
Chapter 66: 12.3

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John hasten his footsteps as the sky changed it’s color into a darker shades, the clouds above him swirled, heavy wind brushed against his shoulders the further he got away from Prishine’s fortress.

Fuck, I was too engrossed with guessing Prishine’s motives that I completely forgot to find a shelter for them.

John scowled, he had left Kirk and Bran alone with the three unconscious members, who knows what will happen if the weather got any worse.


Cold liquid dripped from his head.

“It’s already raining…” he uttered to himself, hurrying all the way to the spot where he last left Kirk and Bran. John arrived at the barren spot where he got teleported, only to discover that no one was within the vicinity. His heart sunk, “They left?”


Shhhaaaaa!!! Woooossh!!!


A huge torrent of heavy rain poured all over him, even his water repelling coat had a hard time withstanding itself against the harsh weather of this place. He pulled up his hood to shield himself against the sudden downpour, but his eyes became weak when he scanned his surroundings for any signs of his teammates.

Is this seriously happening again? They’ve abandoned me? After I went through the trouble of retrieving the—

His monologue came to a halt when arm grabbed him by his collar.

“Come on, John! Everyone is waiting for you!”


The beastkin did not say another word as he pulled John backwards from the open land and back into the forest that he just exited from.

“Hey, wait—” John struggled against the beastkin’s monstrous strength, it was though he was up against an unbreakable force that yielded to nobody. “At least guide me instead of…” his voice became small when the scenery of the forest disappeared, replaced with the image of a warm residence. “…pulling me?”

Aurelius’ grip on John released as the beastkin chuckled, “Well, even if you have [Heal], I don’t think you getting sick is what everyone needs. Welcome to Team Rectiser’s portable base.”

Aurelius extended his arm as he showed John the fully homely space that they just entered.

Fixed lighting, sturdy furniture, carpeted ground, and even built in home appliances could be seen inside here, let alone heavy furnishing that would deem impossible for anyone to carry on a trip like this, there were even solid wooden doors at the very end of the space that no doubt lead to more rooms.

“What is this...?”


“Oh, Aurelius? You brought him back earlier than expected.” Bran’s voice echoed from a level above John. “Good to know your sense of smell still works great in the rain.”

“He hasn’t wandered that far, I just happened to find him nearby.” Aurelius replied to Bran. “Where’s the others?”

“Matilda is still setting up the place, Cacti is helping her. Kirk should be preparing something for us to bite on ever since he threw up his lunch.”


John turned his head upwards to where Bran’s sound came from, only to discover a second floor has been erected above him while he was not paying any attention. He blinked dumbfoundedly as Bran leaned against the railings of the second floor, waving at him with a drink in his hand.


“What crazy drugs are you high on?” John blurted at Bran, “No doubt this place is great, but the amount of money spent on a silly camp like this is probably going to cost you millions of gold!!!” he knew that Bran belonged to a rich family, but for the guy to invest in such a luxurious portable base was a stretch too far even from anyone.


The base that John had just entered, was a type of camouflage tent that was enchanted with [Space Expansion] magic. It explained why John was unable to notice the base that his teammates had setup, these types of portable bases were often used for groups that traveled on bandit-filled roads or sometimes, military footmen, they helped warded against detection magic or discovery, moreover the space that they provided was ample.


But it was not supposed to be size of a freaking house!!!


“Ahahahaha!!!” Bran laughed as he slapped a hand on the railing, “You get worked up over the most unusual things, John! But no, I haven’t spent more than ten pieces of gold for this place. And those are spent on the furniture and appliances, since a good base ought to have beds, kitchen and toilets, I think 10 pretty gold coins was worth everything. This place, rather, this expanded space inside our encampment, have costed me nothing.”

John scrunched his brows, eyes doubtful at Bran who had an influential father in the academy. [Space Expansion] of just a single room would already require an immense amount of cost due to requiring high proficiency and high affinity in space magic, to think that Bran had such connections...

