Cody’s Whiteboards

Chapter 5: Planet

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The two were zooming through space. Faster and faster, Todd went. Cody breathed through his MBM. He felt so alive. Never before had he been this close to mother nature and her great vacuum. And he always loved bonding with Todd.


The pair faceplanted on... pure vacuum. The navigation system reported that they had arrived at their preset destination. Cody got up slowly and was starting to freak out. This wasn't Jupiter, the 4th planet. They seemed to have discovered... an entirely invisible and unknown planet between the Earth and Jupiter! Cody felt like the new Christopher Columbus. Now breathing confidently through his MBM, he realized the obvious commercial uses of such a large hunk of invisible rock. He could sell all of this on behalf of his company and make insane profits.

But wait. How would he be able to pull this invisible planet towards the Earth? After all, taking out one small chunk of it at a time would be horribly inefficient. Cody, the genius he was, knew that it would be best to just bring this entire, probably small, planet back to the Earth in one piece. Time is money, and wasted time is lost money.

"Todd, how do you think I should pull this invisible planet to Earth so I can sell it?"

Todd shrugged. It seemed like it would be up to Cody to figure this one out. After a few minutes, Cody formulated a plan in his mind. He could use one of his shoelaces as rope. He could then cover some of the planet in green paint to find a good place to tie the shoelace to. Then he could tie the other end of the shoelace to Todd himself. Finally, Todd could simply be ridden back to Earth, pulling along this invisible planet with him. Cody executed this plan perfectly, hopped onto Todd, and started their journey back to Earth.

It was a good thing Cody had a lot of green paint for Todd to eat, because it took a lot more energy to pull an entire planet. But Todd managed.


Hello. Until now, you have been reading the events of this story from Cody's point of view. But almost none of what he says is true. Whiteboards can't fly. You can't breathe marker ink. There is no such thing as Cerealosis. The company he says he works for does not exist. Todd does not even exist.

Unfortunately, Cody DOES exist. It is my job to stop him. Because soon Mars will be crashing down and ending all life on earth as we know it. You see, Cody is what is known as a whiteboard demon. He has no physical form we know of. But we can tell what he is thinking. He inhabits a whiteboard and constantly outputs a stream of consciousness onto the said board. What you have been reading has simply been a summary of what information we have recorded from this process.

Recently, someone broke into our containment facility and destroyed the whiteboard he inhabited. That troll poured high-strength acid on it, dissolving the whiteboard to nothingness. Foolish person! The demon simply moved to the next-closest whiteboard. And it seems that his current "vacation" is influencing the position of Mars IN OUR WORLD. Ugh!

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I work for the supernatural containment force, and my alias is Kire.

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