Club Luna

Chương 154: 122. Supernatural Clubhouse

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"They've already left the group chat," Kaylee commented quietly as she stared at her phone. "It's only been a couple hours since the meeting ended."

Cerys shrugged, "Long enough for us to get dinner delivered and to eat it. It only takes a half minute to go into the messaging app and quit the chat."

My girlfriend sighed, "I know. And I know we can all still text and message each other the normal way. It's just a bit sad though, after all this time."

"I guess," the young wolfgirl shrugged again. Her attention was mostly on the TV, she and Melanie were currently engaged in another video game battle.

I gave Kaylee a gentle squeeze then told her, "I'm sad too."

She snuggled a little deeper into my arms, which was nice but a bit awkward. I had no idea why she decided she should be the small spoon when I was the short petite one. We were cuddled up on one of the sofas in the living-room. My girlfriend was quietly messing with her phone, while I just relaxed and cuddled against her back as I watched the wolfgirls play their game.

Cerys and Melanie were both sitting on cushions on the floor, with their backs against the coffee table while they played on the new game console we got for the living-room. And behind them on the other sofa were Sasha, Nina, and Willow. They were talking about video games, sorcery, and modern society all sort of mixed together.

It was just starting to get dark outside, as evening gave way to night. Our club meeting wrapped up a few hours earlier, right after Brooke and Paige left, since none of us had any ideas about the council or whoever was after us. And nobody had anything else to discuss, so Cerys closed the meeting and that was that. My parents headed home, and the rest of us got pizza delivery for dinner.

Now we'd all had enough to eat and we were just sort of chilling together.

It actually kind of hit me, this was probably all of Club Luna now. Cerys and Melanie, me and Kaylee, Nina Sasha and Willow. Even though Melody hadn't officially quit yet it seemed pretty clear she was going to, considering she was planning to move away. And having all seven of us all just relaxed and hanging out in a place where four of us already lived felt kind of cool.

It turned out Kaylee was sort of thinking along similar lines, or something close enough anyways. She shifted slightly and whispered to me, "I'd really like to stay here with you Cass. I'd like to move in with you."

"Then let's talk about it," I whispered back as I gave her a gentle squeeze.

I glanced around at our friends then at regular volume said, "You know that spare room at the back, across from my room? I was thinking that could be turned into another bedroom, so maybe someone else could move in here."

"It's complicated though," I explained, "Because first off I'd have to make sure that was ok with Cerys and Melanie and Sasha. And second off, there's just one room and three different people I'd want to offer the space to. And finally, I already know one person who'd really love to move in here but I can't tell her yes until I've talked to the rest of you. And since all of us are here right now, it seems like the best time to ask."

Without taking her eyes off the game Cerys clarified, "Translation: Kaylee wants to move in with Cass so Cass needs to ask her three roommates if that's ok, but Cass also doesn't want Nina or Willow to feel left out."

My cheeks went bright red. I managed not to hide myself behind my girlfriend as I mumbled, "Yeah. Something like that."

The blonde wolfgirl giggled while her girlfriend chuckled quietly. Then Cerys added, "If there was space I'd say invite all three of them. That'd be awesome, like we'd all be living in a supernatural clubhouse or something."

Meanwhile Willow looked surprised, "I never even thought about that? I mean it'd be super cool. I already think it's really cool that you all live here without any parents or adults around."

"What about you sis," I asked as I looked to Nina. "I know you only just moved in with mom and mum a year ago, but I don't want you to think I'm abandoning you or anything."

She smiled and shook her head, "I know you aren't Cass. And I appreciate that you're looking out for me and want to include me, but at the same time I don't want our folks to think we're both leaving them."

"And you've spent most of your life with them so far," she added in a softer, more serious tone. "This is the first time I've ever had parents, and I'm not ready to give that up yet. So I'm going to stay with them for a while. I'll still come and hang out here with all my friends though. And you're welcome to come hang out at our place too."

That actually made me feel kind of good and happy but also a little sad all at once. I gave my sister a compassionate smile as I told her, "Thanks Nina. And I'm glad you're staying with them, to be honest. I was a little worried they'd get too lonely if we both left at the same time."

"Y'all remember you only live about twenty minutes walk from each other's houses right?" Melanie pointed out. "And for that matter you two can both teleport."

