Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App

Chapter 25: 25

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Chapter 25: Fighting Side by Side

The red dragon was flying in the night sky, the rain was still very heavy, while Ning Chu hugged the dragon’s horns to keep himself from being lifted by the cold wind, squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

Third Cub’s body was so hot that the rain evaporated as soon as it touched his scales, leaving no trace of water behind.

Ning Chu’s palms and body gathered faint red light, using the magic element to maintain his body temperature, plus sitting on the top of Third Cub, even if all the clothes on him were wet, he didn’t feel cold.

He ran out really late at night, which was a little impulsive.

But the thunderstorm was so bizarre that he had to take every opportunity to find Fourth Cub.

And Second Cub, who was nowhere to be found. Ning Chu sighed in his heart. If the dragons didn’t want to follow him anymore and wanted to go out on their own, he wouldn’t stop them if they could guarantee their own safety.

But now, at least let him find them and tell them that Fifth Cub had been resurrected.

The densest area of dark clouds was in the direction of the center of Enigma Forest, and Third Cub flew towards it with Ning Chu, but the closer they got to the forest the heavier it rained, with occasional lightning and muffled thunder. Third Cub went down and flew a little lower, slowing down to catch the scent of the Heavenly Thunder Dragon in the surroundings.

Nothing… We’ll have to look ahead again.

The sound of raindrops falling in the darkness continued, and Third Cub suddenly stopped on his way.

Ning Chu asked nervously, “What’s wrong? Did you find Xiao Si?”

A dull growl came from Third Cub’s throat, and his dark eyes were stern.

No, it was someone else who was coming.

At that moment, a silvery magic ball of light struck precisely at Third Cub’s dragon wing, but Third Cub sidestepped it.

Ning Chu steadied himself on the bumpy road, and looked behind him.

On the way, Ning Chu turned all the values of the contract service to the highest, and although he couldn’t perceive as Third Cub, he could see several figures in the darkness right then.

There were five people in total, with the iconic silver robes and magic staff… It was the Church again.

They didn’t bring their contracted beasts, and approached at great speed with only their magical systems, and attacked Third Cub at the same time.

Third Cub, while dodging, flew high into the air to hide Ning Chu’s presence, and the flames gathered in his mouth gushed out.

However, it was still raining heavily, so the flame attack was greatly reduced, but because of this, Third Cub didn’t have to worry about the surroundings.

The people of the Church reacted very quickly, and three of them released their magic shields in time to block it.

The strength of these people was far from the same level as those Ning Chu had met before, and Third Cub flew too high, so they couldn’t do anything about it for a while.

Ning Chu knew that Third Cub was trying to protect him. He didn’t know how the Church found Third Cub, but they had already been discovered, and since they couldn’t hide or escape anymore, they had to fight.

He was prepared before he came out and quickly took out his mask from his storage pouch and put it on.

Ning Chu leaned down and touched Third Cub’s forehead, “Go down.”

Third Cub understood and turned his body to dive downward.

The red dragon descended from the sky, its sharp claws shattering the silver shield.

Ning Chu found the right time to use the wood magic element in his body, and arm-thick vines broke out of the ground, firmly binding the person on the ground.

Third Cub turned around and flapped one of his dragon wings, and because several people’s rhythms were disrupted by the sudden appearance of the vines, they were simply too late to dodge, and were slapped away, smashing on the roadside.

The dragon flew back high into the sky, when several people on the ground quickly got up, holding a bottle of healing potion by their mouths to recover their injuries.

One of the subordinates was filled with astonishment, “The wood magic just now… Was that the leaf dragon’s? But didn’t it already…”

The deacon at the side took out the disc, and the pointer still remained in the red area.

He put away the disc and looked into the air, thinking, “Is there another one?”

The sky was too dark, and Ning Chu’s aura was covered by the dominant fire element around Third Cub. If it wasn’t for the vines just now, they wouldn’t have known that the dragon above them had helpers.

Since magic dragons didn’t like other races, the Church people didn’t even consider humans and magic dragons working together, so their only guess was that there was a dragon.

The fire dragon leaned down to attack again, and this time they were prepared, but they just scrambled to cut the vines and re-gather the magic shield, a few more times like this would not hold up at all.

“The disc didn’t move, this one is still a young dragon.”

The deacon’s eyes lowered in a gradual frenzy. 

A second juvenile Rosette Leaf Dragon! If we can catch a live one… 

He raised his magic staff to ward off the attack and turned to his subordinates, “Where are those dragon horns? Bring them out.”

Magic dragons must recognize the scent of their own kind, not to mention that this one was still young, so if they could distract it or temporarily stop the vines… 

The fire dragon’s strength plummeted under such a downpour, and they couldn’t let go of any opportunity.

At his command, his subordinate took out a pair of dragon horns from his storage ring.

The pair of dragon horns were large, as high as an adult’s shoulder, and at first glance they looked like wood carved into the texture, but they were light green, and the sharp part of the top of the horns was smoothed.

The subordinate held the dragon horns high, trying to get the fire dragon’s attention.

After seeing the pair of dragon horns, Ning Chu and Third Cub were stunned at the same time.

It was… Fifth Cub’s dragon horns.

Ning Chu had never seen Fifth Cub as an adult, but he would never mistake these horns.

The one who killed Fifth Cub was really the Church.

Rain rolled down the side of his face as Ning Chu stared at the pair of dragon horns, his voice trembling, “I will… Kill them.”

Finding the dragon in the air hesitating slightly, the deacon was delighted, “Prepare the silver net!”

