.


He opened his eyes, panicked, and scanned his surrounding. He found out that he was on the floor near his bed. He was confused. "What the that only dream?" 

At this time, the alarm was ringing *Ringgg* He wanted to stop the alarm, but he felt a sting of pain in her body "Arggh....." He looked down, and his appearance was pretty messed up. He rolled up his shirt and saw that there were multiple bruises on his body.

"I-is not a dream! But how can I be here? I was falling down because of that crazy guy." He shouted, and at the same time, the system windows popped up.

Sin System


  • Sin fragment: (Choose the first one)
  • Name: Kayron
  • Age: 18
  • Race: (Choose the first sin fragment)
  • Gender: Male
  • Class: ~
  • Level: 1
  • Lp: 1
  • Mana:
  • STR: 5
  • AGI: 6
  • INT: 5
  • Sin Point: 0
  • Sin points for other fragments: 0/100.000

System upgrade: Cost: 50.000 Sin points


  • (Choose the first sin fragment)


  • (Choose the first sin fragment)

He was dumbfounded by this, held back his pain, he crawled to the edge of the bed and leaned against it. "Holy fuck.... I-i can't believe it. I thought I didn't have one and I was cursed, but why is my system different from the other?"

He was happy and confused at the same time, but then he saw his Lp. His heart skipped a beat because that meant he would die in 1 day. He touched the system, and another series of notifications popped up.

[Choose your first fragment to gain additional Lp. Choose wisely. This will determine how to obtain sin point]

  • Pride 
  • Greed 
  • Lust
  • Envy
  • Gluttony
  • Wrath
  • Sloth

"The first fragment would be the most important. Pride, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth were out of the question. Lust or Wrath? I still have no idea how the system will work. I think I will take Lust. I'm pretty sure I can hold the desire for that like I used to."


[Yes NO]

His body staggered after he chose yes. He screamed as he felt great pain in every part of his body. Rolled his body on the floor and banged his head on the floor couple of times. A black mist emerged around his body, His clothing was already torn, and blood started to drip from his body. On his back, 2 wings materialized. His Irish changed to red, and A black symbol was carved on his hand. 

One minute had passed, but the pain was still there. Eventually, he fainted from the pain.

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