Contracted To A Summoner

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: The Road Home

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Olivia was beaming as she accepted the king's offer. She had readily agreed to all of the king's stipulations. She was eager to see how her talents grew under the tutelage of the court summoner and Baroness Victoria and was clinging to Alex's arm as they were led back to the front of the castle, where they would be moved to a small mansion on the Helstraughm estate. This would be their residence while her lessons in nobility and summoning were undertaken. They made preparations to visit the Adventurer's Guild the next day, as some of the training would take place in their arena, especially with a party and against smaller foes. A trip to the nearby dungeon was also in the works, but everyone was hoping to have a full party to support them as they ventured through the depths of that place.

Alex was honestly a bit taken aback by the whirlwind sequence of events that had surrounded himself and his summoner since they'd been stopped on the road that very day. Olivia had gone from a small commoner with little to her future than to perhaps settle in her little village and support her father in his blacksmith's shop, to suddenly being something of a natural treasure. Summoners, Victoria was explaining to them as they boarded her carriage for their new accommodations, were actually somewhat of a rarity, at least those of any real skill. most focused on support first, being as their summons were so small that they were really only good as scouts and infiltrators. Most of a common summoner's magical talent, therefore, focused on healing and other defensive spells, with their summons giving little in the way of offensive capability. 

However, in Olivia, the kingdom suddenly had one of the ten most powerful summoners in the world, being able to summon both a human ranged soldier and a mount with offensive and defensive magic as well. Alex was beginning to understand the fuss. The only summoner with as strong a contingent of summoned familiars was the court summoner himself, and even then, with training, Victoria was unsure that he wasn't training his replacement. 

Alex frowned at this. The problem with power, in his experience, was that those with it often craved to hold onto it, and they would often eliminate their competition ruthlessly in the quest to retain that power. Not only within this kingdom but there was a strong possibility that word spreading to other countries could lead to a sort of arms race to see who could snatch up the precious resource that was Olivia for their own means. Even those who meant only the best for her might use her to their ends without meaning to. Alex swore to himself to strengthen not only himself but any team they put together, so his summoner would need not fear for her safety on his watch.

As they boarded the carriage bound for Victoria's estate, Alex spoke up. "Lady Victoria, I understand that we will be staying at a small manse on your estate, what is the security situation there?"

Victoria raised an eyebrow. "Ever the guardian, eh, Alex? Well, at first, you will be given ten of my estate's personal guard. But as part of the Viscountess' monthly retainings, she will be able to replace those with ten knights and warriors of your own choosing. I would recommend not using familiars for this, or adventurers, but knights and guardsmen from this realm with the training and experience of guarding nobility."

"I'm secure in the ability to choose skilled warriors, my concerns lie with the loyalties of those we surround Olivia with. If her power is at all like you explained, then she's in much higher danger than she has any right to be. It's like two countries and even factions within those countries, racing to secure a weapon of mass destruction before anyone else can. It's bound to get messy, brutally so, and much faster than we can even ascertain, once the news gets out."

Victoria nodded. "And there were many eyes present at that introduction of our young summoner. You're worried that someone will attempt to either abduct, sway to their side, or even eliminate her before anyone else can manage to do so?"

Alex nodded, and glanced at Olivia, who was staring out the window of the carriage with a frown on her face, trying not to seem as though the words were having an effect on her, while betraying her realization of her current position setting in. He leaned forward, taking her hand gently. "Olivia, I understand that this is hard to hear, but your safety is my first concern above all else, and you deserve to know what threats might present themselves. Don't worry, I have sworn to protect you, and I don't go back on my word. You will always have me on your side, okay?"

The girl looked at him and smiled. "I know, Alex. You don't know how much that helps. Having one person I can trust in this city is one more than I ever would have respected. Thank you for being here with me for this." Alex smiled at her, and she smiled back, a small blush creeping across her face. She redirected her attention to the Baroness. "Lady Victoria, if I might, what will be my responsibilities as a Viscountess, and am I to encroach upon you and your husband's hospitality indefinitely?" 

Victoria thought for a moment. "Well, at first, I'll be giving you a crash course on noble life. Despite what the common public thinks, the nobility isn't all lounging by the pool eating grapes served by scantily clad servants. Take me for example, as a baroness and baron, my husband and I actually manage a dutchy outside the city, collecting taxes from the populace, making sure the city works and roads and the like are maintained, bringing in commerce and securing trade deals with other areas, that sort of thing. Of course, we have staff that deals with that on a much closer scale than we do, such as viscounts and viscountesses like yourself. Once your training is complete, you will be given a small territory within my barony, where you will move into the hold or castle there, I haven't decided which, but I have ideas. Once established there, you will be responsible for tax collection, the daily runnings of that area, and the dispensation of the king's justice. Of course, you will be reporting directly to me, and I will guide you in this as much as I can. You are in good hands, I assure you."

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Olivia nodded. "It is good to know that there is a plan for me, including a permanent residence eventually. I look forward to our lessons together, then. And I am glad I am in your care, I have heard tell of others in your position who are... less delicate about the force of their position."

Victoria nodded. "Yes, one of the major features of a snake pit is the number of snakes residing within. Many of the nobility are legacy title bearers, they were born into the position they hold, and crave only to keep it or advance further than their current reach. My husband and I come from a very similar situation as yourself, we were commoners who found ourselves in the right situation to be placed in such a high position."

Alex interjected. "This is all really interesting. On my world, a viscount is actually a higher rank than a baron, and your position would have equated to an Earl, perhaps even a dutchess. But it seems there are a few major differences between our realms."

Victoria smiled. "Well, it's fascinating that such an advanced world would have monarchies at all. At least, from what I've gathered, in your realm, technological advancement must have replaced what magical advancement has done here, right?" 

Nodding enthusiastically, Alex responded. "That is pretty much the gist of it. We don't have access to mana like your realm does, so instead, we created ever-advancing technologies that replaced such systems. It runs almost every aspect of our lives. I kind of hope to bring some of that technology here, such as solar power and modern plumbing. Uh, no offense."

Victoria laughed. "None taken. Chamber pots are not the pinnacle of convenience in your world, I take it?"

"Just wait until I figure out how to get toilets with bidets here, you'll never want to fall back on a self-cleaning spell again. And multi-headed shower spigots, oh the bliss..."

"Well, I eagerly await these things once you have them figured out." Victoria smiled as the carriage pulled into a long driveway (for lack of a better term to Alex), turning off the main path onto a side path that led them to a fairly large home in a wooded area just beyond the sight of the main mansion they had glimpsed on the way in. "Well, here we are! Let me call the staff to attention, and we'll have you out and situated in no time."

Olivia bowed. "We are in your care, Lady Victoria." They all stepped out of the carriage and took in the sight of their new home base.

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