
Chapter 31: 6.0 – Silver Maiden

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Chapter 6: Silver Maiden


John woke up early the next day, despite having accustomed to waking up later in the mornings, this day was an exception, because today was the first day where he would attend lessons from the professors of the academy. Though they were just as warm ups and taught basics, he figured that he would start his academy life off with the right foot.

When he got out of the shower, he changed into a short sleeved shirt and put on a pair of long pants, since it was the orientation month, there was no need to wear the uniforms just yet. The assortment of minimalist style clothing in his wardrobe supplied by the was academy was of the highest grade, thanks to Kaldor who gifted them to him.

He had an early meal in the cafeteria by the main building, once he was done, he climbed to the third floor and entered the lecture theater that was designated for students form East Wing.

A grin appeared on his face when stepped foot inside and saw the room’s interior.

It was vast, all the seats and tables had perfect proportions of spacing between them, the place had tall beams supporting its coffered ceiling along with sparkling chandeliers.

Many of the other students were already in their seats, including Scywell, Gobbert, Randolph and Angeline who seated themselves at the very back of the theater. He gave them a wave before he took a seat by the center of the room.

No sooner, the other seats in the room were filled by a large number of students. Although many of them were of human origins, but when one took a closer look, some had tails behind them, extra limbs, ears on their head, and heights that were too large or too small than the average human.

The influx of hundreds came and ended quickly before the lecture theater even came close to have all its seats filled.

Just then, a man in his thiries, who had a beer belly walked in and stood at the front before he announced himself.

“Hello everyone! My name is Professor Peter, I will be in charge of teaching you talented individuals and get you up to speed before this orientation month ends!”

A decent response came from a handful of students who seemed to be excited at their first day of class. The professor pleased by such an atmosphere continued.

“All righty! So first things first. Lectures like this would be held twice a week during your orientation month, the academy has planned for you promising people to take this time to get used to the place that you will be spending your next 4 years. Besides these lectures, there won’t be any other classes during the orientation period. But! Before you ask me about what would you do during this time since the official classes have not started yet. I highly, highly recommend this thing called clubs and societies. Ever heard of that? I personally recommend the weapons club.”

The class broke into excited mumbles at the indication of extracurriculars.

“Now, now, clubs and societies are not the only thing that you can be doing with your time here. Things like magical combat, summoning classes, alchemy, recreational sports, unarmed dueling and many, many more, I assure that all of you will have your chance to participate in the various activities in Moxnet Academy during your orientation month here.

“In any case, this lecture held by me. Is the only teaching period that I highly urge to keep your attendance up. Unless you are experienced in both combat and knowledge, like our hero, Scywell who is sitting at the back of the room,” he pointed towards the hero’s party to which everyone turned to instinctively. “Then you may be excused from ditching this class.”

Scywell played along with the professor and gave a small wave to everyone, to which wave of squealing and cheers responded to the hero’s actions.

He is that popular huh?

“Alternatively, you can set yourself up to improve, so that maybe, just maybe, Scywell will accept you as his party member.”

“I wouldn’t say that Professor Peter. They have to be really, really talented, like some I have met last night, to meet my standards,” Scywell glanced at John and a few others before he continued. “Even then… I don’t intend to have anyone in my party. I hope all of you understand.”

Although Scywell had nullified anyone’s hopes to join the hero’s party, having acknowledged by the hero only increased the class’s enthusiasm. Some swore under their breath that they would prove the hero wrong and would someday come to impress him.

“Hahaha! Take his word for it, if any of you want to impress the hero, you must not only work hard, but have to go above and beyond his expectations. That is what defines a great character, whether you are a hero or not. If anyone has questions before I start teaching, I would be happy to answer them.”

A hand from a girl who was dressed in nobility fabrics shot up in the air, “P-professor, I h-heard from my mother that there w-will be a b-ball dance… I-I uhhh…was wondering if there will be one f-for our b-batch.”

“Oh yes! Thanks for reminding me on that! I almost forgot, there will be a ball dance, known as the Ball of Paragons.” Professor Peter tucked his arms on his waist smugly as he said that. “Little lady, are you asking because you heard of the legend from you mother?”

“I-I…” the girl’s face became red and had her fingers tapped nervously against the other.

“To those who are wondering, the legend refers to those people who found mutual enjoyment in dancing in the ball will end up together for the rest of their life.”

Upon hearing that, a wave of oohs and aahs came from the students. The male students’ eyes lit with a newfound purpose in them, eager to prove their worth to the beautiful lady that caught their eye during the Ball of Paragons, while the girls giggled and blushed at the prospect of being able to discover who their destined significant other was.

“That said, I am not entirely sure about the legend myself,” Professor Peter gave a follow up after watching his student’s positive reactions “Many people I know had seen success in their love life because of the ball, it was different in my case. Although I have enjoyed many excellent dancing partners during the ball, I remain single until this day.”

Scywell suddenly raised his hand and spoke, “Hey, Professor, could it be that you are too successful. And so the women you have danced with couldn’t your masculine energy? Look at that round belly of yours, I can’t say no to that.”

Suppressed snickering and laughing could be heard throughout the lecture hall at Scywell’s joke.

“Pfft, Scy, you fucking mad lad, you actually did it! Gobbert is so going to eat a sock tonight!” a not so subtle whisper came from Randolph.

While everyone was bewildered by Scywell’s joke on the professor’s expense, the professor kept a neutral face.

And then, a devilish smile revealed itself on the professor’s lips.

Oh boy, here we go.

“That does seem to be the case, my deeeeeaaar Scywell. Maybe you too would experience what a joooooyyy it is to have many women exchange dances with you. I am sure that your powerful body will be able to stay up till the morning and have enough time for all of them. Who knows, some of them miiiiggght end up as one of your many wives.”


