Consequences be damned I am going to f*ck, fight, and live life in delight!

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Learning

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I wake up feeling groggy, mumbling.  With one look at the sweaty, cum drenched, rough sheets reminds me of transpired before I feel asleep. The girl I had fucked was not next to me on the bed, and looking around, not in the room.  This sends me into a panic, and I go to the window and look outside.  It looks like night had recently fallen, as lamplights bathed the streets in a silvery hue,  people still where on the streets, and the and the moon... wait, moons had not risen very far. 

"Holy shit! The charm only lasts 2 hours! What if she's on her way back here with the police... or guards I guess!"

My mind races trying to come up with a way out of this situation.  I quickly grab my cloths and begin gathering my equipment when I see a note on the desk.

Dear stranger

             Most other girls around here would turn you into the guards for something like this.  Lucky for you I am not going too, but I want something in return.  Come to the  Lotus café  in 3 days at midday, and we can talk more there.

Is she trying to blackmail me? Hopefully not.  If she is then I will have to deal with it, I am not going to tolerate bullshit like that. But on the other hand, maybe she wants to have sex again.  The way she was begging for it not long ago supports that theory.  Next time we meet I bet she will be much more careful not to get charmed.

I take a few deep breaths, relived.  At least the guards weren't gonna throw me in jail.   Setting down my gear I sit on the edge of my bed.  

"What should I do now? I still have some money, and everything else so ill be fine for a while.  But I want money, and I am going to need to earn it." I think.

My eyes wander as I think,  and I see a blonde-brown hair in my bed.  As I do, I remember that with mind reader a strand of hair goes from useless to a gold mine of information.  I grab it, and put into one of the small pockets around my waist.  As I pick it up, a small screen appears.  

Activate (Mind reader)?

Upon seeing it I think "No" and it disappears.   Then another pops up.

Would you like to claim XP?

Xp? I don't have any skills that would give me a message like this.  Maybe this was one of the skills the goddess gave me. In my mind I say "yes".

XP Claimed, + 222 points to the entries -

Mind reader - 222/300

Magic charm - 222/300

Pussy fuck - 222/300

Well, this is a surprise.  How does this skill work? It looks like something out of a videogame.  From what I can guess It looks like most actions I take I can get better at by getting XP? But what do I get from leveling up? A reward? A new skill? Or maybe just my natural skill will improve.  If the goddess gave me such a powerful skill, and one that was not on my list to choose from, then what other skills do I have that I don't know about? 

Only one way to find out.  Testing, and speaking of testing, I also want to know how my other skills are in practice, not just what the description said.   Thinking about it, I am probably better safe then sorry, and shouldn't use them in public.  With map I could go basically anywhere and not get lost, which will be a massive help.   If I stayed relatively close to the city, but outside the walls I would probably be safe and alone.   But, right now is night, and there is no need for me to make this more dangerous.  A start on what to do is use mind reader more and find the lotus café.  After that the adventurers guild, but I don't know how good my skills are yet, so maybe I will hold off. 

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Using Map, I am able to navigate easily, and it even names important buildings like the dreamy stay, and the Lotus café.  As I stare at map, my stomach growls, reminding me of its burning hunger.  I find an inn and decide to head there.  At the inn, I have a decent meal, unfortunately it makes use of almost no spices, something I will have to acclimate too.  While I am there I manage to grab a random hair here or there, one from a brawny older human male, the other from a elf girl.  The ratio of types of races here is very interesting.  From what I have noticed it seems humans are the main race, followed by the elves, very closely.  If I had to say a percentage I would say something like this.

35% Human, 30% Elf, 20% Beast kin, 10% Dwarf, and 5% Miscellaneous.  The elves had something of a playful seeming nature,  and the beast kin's behavior seemed to depend a lot more on animal they seemed to be originating from.  I managed to catch sight of some snake kin, aswell as bear, squirrel, and rabbit.  But by far the most common were cat and dog.  This made sense, because those are all forrest animals, and Losolo is a very forested region.

I had a plan for the hair I had picked up, using it I would get to know what this world Is like.  Also, knowing some ones secrets is a valuable asset, no matter who they are. 

After my meal, I come back to my room and get to work.   Grabbing the blonde-brown hair out of one of the small pockets on my belt, I set it down on the desk and take a seat.  Holding it in-between my fingers I think "Activate Mind Reader".  With a flash, my vision fades, and I vaguely feel my head hit the desk. 

