Club Luna

Chương 148: 116. Making Moves

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"So," Kaylee said quietly, "Your cousin from England huh?"

I grimaced, "Yeah. That was the first thing that came to mind, about how to explain who she was and why she was staying with us and everything."

My girlfriend and I were sitting together on the bed in my new bedroom. The door was closed to give us a bit of privacy, while everyone else was still hanging out in the living-room. Nina was helping Sasha get to know the rest of our friends, and hopefully all the awkwardness and stuff would start to pass soon.

At least things seemed to work out ok, so far. Sasha was now officially a member of Club Luna, although it wasn't a unanimous decision. There were four votes to let her in, two votes against, while me Kaylee and Melody all abstained. After that I ordered a bunch of wings and wedges and stuff for everyone for dinner. Now I was having that conversation with my girlfriend, about my sudden decision to move.

"And you're positive she's safe? You're sure this isn't some new plot of hers, to get her power back and get rid of you?" Kaylee asked as she turned to face me.

I nodded, "Positive. I um, I don't want to go into details but I saw her thoughts, her plans and stuff. She's not evil, she's not mean or nasty. And I trust her."

My girlfriend frowned at me, "Cass she tried to kill you. She messed with your whole entire life, she used you then she was going to just throw you away like you were nothing."

"That's not true," I shook my head. "Or, maybe that's how things looked, but it's not what she meant to happen. The whole thing was a bunch of accidents and random events."

I was about to tell her how I wasn't supposed to exist in the first place, but that would have meant telling her that the human soul my body was born with passed on during the rituals Nina did. Which would have meant telling Kaylee that the person she thought I was basically died eighteen years ago.

And while that probably made Sasha sound even worse, there was one thing Nina didn't make clear when she told me that story last October. It wasn't my little sister's idea to do the rituals on a dying infant, that was part of Sasha's instructions. She knew what the rituals would do and even she didn't want to sacrifice some innocent human. So she told her friend to pick someone who was dying anyways. The lie she told Nina was that the rituals would save that person's life.

In the end I just sighed, "I want to tell you more Kaylee, but it would mean breaking a promise I made to my sister. All I can do is ask that you trust me when I say, Sasha isn't evil. She made a lot of mistakes, and maybe she did questionable things, but I believe she meant well. And I think she deserves a second chance. That's why I brought her back."

My girlfriend frowned for a second or two as she thought that over.

"All right Cass," she finally responded. Then she asked, "So why cousin, why not sister? I assume you're just as closely related to Sasha as you are to Nina? I guess you and your moms aren't planning on adopting her?"

I noticed that Kaylee was already using Sasha's new human name, which made me happy. Last year it took her months before she started calling my little sister Nina, and I was kind of worried she'd insist on using my cousin's original name too. Then again, I also knew my girlfriend had changed a lot since last summer.

Focusing on the conversation I grimaced slightly as I replied, "Nina was an orphan, she never had any parents or family of her own. Sasha's mother is still around, so it'd be weird for our family to adopt her? Cousin just felt like a better fit. But you're right, I'm as closely related to Sasha as I am to Nina."

"Oh right," Kaylee responded with a grimace of her own. "I almost forgot she's Miss Hawthorne's daughter. So um, have either of you tried to contact May yet? And I guess this means you're related to May after all?"

"Ugh," I made a face. "I suppose if Sasha's my cousin that makes Miss Hawthorne my aunt."

Then I continued, "Anyways we haven't tried to contact her, not yet. Neither of us is in a hurry to see her. I'm sure Sasha will reach out to her mom eventually, but right now she's more focused on all the practical stuff. She's got a hundred years to catch up on."

"And um, she's not sure how May will react to finding out her daughter's not a goddess anymore," I added quietly. "Which, same. I don't want to know what she'll do when she finds out I've ended up taking her daughter's place."

My girlfriend frowned, "Yeah good point. I hope she doesn't try to attack you or anything. I guess your moms can protect you though, if she does try something."

"Yeah," I grimaced again.

I was fairly certain I could handle May all by myself, but so far I'd managed to keep that from my friends. It was already awkward enough with them knowing I was a goddess, I really didn't want them finding out how strong I was.

The conversation tapered off for a bit at that point. Me and Kaylee were both quiet for a little while as we sat next to each other on my new bed.

