Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 9: 9

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Chapter 9: Did The Crown Prince Blame Us?


All of the princes from the imperial family were brilliant and exceptional.  They were all good-looking, especially the one in front of her.  He had a handsome side-profile.  His long lashes were like the wings of a bird, forming a long shadow on his face as the sun light shone over him.  He had a high and narrow nose-bridge that looked like a knife.  His thin lips permanently formed a light curve, forming a slight smile that reached his beautiful eyes.

Such a warm and jade-like man was the dream lover of many women.

I could not help but remember what Yu Er said just now, my face slowly turning red.  I tried my best to cast those thoughts aside, silently scolding myself, “Have you lost your mind, Yue Qing Ying?  Have you forgotten who you are?”

At that moment, a warm voice spoke up, “Your name is Yue Qing Ying?”

I was momentarily stunned.  I raised my head.  Pei Yuan Xiu was still looking at his book, he had not raised his head.  However, that question definitely came from him.

It was originally normal for the Crown Prince to question a palace maid.  However, I don’t know why I felt as though something had shifted between us.  It felt weird and abrupt.


He turned his head to look at me while smiling lightly, “Qing-Ying.  What a nice name.”

I blushed, “Thank you, Your Highness.”

“How long have you been in the palace?”

“Answering Your Highness, this servant has been in the palace for over four years.”

“For over four years?” he appeared to be thinking something.  “And yet you are still in Nei Cang Pavilion?  You did not get any promotion or get transferred to another place?”

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“This servant… likes this place.” 

After saying that, I unconsciously lowered my head.  I did not dare to look at him, though I could feel him looking at me and smiling.  He remained quiet for a very long time, before finally saying, “En, this prince likes this place as well.”

I looked at him in surprise, only to find him smiling faintly as he walked by me and stepped out of the door.

I remained stunned after he left.  When I returned to my chamber later on, Yu Er hastily came in and grabbed me, “Qing Ying!  Qing Ying, how is it?  Did the Crown Prince blame me?”

I lightly smiled when I saw how worried she was, “No.  I think he didn’t even hear you.  He didn’t say anything.”

Hearing that, Yu Er finally sighed in relief.

However the girl remained sassy.  Now that she no longer had to worry about the previous incident, she turned her gaze to me, “Did the Crown Prince frequently go to Nei Cang Pavilion?  You never told me that.”

“No.  He only occasionally came to read.”

“Really?”  She looked at me mischievously while giggling, “Only occasionally, and not frequently?  When I saw the way he looked at you today—“

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“Yu Er, your skin is itchy again!” I glared at her before sitting in front of a table. 

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Yu Er seemed to notice something off.  She walked over to me and rubbed my shoulders, “What is wrong with you, Qing Ying? You seemed distracted the entire day.  Are you upset about something?”

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