Code Break : HSK

Code Break : HSK

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Code Break : HSK

Review: 9.2/10 from 17 ratings

Ninomiya Hotaru, son of the richest man on earth. He had a dream, a dream where he killed a man. The dream casted a series of events in the real world, in the chaos he got shot in the chest which had hosted a black object close to the heart.

Time stopped as the device broke apart, unreal quantities of energy flowed through his body. As the truth around him is revealed in this chaotic world he was living in. The world full of people who want to fix the future in their own way. Stands Akari Infront of them, in order to reshape the future both sides have their own plans.

Experimental subjects, elites, people with godly powers and abilities stand on their way. Will Ninomiya find a solution to this everlasting abyss, that holds his memories of his past life. Certain he was, that he was never a human.

HSK stands for HAJIMERU SEKAI KA! Which means Globalisation to start.

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