Continue? Y/N

Chapter 1: Continue? Y/N

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Continue? Y/N

Everything was dark, i could not move, feel anything or talk and even my thinking was pretty blurry, i don't know what happened, just, this message and two options? Continue what? This dream thing? Am I dead? So, let's continue!


...Silence, absolute darkness... then... Everything turned white and a new message was presented to me:


1 - Reincarnation

2 - Afterlife

Hn, i am really dead, I am still calm and collected, still don't know how I died, wait, i can 'think' more now, cool, as far as i remember the shower broke i was going to buy a new one, I took 3 steps out of my house and, everything turned white, extreme heat for a second, and BAM, i appeared there, on the continue screen... oh fuck was i nuked? was my town nuked? well, there was a ammunition factory there, it was a legit target for a strike, holy fuck I got nuked! Hm, seems like afterlife is automated? Did i live inside a simulation my entire life? Are all of us just some experiment? Was I a sentient experimental AI my entire life and I never noticed? Does it matter?

If I am an AI on a controlled simulation, like an NPC, this means... if I stop "working" i will probably be "terminated" permanently, i mean, option 2 might be a New Game Plus kinda deal and option one might be just play again, it might be a test to eliminate me as well... If I am an NPC that means this is one of those machine learning things, i watched on videos, or a Super Meat Boy replay after the end of a level, only the best cost of action survives, i was nuked, it means that everyone else might also be on the same situation, everyone that choose N on the first question was probably terminated.

1 - Reincarnation

...Silence, once again, hm, things are Green this time, green is good, right? Means I passed the "test" or something.

Dice Roll!

Rolling ...

Rolling ...

Rolling ...


Congratulations [Target] have 4 wishes!

State your wishes!

Oh, this is really the isekai experience, well, everything is automated, there is no GOD or ROB, am i really on a simulation? Jesus! How do I state my wishes? Do I have to say it out loud? or what?

~~ 4 Screens appeared in front of me, with a ghostly keyboard.

Oh, that is convenient, I have 4 screens, 4 wishes, I just need to type out what i want hm, well, i think i will be giving myself custom made powers, if I ask to be a kryptonian I will be like superman, right? That is a package of many individual powers attached to a species, as long as I name the power or characteristic and they are not too alien to each other I should be able to pull it off.

First wish:

Pristine Existence:

I will be immune to any kind of control, manipulation or damage to my mind and/or soul.

No one will notice my mind or soul without being directly introduced to my existence.

Neither my mind or soul will ever forget anything, nor will it weaken after my death.

Second wish:

Singular Existence:

There will be only one version of myself, no alternative versions of myself will ever exist on parallel dimensions or on different timelines, I will only exist in the present as a singular unique existence.

It will be impossible to find, interact or damage me in any way in the past or future, since i only exist in the present, i will be immune to any kind of time related interferences.

Third wish:

All the powers and abilities of Superman Prime from DC One Million.

Forth wish:

Elisabeth Tear manipulation powers with complete control.

Aaaaaand done

One red light started flashing and three yellow lights were flashing as well, seems like my wishes did not go very well...


Wish 1 and Wish 2 are going to impose heavy restrictions to the [Target].

Wish 3 is impossible to be granted, Eternal Multiversal entity [] is a unique existence, any attempt to copy or reproduce its powers will be impossible and it's also in conflict with Wish 1.

Wish 4 is in direct conflict with Wish 1 and Wish 2.

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Welp, i tried, wish 1 and 2 are supposed to give me protection from anything i can't properly understand or is above what i can imagine, wish 3 was just for power, wish 4 was my multiversal travel powers alongside some Clairvoyance and Omnipresence, what is wrong with my wishes? Exactly?


Detailed explanation will be provided.

Wish 1:

Do to the effects of [Pristine Existence], no type of connection or outside energy will ever be able to be used by [Target], only powers originated from the [Target] own efforts will be usable, prime examples:

- Mana

- Ki

- Aura

Everything that differs too much from the prime examples will be impossible to be used as a source of power.

Wish 2:

Will make it impossible for the [Target] to do any kind of clairvoyance, time manipulation or any kind of cloning technique/ability, greatly limiting the [Target] possibilities.

Wish 3:

Do to the effects of [Pristine Existence], it is impossible to gather Stellar energy or the radiation of a Yellow sun, it is also impossible to make a connection to a yellow sun like [Prime Superman] did, making the target into a direct clone of [Prime Superman] is also impossible, since [Prime Superman] is a older eternal unique multiversal existence.

Wish 4:

Do to the effects of [Singular Existence] it is impossible for more than one instance of [Target] to exist at the same time, entity known as [] is only able to view every event across all of the infinite timelines simultaneously do to a network of thousands of parallel versions of herself, do to Wish 2 it is also impossible to time travel using [Tears], the [Target] can only exist on the present, on the moment a [Tear] is open on a different reality, that moment will be counted as the present for the target on that world, not being able to open a [Tear] on the past of that world anymore.

Due to the effects of [Pristine Existence], the target will not be able to connect or relate with other Elizabeth's, making it impossible to access the [Tear Manipulation] ability without being the only existing [Elizabeth Comstoc] or [Anna DeWitt].

I see, well, wishes 1 and 2 will not be changed, no matter what, they are the only thing protecting me from the worst kinds of danger I might find after coming back, it specially protects me from myself, my first course of action would be to find parallel versions of myself to steal the wishes of my alternative versions. I am surprised that I will be able to use Mana, it is like magical fuel to do magical stuff it is different from the Magicka present on the [] franchise, Magicka is supposed to be the remnant energy from the creation of the world or something like that, it's something that can be cultivated or accumulated and does not come from the self naturally... Kinda like Chakra from [], Chakra is a foreign energy that was forced inside humans by the sage of six paths, almost like altering a species DNA and Soul on a fundamental level, that is not a natural thing people can normally produce, same goes for Senjutsu... What is this Mana exactly and what is compatible with it? Something to figure out after I get back to being alive.

