Corrupting Our Saviors

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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As perhaps could be expected for a savior of humanity, Avril Ikrinas had more than a few fansites dedicated to her personality. 

Why she in particular had such a burgeoning fanbase, Ivy could only guess at. Her father’s influence, perhaps. Her skills and appearance, certainly – but plenty of young Valkyrie across the world were powerful, and yet, Avril Ikrinas was – according to one particular ranking website – the fourteenth most followed Valkyrie in the country. And she most certainly wasn’t the fourteenth strongest, or anywhere close to that. So, something else was afoot.

Ivy suspected she knew what.

Sex did, after all, sell.

And while Avril might be flat as a board up top, to say she didn’t have an alluring figure was absurd. Her haughty eyes and piercing facial structure alone was enough to stun someone into silence, much less her thin waist and wide hips, or her ass, perfectly sculpted – and accentuated, to the general population, by the tight-fitting Valkyrie combat suits they always saw her in.

And while most of the dedicated fansites were chastely admiring, there were, of course, those less appropriate, if one were willing to dig around to find them.

Which Ivy had obviously been.

Though not front-facing or easily available, there was more than a small collection of so-called fans who weren’t interested in Avril for her efforts toward saving humanity as much as they were her body – all the pictures easily collected from spectators of her twisting around in her vacuum-sealed Valkyrie suit. Her tight abs, the curves of her thighs, hips, and ass.

And there were plenty of those pictures, because vishata incursions – and Valkyrie defenses – weren’t quiet things, happening out in the frontier, away from civilization. Weren’t fights the Valkyrie set out and found. Rather, ninety-five percent were on home turf. Inside of cities, or no more than barely on the outskirts, if a response was organized with unusual speed.

Often, the swarming alien-machine hybrids would take the fight directly to the center of humanity’s remaining bunker-cities, where thousands of cellphones were available to capture any given Valkyrie's moments of valor.

Or, not always valor – but every moment, indiscrete or otherwise.

Fighting, obviously, didn’t care for modesty.

The Valkyrie suits were durable, but in the grueling brawls vishata invasions turned into, it was more than possible for pieces of the uniform to tear off, or otherwise be damaged.

Avril herself, to Ivy’s dismay, had yet to experience such a thing – or at least no such pictures had surfaced on the inappropriate fansites dedicated to her. Though Ivy looked, she failed to find images of her bared body, uniform in tatters.

But plenty of compromising positions, in a variety of situations. Avril twisting to and fro, red-faced and sweating, in the midst of a fight. 

And the comments on such photos, uploaded to obscure forums dedicated to such depraved adoration?

Ivy enjoyed scrolling through them. In seeing the lustful comments on how the general population wanted to violate Avril’s lithe body. Sure, these websites were for the vocal, unprincipled minority – but Ivy doubted the thoughts didn’t cross the minds of the more restrained majority. Humans were humans.

Ivy planned to work this adoring fanbase into Avril’s corruption. For such a proud girl, the shame she’d feel being forced or persuaded to post compromising pictures on her personal accounts? Maybe, even, when Ivy had completed in breaking her down, Ivy’d provide an opportunity to some lucky winners … allow them to use Avril however they wanted.

So much opportunity, Ivy mused dreamily. If only it didn’t take so much work.

Ivy scrolled through the various lewd pictures and comments posted to her fan-sites until Avril finally knocked on her office door.

“Come in, Miss Ikrinas,” Ivy called to her, tucking her phone away.

After so much indecent fantasizing over the blonde’s body, seeing her in person was intoxicating. And disappointing – the Valkyrie suit was so much more flattering than these stuffy Ravenwood uniforms. Ivy really needed to expedite the process on cutting down restrictions … in getting these girls more and more indecent. Once Roxy had that petition ready, she’d be able to make the next step.

Ah, I want results now, Ivy internally whined. It’s not fair.

She, of course, kept any such petulance off of her face – Iverius, and especially the version Ivy was cultivating around Avril, would never be remotely ‘whiny’.

“Avril,” Ivy said pleasantly. “It’s nice to see you again.”

She didn’t offer for the girl to sit, and she didn’t request. The dynamic with Avril was different than the one she had with Roxy. While this balancing act might be tricky when the first representative meeting rolled around, Ivy thought it worth it. Adjusting her act to each of the girls she was trying to corrupt would make results come faster … even if inconsistencies might bubble up in her personality when she had to be around all three at the same time.

“Headmaster Drovelia,” Avril greeted. “You called?”

“Indeed,” Ivy said. “How was your first day of classes?”

“Fair enough, sir. I’m looking forward to the year.”

 “My apologies for calling you to my office, again – I’m sure you have things to be taking care of.”

Avril inclined her head. “Nothing pressing, sir.”

“I suppose you’re wondering why.” Ivy rubbed her chin. “I was doing research on my representatives – you, in particular. I hadn’t realize you had such a following, Miss Ikrinas. Online, I mean.”

Avril paused, adjusting herself to the topic. “Yes, Headmaster. Maintaining a presence in the public eye is critical for an up and coming Valkyrie.”

“So I’ve heard.” Ivy hummed. “I’ve not much a following myself … I’ll admit the interviews, the posturing, the ‘presence’ as you call it, is an advent of this era I haven’t taken to.”

Avril’s eyes flicked down to Ivy’s chest, then back up, and she said, "If you chose to, sir, you'd do quite well.”

Ivy paused, her eyebrows raising.