“It’s all thanks to Matilda, she specializes in space manipulation magic. Well, Cacti too but she only knows the basics of it, so yeah, it is very handy to have our base of operations setup anywhere we wanted.”

John seemed to want to say something about it being mana consuming or commented on the construction process but he was not too knowledgeable, hence he kept his mouth shut. At best, he was a jack of all trades regarding the knowledge magic systems, at worst, he knew nothing.

For even the dark aura that plagued him, still troubles him to no end.

“So… Did you find something while you went on for a long walk?” Bran asked, his face amused.

John dug into his coat, and retrieved the mission sphere from a pocket, “This is our team’s mission sphere, I think there are three portions worth of tasks for us to complete before we are done—”


Bran yelled in surprise, his eyeballs almost popped from their sockets as he extended his neck from the second level above to the device that John was holding.

“Hang on, hang on, hang on! Wait, for me right there, I am coming down this instance!!!”

John and Aurelius shared a quizzical look with each other. They were not sure why did Bran become so excited over a mission sphere, when this portable base of theirs was a far more impressive.


Cling! Clang! Clonk!


The sounds of utensils falling onto the floor could be heard from one of the doors, the jumbled noise was followed a surprised gasp and hustled footsteps. The door to John’s right flew open, out came Bran with Kirk behind him.


“…Bran, are you sure you saw the real thing? I mean I did played around with a prototype replica that belonged to a friend but I doubt new technology like itwould be used by the academy for this event.”

“I swear it, John brought a mission sphere back, that’s why I need you to appraise whether if it’s the real thing.” Bran said with an excitable face, “I had my doubts when they teleported us here but it all makes sense now doesn’t it? John, show him the mission sphere you have.”


John did as he was told and brought the metallic device to Kirk. The tall guy proceeded to bring out a pair of glasses from inside his apron and inspected the mission sphere.


“The runes inscripted look complex enough… There’s [Terrain Map], [Aura Resonance], [Virtual Projection], and the rest I can’t really understand what they mean. Yeah this is genuine, they even have the academy’s insignia carved on it.” Kirk retracted his body and removed his glasses, “This is a great find John, are you sure this mission sphere is ours?”


John closed his eyes, surged a decent amount of his mana into it successfully projecting the same screen that he did earlier with Prishine.


“Team Rectiser… Names, map, tasks, details, all accounted for…”

Damn, they’ve even gave us a clock and the date, April 30th huh?” Kirk assessed the screen projected by the mission sphere without flinching. “They sure have improved the interface a lot, even the flickering is no longer there. That’s Moxnet Academy for you, cutting edge developments all the time.”

How does Kirk know— He doesn’t strike me as a magic technology guy, if anyone, Angeline is more likely to know about stuff like this.

Bran’s eyes were practically glued on the blue screen that John projected, he had a hand underneath his chin, it was obvious that Bran was looking through the details of their team’s tasks—which John has still yet to read.

“Hmm, we will need to prepare for underground traveling, going inside on mornings is a must considering where we are…” Bran muttered to himself, his face was scrunched into an incomprehensible expression. “Speaking of which, John, where did you find this mission sphere? Matilda and Cacti tried looking for you before the rainstorm started, but not matter how much they tried, they can’t find you, did you enter some place else by chance?”


John was at a lost for words, he wavered between wanting to tell Bran that he obtained the mission sphere under the condition that he would help a succubus like Prishine to open a mysterious door.

I’ll keep that last part to myself.

“F-first I entered the forest because none of you could see the fortress thinking if we all could take shelter there. But when I was there, there were already people patrolling the borders.”


“People are already there!?” Bran’s said in shock. “How can they move that quickly and manage to shake of the teleportation sickness too?!”


“I still have no idea how they got rid of their teleportation sickness, but I met with someone… I would not say an acquaintance, more like someone who tries to come up to me, in an uncomfortable way.”

Krik haughtily pointed a finger at John, “So you seduced the person to give you our mission sphere, nicely done. Tell me, what moves did you put to charm that mysterious person?”

