Cloudy with a Chance of Lies

Chapter 3: Uncreative info dump

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There was a unending flow of questions from Cain. Questions like: "Why are were here", "How can I go back home", "Why are you wearing a maid costume", "Where is your common sense" were all starting to get on Faust's nerves. They had been walking for around 25 minutes, and Faust's concentration on typing was starting to fade. 


Because he was still trying to figure out everything about his new class. Turns out, frustration had a neat backlash when you failed to activate it. Frustrating the user. Great. 

It wasn't helping that the grains of sand were irritating Faust's ankles as they continued walking in a seemingly random direction Faust chose.

"Alright Cain. Five, no. You get three questions that I'll answer. After that, you're going to shut up and follow me ok?"

Cain pondered his questions for a bit, and then nodded in agreement. 

"Where are we?" 

"Actually, I change my mind. Just ask all 3 questions at a time, I'll answer them at the end. Don't mind me."

Cain gave Faust a strange look, and continued talking. 

"Second question, who transported us here, and how can we go back home?"

"Great questions Cain," Faust replied while typing on his phone "Let's hope that we can find traces of civilization and maybe a magical printer that would let me answer your questions!"

And within the next five minutes, they arrived at a printer. 

Faust smiled to himself. Despite how uselessly handsome and lazy Cain was, his luck always more than made up for it. Now all he had to do was connect his phone to the printer and he could get started with this round's speedrun. 

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And thirty minutes later Faust was more than ready to throw his iPhone into the sand dunes out of frustration, not due to his ability though.

Well, not his class's ability but his. This printer seeming refused to connect to his phone. All of his attempts had failed miserably, and when he had tried with Cain's phone he didn't have much luck either. 

Faust initially thought that [Keyboard Warrior] would prove some buffs to technology related activities, but that apparently wasn't the case. After some extensive testing, he had achieved some passable results but at the cost of his patience. 

  1. [Keyboard Warrior] helped increase his typing speed to an average of 200 wpm on his phone.
  2. [Frustration] could be used on both himself and other people, sometimes inadvertently. 
  3. To activate [Frustration] on himself, his inner monologue would have to be negative and annoyed.
  4. [Frustration] would only work best on people who were already prone to being frustrated. [Frustration] wouldn't work if he just activated it randomly. On average, he either needed to talk for 1 minute, or have immaculate trash talk. 

Faust then passed his phone to Cain. Cain tapped Faust's phone a few times, and his phone was connected to the printer and printed out six copies of a 6 page packet Faust had written. 

Cain quickly read over it, and a look of disgust was beginning to form on his face. The spelling and grammar were a writer's nightmare. The atrocity in front of him was quite literally one of, if not, the worst papers Cain had read in his whole life. 

Sentences such as: "in deram real we needd t ogeto yt ny usieng cereati e adn inocatove maethod sto basvicaly cheese thje suystem"

Roughly translated to: "In dream realms we need to get out by using creative and innovative methods to basically cheese the system"

All in all, the paper was a headache to read and Cain questioned if he even wanted to try reading any further. But nonetheless, he continued reading and eventually took away most of the key details. 

  1. They were in a dream realm
  2. The basically had to "level up" to get out
  3. They were in the dream of an old immortal
  4. An RPG type of system would help the people in the dream realm
  5. Faust could predict the future thanks to his abilities

Whether Faust's information was true or not, Cain didn't have anything else better to go off of. So he kept everything that Faust had written in mind, and studied them closely while gazing at his status window. 



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