"We remember," Nina replied, while I cringed slightly.

Then Cerys spoke up again, "Hey Kaylee, I thought you were going into residence when you started university? Have you changed your mind about that?"

My girlfriend blushed, "I don't know. You're right, that's what I'm supposed to do? Except that's not what I want to do. I don't want to leave town, I don't want to leave my friends. And I don't want to leave Cass. But I also don't want to stay with my parents."

"So if you're living here, how are you going to get to class? Are you getting a car?" Melanie asked.

I felt some of Kaylee's muscles tense a little, then she shifted around so she was looking at me. I could tell what was on her mind just from the way she was watching me. She was thinking about what we talked about last weekend, about becoming a demon and getting access to demonic magic.

She didn't say that though. Instead she replied, "I'm looking into it. It'd be a long drive and gas would be expensive, but it's doable."

Cerys and Melanie were still focused on their game. Without taking her eyes off it the blonde wolfgirl asked the straight-forward question, "Kaylee do you want to move in here with the rest of us?"

"I um," my girlfriend blushed. Then she nodded, "Yes Cerys, I do. I don't know yet how I'll get to my classes, I'll figure that out before September."

"How about you Willow?" Cerys asked the sorceress the same thing. "I know you said it was cool and you'd never thought about it before, but now that Cass brought it up what do you think? Do you want to move in here with us?"

The cute ravenette laughed, "I'd love to, I think it'd be wild! What's cooler than living with a bunch of friends who're all supernaturals that can do magic and stuff? It'd be awesome."

"It doesn't matter though," she added with a shrug. "Kaylee wants to move here, there's just one room, so it should go to her. And my folks wouldn't let me move here anyways. They'd be too worried I'd drop out of school. Or even if I didn't drop out, they'd worry I was going to flunk because we're too busy partying and watching TV and stuff."

Kaylee frowned, "How old are you Willow? You must be seventeen right?"

"Yeah I'm seventeen," the sorceress nodded, "Why?"

My girlfriend explained, "I'm pretty sure once you're age sixteen you can legally move out if you want to? If I remember right, parents cannot legally kick you out until you're eighteen, but at sixteen you can leave if you want. Your parents would still be your legal guardians, but I think they'd need a good reason to be able to force you back home."

"That sounds about right," Melanie stated. "My dad cut it pretty close when he moved away without me. That was just a couple weeks after my eighteenth birthday. If he'd tried that before my birthday he could have got in trouble."

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"That's great but I don't know if I'm ready to move out yet," Willow responded. "And there's only one room anyways, and Kaylee wants it. So it seems pretty obvious it should go to her."

I'd been quiet for a while but I pointed out, "I think we skipped an important step. Cerys, Melanie, Sasha, we didn't actually ask if you three were ok with another roommate."

"Of course I'm ok with it," the blonde wolfgirl replied. "That's why I've been asking all these questions, obviously. If the house was big enough I'd be saying let's get everyone here with us. Probably safer that way too, so we could all watch each other's backs and stuff."

Melanie agreed, "I'm cool with it too. Whether it's Kaylee or Nina or Willow. Or if we had enough space, all three."

That just left my cousin, and we all looked over at her. Well, everyone except the two werewolfs, who were still focused on their game.

Sasha smiled, "Of course I don't mind having more of our friends here with us. I still feel more like a guest who's imposing on your hospitality, I'm tempted to offer up my room so that both Kaylee and Willow would have room here."

"But having said that," she continued with a sly smile, "Cassandra you are a goddess after all. If you desire the house to have more rooms, you can simply make it so."

That got the others all staring at me, even the wolfgirls finally took their eyes off the TV.

"No way!" Melanie exclaimed. "Can you really do that?"

Cerys asked, "How would it work? Would the house get bigger? Or would it be like some kind of warped-space thing, where it was bigger on the inside and smaller on the outside?"

"Or could you even add a whole new floor ontop?" Willow suggested, "Like an upstairs with more bedrooms for everyone?"

Then Melanie pointed out, "If we have more bedrooms we're really going to need another bathroom too. And for that matter it'd be nice to get one in the basement, so we didn't have to run up the stairs to pee in the middle of the night."