After a half minute or so I finally asked, "I hope you're not upset with me for agreeing to move without any warning like that?"

Kaylee shook her head, "It's ok Cass. It's not like you're leaving town or anything. Not like me in two months. At least until then we can hang out and keep seeing each other..."

Her voice trailed off then she sighed, "I still don't really know if I want to leave for university. I'm not sure I want to move away. I don't want to leave you, or the club."

I pulled her into a hug and asked, "You'll still be back on weekends and holidays and stuff though right? And it's not that far away, only an hour's drive."

"You don't drive," she reminded me as she hugged me back. "And I don't have a car. And you already explained why I can't learn how to teleport."

"If you could teleport what would you do?" I asked quietly. "Would you stay with your parents and just teleport to university and back?"

That made her grimace, "No. I think I'm ready to get out of their house."

"Actually um," her cheeks started to colour as she admitted softly, "If I could teleport then the perfect solution would have been moving in here with you? Live here, teleport to and from school, that'd be perfect. Except there aren't any free bedrooms here now."

Some of that confidence stirred up deep inside me and I responded, "There's that spare room across the hall, I think it's supposed to be a home office? Or maybe it's just a storage room. Anyways I know it's not as big as your room at home, but it wouldn't be hard to make it into a bedroom. That doesn't solve the teleport problem, but maybe we could figure out how to get you a car? Then you'd have your own place here."

Kaylee stared at me for a few seconds, "What about... We'd have to talk to Cerys and Melanie. And Sasha too I guess. And um, there's only one bathroom, that might get busy with five of us here?"

"My parents were talking about adding a washroom down in the basement for the werewolfs," I replied with a smile. "So they don't have to go up and down the stairs all the time."

She continued staring at me for another second or two before she sighed, "I still wouldn't be able to teleport though. You said only gods angels and demons can do that."

Before I could respond she smiled and sort of teased, "What if you turned me into your angel? Then I could teleport, right?"

"No Kaylee," I stated in a quiet but firm voice. "I don't know if it's possible to turn a human into an angel, but you wouldn't want that and I wouldn't do it to you."

I still had that feeling of confidence inside as I explained, "When an angel is created, she's absolutely loyal and obedient to her goddess. If I did that to you it might take you centuries to get your free will back."

Her eyes widened as she took that in, then she made a face and shook her head. "Ok forget that idea. And I assume you can't just make me part god or something either. So that leaves..."

"I could make you part or all demon," I responded quietly. "It would mean losing some or maybe even all of your humanity. Which feels like a very large sacrifice to make, just for the sake of learning how to teleport. And I doubt you'd want to be a demon anyways."

She had another thoughtful frown on her face as she slowly replied, "Yeah. You're probably right."

"We should head back out to the living-room," Kaylee added a moment later. "The others will be wondering what we're up to. Or maybe they'll think we got distracted making out or something."

That last part made me blush, but I nodded "Yeah ok. Plus the food's going to be here any minute now."

• • • • •

You are reading story Club Luna at

"There we go! I think that's the last of it," mom said as she closed the closet door then took a look around my new room.

I was standing next to the bed, I'd just finished arranging my collection of plushie bunnies on a little shelf up above the pillows. My two big cuddle buns were on the bed next to the pillows, and I had things organized like they were before but it didn't look quite right.

"My buns look lonely," I frowned.

"It's a bigger bed hon," mom explained with a little smile. "More room for you and your plushies. Or anyone else you happen to share it with."

My cheeks were suddenly red as I exclaimed, "Mom!"

She just smiled wider and teased, "Oh please Cass, you don't really believe your mum and I don't know what goes on in our own home? You and Kaylee aren't half as quiet as you seem to think you are."

Of course that was the exact moment my girlfriend walked into my bedroom. She let out an embarrassed squeak as her cheeks went just as red as my own.

"Mom!!" I exclaimed again as I tried not to die of embarrassment.

"What?" she asked as she feigned innocence. "Anyways that's the last of your clothes and things. I think the only thing left is for you to set up your desk and computer? And now that your girlfriend's here you don't need my help with that."

Before I could respond she added, "Your mum will be here in a few minutes with Nina and Sasha. They've finished all their shopping, so I'll go wait for them in the living-room."

"Ok mom. Thanks for all the help," I mumbled while my cheeks continued burning.

