Clouded Skies

Chapter 6: Chapter Six : Companion

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Vampires, immortal beings that prey on human blood. Silas would have expected a Xianxia/Cultivation world before thinking that this world was inhabited by vampires.

"Are vampires like they're portrayed in the movies?" Silas had seen many movies with different vampires, some that burned in the sun and even some that shone like diamonds.

"You mean if we have all those weaknesses? The Sun does burn us, but we can eat garlic, go to church, and even swimming is fine. Of course, we can still be killed..."

"You know that wound will be hard to explain to the authorities when they go looking around for evidence, what are you going to do about it?" Bianca asked curiously as if she wasn't the one who caused it.

"What can I do? I shouldn't be a suspect, but I don't want to take such a risk and leave it to chance so I'll request leave from school and try to get my wound patched up." Silas ground his teeth but couldn't think of a better solution.

"Hm? When I said I was a vampire, I heard your heart beat accelerate, and I don't think it was due to fear." Bianca tilted her head slightly, glancing at Silas from the corner of her eye.

"Aside from the fact vampires drink blood, I think they're pretty cool. Well. Even the drinking blood part is cool to me, but I'm biased." Silas mumbled knowing that Bianca would hear him just fine.

"Someone's crazy! You're really crazy, you know that? Why would being a vampire be 'cool'?" Bianca turned to Silas who shrugged and thought for a moment before answering.

"Okay. Vampires are portrayed as the ultimate predators in most stories. I don't know why, but the idea of vampires were always something that drew my interests, save for those stories with strange plots..."

Silas could recall a few times he clicked a vampire novel back on Earth only to find the BL tag in the tag list. With annoyance, he could only back out and try to find something else.

"Strange plots? No! Do you think living forever is a blessing? To see everyone you know and love age and die while you remain unchanged forever?" Bianca spoke angrily but her anger wasn't directed at Silas but at something else.

"Then make a companion. Even I who hasn't lived that long wouldn't want to experience an eternity alone. Find a guy or girl, whatever you prefer, and let them accompany you." Silas wondered why Bianca hadn't already done so.

"Do you think someone would want to live such a wretched existence? Who do you think would like to live off the blood of others, to be a creature confined to the darkness of the night?"

"You underestimate others you know? I'm sure you could find someone who would like you and the fact they could be a vampire... Well, I should get going before the bodies get discovered."

Silas wondered how he'd get back into the dorm because he initially planned to climb, but he wasn't so sure now that he was wounded. He got up and walked to the door, not wanting to delay any longer.

"Did you mean what you said?" Bianca's voice floated over and Silas thought for a moment before nodding. He personally wouldn't even mind the change because he'd be gaining a beautiful companion and a long life.

"I'm sure someone wouldn't deny you. You're beautiful and the fact that aging is no longer a concern, I bet they'd probably even thank you." Silas spoke as he raised a hand to push open the door.

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"B-beautiful?" Silas' back was turned so he failed to see the myriad complicated emotions flashing in Bianca's eyes. Bianca looked at Silas' thin back, her mind reeling with different thoughts.

Silas' hand didn't even touch the door because a soft tender palm intercepted his own, making sure he couldn't open the door. Silas furrowed his brows at Bianca who stood besides him.

"So you're also fast... Cool." Silas figured she was, but now he confirmed it. Bianca felt her breathing quicken as she steeled her nerves. It wasn't every day a human would simply accept you for being a vampire and call you cool after all.

"You said to find a companion right? To accompany me for an eternity?" Bianca asked and despite Silas' frown, he nodded. He would do so if he was unable to die naturally after all.

"Yep. I'm sure you can do it. Just based on your clothes and this building, I can tell you're pretty wealthy right? Just find someone who you like and ask them."

Bianca looked at Silas' brown eyes and then a crafty smile appeared on her face. Inwardly she felt both anticipation and unease, but she pushed through it and spoke in a sultry tone.

"Then do you like me? You did say I could do it, so why can't I choose you?" Bianca felt amused as she looked at the dumbfounded Silas who hadn't even bothered to consider himself in the first place.

Pushing him against the door gently, her soft body pressed against his own a she enjoyed the scent of blood wafting off his body. From his erratic heartbeats, she knew he was surprised.

"Me? I... I don't think I can do that. I don't really have any experience with relationships and such, so it's better to find someone else." Silas quickly spoke, feeling it a pity to push this woman who sent herself to his bed willingly away, but he didn't think he would be able to be in a relationship with someone as he wasn't the most insightful when it came to feelings.

"Isn't that okay? You can always learn right? Am I not pretty enough?" Bianca pouted and Silas felt a bit of helplessness. She was extremely beautiful, so he spoke not knowing he sealed his fate with his next words.

"You are very pretty and from what I can gather, you aren't hard to get along with either. I just... don't think I'm best for that." Silas said and wanted to leave, but Bianca remained unmoved, her strength locking him in place.

"It's you. You brought this solution up to me, so you will accompany me for an eternity. You like vampires and I'm not ugly right? Do... you hate me?" Bianca asked with a tremble in her voice.

"Hate you? No, I find you irritating, but that's because you injured me. Other than that, you're fine. But I can-" Silas was interrupted by Bianca's triumphant smile.

"Then you don't hate me. Love can be nutured, right?" Bianca smiled and pulled Silas into her embrace, being careful to not aggravate his wound in the process.

"You also don't hate vampires, and you even find them cool. So why do you want to say no? No... I won't let you go, even if you run, I'll find you and bring you back, your mine, my partner, after all!" Bianca breathed into Silas' ear, her cool breath causing him to shiver slightly, much to her amusement.

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