Cloud Raising Dragon Cub App

Chapter 35: 35

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Chapter 35: On the Eve of Leaving

Early the next morning, Ning Chu looked at a bed of dragon cubs and was dumbfounded. He turned his head to look, to make sure he had put up the dragon nest last night. When he opened his eyes, how come they all came to his bed?

“What’s wrong with you guys?” Ning Chu said, not wanting to get up yet, he turned on his side and closed his eyes again, “Go back to sleep in your nest…”

Fifth Cub also rolled over on her back and went back to sleep, with the small tips of her teeth exposed. The other dragon cubs got up one by one and waited for Ning Chu to wake up to feed them breakfast, while Fourth Cub lay on the counter and watched a plastic cup on top. Second Cub went to the balcony, and a few moments later Third Cub followed.

Second Cub was alert, [Do you want to fight again?]

[Yes, I do,] Third Cub stopped in front of him, with a mischievous look in his eyes, [I told you that I would burn all the hair on your body if I saw you again.]

He said this but Second Cub relaxed instead, and looked through the glass window to the room, [I didn’t know Little Five was resurrected.]

If he had known, he wouldn’t have kidnapped Ning Chu in the way he did before.

Second Cub admitted in his heart that he guessed that Third Cub and Fourth Cub must be not far from Ning Chu, maybe not in the Academy, but at least near it. He did that on purpose to annoy them. The reaction of Third Cub and Fourth Cub later showed that this purpose was indeed achieved.

The resurrected Fifth Cub was also with Ning Chu. Fortunately, Ning Chu took Fifth Cub with him and never left her, otherwise he would’ve taken Ning Chu away and Fifth Cub would’ve stayed in the Academy.

Fifth Cub was still in her infancy and needed to be taken care of. Second Cub only trusted Ning Chu, as the other dragons probably couldn’t take care of her.

[Of course you don’t know, since you left on your own.] Third Cub stared at Second Cub’s neck hair fluttering in the wind, [You said you didn’t want to contact us anymore, why did you come back now?]

The meaning of this statement was like driving Second Cub away. At that time, because of the death of Little Five, the dragons were very sad, and Second Cub had a fight with them before leaving.

Now they met again, and as if nothing had happened, also shared the same bed and it was a little awkward. Second Cub said as if nothing had happened, [What? That? I forgot.]

Third Cub was speechless and flew into the room without a sound.

After a while, Second Cub also entered the room, and Ning Chu was already up. He gathered himself and began to feed the several dragons.

One, two, three, four, five dragons… Luckily, the food in the mall wasn’t expensive, so he could feed them four or five times a day. Ning Chu was staring at them when he suddenly said, “The only one that’s missing is the eldest.”

The eldest had always been the one that had saved him the most worry among the rare dragons, and he hadn’t heard from her since he arrived here, so she must be hiding herself well.

Fourth Cub looked up, “Woo!” I know where the eldest is!

“Really?” Ning Chu was surprised and brought Fourth Cub over to him to rub his paws and face, “Where is she?”

He had asked Third Cub this question before, and Third Cub only said that the Eldest Cub had something to do. Ning Chu vaguely heard the name of a place, but the translation was vague, so he wasn’t sure where it was, just that she was “looking after the dragon cubs”.

Ning Chu guessed, “She’s taking care of the young?”

Fourth Cub nodded.

Like when Fourth Cub stayed on Dragon Island with the other adult common dragons, the older cubs should be in another place. Wouldn’t it be lonely? They were also unaware of what was happening on their side.

Ning Chu asked again, “Is the Eldest Cub far from here?”

Since he was already planning to leave the Academy and make money to build Dragon Island as soon as possible, Ning Chu thought he might as well find the Eldest Cub first, so he could go and see how she was doing.

If she wasn’t on Dragon Island, he wouldn’t be able to check and buy supplies at any time, and he wouldn’t feel secure. This time it was Third Cub who spoke the same name as Fourth Cub, telling Ning Chu that Big Cub was far away from here.

“So should we go to her first?” Ning Chu reached out and poked the little black dragon next to him, “Speak.”

If Wuuth kept this up, he could just leave the Academy with a few dragons himself, not caring if he wanted to or not. The little black dragon put a forepaw on the back of Ning Chu’s hand, signaling that he should make the decision.

Ning Chu and him couldn’t communicate without a contract, slapping his claws away. He wouldn’t take too long to travel the distance, but Ning Chu still wanted to find Big Cub. He immediately got up and planned to go back to his dormitory to pack his things and bring some necessities and clothes.

Ning Chu went back without the dragons, telling several of them to behave in the dormitory, and went out alone.

Bowen went to class in the morning, and Ning Chu quickly grabbed the things he needed to bring and left quietly. Shortly after Ning Chu left, someone came to the door of Wuuth’s dormitory and knocked on it.

