Consequences be damned I am going to f*ck, fight, and live life in delight!

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 – Arrival (18+)

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Slowly, the light fades, until I regain consciousness, and I find myself in a new place.  I stand atop a green hill, a warm breeze ruffling my cloths, staring out at a beautiful sunrise.  I breath in fresh air, sweet and refreshing, and stare out at this new worlds beauty.  Enchantingly green forests, rolling hills, a river flowing with crystal blue waters, and a sun that sets the sky a soft orange.  I sit on soft grass, and stare out for what feels like hours, but really must have been minutes, marveling at the gorgeousness of the lands before me. 

It takes me a while, but I eventually brake from my trance when I hear the sound of a bird caw overhead.  I get up, and survey my surroundings.  I appear be just outside the edge of a forest.   I look out and see a city, large in size, and a road to get there near me.

" Oh thank you goddess!" I scream out for the world to hear " For this chance! For everything that I am!" 

First order of business, checking to see what items I have.  On me I wear a tunic, and long baggy pants.  On my hip a belt, with 5 small pouches.  In one I find a small wooden totem, One that perfectly resembles the goddess,  with the thick thighs, boob window and all. And of course, the devious smile.  

Looking around, I see a pack near me.  I walk over and pick it up, inside I find a few different items.  Strapped to the side of the pack is a staff about the length of my forearm, with a blue stone imbedded on top.  This, I guess is to help use my Arcane magic.  Rooting around in the pack I pull out some jerky and a water skin,  along with a fat jingling pouch.  I open the drawstring and inside I see gold coins, and quite a few.  On top of the gold lies a small note.  

"Dearest Jackson, I have done you the favor of making your brain understand the common language in Tara, and providing with some basic supplies.  The city just down the road will be a great place for you to learn about this world.  Now, return the favor and provide me a good show!" 

This, I think is most fortunate.  If I had not been able to understand the language here it would have been very difficult for me to do anything here.  Starting out naked would have been a bummer too.  I turn the note around and see it has writing one the back. " Added a little surprise for you later.  I think you'll like it." that worries me slightly, knowing that she seemed to be the mischievous type but after all she had been the one to provide him with a second life, so I doubt it will be bad in any way.

I look out one more time across the land scape, then make my way down the road.  Toward the city of, what? Suppose I don't know. In my head, I think the word "Map".  Suddenly, a screen like the ones I saw at the palace of pink crystal appears. There is a red dot in the center, and I can see that I am on a road.  Upwards on the map I see the city, with the name "Losolo".

I begin to walk, finding that this body feels more muscular than my last.  I have an easy time walking the hour it takes me to reach the entrance gate.  As I make it there I gape looking at the city around me, and mostly the people in it.   A woman walks past me as I stand there, with a tail and dark fluffy cat ears.  Then I swing and turn my gaze around and see a man with a flame for hear and red skin.   Elves, Beast people, some sort of elementals, and more all move past me as I stand there gaping.

I slowly walk trough the crowd taking in all these changes to what I know.  Traders with stalls selling cloths and fruits, people bartering and trading.  All I can think of is how incredible this is, liking living in a vivid dream.  I wander through the city streets, until the roads start to get less full.  I look around and see building after building.  The grounds are paved with smooth gray stones and lamppost like structures line the streets. 

Then my stomach growls at me, reminding me of how I need to find food, and shelter.  To get that I would need to know how much wealth the goddess had given me.  I go into a darker alley and begin to count my coins.  No need to make a scene if they did turn out to be valuable.  46 gold coins in total.  I slip them back into the bag and start heading back to where the stalls where.

I look around and find a stall that seems less busy.  A pretty young looking elven girl is running it, and it seems she is selling the products of weaving.  I walk up to her and look at the prices that are listed on the items infront of me.  For a large basket, it says 20 silver. 

The young elf girl looks up from fiddling with something and speaks to me. "Hello sir, Interested in buying anything?" 