Ki is a given, it is just life force energy, a tangible energy inside every living being, the energy from the good old [] it is probably the same energy used on those Cultivation stories as well, they almost always use energy from nature or external sources to cultivate their powers, but i read some stories that some characters were able to cultivate their souls and other internal resources without using external help, i mean, on dragonball the characters just train and fight like crazy to increase their powers while on cultivation stories the characters just sit around and meditate on some random energy, i am not interested on cultivating for 40.000 years and then hunt down honorable ancestors and young masters.

Aura is the manifestation of a soul going by [] and [] logic, meaning that i would not be a soulless existence no matter what, even if i wish to be a robot or ghost, [Pristine Existence] will guarantee that i will still have a soul, this is valuable information, i will probably not be able to use souls like the people from [] or the protagonist from [], because they collect souls/soul energy instead of just making their soul stronger or 'producing more' soul, i can probably use Reiatsu from [] but i will be as good as a normal human from that universe, i won't be able to get a Zanpakutō because they are sentient and connected to the user, i won't be able to get Fullbringer powers because those are unnatural powers born from being exposed to a Hollow's power, Quince powers? They are also a nono, they are basically spiritual cultivators that use Reishi to get their powers, another unnatural external source of power, yeah from the Soul side of things i can only rely on Aura, maybe Nen from [] will be possible as well?

Wish 3 can be replaced by anything. I just wanted to get some strong powers, this one I will just delete and think about a different power. Now that I think about it, a kryptonian without the right radiation is weaker than a human right? "Not able to get Solar Radiation" this, this bit of info bothers me a lot, maybe my [Pristine Existence] will make me like Accelerator from []? His ability blocks ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing his body from producing melanin. Oh no, did I just make myself into an edgy white-haired protagonist!? Still, the pros outweigh the cons too much and I can always change my hair color later, right? Jokes aside, this will also make so i won't be able to interact with things like Ethernano from [] or Magicules from [] and even Spirits from [] won't be able to make contracts or even interact with me, this is a huge blow to my plans...

Wish 4 needs to be fixed as soon as possible, this is my gateway to the multiverse, Elizabeth not only can open Tears to different timelines and parallel universes, but she can also open Tears to different multiveses, she lost that ability do to be restricted for over a decade by the Siphon, she was supposed to be much much stronger that what is showed on the game [], she got her powers by losing her pinkie, it got split across multiple timelines when a portal was being closed, giving her the power to manipulate the Tears between realities, since i don't want any clones or patallel versions of myself out there, i just need the pinkie to be split, it kinda reminds me of The Lich from [] that got his arm split on the multiverse as well, anyway, I just need to replace the original Elizabeth, or should i say Anna DeWitt, wish 2 will make sure only my pinkie gets split, while i remain a unique being, it's a good thing that the prime Elizabeth kinda killed her prime baby self and lost her powers, it means that i can easily replace her, but, i don't want to live on a tower while being experimented on for the rest of my life.

To solve this, i need to disappear after being kidnapped by Father Comstock, if i just vanish, [Pristine Existence] will make it impossible for either my "father" or the scientists from Columbia to track me down, so, just like my pinkie i will be displaced to a different world, not across the entire multiverse, just to a different world, on some cute orphanage somewhere civil.

I could get the portal powers of Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon from [], do to [Pristine Existence] the elf things that hunt her would not even know who I am or what I am doing, but her portal powers are the results of a bloodline, it comes with too many extras, not to mention that it's more a mystical/magical thing, pretty restricted when compared to Elizabeth reality warping powers, not to mention that Elizabeth open her tears as easy as breathing, that while being suppressed to a pitiful small quantity of her natural powers, she did not even had the opportunity to train, comparing Elizabeth to Ciri is not even fair, I even considered getting Rick portal gun from [], but I don't want a power that I can't understand, I don't want anything related to Rick Sanches, dude probably has counter measures to people wishing for his stuff or trying to steal his stuff, that not only would put me in danger, that would also put whatever ROB is reincarnating me in danger as well, it was good to learn that it is not strong enough to mess with superman, it means that the ROB/God is not willing to use too much power or it is not very strong, nah, I will stick to the plan, steal Elizabeth powers since she made herself into a paradox.

Okay time to fix my wishes.

Wish 1:

[Pristine Existence] - Same as before, I refuse to change.

Wish 2:

[Singular Existence] - Same as before, I refuse to change.

Wish 3:

All the original powers and abilities of Amazo from the animated cartoon []

powers and abilities must include:

- The ability to copy one's powers, natural abilities, equipment, and DNA signature simply by looking at them.

- The ability to overcome his flaw of inheriting the weakness of the ones he copies with evolution.

- Immortality

- Shapeshifting

Wish 4:

To be born as Anna DeWitt, the original daughter of Booker DeWitt and Annabelle DeWitt, just like the Original Anna DeWitt I will be sold off to Father Zachary Hale Comstock to pay off Booker DeWitt debts on October 8, 1893. Just like in the original story, regretful for his actions, he will find me being carried at an open Tear between dimensions. Booker struggles with Comstock to try and get Anna back, but he fails, and Comstock escapes with Anna through the Tear. As the portal closed, it severed Anna's pinky finger when she reached out for her father, placing her simultaneously in two different realities and giving her Tear manipulation powers, just like the original Anna, but with perfect control over her powers.

Instead of just my Pinky being displaced throughout the multiverse, I will also be displaced to a different world, during summer, in the year 1986, right in front of a well-kept orphanage in the same universe as the movie [].

This time, all screens are green, everything fades to black, and...

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