She just smiled, then on her way out the door she paused to suggest "Maybe talk to your mum later? She can teach you a soundproofing spell, for whenever you have your girlfriend staying over. Just incase your cousin or the wolfgirls turn out to be light sleepers?"

"Mom!!!" I yelped again as she ducked out of my room. I could still hear her giggling though, and my cheeks burned even brighter.

Kaylee was blushing just as hard as she moved to stand next to me. She slipped an arm around me and commented quietly, "At least your parents are both being really supportive. About everything, I mean? Like being gay, moving out, bringing Sasha back, all that stuff."

"Maybe," I grimaced. "Unless she's actually secretly upset and this is a plot to embarrass me to death. Because it's almost working."

"In that case the joke's on her right? You're immortal, so you can't actually die of embarrassment," Kaylee responded.

I knew she was joking, but there was something else in her tone that made me think there was more to it than just a one-off line.

Before I could ask about that she leaned in and gave me a kiss then whispered, "Definitely find out about that soundproofing spell though, ok Cass? After all, we really don't want to disturb anyone else tonight."

Just like that my heart was racing while my cheeks remained bright red.

Fortunately we were distracted as we both heard the front door opened and the rest of my family arrived. Mum and Nina had taken Sasha out shopping, to get her some of the modern stuff she'd need to know about. Like a phone, a computer, maybe even another game console so we'd have one for the big TV in the living-room.

Kaylee and I emerged from my room to go and greet the others, and to see if they needed help carrying stuff inside. It looked like they had everything though, mum was carrying a box with a new laptop inside, Nina had a couple bags in her hands, and Sasha had a couple bags as well.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?" mom asked.

"Yeah," my little sister nodded. "We got everything."

Sasha added with a grimace, "I don't even know what half of it is or why I'd need it. But I imagine I'll be finding out over the next few days."

"How'd things go here?" mum asked. She looked at me and added, "Are you all unpacked now Cass?"

I nodded, "Yeah. All my clothes and stuff are here and put away, I got all my plushies arranged. All that's left is my desk and computer."

Mom added, "Your clothes are all here now too Sasha. Everything's been put away in your closet and dresser."

"Thank you ma'am," the fallen goddess responded. "Thank you all in fact, you've all been exceptionally kind and generous."

Mum smiled, "You're welcome Sasha. Now why don't you and Nina go start unpacking those things? And Nina maybe you can help Sasha get all her new purchases set up?"

"Sure," my little sister nodded, then she and Sasha took the laptop box from mum as the two of them went around the corner and into my cousin's bedroom.

It was pretty obvious my mum had something else she wanted to say, and I had a bad feeling it involved me somehow. Mom noticed that too, and even Kaylee could tell there was something up.

Sure enough mum commented, "I noticed a rental van around the block from here as we arrived. It looks like you have another new neighbour moving in, on the next street over. She looked about your age too Cass? Interesting thing, she's a small catgirl."

"You're not still giving out those enchanted toys to people around here are you hon?" she asked as her tone became more pointed. "We've talked about this, about how it's going to draw more and more attention?"

I grimaced, "I haven't given any toys out to the neighbours. I..."

My voice trailed off as I felt that confidence stirring inside me, and for a moment that sense of calm came over me. I could sense the catgirl next door, and I knew she was one of mine. I could tell she was moving in with her two best friends, the girl with green hair and the girl with purple hair. And I could tell this was a last-minute decision, after coming out to her parents on the weekend.

"Her name is Sage," I announced, "And she's a trans girl. I sent her a plushie two months ago. At the time she was living in the city and had no plans to move here."

"Having said that," I added calmly, "I will continue giving those plushies to any trans person who asks, regardless where they live."

Mum sighed, "All right Cass. I know your mom and I promised not to interfere with your divine business. Just please be careful, all right hon?"

Mom added, "And don't forget what we've told you, about taking responsibility for your actions."

Just like that the confidence left me and I grimaced, "I know. I'll try and be careful, and I haven't forgotten what you said about responsibility either."

"We're glad to hear it," mom replied. "Why don't you and Kaylee go finish setting up your desk and computer? We'll check on Nina and Sasha to see how they're doing, then maybe your mum and I will head back home."

Then she added in a teasing voice, "Or do you want to talk to your mum first, about that soundproofing spell?"

"Mom!" I exclaimed while my cheeks went red yet again.

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