
Chapter 25: 5.0 – Moxnet Academy

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Chapter 5: Moxnet Academy


It was eleven in the morning, each Harvest family member was gathered in front of the house, prepared to send John off to the academy. Though they reluctant to see him go so soon after they’ve become accustomed to presence, the fought back their own emotions and fully supported him in his decision for it was his purpose to learn more about the world.

“Have you remembered our address for receiving letters?”


“And the emergency cash father gave you?”

“10 silver coins, all right here,” John patted the small leather pouch which Mera had stitched together from a leather sheet that she got from a thrift stall. “And yes, Mera. I will remember to send at least 2 letters a week.”

“Okay, okay. I won’t nag you any further,” Mera replied.

She lowered her head at and left it at that, did her best to not have his remaining time all to herself. After all, everyone in her family deserved to bid farewell to him.

She knew John would be leaving soon and won’t be able to see his face for a month. And then after that, if he does decide to stay in Moxnet Academy—which is most likely the case—he would only come back during allocated holidays or during the weekends.

Moxnet Academy was an elite school, the workload that would be given to him in the actual term time would be immense, it was certain that he would hardly have any free time then. Her face darkened the longer she pondered about it.

John noticed her expression and placed his two hands on her shoulders. “Mera, it is fine, I told you I am coming back didn’t I? You are all my family, remember?”

“Yes…” she remained unconvinced at his words.

When he told her about his plans four days ago, she happily agreed that he should seize such an opportunity. But now when he was about to leave, she could not help but want to ask him to stay.

John sighed, then leaned close to her ear, crossed his fingers that he could cheer her up with this silly sentence.

“Maybe next time I’ll come back wed you, how about that?”

“Hah! W-what are you talking about!” a jolt of energy surged through Mera as she heard those words, her soft cheeks redden and steam emanated from the top of her head.

“I never specified when, so it could be in fifty years for all I know,” he shrugged and stuck out a small part of his tongue.


“I will be back before you know it. Don’t overthink things, Mera.”

Having cheered her up, he turned towards sweet little Meli and squatted to her height. “Meli, take care of Mera in my stead. I’m counting on you.”

“Yes, brother John! I will do my best!” Meli squeaked energetically, balling her two fists to show the determination towards the assignment that John had given her.

“Good girl,” he pat the little girl on her head, to which she wriggled her small body in response to the touch of his palm. “You stay safe when I am not around.”

“Mmmhmm!” Meli nodded furiously, John promised to bring her a souvenir when he returned, on the condition that she learned to control her impulse and stay away from danger like the last time.

Then he turned to meet his savior. If it weren’t for the man, he would have been in the grave by now.

“Don’t push yourself too hard, John. You hear me? If the academy isn’t what you expected, you can always work in this farm of mine.”

“Ah-hahaha, careful Miros, I just might take you up on that offer!”

“Take care, son.” Miros looked straight into his eye, this was the first time that he had addressed John as his child.

“Y-yeah. T-thanks.”

Itzella, who had been watching over silently from behind Miros with a smile called to him in a mellow voice.

“Do your best, John.”

He nodded, he already knew what she wanted to tell him, if Itzella were to look at him in the face now, she would end up in tears.

Then there was Miril, who actively averted his eyes from the scene in front of him. He couldn’t imagine his rival—rival in obtaining love from his sisters—would be leaving the house sooner than he is.

If anything, he was still guilty from his own outburst towards John the other day. Miril fidgeted as he approached John, this was the last chance that he would ever speak to John before they see each other in a long time.

“H-hey, John…” Miril had his head low, focusing his gaze on the ground instead of facing John.

“Sup, Miril. Don’t loose yourself in your work, I am sure no one would like it to see you returning looking sickly, haha. I mean, if you do have problems, I’ll come back the first thing and use my magic on you, so there’s no need to worry,” John elbowed Miril lightly.

“Right… Listen, about the other day…”

“The other day? What day?” he looked at Miril quizzically, his thick eyebrows slanted to one side.

“You know, me being rude…” Miril admitted bitterly.

“Ah! That? Don’t worry about it, it’s not like that’s the first time I got yelled at. Besides, you were pretty worried about Meli weren’t you? She’s fine now, that’s what matters.”

“But…” Miril’s voice became weak.

“And I almost forgot about it if you hadn’t brought it up, honestly, don’t think too much about it.”

That was not the answer Miril expected. He wanted John to yell at him, or at the very least criticize him for his actions but what he received was his upmost tolerance and a promise to help him with any injuries if needed. He always fashioned himself to be family orientated, that was how his father had brought him up and how he pride himself. The fact that he was forgiven without a heartfelt apology to John did not sit well with him.

“Why, why are you so calm about this?”

“You apologized back then, why wouldn’t I be?”

Mera on the side, unable to watch her brother’s weaseling spoke up, “Because he isn’t an immature person like you. If he said it’s fine, you should just drop the subject already.”

