Code Break : HSK

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Destiny

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A Bell rang; who may it be. Everyone wonders in dead silence, a mansion so deep inside the hills and forest could be found so easily?

After slight thinking in everyone's mind-

Only an answer arose, the assassin did it maybe, or maybe it is a worker. Akame scans the door to see if it is a threat.

Her future tech was just out of the world, an eye with X-rays that pierce through even complex objects, not bone.

It was beyond the reach of human technology.

After the scan,

Her database show's a human, a pure one. No enhancers, nothing clean, pure average human.

SFX-: Knock! Bang Knock!

"Please, I'm soaked in this rainstorm."

She gave a signal to open the door; since it was raining outside, they could barely hear her voice.

Once inside, the girl said she was stuck in the rain and the storm.

She had beautiful black eyes, lips that looked like red syrup, and hair as blonde as possible.

"Where did you even get here?"

The reason, Akame asked with a slightly suspicious look.

She reacted as if she had no business being in the place, with no hesitant behavior shown.

Akame's lie detector tech fails as she is so calm and even turns the lies into a true statement.

The girl didn't hesitate to answer and said she was taking a stroll with her friends and got lost in the forest. That's where she ended up in the mansion's front door when the storm hit the shore.

Her clothes were soaked; Ninomiya saw her body only. Then Hiori asked her to face forward and tell the size of her clothes. She wasn't in the vision of Ninomiya.

She faced him.

XS(Extra Small), she said.

Hiori, "Let me get you a towel and some clothes."

The thunderstruck-

He saw her hair and her face 

Those lips like red syrup, 

Ninomiya felt an itch in his heart as a beautiful blond girl was in front of him.

His heartbeat rose higher and higher; it was too much for him.

His eyes enlarge as the heartbeat continued, sudden pain and-

A flash of memory strikes his head and his chest,

he breathes heavily.

The heavy breathing was now slowly suffocating him-

Everyone tries to hold him as he slowly loses his breath.

He feels in agony.

A painful sight he beholds.

He says this in shock-

"Her hair, it reminds me of someone. Someone significant. ", he said-

A small girl appears in front of him as an imaginary figure, with long blond hair, blackish pink lips, a beautiful face, a tail, and horns-

But that image fades away as Ninomiya cries, "Don't Go!"

It was as if his past was displayed in front of him.


The storm engulfed the mansion.

Everyone hurries to close the windows; Ninomiya finally starts to get a hold of himself but fails.

Suddenly the building starts shaking, and loads of planks, concrete, and glass fly after the mansion.

The door breaks, and the blond girl hides behind them. She is scared of the wind howling through the open, broken hallway.


Footsteps in the howling of the wind could be heard - 

A woman appears from the outside.

"My fate has come to an end."

She said, 

Ninomiya still can't hold his breadth correctly and suddenly collapses.

She looks with a dreadful smile, 

"Oya Oya? Already out before I started?"

She taunted,

Akame had a slight fear in her head, but Hiori prepared herself for the battle. 

She takes a blue liquid contained in a small glass capsule.

Then suddenly, without thinking drinks it.

Akame's sensor lits up with information, 


'ENERGY LEVEL: 670,881 '


Akame is shocked as six megatons of TNT are inside that one capsule.

The blond girl looks at them and thinks of the same liquid used by the military to gain inhuman god-like powers.

It doesn't give them godly powers; it gives them even beyond that.

Akame's sensor again lit up, but for the enemy, it seemed...


'ENERGY LEVEL: 1.7×10^21'


As soon as that happened, Akame realized...

The fight was even beyond her capabilities.....

A smile,

"My lord, Akari's reign comes to a close? You will die, Ninomiya, and I will too. The pain in this chest is unbearable. To think you would kill my savior."

The woman spoke and raised her hand right after.

With her hand raising, her palm turned glowing hot red color.

Suddenly, the matter started breaking into fundamental parts.

The matter hovered over her sides, top and bottom.

Akame saw this with wide eyes, and so did everyone.

"If Akari has the power of matter manipulation, why didn't she use it to fix the world?"

Akame asked,

The woman replied, "If there is 'he,' there is no future, no past, no present. So he must be killed regardless of who he is."