The Rosette Leaf Dragon couldn’t fly, so he guessed that the young leaf dragon should be on the back of the fire dragon, and as long as he succeeded in luring it out, he would be sure to capture it alive.

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Then while the rain was still pouring, they would figure out how to deal with the fire dragon.

The silver net was ready, just waiting for the appearance of the leaf dragon, when the red dragon actually slowly flew downward and stopped in front of the crowd with its huge body.

The deacon was on high alert. Was this pair of dragon horns really useful? Would the magic dragon completely treat them as a companion or not?

Then, the dragon lowered its head, and a figure jumped down.

He was dressed in black, the brim of his hat was pulled down, and the mask he wore completely covered his face.

Ning Chu didn’t bring a weapon, he just raised his right hand slightly, and several branches sprang from his palm, twisting and solidifying into shape.

Seeing this scene, the deacon’s heart was horrified, “Who are you?!”

The wood magic just now wasn’t the Rosette Leaf Dragon’s, but a human’s who traveled with the fire dragon!

As soon as he said that, Ning Chu had already launched his attack towards several people.

Ning Chu had no proper fighting skills, he was relying on instinct and various stat values pulled to their limits, plus the help of Third Cub.

He had just stabbed the branch in his hand into the heart of a man on the ground when a silver net covered him.

The silver net was engraved with a magical array that suppressed the use of magical elements and tightened up the more he struggled.

However, in the next moment, Ning Chu’s body burst into flames, and the silver net was burned cleanly.

The deacon’s heart was shocked beyond words, seeing his subordinates dead and wounded, he reached into his arms, trying to escape with the help of magic scrolls.

At this time, a dragon roar suddenly sounded in the sky.

Another behemoth shuttled through the clouds, bringing up silent lightning, illuminating its unique dragon horns and all purple scales.

Heavenly Thunder Dragon… 

It rained harder, the muffled thunder was deafening, as the deacon looked up into the air with a wobble, and a sharp pain came from his back.

The deacon fell to the ground spitting blood, a huge claw pressed against his back, his internal organs seemed to have shifted, and the disc in his arms fell out and broke.

Before completely losing consciousness, he saw the purple dragon stopping not far away, while the man in black removed his mask and ran to the dragon.


The Heavenly Thunder Dragon in his adult form had his wings retracted and electricity was flowing from the tip of his dragon’s horn on his forehead.

It was Fourth Cub!

Ning Chu was so surprised that he dropped the corpse on the ground and ran towards him, “Fourth Cub!”

Fourth Cub was originally deep in Enigma Forest, and it seemed that Wuuth’s Academy was nearby.

When he first arrived, he was really shocked by the scene in Enigma Forest, which was absolutely different from before.

Late into the night, Fourth Cub didn’t see Wuuth’s figure and intended to leave the place to look elsewhere, but was attracted by the movement on the way.

It flew closer to see if it was San San!

The red dragon was in the middle of a rage, using his claw to kill on the ground.

Fourth Cub just landed on the ground and saw another human, coming in his direction.

Fourth Cub was very alert, and the current on the dragon’s horn intensified, trying to solve this leaky fish.

Third Cub also saw it and turned his head towards him with a roar.

Fourth Cub heard the sound and put away his magic, his silver pupils looked at the human in front of him, showing a puzzled look.

Third Cub said he couldn’t kill it? Why? He just killed a human himself just now.

What was different about this human… Was it…?

Fourth Cub looked down in surprise, as this human was holding him!

The dragon’s claws were so big that Ning Chu couldn’t hold it even if he tried to open his arms, so he tilted his head and shouted again, “Fourth cub!”

As the rain stopped, Fourth Cub clearly heard this familiar call. He looked up at Third Cub in disbelief, trying to ask him for confirmation.

But Third Cub didn’t bother to explain more, he changed back to his juvenile form and flew over to crouch on Ning Chu’s shoulder.

Ning Chu held one of Fourth Cub’s front paws, and there were still some faint electric currents left on the scales, which made his palm tingle slightly. He was reluctant to let go of his hand, but suddenly there was an empty space in front of him.

A small purple dragon cub pounced on him and kept rubbing against his arms.

“Wu aowu…” The little dragon cub was very excited and had a bit of grievance in his voice as he licked the side of Ning Chu’s face.

Ning Chu hugged him and sat down on the ground, and finally his worries for several days dissipated, yet he didn’t forget to scold, “Why didn’t you stay on Dragon Island? What if I couldn’t find you?”

He said that, but his tone was still excited and surprised, and he lowered his head and rubbed his cheek against the side of Fourth Cub’s neck.

“Aowu!” Fourth Cub wanted to say that he didn’t run blindly, and if he couldn’t find Wuuth, he would’ve gone back.

He had no idea why Ning Chu was with Third Cub, but it was good news that he wasn’t trapped as he suspected.

After a while, the rain stopped completely before Ning Chu let go of Fourth Cub and got up.

All of the Church’s men were dead, leaving no one alive. He took a few deep breaths and placed Fourth Cub on his other shoulder, near a pair of dragon horns on the ground.

Fourth Cub also recognized whose horns belonged to the dragon, and he tensed his spine in anger, “Wuwu…”

Ning Chu reached out and touched the top of the dragon’s horns, and the flames spread down his fingertips, quickly burning them to ashes.

He touched the irritable and unknown Fourth Cub and said soothingly, “Little Five is in Academy… She’s safe with Cubbie protecting her.”

Fourth Cub froze and looked up.

What? Fourth Cub was there? She wasn’t dead? Wuuth was also with Little Five?

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