“Wuuth, are you in there?” The voice was familiar, it was Wuuth’s mentor, Josh.

Wuuth transformed into his human form and hesitated to open the door. He pulled the door open a little, blocking Josh’s view from inside the room.

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When he saw that Wuuth was really in the dormitory, Josh sighed with relief, “I finally found you… You should come with me to the conference room.”

Wuuth stood still, “To do what?”

Josh knew that he would never go with him unless he could explain, so he raised his hand and wiped his forehead with his sleeve, “The other elder of the Church is coming…”

Wuuth’s eyes sank slightly, “Looking for me?”

“It’s like this,” Joe sighed, “the Church elder who came back last time, called Wright something… He was recalled to the chapter a few days ago, and somehow never arrived, and was found this morning…”

Died in the middle of the road. Along with several of his subordinates, their death was extremely tragic.

The Church people found a large amount of dark magic residue near the corpse, and in this area, only one student of Lance Academy was gifted with darkness, Wuuth. When the Church came to the door, the school instructors were surprised that even if the talent happened to be the same, how could a first year student kill a Church elder?

When his own student was suspected, Josh was the first to disagree and wouldn’t go to bring Wuuth there.

“I just want to meet with him,” said the Church elder who came this time in a much gentler manner than Wighton, “To ask where he was the other day, and not to convict him.”

Wighton had been sending letters back to the chapter, reporting all his movements outside to his superiors, among which was the mention of Wuuth. There had been so much going on around Lance Academy for some time; the burning of Enigma Forest aside, the fire dragon appearing several times, and a second magical dragon that couldn’t yet be identified, and a swarm of dragons attacking the Academy without causing any casualties.

After the chapter was attacked, there was actually a large amount of dark magic elements remaining, which was temporarily pressed by the Church not to disclose to the public. However, far outside of Lance Academy, Wighton’s group suffered a very similar experience.

In addition, the letter he sent back specifically mentioned Wuuth, saying that this student was superbly gifted, but somewhat unpredictable, and that it would be best if he could be included in the Church, but if not… 

The Academy didn’t want to clash with the Church, under the persuasion of Clark, Josh intended to come to Wuuth’s dormitory to try his luck.

“It’s just a trip and back, it won’t take long,” Josh said reassuringly, “Not that I doubt you, of course. Who would believe that the Church elders died under a first year student?”

Wuuth listened indifferently, still standing in the doorway without moving.

Josh was that he was a little shorter than Wuuth, and when he looked up into his eyes, his voice got smaller and smaller. He inexplicably had a terrifying and absurd thought in his heart, could Wuuth really have done it?

Josh stared blankly at Wuuth, his white beard curling up, “You…”

“Teacher,” Wuuth said with downcast eyes, “I’ll go with you.”

He wanted to refuse, after he went and met the Church people again, he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t be able to resist to strike again.

But if he didn’t go, Josh might get into trouble. As his only teacher, Wuuth had the most contact with Josh at the Academy. Other dragons might not understand, but Wuuth knew that Josh was a good human.

He turned and glanced towards the room, as if there was someone else inside, and he had already closed the door tightly when Josh glanced behind him.

Ning Chu hurried back, just in time to run into Josh and Wuuth passing under the dormitory building. He looked at them blankly, what was this about? He had only been gone for a short while, there were still several dragons in the dormitory, Wuuth shouldn’t have left easily.

Wuuth also saw Ning Chu and turned his head to meet his eyes. The look of confusion and concern in Ning Chu’s eyes was obvious, and Wuuth subconsciously stopped in his tracks.

When Josh saw this, he looked between him and Ning Chu and said, “Wuuth will come to the meeting room with me and will be back soon.”

Ning Chu responded, “O… Okay.”

After saying that Josh led Wuuth to leave, and walked a little way forward, Wuuth turned back again. Ning Chu was no longer in the same place, probably went back to the dormitory first.

The feeling of doubt he had yesterday came up again, did Ning Chu… 

It was a little strange. Wuuth’s brow slowly creased as he finally figured out what was so strange about Ning Chu these days. He didn’t seem to avoid the person “Wuuth” at all, he brought some dragons to live in his dormitory, just saw him appear, and didn’t worry that the dragons in the dormitory would be discovered by him.

Wuuth could be basically sure that the worry in Ning Chu’s eyes just now, was for him. With Ning Chu’s reaction like this, could it be that he already knew about him? But why didn’t he mention it? During this time, there was nothing else unusual about the other dragons.

Between Wuuth’s wandering, Josh had already brought him to the Academy’s conference room.

Josh pushed open the door, there were more than ten people sitting at the long table inside the room, and they all looked towards the door when they heard the movement. There were a few instructors inside, the rest looked dressed up, all from the Church, a total of eight people.

Wuuth walked into the conference room and closed the door with his hand.

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