John rolled his eyes and ignored Kirk, “Basically I learned from her that the fortress was initially the academy’s intended facility for us to go to collect our mission spheres, but her group occupied it and cast a barrier to prevent anyone from entering, gaining a monopoly and hinder everyone’s process until next week.”

“Her? It’s a w-woman?” Kirk’s face squished into an unpleasant grimace.

“What about it?” Bran chimed in, “It’s not that’s uncommon for John old boy here.”

“I...No…” Kirk seemingly to have his excitement sapped away from him quietly muttered.

“Next week?” Aurelius cocked his head like a puppy. “What’s happening then?”

“About that...” John turned off the mission sphere and placed it on the table, “...the academy supervisors will be here to check on students’ progress. I presume what they are doing is skirting the rules of the academy, so they must evacuate to make it seem that they weren’t monopolizing the fortress for themselves. We’ll be fine, Aurelius, I’ve got the mission sphere.”


“And she just gave you the sphere?” Kirk asked with high suspicion, his jokey attitude became sullen. “You’ve been gone for an hour, is that just what you did? You mean to say you’ve made all of worry about you over you getting free stuff?”


“What do you mean?!” The one to bark the question lingering in John’s mind was Aurelius. “John brought us what we need, is that not enough!?” the wolf’s teeth showed themselves to Kirksten as to what he was trying to imply towards John.




“Guys…” putting himself between the two of them, Bran separated Aurelius from Kirk. “Knock it off.”


“I fought someone when I arrived, that took some time,” John said in a the calmest tone despite Kirk’s sudden change in behavior hastened his heart rate somewhat. “I was stringed on for a long pointless talk before receiving the sphere. Believe me, I don’t want to be with her any longer than what was needed, but she did make it worth by giving the mission sphere.”


I don’t think I should mention to them what Prishine wanted me to do for her… Even if she’s…that sort of...sultry person, a deal is a deal.


Kirk stared down from his tall stature into John’s dark eyes, his face was stiff but it was one without hostility, it was though Kirk was checking whether if he was trustworthy.


I get what he is thinking though, to him, I am just a friend of his friend who happened to be on his team. There is no reason to completely trust me on this mission sphere that I received without any ‘payment’.


After a short moment of scrutinizing John, a smile returned to Kirk’s face, “Heh, you are quite the resistant one. Just earlier today, you were a complete wreck inside and out, now you can even stand firm without a single flinch. I see why my difficult future brother-in-law took a liking to you.”

Krik backed away from John and returned to the kitchen, Aurelius’ fangs and growl disappeared as soon as Kirk turned his back nonchalantly.

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“I do understand where he is coming from, it’s alright, Aurelius.” John said to the wolfkinkin, thanking him indirectly for taking his side.

Bran shook his head, “This Kirksten, he did the same thing to me when he heard Matilda and I became a thing, it’s supposed to be his way of approving someone or something, who knows. Though if I tell Matilda what he did just now…”

“You better not tell my sister Bran!!!” Krik’s head popped from beyond the kitchen fully expecting Bran to say something to his sister.


“Tell me what?” Matilda and Cacti appeared at the kitchen door that Kirk, it seems that they have finished expanding the tent and was just about to return to the main section of the tent. “Idiot Kirk, what did you do to my Bran again? I will make sure that you—”


“Nothing! Bye!” not letting Matilda finish her warning Kirk slipped into the Kitchen and continued on with his cooking. “Food will be ready soon! Just a heads up!”


“Yikes…” John commented and shared his teeth gritting expression with Aurelius.

“I know right? Maybe he is just afraid Matilda would use those infinite doors trick on him after what he did. You know, those where one door leads to another, but in an infinite loop,” Aurelius nodded.

“My magic has not gotten to that point yet, Aurelius. But one of these days my brother will be getting a taste of that when I can.”

“P-please don’t. Kirk i-is probably anxious because we got teleported here, he must have a good reason for it.”

Bran swatted his hand in the air, “Hahaha! It was just a joke, Cacti. Besides, I am used to his way of talking…”


 “Speaking of which, where are we?” hearing what Cacti said and reminded of this foreign place that they are, John’s face became filled with concern. “Do you guys have any idea where we are?” he looked to Aurelius who shrugged, then towards Bran.