She really makes this easy, doesn’t she?

"Why did you glance at my breasts when you said that, Miss Ikrinas?"

Her eyes widened, and a flush appeared on her cheeks. "I did no such –" She cut off, realizing calling the Headmaster – the person she was trying to repair relationships with in the first place – a liar wasn't bound to end well. Especially when the accusations were true. She struggled a moment, looking for the best way to handle this – and, beyond that, visibly furious at herself for having slipped. Again.

Still, she retained composure – didn’t collapse into stuttering like last time. Improvements … of a sort. "A Valkyrie's popularity isn't related only to her performance, Headmaster,” Avril said stiffly. “However distasteful that truth is. Regardless, it was inappropriate to bring up. I apologize."

"You're correct," Ivy said slowly. "Pointing out that my sex appeal would make me popular is inappropriate, Miss Ikrinas. Perhaps far beyond inappropriate."

"I spoke without due consideration, Headmaster."

"You seem to have a habit of that." Ivy frowned, leaned back in her chair. Finally, shook her head. Slowly, and with a sense of finality. "I was willing to look past our … first meeting. To give you the benefit of the doubt. That was why I called you here. But it seems the initial judgments I made were correct. You may leave, Avril. Please leave your representative badge on my desk."

Avril froze.

"Sir. I don't think –"

"Now, Miss Ikrinas."

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She didn't move. "Headmaster, please –"

"You've shown an utter inability to maintain composure, Miss Ikrinas. The slip itself is forgivable, if barely, but your reaction is not. Your inability to handle yourself in uncomfortable situations is … appalling."

Avril rallied herself, recognizing proving herself capable of composure the only chance she had at clawing back from this mess. Ivy had to suppress a smirk. Her words had been chosen deliberately – Ivy had a plan, and she knew where she was headed with this.

"I'll admit I haven't set the greatest first impression," – Ivy made a noise of agreement – "but please, Headmaster, don't make a hasty decision. Allow me to prove myself."

"You have."

"Give me a second chance," she pleaded.

"I repeat, what use is a representative without composure?"

"I have plenty. I swear it. Let me prove it."

"Prove it?" Ivy tilted her head. “How so?”

"There won't be another slip up. I promise."

Ivy smiled.

There wouldn't be, would there? "I suppose a test of that is in order, is it not?"

Avril hesitated, maybe sensing something in Ivy’s words.

"However you see fit, sir."

"Place your panties on my desk, Miss Ikrinas."

Avril's face went blank.

"You seem, after all," Ivy said, "highly uncomfortable when it comes to matters of a sexual nature. So prove this composure you speak of." She shrugged. "Or don't. Your badge or your panties; one of them will be on my desk when you leave."

Avril managed to not react beyond the sudden disbelief on her face – and the flush creeping up her neck.

"Headmaster," she started shakily, in a too-reasonable tone.

"I dislike those who don't enforce claims with actions," Ivy said plainly. "No more talk. Please choose."

A silence. Ivy let Avril stew in it – she seemed to have locked up completely, some internal battle happening in the confines of her mind.

She took a deep, steadying breath.

"D-Do I just slip them off? Or should I remove my skirt, first?" The words were forcibly measured, even calm. 

Ivy quirked an eyebrow. "I'm not looking for a show, Miss Ikrinas. Only proof."


Avril still paused. Wiped her hands against her skirt, her nerves so blatant Ivy had to refrain from grinning.

She slipped her hands down her skirt, awkwardly wiggled around, slipping the waistband of her panties down. Then knelt, hands going up from the bottom opening of her skirt, and she finished tugging them down her legs. Threaded them out past her shoes, one at a time, then stood, blue panties in hand.

Placed them on Ivy's desk.

"Anything else, sir?"

Ivy tilted her head. She really had pulled herself together. If not for the color of her face, her tone and demeanor wouldn't have belied her embarrassment. Ivy wondered what was going on in her head … obviously, the test, even under the veneer of ‘testing her composure’, was a completely inappropriate thing. But Avril couldn’t challenge her, could she? She wanted her role as representative too badly. And to keep Ivy in her good books.

"Perhaps I was too hasty," Ivy said in approval – positive reinforcement was, after all, going to be key with Avril. She picked up the blue panties, pulled at the waistband and admired them. "I'm not sure even I could have done that with a straight face."

Avril inclined her head, pink to the ears, but face still smooth as marble.

Ivy tucked Avril's panties away into her desk drawer. "You'll receive these back when I so choose. Until then, you’ll remain as you are."

A silence. "You mean –"

"You will attend classes as you are," Ivy said politely. "Consider it a continued lesson on composure."

She stared disbelievingly at Ivy. Then wiped the expression away, smoothed down her skirt, and bowed. "As you say, Headmaster."

“You may leave, then. Expect further correspondence … I'm not entirely sold yet, Miss Ikrinas."

As Avril reached the door, Ivy said, "Oh, and Avril?"

"Yes, Headmaster?"

"{I expect you to use discretion when it comes to our meetings, yes? To not overshare.}"

A pause, and a slight shiver. "Of course, sir."

"Then have a nice day. And try to keep your skirt under control. Wouldn't want anyone to find out what you're lacking, would you?"

She mumbled another 'no, I wouldn’t, sir' as she fled from Ivy's office.

The door clicked shut, and Ivy laughed.

She held down Amy’s pager button – “Miss Tutrix? Please come see me.”

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