Cold Sands

Chapter 15: CH 14

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XIV A Xiao's Melody

Yuwen Yuan slowly bows down before Xiao Qinyun. “My Duchess.” 

She immediately regains her composure and replies with a smile appropriate for a duchess. “General Yuwen, you’re too courteous. I’m not worthy of your politesse. 

He quickly scans me with a smile that’s not quite a smile before handing her a letter sealed with gold wax. “This is a letter for You from His Excellency, the Left Minister.” 

She grins to shows her gratitude. “Your hard work is appreciated, General.” 

She fingers the envelope but doesn’t open it and moves a bit towards me. “I give you my thanks.” She pauses and looks in the direction behind him. “You should be drinking with His Highness, right? So what brings you...?” 

“It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow and I did not want to forget about His Excellency’s message. I brought it for You as soon as I remembered but I was surprised You weren’t in Your quarters.” He pauses. “I was also surprised to find You out here of all places....” 

She smiles and says, “I was bored and came out for a stroll.” 

He narrows his eyes and studies me, his eyes eerily bright. “Why, of course. The army life can be quite lacking. It’s normal that the duchess should feel bored. But, who might this be?” 

She falters but her smile comes back in the blink of an eye. She steps forth and turns to me, explaining, “Allow me to introduce. This is General Yuwen of Great Yan.” She turns to him. 

“And this is....” 

She stops short in the middle of her sentence and turns to face me. She looks to me, not knowing what to say. I pucker my lips, not knowing what to say either. It’s true, though. My status here is just too awkward. 

I look up at his brooding gaze. I think over it twice before choosing the most cautious explanation. “I am a deputy general serving under General Zhou Zhenluan of Great Rui. Han Xin is my name.” 

“Zhou Zhenluan, huh. I’ve crossed paths with him.” The corners of his mouth lift up slightly. “As for you,” He scoffs. “You’re naught but a prisoner.” 

I smile back at him. “Then you didn’t have to ask, General, since I am just a prisoner.” 

He clasps his hands behind his back and paces forward. “However, I do know a thing or two about the Han clan of Great Rui.” He scrutinizes me. “Those of political families, all they do is start conflicts and disputes. All they know is how to deceive and cheat. You’re the same, not knowing shame even after getting captured. Not only are you here completely unharmed, you still have the mood to horse around when your country’s about to perish.” 

I try to keep in the anger brewing within me and ignore his words. 

He sneers. “The men of Rui aren’t too good at fighting but sure are skilled at dogging women around.” 

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Xiao Qinyun chews on her lips before stiffening her backbone. She tilts her head up defiantly. “General, you-.” 

But Yuwen Yuan shoots her a glance and brushes her aside. I watch quietly as he strides towards me. He’s so close that I can even feel the coldness of his iron armour. The moonlight illuminates his menacing face. 

“I strongly advise that you reconsider your position and do not complicate matters for His Highness.” 

I stay quiet. 

I know exactly what Yuwen Yuan is talking about. My being here is a variable in and of itself. 

The sky darkens and faint torch lights flicker from afar. 

I take a deep breath and speak as steadily as I can, “I thank you for your advice, General.” 

I’m not in the mood to compete with him. I only want to get rid of this plague of a man as soon as possible so things don’t get complicated. 

Xiao Qinyun’s face is red with indignation and her frame is shaking, her head lowered and lips pursed. Yuwen Yuan is looking me up and down when she exclaims, “General Yuwen, you’ve been mistaken. He’s the one who saved my life!” 

Yuwen Yuan glances sideways at her. “You probably aren’t aware of the treacheries people can harbour, my Duchess. Not to mention, it’s a critical period right now. I must ensure the safety of You and His Highness. 

Suddenly Xiao Qinyun cuts in front of me and faces him straight on. “I am grateful for your consideration, General, but this matter is between us. I would appreciate it if you did not get involved.” 

The atmosphere changes drastically. Yuwen Yuan shoots me a dangerous look. I’ve already sobered up quite a bit with all the talking. I catch his hand reaching towards his waist and caressing his sword hilt out of the corner of my eye. My heart starts to race. 

“Look at you. Even have the duchess on your side now.” 

I reach out and scoop Xiao Qinyun behind me protectively. I chuckle nervously after seeing Yuwen Yuan’s stony face. “There’s no such thing. I am a prisoner unworthy of the duchess’ care. It is just that the duchess has a kindred heart.” 

Yuwen Yuan scoffs after a moment. “Oh? Is that so?” 

“The noble Duchess is only sparing us commoners her generosity—you’re over-thinking it, General.”

A warning bell goes off in my head as soon as I see his face tense up. With no time to think, I turn slightly to the side and lean back along with the momentum, avoiding his strike. The speed of his strike is extremely high and its power even more so. I feel a sharp stream of air hit my face. 

If I hadn’t dodged it, at least half of my face would swell up. 

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