Scywell fell into an awkward silence as many females turned towards him and had predatory look in their eyes.

Having a harem was not exactly the norm, but if the man had the resources and the capability to provide to his multiple wives and they were willing to accept each of his lovers, it was allowed by the empire.

John slapped his palm repeatedly on the table in front of him like many of his schoolmates, head shaking at Professor Peter retaliation to Scywell’s joke on the professor’s…not so attractive appearances. From now on and until the Ball of Paragon comes to pass, the hero will pay the price for his witty tongue by dealing with love struck girls who wanted to dance with him.

Of course, the girls who were interested in Scywell were more than a handful. At the very least, it was 30 percent of the females wanted a piece of the hero from themselves.

Many of them had interrupted John and Scywell’s conversations many times yesterday in the pub, it came to a point where Scywell could not get a word in without being interrupted. The hero ended up having to apologize to John before the females took him away.

And that was just the girls from East Wing, the ones that Scywell would most often come to contact with. Now, with the opportunity presented to them, even those who thought they had no chance with the hero would surely want to give the ball dance legend a try.

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Rumors of such an opportunity would spread far and wide among campus, eventually even the girls who lived in West Wing and North Wing residence would partake in this madness that Professor Peter subjected Scywell into.

“Right, everyone, everyone, please settle down. I am sure you are all excited for it but let us resume the lecture. The details will come in an official announcement sometime tomorrow. The ball will be in eight days, so do calm yourselves, there is plenty of time for you lot to prepare. Especially you, Scywell.”

Professor Peter gave a quick rundown on the different activities that one could partake in the academy. Once he was done, he asked the class on how many of them were mana users, to which, about half the class raised their hands while the rest kept their heads low.

He continued to speak about how not being able to use mana—or any magic in general—was not the deciding factor for anyone to be successful in the empire. Even Gobbert who surprisingly was not able to use mana attested to the professor’s statement and eased the minds of those who felt inferior to magic users.

The empire operated on a meritocracy basis, as long one was willing to serve, that person’s efforts will be rewarded.

Professor Peter then spoke about the founding of the empire. How the eight great walls were constructed within the first decade of the Immortal Emperor’s reign. Beasts and monsters were the topics that followed, preceding that was agriculture, then sewage systems, transportation, basic laws….

John’s mind became blank until one point and could focus no more.

“...And that is why, we use magic that are based in tiers. Since most of us, if not all of us, as far as I can observe about everyone, none of us here belong to the Higher Races.”

John’s dwindling focus returned when the topic was about mana usage. He quickly raised his hand when the professor was taking in questions.

“Yes, that black haired young man there.”

“Since you mentioned that Higher Races are known to be high in mana and monogamous due to their long life spans, does that mean that beings like de— dragons or even the angels are classified as Higher Races?”

Remembering how serious Angeline had been when she spoke of Scywell’s reactions towards demons, he substituted his original subject of demons for dragons at the last second.

Since dragons were one of the three entities that have untold power, the question would apply all the same for demons too?

“Ah-hahahahaha!” someone laughed behind John.

“He thinks angels could be classified! This has to be a joke!”

“Ku-ku-kuh! If the professor can’t answer this, I will kill myself!”

“Gah! Dragons!? Something that ancient should just disappear already! Hahaha!”

The class erupted into mad laughter. However, unlike the one where most giggled and laughed politely during Scywell and Professor Peter’s comedic exchange, the laughter that he caused was raw and unrelenting.

What’s so funny? Isn’t this a reasonable question?

The professor whose face turned red quickly straightened his scrunching face, turned to John slowly as though he was about to explode out of rage at John for causing such a scene in the class.

“You… What’s your name?” veins could be seen popping at his receding hairline.

“John Sarvod.”

“Now, now, everyone. Mister Sarvod here has asked an etiquette question. Though, it would be more applicable if it was few hundred years ago, it still applies.”


“To answer your question, yes. In theory, one could classify beings such as dragons and angels as races. Ever since an Elder Dragon was slain by a hero six years ago, dragons were no longer sighted and have completely disappeared. And about the angels, do I even need to say more? Heroes who are blessed with the power of the Archangels could easily take down an Elder Dragon. It would be wrong to consider angels and dragons of the same caliber. They are nothing like the stories told to children. A horrible creature that only cares about their interests and would burn villages down for defying them? Hell, even our neighboring dwarves are much more terrifying than puny Elder Dragons!”


“Does that answer your question, Mister Sarvod!? Or do I need to waste it on your joke?”


“Perfect! This is where we will be ending our lecture for today. The next one would be on next coming Tuesday, same time, same avenue. Remember to take one of the fliers to see what sorts of activities piques your interest. That’s all for today.”

People left their seats and went to the entrance right after the Professor Peter dismissed them. Some flocked to groups and began introducing themselves.

What was that all about? A hero slain an Elder Dragon? That Elder Dragon? Something that can rival gods in power? Aren’t angels the servants of gods?

Strong pressure exerted themselves on his head as he tired to wrap his head around what the professor had said. He compared the reactions of his classmates and to what happened to him on that dragon encounter.

It made no sense…

“Behold! This supreme power of mine!”

The sea of magma which overflowed from the ground of Reperane Woods came to his vision. Even now, months after the incident, he could feel his throat choked by the heatwave like he had returned to that site.

No… Scywell, he doesn’t come close to that… It is impossible. That was something that destroys every—

A neatly folded piece of paper was slid right in front of him, when he unfolded it, in beautiful handwriting it wrote:

“Between East Wing and the Art Gallery. Come find me if you want to know the truth about dragons.

About running away from you yesterday... I was a little bit too surprised. I apologize”

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