Coffee and Scrunchies

Chapter 2: ☕ Chapter One ● junior callisto

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I was walking down the main hall, when I heard someone call my name. Or, rather, my surname.


I was tackled to the ground by my best friend, Gemma.

Of course it was Gemma, I should've known.

'Jeez, you scared the life outta me. My legs are probably broken.' I groaned.

Gemma laughed and got off of my poor body. Before she could offer to help me up, someone else did.

'Need a hand?' a familiar, deep voice asked.

I looked up, and saw him. The guy I'd had a crush on since who knows when.

'Uh... yes...thanks.' I stammered. 

I felt myself blushing hard, but my slightly tanned skin thankfully concealed that.

I took his hand and stood up.

When I looked up at him, he was smiling that smile that always gave me butterflies. I decided to smile back. Hey, it's only polite that I did so. Don't get any ideas.

'I- um... thanks for-' he cut me off.

'No biggie. Hey, we're in the same class for English. We can walk there together.' he said.

'Oh... sure!' I said, a little too brightly. 

Get a grip, Hayley Callisto. He's already taken.

'I'll catch you later?' I said to Gemma.

She nodded and waved her phone, meaning for me to text her. I smiled, then turned around, and followed Max.

We walked there in silence, which was a little awkward, but if he was expecting me to ay anything, it was his fault I didn't. I mean, he was the one who asked to walk me to our next class. It's not like I could say no or anything. That would literally be so plain rude. And when would I ever miss the chance to even walk with the Max Lucas? Girls would quite happily let someone rape them for the chance to just be seen with him.

☆. ☽ .☆

When we arrived at our English classroom, Mr Campbell was standing next to the doorway, welcoming students in.

'Hi guys! Come in! Oh, and please don't sit down yet.' he said, smiling. He winked at me like he always does. He literally doesn't do that to any other girl. Or guy for that matter. He's like, what? 27? And I'm 17. 10 year difference. Like, how gross can that be?

'Right guys, the reason you're all standing up is because I'm moving you all around, so you'll no longer be sitting in your old seats.' he boomed.

'Right, front row, Maya, Clinton, Grace, Cole...'

When he'd got to the back row, and when I was daydreaming, I was snapped out of it when he called my name.

'...Hayley, Max, Aiden, Dave and Holly.'

Wait, what? I sit next to Max?

'Right, any problems, anyone?' Mr Campbell asked, and without giving anyone a chance to say anything, started lecturing the class on the importance of being prepared for the lesson so we could 'get straight into it.' 

Even though he'd literally only just given us our new seats.

'Hayley. You sit here.' Max said, gesturing to the seat next to him.

'Oh, right. Thanks. I knew that.' I said, giving a small smile.

'Right.' he said, then turned to his backpack, which was tossed onto the table.

I dumped my bag on the table and took out my notes, pencil case and exercise book.

I tried to avoid contact with Max, and hoped we somehow wouldn't have to do the speaking assessment with partners. 

It just so happened to be the other way round. Of course.

'So class, your speaking assessment for English Literature will be done in partners, so the person sitting next to you. It will consist of four sections, each on one of the four plays we have studied so far. You must create a presentation with your partner explaining the symbolism in each play. Your presentation should be approximately four minutes. The assessment will be carried out on Friday, so I suggest you get going, as you only have four days. You all may use this lesson as a head start.'

The murmur around the class rose to a chatter, and it was only when Max cleared his throat, did I realise he was staring at me.

'So, should we get started?' he said.

'Yeah, sure. I was thinking, we could start planning the section on  Romeo and Juliet? It's probably the hardest play to analyse.' I replied.

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'Definitely, you've got a point there. So the poison could be one of the main symbols of the play, as it's what brings the play to a close.'

'And the disparity between light and darkness is another one. Juliet is displayed as the light, while Romeo is displayed as the dark.'

Max smiled but it wasn't that same smile. I caught a glimpse of his neck, and just for a second, saw his Adam's apple dip. 

What does that mean?

Shut up, Hayley. He doesn't like you. He was probably just swallowing saliva or something. Everyone does it. And he wouldn't dump a beauty like Amelia for someone like you.

At that moment, the bell rang for the next period.

'Shit, time went fast.' Max said, checking his phone.

'Yep. Probably because of Mr Campbell and his big-ass mouth.' I laughed.

He laughed too.

I made Max Lucas laugh.

Oh my days, don't freak out. Not now, in front of him. Not when he-

His voice cut off my thoughts. 'So, maybe you could come to mine sometime, so we can actually get a start on this project?'

'Of course. No problem.' I said, totally calm.

Which was the exact opposite of my exuberant thoughts. 

Going to the Max Lucas' house isn't that big a deal. Is it?

Oh my gosh, what if you have to sit on his bed? Him and Amelia have probably made out and eaten each other out like, a hundred times on there.

'Give me your phone so I can save your number on mine. I'll give you a call during break, just to confirm the numbers are correct.'

'Cool.' I said, giving him my phone. 'When are you free?'

'Oh. Shit. The only day I'm free is Thursday. We'll have to meet up during school and go to my house after school. There won't be enough time to do it all after school.' He said, running a hand through his hair.

'Guys! Out! I have another class!' Mr Campbell yelled, practically shattering my eardrums. He gestured to the line of short kids waiting patiently outside. 

I guessed they were Year Sevens, because all of the girls had long skirts. 

Smart, I know. 

Girls start rolling their skirts up during the middle of Year Eight, or at the start of Year Nine. They use puberty as an excuse, of course.

We looked around, and realised we were the only students from our class left.

As we walked out of the room, Max turned to me, and was about to speak, when Amelia appeared out of nowhere.

Of course, she didn't like what she saw. She hated any girl that had good looks, and, she hated me, so, I take it as a compliment.

'Max, babe! I've been looking for you everywhere. I thought you had a free period?' she exclaimed, way too enthusiastically. Probably to make me jealous or something.

'I didn't. I just had English Lit. Thought I told you I'd see you during third period?' he replied coolly.

'Oh. I didn't see your text. Sorry.' She said, making those sick puppy eyes.

She lifted her head up and kissed him.

'It's okay babe. But not in front of the kids.' he said. But he kissed her back anyway. 

It was only then that I realised Mr Campbell was staring at us, and the Year Sevens were all giggling.

Seriously, I don't understand little kids. Like, what's so funny about love?

I cleared my throat to get Max's attention.

'Ah. Sorry. Well, I'll give you a call sometime today. See you.' He said.

I watched them both walk away, laughing at something.

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