“I thought you knew, isn’t that why you went to make sure we have proper shelter when we first arrived?”

At Bran’s comment, John and Aurelius cast curious looks to the other three. John nudged his head at the beastkin, “Weren’t you with them? How is it that you don’t know where we are?”

“Ah you see… When I woke up, I was in already the tent, when I didn’t see you anywhere, I just went and looked for you…”

“Talk about doglike…” John smirked, this was not the first time Aurelius had tracked for his whereabouts, he figured the wolf beastkin was just being considerate and left it on that note. “But seriously, where exactly are we?”

Matilda raised a hand in reply, “Meastes, a lesser region that surrounds the Land of the Dead.”





The story about the fantasy nation that was used to lure people into the Land of the Dead appeared in John’s mind. He had thought that Prishine was trying to waste his time when she told him that meaningless tale, to think that she was referencing to where they were closely teleported to…


John’s expression darkened.


That was just a folklore right? It must be a coincidence for Meastes to be located near the Land of the Dead?


“Surrounding the Land of the Dead? Is this where they bury most of the dead?” Aurelius who knew no better asked.

“Not exactly. But the assumption that many died in these lands would not be incorrect. This is the place where monsters, intelligent or not, gathered. Ominous beings like shapeshifters, dark horses, phantoms, blood-cullers, giants, eternal decays, just to name a few…” Bran said in a small voice. “The academy was not joking around when they wanted us to undergo something much difficult that our predecessors. But it is still better than the Land of the Dead, but Meastes is the maximum limit for anyone who wanted to travel south of the Empire, once anyone reaches here, they would automatically turn back.”

“Eternal decays… They are the insects type monsters right? Exculuding their size and the radioactive toxins they have in their bloodstream.”

John checked with Bran who nodded back at him, confirming the knowledge he picked up during his time in Moxnet Academy.

“Blood-cullers however… I don’t think I know anything about them, mind if you go through what we might encounter in Meastes?”



Bran sat the team down by common table—with the exception of Kirksten as he was still busy in the kitchen—he had retrieved a beastiary of his own and started flipping through the various notes he made.

The contents of the book contained more than just monsters or beasts that they might encounter in Meastes, but Bran pointed towards the few that were most likely to be encountered in Meastes and those that poised the most danger to the team.

 Blood-cullers were beastial variants to the infamous vampires, they were the result when a vampire did not exert enough control on their powers when they feasted on common beasts, causing these beasts to have inherited their vampiric blood after they were done feasting on them. Blood-cullers due to being half-vampire by nature, the beasts have developed a higher mind, have mutated limbs that were similar to humans.




“…But the real reason that blood-cullers appear in Meastes is because the Vampire Sovereign nearby, is built on the Land of the Dead.”

“Shhh!” Cacti hushed Bran, “Don’t mention the Sovereign, I don’t w-want to think of the possibility that we might those adamantium class monsters there.”

“Alright. Putting eternal decays and blood-cullers aside, shapeshifters and dark horses are probably the more dangerous ones, we might encounter living oozes, goblins or even undead, but they aren’t that worrisome.”




The door to the kitchen swung open, out came a Kirk with two large platters, he swiftly placed the dishes in front of everyone—and on top of Bran’s notes. “Your dinner is served, I’ve only made sandwiches considering how messed up everyone’s stomach might be.”


“…That’s nice of you Kirk, but could you not so rudely place your food on Bran’s notes?” Matilda asked in a calm but shrill voice that ever so slightly scraped Kirk’s ears with her hostility.


“My bad, my bad!” Kirk quickly apologized as he helped removed the papers and parchments from beneath the mountains of sandwiches. “Oh? What’s this? Shapeshifters? So, you had the same suspicions as me, Bran?” Kirk took a seat beside Cacti and read the notes.

“Same suspicions about what?”

“About John, of course, why else do you think I was observing him so closely earlier, I was just worried monster might have impersonated him to get to us.”

