Contract Marriage with Devil Billionaire

Chapter 103: 103 Mom, Save Me

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"That's your problem, not mine," With that, Kate walked faster toward the intersection near the house.

Henry had no choice but to follow in silence. It wasn't until Kate got into the taxi that he sped up to follow her home.

Kate knew that Henry was in the car behind, but when she arrived at the White's mansion safely, he turned and left. Kate sighed as she opened the massive front door; she really couldn't understand what Joseph was doing.

"Where have you been, Kate? Have you eaten yet?" Daisy was about to eat, "I just heated up some leftover crawfish, I have extra cause I had a feeling you would be home soon. Would you like to join me?"

She had been so upset that she didn't think about food, but suddenly Kate's stomach began to rumble. She sat down at the table and said, "Let's enjoy our meal first, and then we will talk!"

Daisy looked over at Kate from time to time, then asked anxiously, "Kate, are you alright?"

Kate broke down and told Daisy what happened at the Smith mansion. She even tried to comfort her, "Don't worry, I have no plan to harm Joseph. I was just there because of Anna's text. I know she did it on purpose just to piss me off, but it still hurt!"

"Well done!" Daisy said, "She deserves it! Kate, don't make it sound like you are the bad one in the situation. People like Anna don't deserve any respect!"

"I just feel that I'm the only one who cares about our baby," Kate whispered. She knew that Joseph didn't love her or their child, so he didn't see how harsh Anna's comments were.

"Maybe he has his reasons?" Daisy's voice was weak, for fear that Kate thought she was helping Joseph.

"Reasons?" Kate thought it was funny, "He's too happy now with the love of his life in his arms. I don't think there is any other explanation."

"Well, I wish I could say something to cheer you up, Kate," Daisy didn't know how to help, but she could see that Kate was hurting.

"I am good, but do we have any beer? I want a beer," Kate asked and walked over to the fridge. She pulled out a can and then asked Daisy, "Would you like a drink?"

"Kate, you'd better not drink ..."

"I'm fine, and crawfish only taste good with beer! Just one can, okay?" She didn't like to drink; she just wanted to have a drink and forget how disastrous her life seemed.

"Alright then…" Daisy saw that she was unhappy and took a beer from her.


Kate woke up the next morning with a terrible stomach ache from the can of beer. She could hardly walk down the stairs and needed to run to the washroom.

Daisy was worried about her and called the doctor.

After examining Kate, the doctor prescribed medicine and told her to rest.

"Regardless of how much beer you had, you need to stay home and rest today," Daisy demanded.

Kate couldn't stop laughing at her, "Daisy, you sound just like my mom."

"If my beautiful godmother were here, she would be heartbroken. So, you just stay in bed, and I will go make you some porridge."

Thinking of Flora, Kate suddenly stopped smiling; she suddenly thought of a time when she was sick.

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"Mom, I want crawfish, and I want spicy soup, and I want beef ..."

"Are you testing me, sweetheart? The doctor just told you not to eat spicy or cold food. Be good, and then Mommy will cook everything you like when you get better, okay?"

"But, I want to eat now ..."

"Alright, alright! Mommy will sneak you some, but it must be our secret!"

"Don't tell Daddy; it's our little secret!"

Mom, I miss you so much!

Kate rolled over and buried her head in her pillow as the tears ran down her face.

"She had one beer last night; she should be okay. I thought Kate would feel better after she got some rest, but her fever keeps going up..." Daisy told Joseph as she led him to Kate's room.

Joseph frowned when he saw Kate. He picked her up and drove her to the hospital.

Daisy couldn't help but smile when she saw Joseph taking care of Kate.

Kate had been in a half-awake state with a high fever. She was dreaming that she was in the deep ocean and calling for help, but there was no one to rescue her. She was screaming, "Mom, save me… save me…"

Joseph was sitting at her bedside, when he heard her cries, he gently touched her hand, "Don't be afraid, I am here."

Kate gripped his hand back, trembling uncontrollably.

He bent down, took her in his arms, and said in an extremely gentle voice, "It's all right, it's all right ..."

The warmth of the embrace muffled Kate's cries for help and steadied her rapid breathing. As time went by, Joseph gradually loosened his arms around her, and just as he was about to tuck her in again, she grabbed his arm tightly and mumbled, "Joseph…"

Joseph's heart suddenly quivered. He excitedly took her hand and whispered, "I am here."

Kate seemed to hear his reply, and her face began to relax again.

Joseph looked at her pale face and felt guilty. He thought if he hadn't been so unresponsive when she was at his house, then she might not have had a beer and wouldn't be sick. He had to get his plans completed as soon as possible so that Kate did not continue to suffer.

When Kate's fever finally subsided, Joseph decided to leave the hospital.

Back at the Smith mansion, Anna rushed up to him and asked, "Joseph, I haven't seen you all day! Where have you been?"

Having Anna in his arms, a wave of disgust surged in Joseph's stomach. However, he had to hold back his displeasure, so he gently pushed her away, "I still have things to deal with. I will talk to you later."

"Joseph, I haven't seen you all day. I miss you so much!" Anna tightly hugged Joseph from behind. "Stay with me, okay?"

Joseph frowned, "I still have a ton of work to do. Do you want me to stay up all night working?" 

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