Everyone looked at the collapsed Ninomiya gasping for air, his body twisted, and bones crackled beneath his skin.

The woman realized who he was becoming into-

"He is evolving. I must stop him." 

The Woman leaped towards the collapsed Ninomiya, but Hiori deflected the hit up to a minimum percentage of damage dealt.

The shockwave tore the house down into rubble.


Ninomiya was sent flying to a corner-

SFX: clang, click, metal ting, 

Akame protected them all using her shield modification. Shielding the rubble, she protected Ninomiya and the blond girl from being hurt.

The woman says, "So this is how you all want to play?"

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Akame's A.I. replies, "DANGER DANGER DANGER."

The woman leaps again, this time toward's Hiori, tempted to kill her first.

Hiori dodges and lands a killer blow; she is blind. But not deaf.

The years of good location, yet not echo.

She heard the air whistle and dodged it.

The blind girl isn't as defenseless as she thought, plus the power she gained was enough.

The air around her starts to swirl; the rain is pushed back by the shockwaves and the ground cracks beneath her feet.

The ground trembles as so many forces are released.

She pulls out her gadget, but she coughs blood.

The blue liquid she took was harming her now.

In pain-

"So that's how it is; you are weak to it?"

Woman says,

Akame hides them both behind some rubble and heads in for the battle.

The woman takes on both Hiori and Akame simultaneously, blocking and counter-attacking them simultaneously.

SFX: BOOM, Clang, 

The waves of energy from the clash were enough to shake the area like an earthquake. Alice saw how they fought.

It wasn't enough; Akame realized what her cyborg part could be used for.

Akame pulls her cyborg arm out and turns it into a one-handed sword.

A tool in the wildest of ideas-

Hiori takes another shot of the liquid.

And the battle continues.








 A faint voice,

"You are not alone."

"You are the sole reason."

"We are alive."

"Go protect the ones you love,"

"And make your utopia-

Ninomiya stopped shaking; it looked like the evolution was complete.

But it wasn't; his eyes turned completely black and lifeless.

He spoke in a calm tone and saw the girl beside him.

"Who is the woman?"

She replied by saying, "An enemy."

Ninomiya stood up, but not actually.

He stood up by his feet as if time reversed while he was falling.

It looked like that-

The woman finished her battle with Hiori and Akame; both were tired and badly hurt.

Akame broke her chin and arms, while hiori had a deep cut on her back.

She was bleeding hard,

And then-

Ninomiya steps in.

The sky turned purplish-black, and red lightning struck.

So much energy -

An apocalypse took birth,

Akame, Hiori, Alice, the whole world is frozen in time.

Except for Ninomiya and the woman.

She landed the first blow, but the barrier around Ninomiya didn't let her attack pass.

It wasn't the barriers that blocked her- It was the sheer energy he was emitting was enough to make a barrier.

"What is this barrier, and how are barriers possible?"

She said,

Ninomiya said, "My turn."

"Remember your loved ones, "

He flicked his fingers on her forehead.

She remembered her husband, everyone she adored.

Her life was filled with sorrow and pain; the future had not been kind to her.

Her husband cheated on her, so she had to make him suffer in the end; she couldn't get peace.

But now, she -

She closed her eyes,

Ninomiya tapped into her memories and stole them, merging them into his own to collect data. He only got a fragment of her brilliant life to collect a person's feelings-

Ninomiya, let's go of the time stop

The flow of time returned to normal again, 

Right as the time flow came to light-

The woman had her head blown into bits of particles of flesh. The bits still flew, vapourising slowly.

Ninomiya stood there; it wasn't the memory that killed her.

It was the flick he did on her forehead that killed her.

No one could withstand that much pressure on a single point.

The shockwave had eliminated the clouds from that flick.

The wind howled, and the storm faded away, revealing sunlight hidden in the darkness of the storm.

Everyone looked in awe.

No one knew how he killed her or how powerful he was.

They were happy that he was on their team.

Ninomiya's palms are glowing hot red.

But it was as if a God descended from the heavens in aid of humanity.

He takes a breath and collapses onto the ground.

As soon as this happened, Akame, yet severely injured with broken bones, still tried-

Akame crawls to him and kisses his forehead, and says-



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