I find myself in a black void, a screen Infront of me, asking me  What memories from Suzana Do do you seek?  Huh, so that's her name.  Now, I wonder how vague of a question I can ask.  Assuming it works like AI from earth, I cant do something like "what I need to see most" .  Maybe I will start with memories from her schooling days, that should be ripe with information.  In the void, I call out,  "Show me memories of learning geography and history".  

With a flash I sit In a stuffy room, that smells of dust, and hear someone droning on about something.  Then it comes to me, I am not looking in her memories, I am her In her memories.  A weird division in my mind starts happening, where part of me remembers that my name is Jackson, and the other believes I am Suzana Do.  I feel her every emotion, and hear her every thought. 

Traveling through various memories of hers, I am able to gain some knowledge about this world Tarna.  Losolo, the city I am staying in is one of the biggest, being led by one of the most famous and successful royal families.  Its laws are surprisingly similar to that of most on earth, but there punishments are much harsher.  Very eye for an eye.  The mayor difference's between Losolo's laws and the U.S. laws are these.  Prostitution is legal, and the main punishment for crime is slavery.  The government owns the slaves, but they are sold easily.  

Suzana's sister was falsely accused of a crime, and had to live life as a slave for 6 months.  Thankfully her family had money and could buy her sister, but they are still recovering from the financial loss.  Feeling the absolute heart wrenching fear and sorrow of this event made me nearly forget that this was a memory, and I was not Suzana, I am Jason. 

For now I decide to stop, as I have been wandering through Suzana's memories for what feels like hours.  I tell the system or what ever it is to let me out of the memories, and I wake up, head on the desk.  The first thing I do is look out the window, and I see that the moon has not changed position from the last time I saw it. 

I think I have had enough activity for today, time to sleep.

I awaken to the sounds of birds chirping, and the gold rays of the suns light upon my face.  I wake up feeling excited, as today is the day I test my skills.  Grabbing my pack, I set out to the forest where I will go unnoticed.  The day is warm and the tree's around me are in peak condition.   From that, I am guessing that Its this worlds version of summer. The air is nice and slightly warm, without a cloud in the sky.

Finding a spot not too far off the trail, I set down my pack and make myself comfortable on a nice rock.  The first skill I am going to test is  Unarmed Combat I picked it at the lowest level, but it still says good.  I decided to pick it up over weapons skill, because then If I was ever captured It would be more help.  

Picking a tree near bye, I set my sights on it, and think  Activate Unarmed Combat....  and nothing happens.   Ok, so then maybe,   Activate Unarmed Combat (Good).... still nothing.   Huh, so this skill can't activate, maybe because it's on all the time?   Thinking this I throw a kick out at the tree, and stop it an inch before it hits.   It felt like it came naturally, and quite easily aswell.  Looks like I was right, and this is always on.  Good too know that I can kick some ass whenever need be. 

I go through test each skill in the best way I can think of, and I find this out.  Concealment is a passive and active skill.  It seems to last for about ten minutes and my skin goes shimmery translucent.  It would be obvious to someone in the light of day, but at night or under cover it would be perfect.  As for its passive, I find it easier to walk and not make noise.   Vigorous seems to also have a passive and active,  when I activated it I felt as if I could run a mile, and that was after doing some kicks and punches.   Its passive well, it makes me more vigorous.  Not much to say there. 

I didn't end up trying to use believable, because there was no one to believe me.   The only skill I have not used yet is Arcane magic.  I can still remember the description.   It had said that arcane magic users have a pool of mana, and that they use it to create.  It described bringing it out of your body and making it into a shape or form, and then adding power to it.   How much you can put in depends on your skill, and controlling it also is skill reliant.  

I decided to try, and lifted my staff to point at a tree.  In my head, I created the outline of a arrow, and I could feel an energy leaving my body.  Opening my eyes, there was a blue arrow infront of me.  With a bit of concentration, I project power in the end of the arrow, ( alot more than I was originally meaning too) and it shot into the tree.   It made a loud cracking noise as it hit, and the wood where it hit was shattered.  

Then I collapsed to my knees,  head swimming with exestuation.  Before I fell to sleep, I managed to activate Vigorous, and had enough energy to make it back to Losolo before I passed out. 

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