I look at her face, with its oddly clouded pupils and pointed ears. "well first I would like to ask what is the conversion rate for coins around here." I put on my best smile.  She is really pretty. 

"Oh, I can help you with that.  One gold coin is worth 50 silver, 1 silver worth 50 copper." She states, seeming proud of herself for knowing the information.

"Thank you very much." I say, breaking off.  Looks like the goddess gave me some serious money, that's lucky for me.  I probably wont need to start working immediately.

" Are you sure you don't want a basket sir?" she asks, sounding almost a bit desperate.  

" No thank you, but I will visit back another time" I respond, waving as I leave. 

Right now I have 3 important goals.  1 find a good and affordable restaurant,  2 find a place to stay the night, and 3 find work.  I decide that the best course of action now would be finding room and board.  I walk the streets awhile, searching before I find one that looks promising.  Looking at it, it is called "The dreamy stay".  I let out a little chuckle as I walk in.   

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Manning the front desk is what appears to be a dog girl.  She has short tangled brown hair, with a pair of fluffy ears poking out.  I look at the prices for a single room, and see a sign saying,  SINGLE ROOM - 25 SILVER PER NIGHT.  I let out a sigh of relief, that wont be a problem.  I give the girl the coin and head up with a key in hand.  

Thankfully it appears a nice clean small room, with a tidy bed in one corner, a window, and a desk and chair.  I set down my bag on the floor and flop on the bed.  Yep, hard, but what should I have expected from this time period.  

I will need someone, preferably a friend to show me around and help me learn about magic, and how this world worked.  But for now, I can barely contain my excitement.  High time I started using some of the skills I picked out.  The one I am most excited to use is mind reader.  These small pouches on my belt would be good for containing hair/DNA samples, until I could get my hands on some vials. 

I take a look outside my window.  Outside I see people trading at stalls, I look around for a target.  Then my eye catches her, a dog girl ( seems like there pretty common), with blonde-brown hair,  and 2 cute ears standing tall.   My eyes run down her curvaceous figure,  big tits, maybe c or d cup.  Then, she has a big plump ass that jiggles as she laughs about something the someone around her said.  A short fluffy tail hangs out from a whole in her trousers.  

Yes I think,  she will be the one I loose my virginity too.  Those wide hips and that playful smile are perfect.  I can feel my dick getting harder just looking at her.  Then, I looked down and held open my pants to look at it.  It was bigger! From what i could tell it went from 5 inches in my previous life to a full 8 inches here.  

"Goddess, you are the BEST" I shout out as I see this new development. 

Now, If I was going to have sex with that girl, which I will, I will probably have to charm her.  To do that, I needed to know how do use Mind reader.  I look at that jiggly ass and then up to her face and whisper "mind reader".   Then I hear it.  I CAN HEAR HER THOUGHTS! they sound relaxed, and are thought in a gentle soothing voice.  

Wow, that is expensive.  But the quality is good, and I would like to buy from this man, looks like he needs it.  Guess I will. 

I start to rush downstairs, then outside to where she is.  I can see her closer now, and little freckles cover her face, now she was bending over to grab something from the stall.  I don't care what, what I do care about is that fat, jiggly, hot ass that was sticking up. 

Huh, I don't really need these, but It wont hurt to buy them.  Might as well, considering im not married yet I need to start looking better.

I walk up to behind her and "accidentally" bump into her butt.  The brief contact I had with told me it was firm and thick. 

Oops, someone behind me, haha, don't want to hog the line.

I look over at the stall clerk and see he is distracted with the jewelry on his stall.  The girl turns around and we make eye contact.

"Sorry for hogging the line, but I will let you go first, I was more just looking."

I look at her and say " No need to apologize, but I do have to ask you a question.  Would perhaps be familiar with this totem?"

Totem? Maybe he is a religious type or something.

I pull out the totem, and I can see her look at it.  In my mind I say " Activate, magic charm". Then a screen invisble to everyone but me appears.  I think the words, Totem? Maybe he is a religious type or something.  In my head.  Then I look at her, and her eyes have glazed over. 

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