Cody’s Whiteboards

Chapter 3: Kire

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Cody was back in the meeting room. Andy, his eternally beastly coworker, was finally starting to understand the benefits an AEW would bring to society. Well, he still needed some convincing.

"Time is money." Cody started to lecture. "Each AEW saves at least 10 seconds per automatic erasure. Assume each AEW automatically erases 6 times a day. And assume we sell 60 AEW. At a conversion rate of $30/hour, we will have saved society $30 each day!"

Andy interrupted. "Cody, no one is going to buy any of these hunks of junk. It'll put our business in the re—"

Cody eyed Andy.

"—in the dark, invisible depths of the whiteboard market."

Cody was about to lecture Andy for another 2 hours when suddenly they both heard a sharp knock on the meeting entrance door.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. It was three sharp knocks in a row. Which was weird, because neither of them remembered anyone who would ever knock like this on their meeting room door. And they both knew that no one new would ever enter the meeting room. Only Cody, Andy, and a few select others were allowed here. But, as Andy cowered in the corner, curled up in a fetal position (beastly coward, those red-believers always seem to be full of character flaws), Cody fearlessly opened the door. It was Kire.

Cody slammed the door shut, locked it, and started hyperventilating. He had to go. NOW. Time was limited, so he abandoned Andy the coward, broke the glass of the meeting room, and lept out of the 5th story of his company building. His breathing grew heavier. He landed on his emergency flying whiteboard resting near the 3rd story and accelerated away. He wasn't safe here anymore.

Who was Kire? I'd rather not think about it at the moment. Opposite of green. Kire was the opposite of green. Let's leave it at that.

Cody couldn't breathe. He was having a panic attack while flying a whiteboard. The problem with such an occurrence is that one needs heavy concentration to fly a whiteboard. His chest felt tight. He couldn't get air into his lungs. His vision was growing dark.


Thankfully, Cody planned ahead, being the genius that he is. In case of emergency, he had the equivalent of a car's airbag installed in his flying whiteboards. Unlike an airbag, these life-saving devices used bubbles with a surface made of whiteboard marker ink to shield its user from impact. Nevertheless, Cody woke up next to where he crashed. He was really hungry, for obvious reasons. Thankfully he crashed right next to Cerealosis, which of course sold food.

Walking into the store, Cody immediately spotted his favorite food: granny smith apples. He liked to dip them in green spray paint first, of course. So he bought both and filled himself with the apples he bought. Food was a good coping mechanism. It was a good way to forget the reason he crashed into a building so suddenly. Cody then realized that he had no way of getting home except by walking. Thankfully, he knew his way around town quite well because he would have to walk everywhere before he invented the flying whiteboard. But then as he was walking, he had nothing to occupy his mind with. So it started wandering back to what he was doing earlier. Telling off Andy for being so beastly. Haha! That was fun, he thought to himself.

Finally, he arrived home. It was quite a sight for sore eyes. And so was Todd. Cody ran towards Todd and hugged him, getting his daily green dye all over his body. (Todd needed to be bathed daily in green dye to keep his fresh look.) Todd hugged Cody back and smiled.

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