By that point I was cringing and hiding behind my girlfriend. I mumbled, "I don't know how to do any of those things. But I don't want to add another floor ontop, I like how the house looks right now. It's cosy."

"Don't worry Cassandra," Sasha said with a smile. "I'll teach you how to do it later on. Regarding the actual topic at hand, I think the overwhelming consensus is that Kaylee, Nina, and Willow are all welcome here, but in the short-term the available room is going to Kaylee."

Cerys smirked, "Or another option is, Kaylee moves directly into Cass's bedroom, then Willow can have the spare room."

"Not a bad idea," Melanie agreed with a grin. "Do you really need your own room Kaylee? You could just crash with Cass."

That got both Kaylee and I blushing brightly, but while I could hide behind her she had to resort to trying to hide behind her phone. Which was one advantage to being the big spoon I hadn't thought of, but I was definitely taking note of it.

"I did think about that," my girlfriend admitted while she kept her face hidden behind her phone. "But Cass's room isn't big enough for both our desks and all my bookcases. And her closet's not that big either."

"That's easy enough to remedy," my cousin replied.

Then as if it was the most obvious thing in the world she told me, "Just extend the length of the house by three or four meters. You could divide that space between your bedroom, the spare room, and the bathroom. That will make the spare room large enough to count as a proper bedroom incase Willow decides to join us after all. The bathroom would be nice and luxurious, and big enough for a separate shower and tub. And you can make your room large enough to accommodate all of Kaylee's things along with your own."

"Then add a second bathroom in the basement for me and Cerys and we're all set," Melanie added with a grin.

"Fine," I mumbled. "If that's what everyone wants then I'll get Sasha to tell me how to do it later."

Willow's eyebrows shot up, "Seriously? You're just going to magically grow the house bigger? Can I watch when you do it?"

"Later," Kaylee decided. "Cass isn't doing any of this stuff tonight. And I need to talk to her in private now about some stuff. Maybe we can discuss the divine renovations tomorrow, or on Sunday."

She got up then pulled me up off the sofa as well, and the two of us headed to my bedroom while Cerys grinned and teased, "Good night you two! Have a good 'talk'!"

It wasn't even that late but I figured my girlfriend had enough of the embarrassing conversation. Or maybe she really needed to talk about something. Or maybe she actually wanted to 'talk' like Cerys was implying. My mind was kind of all over the place after all that, but once we were in my room and the door was closed it turned out Kaylee really did want to discuss something.

"I hope you're not upset about that Cass?" she asked quietly as we sat together on my bed. "I mean what I told Melanie and Cerys, about why I wanted my own room?"

She added, "You and I never actually discussed that before, I hope you weren't upset or thinking I didn't want to share a room with you? I just didn't know how to say I was worried about it being too cramped in here. But I didn't want to make it seem like I was trying to take advantage of you for a place to stay either."

"It's fine Kaylee," I replied just as quietly. "I didn't wonder, I didn't really think about it. I'm happy either way though? And um, maybe they're right. Like if you had the spare room, maybe you'd still end up spending more time in here. Or I'd spend my time in there with you."

She slipped an arm around me then pulled me backwards, so we were laying side by side on my big bed. Then she shifted closer so we were cuddling again, and finally asked "What about the other stuff we talked about last weekend? About maybe changing me? I don't know about you, but I've been thinking about it a lot since then."

Talking about her moving in with me made me blushy, but this topic left a cold heavy feeling in my stomach again.

I sighed, "I don't know Kaylee. It scares me? I'm afraid of doing something wrong and accidentally hurting you somehow. And I'm worried that even if it went ok, you might end up regretting it and hating me for doing that to you."

She slipped her arms around me and held me closer as she whispered, "I'd never hate you Cass, no matter what happened. And I trust you not to hurt me. I know you could do it."

"Are you..." I hesitated to ask, but I forced myself to say it. "Do you want me to do it now? Is that why you wanted to talk to me in private?"

She was quiet for a couple seconds, then shook her head. "Not right now, not tonight. I need to sleep on it one more night, ok? I'll tell you tomorrow, at the party."

"All right," I mumbled as I cuddled against her.

At least it meant there was one more day before I'd have to deal with potentially taking away my girlfriend's humanity.

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