“A-are you that paranoid?” Cacti asked.

“It’s no biggie, besides, he passed my test, this is the John Sarvod, alright,” Kirk said as he ruffled Cacti’s hair. “Sorry about that earlier, eh John?”

“Ahhhh, so that’s why. No worries, I get where you are coming from, I did faced one in the past, it is understandable.”







All of Team Rectiser’s eyes were cast on John.


“W-what? It was when I went on one of the hero’s missions, well…that’s a while ago and I was not the one who finished it off so it might not count.”


“I swear Bran, John is one weird guy, one moment you think he came from the woods or something for not knowing anything about how things in the empire are, the next he just spits out his encounter with a shapeshifter so casually.” Kirk placed a palm to his head, toppling his chef’s hat to the ground, “Seriously, how can you be such a young guy, but have survived something almost impossible,” Kirk laughed, bending down to pick up his fallen hat.

“Young? I’ll be twenty in November, aren’t all of you the same?”

“Pfft!” Matilda was the one who let out the suppressed laughter, “Twenty is a young age for men in the empire, even if you enlist yourself as a soldier now, you still have to wait five years before you can be of use to the military. Even Cacti and Aurelius, who are the youngest among us are 24.”

“Wha…” John looked to Aurelius and his boyish wolf looks, the beastkin shrugged casually.

“Told you, kid. You are actually quite the youngling here.”

And I thought the hero’s party was old...

Bran who was still focused on informing his teammates about the dangers they might face folded his notebook and spoke, “In any case, with John having first-hand experience with a shapeshifter, this leaves us with dark horses. Dark horses should not be too much of a problem as long we stick to light magic and avoid using physical weapons on them. Cacti, I’ll be having you cast us a light barrier on us every single day, that should give us enough protection for dark horses and any of the curses that we might stumble upon.”

“G-got it,” the short girl replied.

“With that out of the way, and after we hear about John’s experience with a shapeshifter, I’ll go plan our route to where our first task is. If possible I want us to start traveling tomorrow, it looks like we will need half a day to travel that far.”

 John nodded before he gave the full details on what the shapeshifter in Kershent Village did. Though it still irked him that the hero’s party was partially responsible for what happened to the Harvests, he still managed recall and narrate his encounter to them as he remembered.


“…Ahh, so they can even mold their bodies in to weapons huh.” Kirk muttered.

“I hear they can take up forms fifty times larger than a human body, this one sounds like it can only manage only ten times his size,” Cacti said. “But it is a little bit odd isn’t it Matilda? Normally they would just escape and take on the form of another…”

Matilda nodded to Cacti’s assessment, “It even tried to fight the hero Scywell… That’s the part I don’t get, it tried to kill you and Angeline Grisst, it’s almost like it had to or something else might happen to it.”

“Perhaps it is out there because it wanted to claim Kershent? You never know what these thousand-faced monsters think, I do think you are onto something though, sis. Even if it sounds like a weaker one, shapeshifters are nothing to scoff at.”

“Then, we’ll just have to settle for a safe word to prevent infiltration from shapeshifters,” Aurelius suggested. “Like ‘rubber gloves’ or something unusual.”

“Before that, what does everyone think about moving towards the mission point tomorrow?” Bran asked. “The more I think about it, I don’t want to stay in Meastes longer than we need to…”

“Watcha saying?” Kirk drilled a fist to Bran’s head and locked Bran with his long arms, “Are you afraid after hearing John’s story?”

“It’s not that!” Bran retorted, “I was just thinking, since you and Cacti are getting married soon, I don’t want to put you guys in danger, not just you, Matilda, John and Aurelius too.”

“Makes sense to me, no reason to waste time,” John agreed.

“No problem here.”

“Y-you really don’t have to worry so much about u-us Bran, but still, thank you.”

Matilda shot a cold look at Krik. “Both of us are serious about ending the aptitude test as quick as we could. But first, let Brand go, his face is turning purple from your arm locking his neck!”

The tent was filled with laughter as Team Rectiser continued their discussion for the remainder of the night.

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