“That’s not…” ignoring his sister, Miril continued, “You don’t understand, I accused you for something you didn’t do, that’s—”

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Just then, loud gallops approached their direction, it was the academy’s escort who came here to pick John up.

A clear crack could be heard from the leashes and the horses came to a screeching halt. The cloud of dust then settled and a carriage with the eight legged star insignia of Moxnet Academy came to view.

As if rehearsed for a hundred times, the driver who held the reins swiftly got down from his seat and opened a metallic door to the shiny carriage and gestured for his intended passenger to enter.

“Mister Sarvod, if you could enter,” the man bowed and had an arm at his waist, indicated the end of John’s farewell to the Harvests.

No doubt, the treatment that John was receiving was out of place in this humble village, this little scene caused the surrounding neighbors to peek through their windows at the academy’s escort, curious at this rare sight.

“Right. In a sec,” John turned towards the Harvests. “I guess I’ll be leaving now, everyone. you in a month?” he scratched his head nervously, heart thumping at the excitement that has been boiling in him for the past few days. “L-later then.”

The serene lifestyle, one without following orders or deadlines, one that allowed him to live in peace—with the exception of Miril’s jealousy towards him at times—he would be leaving that soon and begin a new chapter in Moxnet academy.

His heart did waver at leaving this place but knowing he would return in a month after the orientation period made it easier for him to follow through his ambitions of reestablishing himself.

“Right! Go for it, John!” Miros shouted.

“Don’t worry about us, John,” Itzella followed up.

“I’ll be waiting for your letters,” Mera had wet eyes but put up a bold front.

“Brother John, remember to bring me back something cute!”

John took their words appreciatively, he was terrible at goodbyes, but when he saw the prideful look on his new family’s faces despite his awkward farewell, he couldn’t help but smile.

Miril was still quiet, froze to his feet as he watched John climbed up the luxurious carriage.

At last, watching John’s back entering the carriage pushed Miril to speak his mind.

“John! I just want to tell you I am really sorry for that day! Please forgive me.”

“I thought that much was obvious.”

With that, the lone carriage took off along the north road, onwards to Moxnet Academy.

Inside the carriage that moved seamlessly despite the bumpy roads, John rest his head against the padded walls and allowed his thoughts to drift, recounting the events that led him from A’vetheas to now.

Goodbyes huh? I wish Raina could at least have done that.

His heart tightened.

He took in heavy breaths with closed eyes, distracted himself with the cool breeze from outside. He rest his back and let allowed it to become enveloped by the soft, soft cushions of the carriage and gave out a soft sigh.

Without warning, he became tired, to the point where curling a single finger on his hand felt like lifting a boulder.


The mental strain that he bore since his exile began to surface and bit by bit they sapped his energy. Then, his body was washed over by a wave of relaxation, one that came from knowing he was now safe and had a future ahead of him. It was not long until he succumbed to the soft cradling of the carriage and fell asleep.


“How was today, my lovely master?” a voice piqued at him, it was the same voice, the one where he had sworn to not forget but have.

“Mmm…school is still as boring as ever. But coming back home is worth it when there is someone is here for me.”

“Master, you tease. I am just your humble maid, I do not deserve such words.” the female voice replied, and the sensation of his own head being stroked followed from it. The hands that remained delicate despite the housework that was done indulged John as he felt his upper torso lying atop tender thighs.

“I mean, I am not lying. These people don’t understand how to properly use magic. Even you do better than 90 percent of the people I know.”

“Then, master should go teach them, like how you taught me. I am sure they would be delighted to learn from you.”

“I don’t know… You know I can’t go around showing off what I can do. Besides, you are very, very talented, that’s why you could follow my instructions, I think.”

“Oh my, me, talented? If someone like me is talented, then master has untold power to rival Gods themselves!”

The female yelped with pride when she spoke of his ability, her tone conveyed the glee that she contained for her master. But it did not have the desired effect on him, in fact it caused him to frown.

“Right…” the reply was a glum one.

The maid’s reply involved a touchy subject that made her master turn to a side, not wanting to face her. “I am sorry, master. I have completely forgotten…”

“It’s not your fault.”

“But to be entrusted with this secret of yours, I humbly apologize for my lapse in judgment.”


Her apology had no effect on the sulking John. He was not exactly angry at her per se, rather, he was extremely confused at the situation that he found himself in, the origin to his unusually strong abilities.

If his parents, who are of respectable status discovered what he had been hiding from them...

“In any case my beloved master. No matter what lies ahead of your future, I will always be by your side, as your faithful maid, serving to your every need,” unable to solve her master’s troubles, she offered her true feelings as compensation to him. Then, a pair of sensual lips found themselves on his cheek, pecked him lightly before she continued to stroke his head. “No matter what.”

“Zzz...I miss home...” mumbled the sleeping John as he nuzzled his face into the empty space.

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