Contract Marriage with Devil Billionaire

Chapter 47: 47 Joseph Take Care of Kate

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Joseph glared at her but did not say anything. Kate pretended not to see him and stood up to rinse her mouth and wash her face. However, the moment she got up, she felt dizzy and was fell. Luckily, Joseph was fast and caught her.

Kate was in so much pain when her back hit his chest that she cried out.

Noticing she wasn't well, Joseph asked, "What is wrong?"

"If I tell you, will you believe me?" She sneered, "You don't believe anything I say. Why would I bother to tell you? It is just a waste of time."

She pulled away from him and sat back down, hoping not to fall again.

"Anna beat you, didn't she?" Joseph asked.

"If I say yes, will you think I'm lying?"

Joseph did not answer immediately, so Kate turned away, knowing that she would not be treated fairly.

"Tell me the everything that happened," He said sincerely.

"You mean everything happened at the karaoke bar?"


Kate was shocked for a moment but then told Joseph every detail. When she was done, she added, "You can believe me or not! I am telling you the truth, not just trying to make Anna look bad."

Joseph looked at her for a long time and then asked, "Are you all right?"


"Your injured."

"I…I'm okay," Kate thought his first response would be to punish her, yet he caringly asked if she was okay.

"Where does it hurt?" Joseph asked.

What? Does he care about me? Kate thought to herself.

"I'm fine," Kate did not want to tell him.

Joseph was not satisfied with her answer. He took out his mobile and called the family doctor. While he was calling, Kate pulled on his sleeves and said, "I'm fine. No need to call the doctor."

Yet, Joseph wouldn't listen. After he hung up the phone, Joseph knelt down and rolled up the leg of her pants.

"Ouch!" Kate screamed when Joseph pressed on a spot that looked swollen.

Joseph looked up and asked, "Pain?"

"What?" Kate thought she heard it wrong.

"I'm asking, is that painful?"

"A…A little," Kate whispered.

Seeing the man in front of her, she could not believe it was Joseph. She had never seen him so gentle before.

Was he caring for me? Or just did not want me to go after Anna because I was injured? Kate was confused.

Suddenly, Kate pulled her leg away and coldly said, "Don't plead for Anna this way. I will not forgive her, and I will make her feel double the pain she caused me."

Kate could not forget that Anna and a man she hired, beat her in a hotel.

"You think I am pleading for her?" Joseph asked coldly.

"Then you…Why are you…?" Kate stammered.

After a while, the family doctor arrived and examined Kate.

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"Is she okay?" Joseph asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, Lord Joseph. She is fine. I've already given her some painkillers."

After the doctor left, Joseph went into the bedroom. He asked, "Have you taken the medication?"

"Yes," Kate answered, but she hadn't really taken them.

"Get a good rest," He pulled the blankets up around her and left the room.

Get a good rest? What is he saying? Kate replayed his words in her mind for a long time. It was a simple phrase, but it was the first time he spoke to her in such a gentle way, it was as if he cared about her. Everything seemed like a dream, and she could not believe it.

Early the next morning, Kate opened her eyes when she heard Joseph cheerfully say, "Good Morning!"

"…Morning!" She was taken aback for a while and then tried to get up out of bed, her hand immediately went to her left shoulder.

"Take it!" Joseph passed her a painkiller and water.

She felt as if she was in a trance and then rubbed her eyes to confirm whether the man in front of her was actually Joseph.

"Drugs should not be taken on an empty stomach," Kate took the water from him and drank some.

"Sorry, I should have known," Joseph answered with embarrassment.

Kate shook head and thanked him.

"I've called in for you to take the day off so that you can rest," Joseph said and walked out of the room.

What? Was that Joseph Smith? Why was he so kind to me? Kate asked herself. She pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming and then called Lisa.

"Don't daydream, Kate! You clearly know what kind of person Joseph Smith is and how he treats you! Don't be cheated by his temporary kindness. Perhaps he set another trap for you," Lisa said over the phone.

Her words brought Kate back to reality.

"Yes, I think you are right. How can a man that hates me so much be nice to me suddenly?" She shook her head and continued, "I will pay closer attention. He will not scam me."

"And you should teach Anna a lesson; otherwise, she will make more trouble for you," Lisa told her.

"I will!" Obviously, Anna had planned in advance to beat her.


Later that afternoon, at the White's mansion, Anna ran downstairs, shouting, "Mom! Mom! Joseph sent me a message. He is inviting me to dinner tonight!"

Daisy was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, and felt a little upset.

"Be aware! Don't run, or you will fall down the stairs!" Dora reminded her.

"Joseph wants me to have dinner with him tonight," Anna exclaimed.

"I knew he would finally come back to you. You are much better than she is, so of course, he will choose you!"

"Definitely! How can Kate win over me?" Anna said, proudly waving her phone in the air.

"Hush! The walls have ears!" Dora reminded, looking toward the kitchen, "Someone is so shameless! She continues to stay here no matter what we do to drive her out."

Daisy knew the "someone" was her. She looked out the window, feeling sad and depressed.

"Forget about that, though! Go get ready so that you are not late!"

"Okay, Mom. I will wear my make-up the way Joseph likes it and my favorite dress," Anna gleamed.

"Wait a minute," Dora held her hand and whispered in her ear.

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